Darkness Follows

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Darkness Follows Page 8

by J. L. Drake

  “Seriously?” Johnnie pointed at my heels as I walked into the kitchen. “Does it not hurt your calf?” He referred to my bright red scar.

  “Nope, I’m all good.” I plastered a smile on my face, wanting to seem as normal as possible. “With whom do I have the privilege of driving to school this morning?”

  “Connors and I are taking you.” Garrett came out of the laundry room. I nodded as I sipped my coffee. It was odd that Seth had given me the cold shoulder the last few nights. He’d made an excuse for why he couldn’t come to bed. What the hell had happened when Michaels showed up?

  “Something on your mind?” Garrett gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

  “Nope. I’m just looking forward to my classes.”

  On the drive to school, I barely spoke two words. I got anxious as we got closer. I knew I had been under Seth’s watch for a few weeks, and that was a big comfort, but now it set in he wouldn’t be with me. I told myself everything would be okay, that as long as I was with someone at all times, I should be safe.

  I caught Seth’s face in the mirror. He studied me carefully. When I caught his gaze, he gave me a sad look. Then a mask fell over his face. Was it just me, or was he pulling away? I shook my head. He wouldn’t push me away again, would he? No, not after the last time, not after he’d said all those sweet things that made me fall in love all over again. I hated that my insecurities about relationships crashed down whenever I got nervous. I closed my eyes briefly and tried to clear my mind.

  Don’t over-analyze this, Em. He’s probably just nervous about letting you out of his sight.

  He opened my door and offered me a hand out of the car.

  “Check in with me hourly, okay?” He spoke over my head as he scanned all around me. “Don’t leave campus, and call if you need anything.”

  His voice was different, almost unemotional. Like he was talking to a witness rather than his girlfriend. I immediately got my back up and stepped away from him.

  “Right. Got it.” I mirrored his tone. His gaze shifted down to mine. I thought I saw fear flicker in his eyes, but I couldn’t be sure. “That it?” I snapped.

  “Yeah.” He stepped toward me and kissed my forehead. I held perfectly still, not sure what to make of all this. He nodded at someone over my head. I turned to see Erin come up behind me. When I turned back around, Seth was in the car. Garrett gave me a small wave and then eyed Seth. I could tell he was just as shocked by his behavior as I was.

  “Ready?” Erin asked as she linked arms with me. “’Cause I would sell my left kidney not to have to sit through ninety minutes of our philosophy class. Sweet Jesus, that man will be the death of me. Like, literally, I sit there and plot my own death.”

  This made me laugh. Erin always had such a great way of bringing me out of a funk. We headed toward our torture.

  The second hand on the clock above the whiteboard moved at a ridiculously slow speed. My eyes followed that tiny needle all the way around the numbers, hoping someone or something would make time jolt forward and save us from this ‘I want to ram a fork in my cornea’ lecture.

  Erin dropped a paper on my book, and I glanced down to read it.

  “I don’t recall wanting to kill myself as a selling point for this class.”

  I smirked and shifted as my ribs started to ache from sitting so damn long. I twirled my pen through my fingers before starting to write.

  “What? Didn’t you know? That’s why I signed up. You gotta love a class that motivates you take that next step off the ledge.”

  She held her hand over her mouth as she sputtered a laugh. She grabbed her pen and started to scribble.




  I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “There’s five more mins,” I wrote.

  “Exactly. So, we can leave.”

  Suddenly the professor checked his watch and yawned. “That’s it, be sure—”

  He wasn’t even through his sentence and the place pretty much cleared out. Erin nearly trampled an older lady as she ran through the door to freedom. I was close behind, eager to get a glimpse of fresh air.

  “What a waste of time!” she hissed as I threaded my arm through hers when we reached the bottom of the stairs.

  “I know.” I sighed and wondered why I decided to come back today.

  Lauren and Brad, two of our friends, joined us at The Goose for lunch. They were excited to see me and caught me up on all their drama. It felt so good to be back with friends who didn’t have any idea what I’d been up to. Erin knew, of course, but she could always be depended upon to keep quiet. She was pretty shaken up by the whole thing. She had visited me a few nights, and I knew it was hard for her to see me that way. I pulled out my phone just as it buzzed.

  Seth: Where are you?

  I sighed inwardly; it had been less than an hour since our last text.

  Emily: At The Goose.

  Seth: How are you feeling?

  Emily: Fine. How are you feeling?

  Seth: Let me know if you need anything.

  I figured I’d test the waters.

  Emily: I need YOU.

  I waited. There was a pause. I felt my stomach twist. He really was off; it wasn’t just me over-thinking things. The waitress set my salad on the table. “Thank you,” I murmured.

  Brad was deep in conversation when I found myself zoning out. What was up with Seth? Erin flinched, and it caught my attention. Her eyes went huge and her jaw dropped open. Then I heard it…

  “There she is!” The voice traveled up my spine and made my heart stop mid-beat. “There’s my beautiful baby!” she shrieked.

  Oh, hell no!

  Everyone in the bar turned to see a 5’6” blonde woman in a canary-yellow, tailored sundress bouncing toward me. I thought I was going to be sick. I rose and glanced at Erin, who shook her head to let me know she had had no part in this.

  “Mother, what are you doing here?” I managed to spit out. She tossed herself into my arms dramatically. I flinched as she squeezed a little too hard. This was Mom when she wanted to impress people. This was not the unemotional, disinterested mother I got behind closed doors, the mother who would rather sit up in her office at my seventh birthday party and work because other people needed her more than her own daughter.

  She pulled away from me and looked me up and down. Her eyes narrowed in on my waist.

  “It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that when you’re not in class or at the library, you would be here. It wasn’t that long ago I was in college, dear.” She started to scowl at me. “You’ve lost weight. You aren’t eating enough. Is school too stressful for you? I cannot imagine your classes are that hard.”

  Mother was always good at the ‘compliments.’

  “I’m fine, Mother. I just had the flu last week.” She sat in my chair before I finished my sentence.

  “Flu! You should see the horrible diseases I see in the run of a day.” She wrinkled her nose at the thought.

  I bit my tongue and pulled up another chair. Lauren shifted over to give me some room to sit.

  “Jenny, would you like a drink?” Erin tried to steer her attention off me. I was grateful. Erin was well aware of Jenny McPhee and her oh-so-loving relationship with me.

  “I would. Thank you, dear, for asking.” She eyed me. She stuck her hand up in the air and loudly called over the waitress. Oh dear Lord. The poor waitress looked surprised, but she came right over and dealt with her politely. I made a mental note to apologize to her later and make sure to tip well when we left.

  My mother monopolized the conversation as per normal, which was fine with me because I didn’t want to talk. I turned my phone over and saw Seth still hadn’t texted me back.

  I understood it was traumatic for all of us when I got taken, so maybe he just needed some time. I sighed and leaned back. After a very long hour of my mother and her story after story of how many lives she’d touched and about the village she helped to build
, I had finally had enough.

  I stood and made the conversation halt. “Sorry, everyone, but I need to head over to the station.”

  Erin looked confused but grabbed her jacket. “Oh, that’s right. I’ll drive you.”

  Mom stood. “No, no, Erin. I have my car. I’ll drop her off.”

  My stomach sank.

  “I should get going too.” She grabbed the check and tossed a handful of twenty dollar bills in the leather folder. “Well, goodbye, everyone!” she called over her shoulder as she headed out the door. I waved and shot Erin a ‘help me’ look.

  A black stretch limo waited for us outside. You have got to be kidding me, I thought as I climbed in.

  “Where to, miss?” the man in the black pin-striped suit asked.

  “Orange Police Department, please.”

  Mom gave me a smile. “Oh, lovely. I’ve wanted to see Seth again.”

  “Umm.” My stomach twisted. “I think they’re pretty busy, Mom.”

  She looked out the window. “Mmm…hmm.” She wasn’t there; she was deep in thought.

  “Mom, you told me you were going to send me your itinerary, but you never did.”

  She waved her hand. “I’ve been busy, honey. I have a lot going on.”

  Me too!

  “Yeah, so I heard,” I muttered. I smirked, and felt a little juvenile. “Mom, you know Seth lives with me now, right?” I wanted to go for the shock factor.

  “Yes, he called me a while back, making sure it was all right with me.” She checked her makeup in her mirror. I couldn’t believe he didn’t tell me. Damn, he was always such a gentleman. Well, most of the time. I smiled a little.

  I watched as my mother fixed her silk scarf so it sat perfectly. I shook my head. How could I have sprung from this woman?

  We pulled up, and I hopped out, my mother on my heels. I checked myself in and gave Lou a look with ‘save me’ eyes, then turned to her. “I’m going to grab Seth and bring him out to see you.” Before she had a chance to protest, I was through the door.

  I looked around and spotted Seth at a desk. I knew it was his lunch hour. A lot of times, he and the guys came to the station to finish up paperwork so they could leave at the end of the day.

  Garrett was across the room and leaned over Campbell’s desk, looking at his computer screen.

  “McPhee!” Johnnie yelled out. He ran over and wrapped me in a huge hug.

  Seth looked up and jumped to his feet.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Johnnie gave me a ‘you’re in shit’ look.

  “I’m looking for—”

  Johnnie shifted aside just as Seth grabbed hold of my shoulders. He looked me up and down. “What’s wrong?”

  I sighed. Why did he have to be so intense? “I just needed to warn you—”

  His eyes flew around the room. “How did you get here?” His tone was sharp as he cut me off.

  A little hurt at his tone, I stepped back and wiggled out of his grip.

  “There’s that sexy young man,” my mother called out as she came into the room. She demanded attention as she made her entrance.

  “That’s how,” I answered his question coldly.

  His eyes dropped down to me. Then he plastered a smile on his face and looked over at her.

  “Dr. McPhee, what a pleasant surprise.”

  She hugged him tightly for a moment too long. I could tell Seth was uncomfortable.

  “Seth, I’ve told you time and time again to call me Jenny. And Mrs. McPhee can be used on Emily someday.” She paused, smiling. “Or Mrs. Connors. Whichever you prefer, dear.”

  “Mother!” I snapped. I wanted to die. Luckily, Seth didn’t seem fazed by her. He just shook his head and gave her the famous smile that made the women flock to him.

  Johnnie, who was thoroughly enjoying this moment, stepped forward and removed his ball hat and introduced himself. My mother shamelessly flirted with him. He poured the flattery right back.

  Garrett hugged me from behind. “How are you?” he whispered. He knew I must be on edge with my mother here.

  “Fine.” I’m tired of the question.

  Seth moved closer to me. “So, Jenny is here.”

  “Yeah, she showed up at The Goose. Then she insisted on coming here.” I paused. “I would have texted you, but you didn’t seem to be in a talkative mood all of a sudden.”

  He closed his eyes. “Just have a lot on my mind.”

  I gave a tiny smile and touched his hand. He flinched. I dropped it immediately and took a step back as my stomach twisted itself into a tight ball. What the hell was going on?

  Garrett smirked. “Johnnie seems to be enjoying himself.”

  “Mmm…hmm.” I rubbed my stomach. I wanted to go home. I wished I hadn’t left the house.

  My mother bounced over to me like a fifteen year old. She loved it when younger men showed her attention, which would have been fine if she didn’t enjoy it so obviously.

  “Don’t frown, honey, you’ll get lines. Well, you’ll get more.” She stared at my face.

  “Thanks, Mom,” I muttered.

  She took my hand and squeezed it. “Johnnie has invited us to go to a pub tonight with everyone.”

  I shot him a nasty look. He grinned and crossed his arms.

  Seth shook his head.

  “Connors, give the girl a break. She needs to get some air.” Johnnie nodded at me. “Besides it’s the Triangle. It’s a cop’s pub.”

  “Whatever.” Seth glanced at Garrett. They exchanged a look, and Seth seemed to ease a bit. Garrett winked at me. They had a way of communicating without having to speak. Talk about match-made-in-heaven partners.

  “Jeez, how sick were you?” Mom looked at me, confused. “Never mind, we’ll meet you there at six.” She grinned. “Seth, dear, it was lovely to see your handsome face.” She leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Garrett smirked again.

  “Mom,” I snagged her attention, “this is Garrett O’Brian, Seth’s partner.” I cocked my head to one side and watched the show begin.

  “Oh my!” Her hands shot to her open mouth. “Look at you!” She beamed and rubbed his upper arm.

  I grinned as Garrett stiffened from the display of physical affection. Even Seth hid his amusement with his hand.

  Garrett cleared his throat. “It’s nice to meet you…”

  “Jenny,” she interrupted him.

  “Jenny,” he noted.

  “Garrett, you look so young to be on the force. How old are you?” Her eyes narrowed in on his chest.

  It took all my effort not to laugh.

  Garrett grinned self-consciously. “Twenty-four.”

  She then touched his upper arm slightly.

  “All right, Mom, fun is over for now. We should go.”

  I looked at Seth. He stared at the ground.

  Johnnie leaned in. “She’s great.”

  “She’s something,” I muttered back.

  Seth leaned over as Johnnie left. “Be careful.”

  “Yeah.” I felt the distance grow between us. He leaned in and gave me a quick kiss. He smiled at my mom and walked back to a desk.

  I glanced at Garrett for an explanation of Seth’s behavior, but he shook his head, looking just as confused as I felt. Seth was so cold with me. His flinch from my touch replayed in my head. He’d never done that to me before. It really hurt.

  Garrett pecked my cheek. “I’m sure he’s fine.”


  I couldn’t shake the mood that Seth put me in. I fumbled with my hands the whole way to the bar. My mother sat across from me and sipped a drink from the limo’s mini bar. She was deep in conversation with someone from her office. She didn’t speak much to me when we were alone. Sometimes I thought she might be afraid I’d ask questions about Dad. She never talked about him. I guessed it was too painful for her. I ran my hands over my red dress and tried to calm my nerves.

  When we arrived, the normal gang was there—most of them, anyway.

sp; “Mom, this is Campbell and his girlfriend Vanessa.” She shook their hands.

  Vanessa hugged me. “I was so worried,” she whispered. “I tried to call, but Campbell said to give you space.”

  “I know. Seth is pretty good at shutting the world out for me. Now he shut me out again.” I shook my head. “Can we talk later?”

  “Of course.” She pecked my cheek.

  I turned to my mother. “And this is Riggs and Detective Michaels.”

  She extended her hand. “Nice to meet you both.” She turned and batted her eyelashes. “Johnnie,” she cooed.

  Johnnie stood and gave us both a big hug.

  I pulled a chair out next to him, and my mother quickly took it. I cleared my throat. “Please take a seat,” I muttered and shifted to the next chair over.

  Vanessa smiled at me. “Where’s Seth?”

  I shrugged. “Not sure. I haven’t heard from him.”

  “Doesn’t he text you, like, fifty times a day?” Riggs joked.

  I forced a smile and shrugged again. His eyes softened as he realized something might be up. “I’m sure he’s on his way.”

  “Yeah,” I whispered and wished that were true.

  “Oh, honey.” My mom turned and touched my arm. “Don’t forget that Marc is coming at 9:30 Sunday morning to get you ready for the gala.”

  “So I’ve heard.” I leaned back in my chair. I had no interest in going. The thought of meeting a bunch of stuffy people made me miss my father. He’d been so good at getting me through these events.

  I glanced around the bar and tried to settle in. After being isolated from the public for roughly a month, I found it nerve-wracking being around a huge group of people again. I made small talk, but it took effort. I hated that I took note of everyone’s face who came into the bar. I was sure Lasko wouldn’t try and make a move here, but it scared the hell out of me that he was still out there somewhere. Plus, my mother being here didn’t help me relax in the slightest.

  Garrett touched my shoulders. I quickly turned to face him, and he gave me a half smile. I knew something was up with Seth.


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