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A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact

Page 16

by Richard Dolan

  Nearby, a general was speaking at a lectern to a group of people. He referred to the vehicles as “Alien Reproduction Vehicles,” as well as Flux Liners, because they used high voltage electricity. He mentioned several fascinating features of the ARV. One was that it could perform at “light speed or better.” Another was that it ran on energy obtained through the vacuum—presumably this is the so-called zero-point energy field. It was also apparently stated that the ARV had already performed a general reconnaissance of all planets of the solar system in a search for life, and that no life was found. Sorensen noted that the ARV looked “ancient,” and as though it had been used extensively. A video exhibit nearby showed the smallest of the three vehicles hovering over a dry lake bed. It made three quick, hopping motions, then accelerated straight up and out of sight within seconds. It was unclear whether the vehicle was silent, or whether the tape simply lacked sound.27

  A key point about the ARV that Sorensen described to McCandlish: It was essentially identical in appearance with the 1966 Utah UFO and the 1994 Nellis UFO.

  The ARV story, which is unconfirmed, indicates that there is a secret space program. Indeed, there is evidence of anomalous activity in Earth’s orbit. One researcher, Jeffrey Challender, collected hundreds of unusual events that were recorded on space missions from the United States, Russia, Europe, and China. Some of these clearly have prosaic explanations. Others, are not so clear.28 Also of interest in this context is the collection of satellite data provided by researcher Ron Regehr. During the 1990s, while working with the military contractor Aerojet, Regehr fortuitously obtained a printout of data from the U.S. Defense Support Program (DSP), which made it clear that “fastwalkers” (e.g. space-based UFOs) are tracked with regularity.29

  If these anomalies are genuine, they provide ample reason to develop a secret space program. It would be necessary to interact with that phenomenon in some way, whether through investigation, communication, or hostilities. For this reason, there is a possibility that the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) program initiated during the Reagan years housed a covert component related to UFOs, even if that was not its main mission.

  But there is more to “the program” then secret flying saucers and space missions. It also appears to be about studying alien bodies and conducting related biotech research. Less information exists on this, but at least one source described it to a UFO investigator as early as the 1970s. The need for such a program would be obvious if alien bodies were ever recovered. In terms of military application, clandestine biotech research may have aided in some important areas. Simply having an example of an advanced non-human life form could spark advances in the understanding of our own biology and physiology, let alone that of an extraterrestrial species. Biotechnology has become very important to the military. It has been and will continue to be important in the treatment of war injuries, prevention and diagnosis of diseases, and protection against biochemical toxic agents. It can enhance human battle effectiveness (even to the point of creating “super soldiers”), and enable the creation of small-scale or ultramicro-scale destructive biological weapons.30

  There may be another activity that deeply clandestine military groups have been conducting in order to meet the real or perceived alien threat: Performing their own abductions, a phenomenon that goes by the abbreviation of MILABs, for military abductions.

  MILABs have been discussed publicly since around 1990, although they may have been going on longer than that. One of the earliest writers on the subject, Dr. Karla Turner, interviewed a number of abductees who had been taken by human and non-human groups. Other MILAB victims also came forward to describe their stories. It would appear that some of them were taken by human groups as a counter-intelligence operation, in an attempt to learn the alien agenda. Through a combination of chemicals, hypnosis, and perhaps other technologies, attempts were made to extract the memories of the victims that were then wiped, or at least tampered with, so that it took them years to begin learning the truth of what happened to them.

  Just as the idea of alien abduction remains controversial and is subject to skepticism, so too is the idea of military abductions, possibly even more so. To some, the idea is preposterous, as the deeply criminal nature of the act seems beyond the pale, to say nothing of being too risky to undertake. After all, the repercussions of being caught would be catastrophic for any organization performing them.

  The problem, however, is that there is a certain amount of abduction research that points in this direction. Moreover, if some of the previously mentioned indications are true, it is not hard to see why the risk of MILABs would be undertaken. It may be that the Breakaway/Majestic Group is behind the MILAB phenomenon, using its subjects to learn about the Others. But there may be more to all this than simple counter-intelligence. Some MILAB abductees have indicated a strong interest by human black-ops groups in psi phenomena. Indeed, Eric Walker had hinted years before that psi was important in understanding the Others.

  This takes us to what may be a crucial element of the abduction phenomenon, both alien and human. Why are the abductees taken in the first place? Jacobs, Hopkins, and others argued it is for breeding hybrids. But that begs the question of whether abductees are taken at random, or specifically chosen for a reason. Information that has come to the authors indicates that some of the answer relates to psi abilities that have been identified in the subject, and that this is of interest to the Others.

  It also appears to be of interest to the Breakaway/Majestic Group, which, according to several cases the authors have investigated, puts these people to work as psychic spies of sorts, making sure to manage their memories as much as possible. We know that remote viewing was an active interest in certain parts of the U.S. intelligence community from the 1970s until at least the 1990s, and we also know the program had several spectacular successes. Why close down something that is proven to work, and especially something that may prove useful in the struggle to understand the agenda of the Others?

  If the Others have spacecraft that exceed our capacity, it seems likely that humanity would want to build some of its own. And if the clandestine leaders of the human race thought they were fighting a deceptive battle with enemies that employed psychic abilities, they would want to improve their talents in that regard. If Mr. Axelrod, perhaps representing a human-looking group of Others, was trying to test the ability of human remote viewers to detect his group, it could well be that the Breakaway Group employs such people, some who may have full knowledge of what they are doing, but perhaps some who do not.

  What has been going on behind the scenes for so many years may be humanity’s attempt to fight fire with fire. If that is so, the idea that we could be burned is not outrageous. If relations with the Others becomes aggressive in the world A.D., humanity will be up against formidable strength. Might they have “doomsday” weapons that could shatter our planet?

  Again, one sees the irony of our situation. If the Others are hostile, the world will probably not complain that the secret-keepers diverted so much black budget money into creating flying saucers and other weapons. When the cards are laid on the table, people may be thankful that our hand has a few aces.

  Who Do They Think We Are?

  Whether they have traveled from other worlds or other dimensions, Others have arrived in our neighborhood.

  If they are new arrivals, we might gather that they would have passed through an atmosphere filled with satellites processing huge quantities of information, including radio, television, and other digital media blanketing the globe. We have no idea whether this massive amount of information—which overwhelms us—would have the same effect on them, or whether they would have systems, computers, and intelligence that could find patterns and sense in it that might surpass our own understanding. Much of the electronic data they sift would be expendable mediocrity, like a re-run of Mork and Mindy. Some of it would have been more edifying, such as our greatest examples of art, music, literature, and philosophy. Some would
be the historic record of man’s folly—a self-created catalogue of our own sins from the Spanish Inquisition to the massacres of Rwanda and beyond. That is just the material available at a distance.

  Of course, they may have scouted and monitored us for a long time. We can speculate that they would quickly come to understand some basic concepts.

  First, they would realize that we are not a hive-minded species that practices group-think. Instead, they would see a great variety and complexity in the expression of human thought, culture, and ways of life. They might view this as something positive or—if they are hive-minded themselves—as a fatal flaw. They may have thought that the outpouring of grief over Steve Jobs, a man who urged us to “Think Different,” was curious or threatening.

  Second, they would realize that we are an aggressive species. Not all of us, but enough of us. They would see that humanity has devoted great resources to a military footprint extending from nation to nation across the planet. Not only are our space weapons, bombs, fighter jets, and wars-in-progress easily seen, but they appear to have tested them as to capability with some regularity throughout the years.

  They would also observe the vast disparities in our allocation of resources and wealth, in which billions of people live in abject poverty while a very few live in opulent luxury. Perhaps they disapprove, or perhaps this is the way of their world, too. All we really can say is that they will notice everything from the the groundswell at Tahrir Square to the 2011 anarchy in the UK to the struggle to Occupy Wall Street.

  They might also have concluded that we have overpopulated the Earth to the point of impending resource exhaustion, species extinction, and ecological disaster. Abductee reports commonly refer to the Others providing mental imagery of Earthly environmental collapse. Belief that they are here to save us from ourselves may only be wishful thinking on our part, or it could be a clue as to their agenda. They might be here to help us save our sinking boat. Or they could be here to take it away from us, given our careless stewardship.

  Perhaps the best that we can hope for is to be viewed as we are: a mixed bag full of highs and lows, capable of deeds both awful and sublime, simultaneously greedy and generous, hateful and loving, warlike and peaceful. If they are here in peace, we may hope that they will see us as an evolving work-in-progress, an intelligent species worth watching and nurturing. If they are here for more selfish purposes, they might see our short-comings as flags of caution for them, knowing that humans can never be counted out, and will fight when cornered.

  Chapter 5

  Blowback: Collateral Damage and Unintended Consequences

  Fear defeats more people

  than any other one thing in the world.

  —Ralph Waldo Emerson

  Humans are a very adaptable species. When our living conditions change, whether it involves going to prison or winning the lottery, we alter our attitudes and expectations. Although Disclosure of the reality of the Others will result in a great shock, people will adapt in the long run; there will be little choice.

  During the days, months, and even years following The Great Event, however, such optimism may be in short supply. In 1954, Carl Jung warned of the danger of waiting too long to inform the public. In the event that extraterrestrials were confirmed and were visiting Earth, he wrote, humanity as a whole would be in the “precarious position of primitive communities today in conflict with the superior culture…the rudder would be removed from our grasp.” The result could be catastrophic. The surest way to avoid this would be for the authorities “to enlighten the public as soon and as completely as possible.”1

  Jung wrote those words more than 50 years ago. If he were alive today, he would probably look at Disclosure as fraught with even greater danger, for our day of enlightenment has been delayed far beyond reason.

  After decades of cover-up, in which institutions have been subverted and people ridiculed, simply lifting the veil will not solve every problem. On the contrary, it will create new ones.

  More than 40 years ago, the Condon Report noted in its Introduction, “If, as many people suspect, our planet is being visited clandestinely by spacecraft, manned or controlled by intelligent creatures from another world, it is the most momentous development in human history.” Nothing has changed since those words were written, except that the cover-up, by its durability, has placed many institutions front-and-center of any backlash to Disclosure.

  The world’s governments and military powers will be immediately exposed for their deceit. To be sure, they will portray themselves as having hidden the truth for the public’s own good. Some people will accept these reasons; others will not. Even under the most favorable circumstances, however, there will be blowback.

  We mean “blowback” to signify unintended consequences and collateral damages from a covert operation. This particular one, which has lasted seven decades, is among the greatest secrets ever kept. Who will get singed in the reaction? Who will escape with the least damage?

  The specifics of what will happen will be heavily influenced by the Others. Will they have a high-touch or benign-neglect policy toward us? Will they show us how to achieve cheap or free portable energy, or will they make us feel that we are under imminent threat? Or will we simply be forced to live in the twilight, where their agenda remains unclear or hidden? Each possibility will have its own transformative policies. Each will aim the blowback at different institutions.

  Being a loser in the eyes of the public is not always catastrophic. During the first year A.D., although the public may distrust the military, it will still want it for protection. The media, too, will be widely condemned as truth bunglers and national security sycophants. Yet, it will still be the main avenue by which people get information about the new circumstances, although not without great challenges. The educational system may have had its head in the sand, but students will still need to go to school.

  Indeed, we believe that the greatest blowback will happen on the streets—and it will not matter where they are. From Beijing to New York City and every location around the world where people are dependent on the reliable delivery systems of modern society, the hot wind of truth will set some fires. Expect to see something resembling a global riot to spread like a forest fire, like Occupy Wall Street gone global and on steroids, either feeding on itself until it burns out, exhausted from lack of fuel, or else developing into an even greater conflagration.

  The Great Panic of Year One

  Not everyone believes that the Great Announcement will lead to panic and mayhem. As we noted earlier, one of the earliest UFO researchers, Donald E. Keyhoe, regularly voiced his belief that people can handle the truth. “We have survived the stunning impact of the Atomic Age,” he wrote. “We should be able to take the Interplanetary Age, when it comes, without hysteria.”2

  That was 1950; six decades ago. More recently, Admiral Lord Peter Hill-Norton, who served as the United Kingdom’s Chief of Defence and the head of NATO’s military committee, argued that even if UFOs turned out to be of extraterrestrial origin, life would go on. People in the 21st century will not panic, he believed. “They are much more interested in doing the pools or the lottery. They would shrug their shoulders and take it as a matter of course.”3

  And yet the keepers of the secret might not agree. One of America’s legendary astronauts, Colonel Gordon Cooper, believed fear of panic to be central. In 1985, he testified before a United Nations panel that UFO secrecy was “imposed on all specialists in astronautics.” Every day, he said, radar instruments were recording objects “of form and composition unknown to us.” But the authorities conceal this information because of how they believe people will react. “So the password still is: We have to avoid panic by all means.”4

  The question of public panic always hangs over this issue, and this must be an important concern of the Breakaway Group. Certainly many people would take the news in stride, as much as one could expect under the circumstances. Although these things are inherently impossibl
e to measure, the argument can be made that people of the 21st century are better able to handle the great shock inherent in a Disclosure statement then their grandparents would have been. A lifetime of popular culture dealing with extraterrestrials may have prepared them psychologically to some extent.

  But there has always been a certain percentage of UFO witnesses who experience deep, powerful fear during their sighting. For many, it is the most intense, overwhelming fear of their life. The history of UFO encounters is replete with examples of witnesses who became hysterical, filled with sheer terror. What was happening to them was the shattering of a once-solid worldview, and a sudden feeling of powerlessness in the face of an unknown and alien intelligence. Not everyone collapses at such a time, but some do.

  After Disclosure, even the panic of a minority of people will pose a serious challenge to society. If as few as 10 percent of the people have a deeply negative reaction to the news, there will be dramatic repercussions. If that number is 20 or 30 percent, so much the worse. The manner of Disclosure will be all-important, but for some, any Disclosure at all will push them close to the edge. Others will go right over.

  It would be nice if the world could plan for this extraordinary event as it did for Y2K, when computer scientists methodically tweaked our technology in preparation for the Year 2000. In order to do that regarding Disclosure, however, it must be handled openly. Books similar to this one can be written, but realistically most people will not see what is coming until it is on top of them. Besides, no amount of planning can conceivably cover all the contingencies. We must expect the unexpected. Exopolitics activist Stephen Bassett once stated, accurately we believe, that Disclosure will “mark the birth of a new world.”5 And how can anyone truly prepare for that?


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