11. Porter, Hilary. “Fly at Your Own Risk.” www.beamsinvestigations.org/hilary–porter.html
12. “Apollo 14 astronaut claims aliens have made contact—but it has been covered up for 60 years.” Daily Mail, July 24, 2008.
13. “Aliens Are Monitoring Our Nukes, Worry Ex-Air Force Officers.” FoxNews.com, September 23, 2010. “Former Air Force officers discuss UFO sightings.” King, Ledyard, Air Force Times (Gannett), September 27, 2010. Kelly, John. “UFO visits to nuclear facilities? Hmmmm.” Washington Post, September 27, 2010. For CNN’s TV coverage of September 27, 2010, see “Clips Of Military Men Talking About UFO Encounters At National Press Club Today,” Youtube.com.
14. Beaton, Jessica. CNNGo.com, “UFO Shuts Down Hangzhou Airport,” www.cnngo.com/shanghai/life/ufo–shuts–down–hangzhou–airport–904924#ixzz0tPanKsnv
15. Bernstein, Carl. “The CIA and the Media: How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up,” Rolling Stone, October 20, 1977. For a good start on contemporary intelligence community news manipulation, see the excellent website of Mario Profaca at http://mprofaca.cro.net/.
Chapter 6
1. Sallan, Bruce. A Dad’s Point of View. www.brucesallan.com
2. Baiata, Maurizio. “Colonel claims he briefed Bobby Kennedy on UFOs.” Open Minds, June 24, 2010. www.openminds.tv/col–briefed–kennedy–on–ufos/
3. Rush, Chris. www.chrisrushcomedy.com/
Chapter 7
1. Russell, Bertrand. Religion and Science. Home University Library, 1935.
2. Davies, Paul. Are We Alone? London: Penguin, 1995.
3. Alexander, Victoria. “Extraterrestrial Life and Religion: The Alexander UFO Religious Crisis Survey.” In UFO Religions, edited by James R. Lewis. Prometheus Books, 2003. p. 359–370.
4. “UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life: Americans’ Beliefs and Personal Experiences,” prepared for the Sci Fi Channel by Roper Poll, 2002. www.scifi.com/ufo/roper/03.html
5. Peters, Ted and Froehlig, Julie. The Peters ETI Religious Crisis Survey. Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary and the Center for Theology and the Natural Science at the Graduate Theological Union. Berkeley, CA, 2010.
6. Harris, Paola Leopizzi. Connecting the Dots… Making Sense of the UFO Phenomenon. Wild Flower Press, 2003. p. 42–47.
7. Consolmagno, Guy. Intelligent Life in the Universe? Catholic belief and the search for extraterrestrial intelligent life. Catholic Truth Society, 2005.
8. “Vatican: It’s OK for Catholics to Believe in Aliens.” Fox News, Tuesday, May 13, 2008. www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,355400,00.html
9. Huppke, Rex W. “Enthusiasts say ‘Amen’ as Vatican allows alien belief.” Chicago Tribune, May 16, 2008. http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2008–05–16/news/0805151082_1_vatican–observatory–alien–intelligent–life
10. Genesis, 6:1.
11. Heiser, Dr. Michael. “Frequently Asked Questions,” www.michaelsheiser.com/FAQ.htm#q2
12. For more on this idea, see www.alienresistance.org/
13. Luck, Coleman. Private correspondence with the authors, August 3, 2010.
14. Eph. 6:12.
15. Eph. 2:2.
16. 2 Thes 2:9.
17. Matthew 24:24.
18. “They are spirits of demons performing miraculous signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty.” Revelation 16:14 New International Version.
19. Book of Mormon. Book of Moses, Chapter 1, v. 33–40.
20. For a good statement of this aspect of the Mormon belief, see Steimle, Joshua. “Do Mormons believe they get their own planet after they die?” www.mormondna.org/mormon–beliefs/mormons–planet–die.html
21. Holy Qu’ran, 9th U.S. Edition. Tahrike Tarsile Qu’ran, Inc. Elmhurst, NY, 2002. Encyclopaedia of Islam. Ahmed, Mufti M. Mukarram. Anmol Publications Pvt., Ltd., New Delhi, 2005. p. 406.
22. Holy Qu’ran. Ash-Shura 42:29, in Ahmad, Mirza Tahir, Revelation, Rationality, Knowledge & Truth. Islam International Publications. Illustrated edition, 1998.
23. Yusuf, Ali, Abdullah. The Qu’ran: Text, Translation and Commentary. Ad-Dar Al-`Arabiah, Beirut, 1938. p. 1314.
24. “Security, and Prosperity Committee on Science, Committee on Scientific Communication and National Security, National Research Council.” Beyond ‘Fortress America’: National Security Controls on Science and Technology in a Globalized World. National Academies Press, 2009. Another study published in 2009 estimates that possibly half—and possibly more than half of all U.S. government documents are classified. Which means that, for an American citizen, half of his or her government’s history is an official secret. This situation is likely to be similar in many other countries. See Paglen, Trevor. Blank Spots on the Map: The Dark Geography of the Pentagon’s Secret World. Dutton Adult, 2009.
25. The most influential book regarding the Mars anomaly thesis is Hoagland, Richard C. The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever. 5th Edition. Foreword by Richard Grossinger. Frog Books, 2002.
26. Friedman, Stanton. “An Open Letter to Dr. Carl Sagan.” MUFON UFO Journal, May 1989.
27. Rees, Lord Martin. “Life and the Cosmos.” Lecture delivered at the University of Melbourne, Australia, March 30, 2010. http://live.unimelb.edu.au/episode/derek–denton–lecture–life–and–cosmos–lord–reed–ludlow
28. Bryner, Jeanna. What Drives Evolution? 16 August 2007. www.livescience.com/strangenews/070816_gm_evolution.html
29. “The Bloom Box: An Energy Breakthrough?” CBS News, Feb. 18, 2010. www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/02/18/60minutes/main6221135.shtml
30. See Cowel, Alan. “Solar–Powered Plane Flies for 26 Hours.” New York Times, July 8, 2010. www.nytimes.com/2010/07/09/world/europe/09plane.html
31. Macdonald, Gregor. The Myth of Energy Breakthroughs, March 9, 2010. http://gregor.us/nuclear/the–myth–of–energy–breakthroughs/
32. Varchaver, Nicholas. “Is nanotech ready for its close–up?” Fortune Magazine, May 17, 2004. http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2004/05/17/369606/index.htm
33. “What is Nanotechnology?” Center for Responsible Nanotechnology. www.crnano.org/whatis.htm
34. Collins, Dr. Francis. “Why this scientist believes in God.” CNN, April 6, 2007.
Chapter 8
1. Greer, Steven, www.disclosureproject.org/congress.shtml
2. See www.exopoliticsinstitute.org/
3. The White House. November 4, 2011. “Searching for ET, But No Evidence Yet.”
4. See the links at the website of Exopolitics Denmark, one of the most active exopolitical groups. www.exopolitics.dk/
5. Bassett, Stephen. “PRG Mission Statement.” www.paradigmresearchgroup.org/mission.html
6. Richard Sauder’s three books dealing with these themes are Hidden in Plain Sight: Beyond the X–Files. Keyhole Publishing Co., 2010; Underwater and Underground Bases. Adventures Unlimited Press, 2001; and Underground Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government Trying to Hide? Adventures Unlimited Press, 1995.
7. The U.S. military has used small nuclear reactors in its submarines for years, and has expressed an interest in obtaining portable and “readily deployable” nuclear reactors. “Nuclear synthi–jetfuel plants wanted for US Afghan bases.” Register-UK, March 31, 2010.
8. Confidential source to the authors. [Note from the authors: much more is known about this story, which must be withheld due to the sensitive position of the source.]
9. Confidential source, interview with the authors.
10. Confidential source, interview with the authors.
11. Podesta, John. “Statement at the National Press Club,” November 14, 2007. www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_2YcFQbijg
12. Australia’s laws have long been the most restrictive, although enforcement has been spotty.
13. Risen, James and Lichtblau, Eric. “Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts.” New York Times,
December 16, 2005. See also Lichtblau, Eric. “The Education of a 9/11 Reporter. The inside drama behind the Times’ warrantless wiretapping story.” Slate, March 26, 2008.
agencies, secret government, 70
Alien Nation, 221
Alien Reproduction Vehicle, 182
Aliens, Christians and, 238–241
aliens, the next generation of movie, 220–222
America, Captain, 224
amnesty and pardon, 172–174
angels and devils, 132–133
anthropology, 213
Apple and the future, 226
Aquarius, the new age of, 203–230
archeology, 213–214
Area 51, 70
arrest the Others, can you, 183–184
Arrival, The, 221
arts, literature and philosophy and the, 214–215
ARV, 182
Avalanche, 31
Avatar, 222
aviation law case, the ultimate, 188–190
bail–out ever, the biggest, 177–179
Bechtel, 70
Bell Laboratories, 70
Big Oil, 181
biggest bail–out ever, the, 177–179
biological evolution, understanding, 255
Body Snatchers, Invasion of the, 89
Boeing, 70
Bother versus Big Other, Big, 293–300
Breakaway Group, 30, 79–81
Breakaway, 220
bureaucracy grinds on, 186–188
Bush, George H.W., 74
Bush, George W., 74–75
C.S.I., 220
Cameron, James, 222
Captain America, 224
Carter, Jimmy, 73
chance, do we have a, 149–155
changes, the day everything, 23–46
Charge, who is really in, 76–77
Chariots of the Gods, 132
Choke Points, 56–58
Christians and aliens, 238–241
Clinton, Bill, 74
Close Encounters of the Third Kind, 89
collateral damage and unintended consequences, 161–200
COMETA Report, 67
comic book perspective, a, 222–225
committee, membership, 139–140
Communion, 184
computing, 258–261
conference, national press club, 193
consciousness and memory, understanding, 255
consequences, collateral damage and unintended, 161–200
contact as a laughing matter, 225–226
court system, an entirely new, 190–191
cover–up, an international, 66–72
Cowboys and Aliens, 89
crafts, their, 145
culture, popular, 215–217
Dad’s Point of View, A, 208
daily life and how it will change, 205–207
damage, unintended consequences and collateral, 161–200
Dark Skies, 90, 221
day everything changes, the, 23–46
Day One, the definition of, 29
Day the Earth Stood Still, The, 221
Day the Earth Stood Still, The, 89
DC Universe, 223
Denial and Ridicule, 59–66
devils, angels and, 132–133
Didion, Joan, 89
dimensional, extra– or ultra–, 130–132
and the God hypothesis, 263–266
and who will tell us about it, 195–198
Disclosure triggers, 94
False (Deceptive), 37–39
Full (Radical), 34–35
Partial (Controlled), 35–37
Vatican moves toward, 237–241
diseases, fighting, 254
District 9, 221
DNA, they want our, 140
E.T.: Extra Terrestrial, 74
Earth Versus the Flying Saucers, 89
earth–based entities, 129–130
Echelon and who it involves, 67
economics, 211–212
economy and how it is affected, 174–175
education and how it will be affected, 208–209
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 161
endless questions, 121–122
energy’s new equation, 179–181
entities, earth–based, 129–130
equation, energy’s new, 179–181
E–Systems, 70
ETH, 125 see also extraterrestrial hypothesis
Event, Trigger, 30
evidence, photographic, 94–96
evolution, understanding biological, 255
exopolitics, the politics of, 270–273
extra– or ultra–dimensional, 130–132
extraterrestrial, 124–126
extraterrestrial hypothesis, 125
F–111 fighter craft, 78
f–117A Nighthawk, 78
faiths, easier traditions, other, 241–244
Falling Skies, 89
False (Deceptive) Disclosure, 37–39
falsehoods, no more, 209
family still matters, 207–215
Federal Tort Claims Act, 187
filmmakers thrust into the future, 222
Ford, Gerald, 73
Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act, 186
foundations, cracked, 167–174
Fourth Kind, The, 132
frontiers, new, 254–261
FSIA, 186
FTCA, 187
Full (Radical) Disclosure, 34–35
future, vision from the, 226–227
Galaxy, the Greatest Show in the, 139
Gathering, The Storm, 31–34
General Electric, 70
generation of movie aliens, the next, 220–222
genetic manipulation, 254
global discussion and declassification, 104–105
God, the nature of, 247
repealing the law of, 181–183
what causes, 255
great panic of year one, the, 163–165
Greer, Dr. Steven, 71
Ground Zero, 30
Group, The Breakaway, 30
Grudge, Project, 133
Hard Copy, 151
health care debate, the next great, 227–229
Hinduism, 245
history and political science, 209–211
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The, 13
holograms, 261
Hubbell, Webster, 74
Hughes, 70
Hulk, 224
Hynek, J. Allen, 65
hypothesis, extraterrestrial, 125
I Robot, 259
IATA, 186
ICAO, 186
Impossible becomes inevitable, when the, 85–118
incorrect, politically, 279–284
Inevitable, when the impossible becomes the, 85–118
infiltration of society, 146–148
insiders, twelve angry, 86–87
intelligent machines, 127–129
International Air Transportation Association, 186
International Civil Aviation Organization, 186
international cover–up, an, 66–72
Invasion, 221
Iron Man, 224
Islam, 243
journalism, investigative, 96–98
Jung, Dr. Carl, 93
Kennedy, John F., 72
Lantern, The Green, 223
Last Mimzy, The, 221
law case, the ultimate aviation, 188–190
Law of gravity, repealing the, 181–183
Lee’s Point of view, Stan, 224–225
legal system, 183–188
lifespans, 261
Lincoln, Abraham, 85, 121
literature, philosophy, and the arts, 214–215
Los Alamos National Laboratories, 70
Loskheed, 70
machines, intelligent, 127–129
MacLaine, Shirley, 73
Mad Men, 220
Man, Iron, 224
r /> Manhattan Project, the, 67
Marvel Universe, 223
mass sighting, 106–107
Masters, Todd, 221
Matrix, The, 259
McDonald, Ronald, 225
McDonnell Douglas, 70
media, 191–195
membership committee, 139–140
memory, understanding consciousness and, 255
Men in Black, 89
military preparedness, our, 148–149
Milky Way, the, 126
Mitchell, Dr. Edgar, 71
Monroe, Marilyn, 72
Nothing, they want, 142–143
movie aliens, the next generation of, 220–222
Mozart, 215
museums in the future, 226
National Lampoon, 225
national press club conference, 193
national security, 65
No business Like Show business, 88–90
NRO, 70
NSA, 70, 77
NSA and their computational capability, 77
NSA of the United States, 67
Nuclear “What If”, A, 52–56
nuclear power plants, 257
Obama, President Barack, 75
Official Denial, 133
official truth versus popular belief, 65
One, Day, 29
Others, The, 29
can you arrest the, 183–184
can you sue the, 184–185
Oval Office, the, 89
Paint it black, 68
panic of year one, the great, 163–165
paradigm shift, 233–266
Partial (Controlled) Disclosure, 35–37
petroleum, 179
philosophy and the arts, literature, 214–215
photographic evidence, 94–96
physical evidence, 103–104
Points and Counter–Points, 90
science and history, 209–211
system and a spectrum of beliefs, 282
politically incorrect, 279–284
Popular belief versus official truth, 65
popular culture, 215–217
preparedness, our military, 148–149
Presidents and UFOs, 72–76
Privatizing the UFO secret, 71
Grudge, 133
Sign, 133
Prologue, the past actually is, 290–293
protest flyer copy, 232
psychology, 212
public safety, 65
public statement or deathbed confession, 100–103
questions, endless, 121–122
Raytheon, 70
reactions, first, 27–28
Reagan, Ronald, 73–74
reclaiming legitimate power, 284–288
A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact Page 33