end of, 236–237
new, 244–245
research, scientific, 138–139
revolution will be televised, this, 217–220
Roosevelt, Theodore, 121
Roswell, 77
safe, are we, 143–149
Sagan, Carl, 250–254
SAIC, 70
SAP, 68–69, see also Special Access
Programs SAPs and their rogue nature, 71
Science, 248–250
history and political, 209–211
scientific research, 138–139
secret government agencies, 70
Shock and Awe, 31
Sign, Project, 133
social control, 212
society, infiltration of, 146–148
Souls, they want our, 140–141
South Park, 184
Special Access Programs, 71
Spielberg, Steven, 74
Spider–Man, 224
Spielberg, Steven, 222
Spin City, 39–42
spreads, the fire, 165–167
Stan Lee’s point of view, 224–225
Stargate, 132
Storm, the Gathering, 31–34
Sue the Others, can you, 184–185
swamp gas, 65
system, an entirely new court, 190–191
system, the legal, 183–188
teachers as students, 209
technology, their, 145–146
Terminator, The, 259
they, who are, 122–135
Thor, 223
threat analysis, 89–156
time travelers, 133–134
Transformers, 89
travelers, time, 133–134
Trigger Event, 30
triggers, Disclosure, 94
twelve angry insiders, 86–87
UFO secret, privatizing the, 71
UFOs and Presidents, 72–76
Truman, Harry S., 72
UFOs and the National Security State, 13, 19
Universal Order, the, 245–247
universe, where is the rest of the, 256
Us and Them, 45
Vatican moves toward Disclosure, 237–241
visions from the future, 226–227
want, what do they, 135–143
War of the Worlds, the, 89
Washington Post, the, 69
Washington, George, 121
we are, who do they think, 155–156
weapons, their, 145
what do they want, 135–143
whistleblowers and leaks, 98–100
who are they, 122–135
who goes there and what do they want, 89–156
Wilson, vice admiral Thomas R., 71
Wishful Thinking, 87–88
World, they want our, 141–142
World of 1947, The, 50–52
worlds within worlds, 77–81
wreckage, follow the, 70
Wright–Patterson Air Force Base, 70
X–Files, the, 65, 89
X–Men, 224
year one, the great panic of, 163–165
Zero, Ground, 30
Zero–Point Energy, 257
ZPE, 257
About the Authors
BRYCE ZABEL has created five primetime network series and worked on a dozen TV writing staffs. A winner of the Writers Guild of America screenwriting award, he has written for nearly all major networks and studios and collaborated with producers like Steven Spielberg. His credits range from TV’s Lois and Clark and Dark Skies to box-office successes Atlantis and Mortal Kombat. Zabel was the first writer elected chairman/CEO of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences since Rod Serling. He also reported news as an on-air CNN correspondent. Zabel lives in Los Angeles, California.
RICHARD M. DOLAN is the author of the ground-breaking historical series, UFOs and the National Security State, acclaimed as the finest history series of the UFO phenomenon available in any language on the subject of military encounters and government secrecy. Dolan has also published articles, spoken at conferences around the world, and appeared on numerous TV specials as an on-air expert. Prior to his interest in UFOs, Dolan was a finalist for a Rhodes Scholarship, studying U.S. Cold War strategy, Soviet history and culture, and international diplomacy. Dolan lives in Rochester, New York.
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