What the (Bleep) Just Happened?

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What the (Bleep) Just Happened? Page 42

by Monica Crowley

  Matthews, Chris, 55

  McCain, John, 102, 170–71

  McChrystal, Stanley, 241–43

  McDonald’s, 142–43

  McDonnell, Robert, 69

  McGovern, George, 24

  McKinney, Cynthia, 302–3

  Meacham, Jon, 85


  Fast and Furious gunwalking scandal, 295

  ideological affinity to Obama, 55–58, 75–76

  Shahzad’s motives and, 221

  support of Obama’s programs, 58


  costs of, 84

  need to reform, 338

  ObamaCare and, 140, 340

  as percentage of mandatory spending cost, 88

  redistributionist agenda and, 62

  Ryan plan’s proposal for, 107, 338–39


  costs of, 83, 84

  as nontaxable income, 176

  ObamaCare and, 132, 139–40, 340

  as percentage of mandatory spending cost, 88

  redistributionist agenda and, 62

  Ryan plan’s proposal for, 107, 338

  Medicare Part D, 85, 112

  Medvedev, Dmitry, 252, 272, 274–75

  Megrahi, Abdelbaset al-, 264

  Meister, Stephen, 341

  Melson, Kenneth, 297

  Mendell, David, 35

  Merkel, Angela, 212

  Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, 291


  H. Clinton in, 216

  illegal immigration from, 285–98

  MF Global, 148

  Michigan, 69

  military tribunals, 223, 228

  Milton, John, 333

  missile defense shield, in Europe, 273–74, 277, 283, 347

  Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh (KSM), 223, 224, 226, 228, 229–30, 233

  Mondale, Walter, 24

  Montgomery, Ed, 68

  Moody’s, 122

  Moore, Michael, 153, 192, 218

  Morales, Evo, 299

  “more perfect union” speech, of Obama, 47–49

  Morocco, 259, 352

  Mottaki, Manouchehr, 251

  Mousavi, Mir Hossein, 248

  Moussaoui, Zacarias, 224

  MoveOn.org, 130

  Mubarak, Hosni, 254–57, 261–62, 355

  Mughrabi, Dalal, 302

  Mullen, Michael, 307

  “multiplier effect,” of Keynes, 81–83, 89, 91

  Muñoz, Cecelia, 293

  Muslim Brotherhood, 261–62

  Egypt and, 254–61, 303

  Muslim Students Association (MSA), 258

  Napolitano, Janet, 294, 296

  National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA), “healing” relations with Muslims and, 215

  National Bureau of Economic Research, 155

  National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform (Simpson-Bowles deficit commission), 111, 115–16, 198, 337

  National Council of La Raza, 293, 297–98

  National Economic Research Associates, 183

  National Institute on Money in State Politics, 195

  National Labor Relations Board, 178–79

  National Legal and Policy Center, 197

  National People’s Action, 41

  national security, Obama’s leading from behind and, 210–11

  National Security Strategy, under Bush, 219

  NATO, 347

  natural gas exploration, 342–43

  Netanyahu, Benjamin, 301, 302, 304

  NetJets, 155

  Nevada, 70, 144

  New Deal, 79–81, 82, 83

  New Jersey, 19, 69, 144, 193

  New Party, 166

  Newsweek, 85

  New York City, 33, 153, 225–26

  attempted car bombing in, 220, 221

  New Yorker, 210–11

  New York State, 70, 193, 293

  New York Times, 75, 99, 140, 141, 217, 275

  Nixon, Richard, 24, 25, 231, 279–80, 284, 341, 345

  Nobel Peace Prize, 216–19

  No Child Left Behind, 85, 112

  Non-Proliferation Treaty, 275

  North Korea, 275, 281, 351–52, 356

  nuclear weapons

  Obama’s promise not to use, 275–77

  Obama’s revelation of U.S. arsenal size, 276

  plans to cut U.S. arsenal size, 282

  proliferation of, 249–50, 264, 274, 275, 349–50, 356

  Nunn, Sam, 25

  Obama, Barack on American exceptionalism, 6

  campaign rhetoric in 2008 and redistributionist agenda, 45–59, 249, 271, 278, 300

  Constitutional constraints ignored by, 44–47

  education in socialist ideology, 38–44

  as “grievance identifier,” 54

  health care goals, 128

  inaugural address in 2009, 59, 60

  as keynote speaker at 2004 convention, 34–35

  as perfect radical Left candidate, 11–13

  policies and redistributionist agenda, expansion of government, and permanent Democratic majority, 59–71

  self-regard and self-confidence of, 35–37

  speech in Osawatomie, Kansas, 320–22

  taxes and, 147, 149, 151, 160

  “virtuous” redistribution and, 7–9

  Obama, Barack, Sr., 38

  Obama, Michelle, 37, 46, 52

  quotes Alinsky, 42–43 2008 campaign and, 48, 325

  Obama, Onyango, 293

  ObamaCare, 124–46. See also health care reform

  autoworkers and, 100

  consequences to economy, 122, 138–39

  consequences to health care system, 139–41

  deficit spending and, 88, 106

  Founders’ vision of private property and, 145–46

  individual mandate and, 51, 127, 135

  media and, 58

  Obama on, 323

  politics behind writing and passing of, 130–36

  provisions and costs of, 133–34, 136–38

  reforms needed, 339–40

  regulations of and unemployment, 179

  Republican alternatives to, 136

  single-payer system aimed for, 128–30, 139

  waivers from, 142–45

  Occupy Wall Street movement, 41, 164–69, 199

  Tea Party movement contrasted, 166–67

  offshore drilling, 342

  Ogden, David, 296

  Ohio, 144, 193

  oil and gas industry

  hydrofracking and, 342–43

  regulation of, 184–88

  taxes paid by, 187

  Olmert, Ehud, 300

  Olympic Games, 1972, 264

  $100 bills, flawed, 87–88

  one-worldism, 345

  Onyango, Zeituni, 293

  Open Society Foundations, 166

  Operation Wide Receiver, 294, 295

  Opinion, La, 288

  Oregon, 63

  O’Reilly, Bill, 257

  Organizing for America, 193

  Orszag, Peter, 176

  Ortega, Daniel, 69, 213

  Osawatomie, 320

  Osegueda, Julio, 59

  Osorio-Arellanes, Manuel, 286

  “ozone rule,” 183

  Paine, Thomas, 27–28, 312

  Pakistan, 244–45, 353–54, 356

  Palestinian Authority, 348

  Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), 12, 39, 264

  Palestinians, 302–4

  Pan Am flight 103 bombing, 264

  Panetta, Leon, 229, 282, 283, 304

  Paracha, Sayfullah, 230

  Paracha, Uzair, 230

  Parkinson, Mark, 226

  Path to Prosperity (Ryan budget plan), 71–72, 107–8, 122, 334–40, 341–42

  Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. See ObamaCare

  Paul, Rand, 332

  Pelosi, Nancy, 21, 25

  enhanced interrogation techniques and, 232

  ObamaCare and, 129, 131, 135, 137, 138, 144

  unemployment and
, 171–72

  U.S. debt and, 107, 113

  Penn, Kal, 143

  Pennsylvania, 69, 343

  People’s World, 199

  Perez, Antonio, 172–73

  Petraeus, David, 243, 307

  Petrobras, 186

  Pfarrar, Chuck, 234

  pharmaceutical companies, ObamaCare and, 130

  Piven, Frances Fox, 39, 166

  Plouffe, David, 46

  Podesta, John, 65

  Podhoretz, Norman, 24

  Poland, 273–74

  Portman, Rob, 335–36

  Posner, Michael, 216

  Power, Samantha, 266

  premium-support model, for Medicare, 338

  private property, ObamaCare and Founders’ intentions, 145–46

  private-sector union membership, 196

  Project Gunrunner, 294

  Project Vote, 34

  public housing, 83

  public opinion. See also anger about Guantánamo Bay detention facility, 226

  about ObamaCare, 131–32, 137–38, 141–42

  about size of government, 86–87, 200

  about socialism, 85–87

  about unions, 196–97

  public-sector unions

  attempts to control pension and benefits costs of, 190–95, 343

  public opinion and, 196–97

  Putin, Vladimir, 123, 252, 272, 277

  Qaradawi, Sheikh Yusuf al-, 245, 257

  Radical in Chief (Kurtz), 39

  Rathke, Wade, 166

  Reagan, Ronald, 5–6, 9, 25, 264

  as Happy Warrior, 22, 23, 317, 319, 329–30, 359

  taxes and, 95–96, 155, 156, 337

  unemployment and, 171

  recess appointments, by Obama administration, 326

  Recovery Summer!, 96–97, 176

  redistributionist agenda emotionalism and, 61–62, 148

  expansion of government and, 59–74, 313–17

  failure of, 326–27

  foreign policy and, 346

  Left and “virtuous” redistribution, 7–10, 26–28

  Obama’s campaign rhetoric in 2008, 45–59

  Obama’s education in socialist ideology, 38–44

  Republicans’ naive beliefs about negotiation and, 71–73

  taxes and class warfare rhetoric, 109, 147–55, 157–58, 161, 163

  U.S. citizens’ anger over, 13–21

  regulations, effect on employment, 178–88

  REI, 143

  Reich, Robert, 157

  Reid, Harry, 21, 25, 148

  Iraq and, 237–38

  ObamaCare and, 131, 144

  taxes and, 177

  U.S. debt and, 108, 116, 119, 120

  Rendell, Ed, 25

  Republican Party. See also Ryan, Paul

  disenchanted Democrats and, 25

  failure to cut entitlement spending, 85

  gains in elections of 2009–2011, 69–70

  government shutdown in 1995 and, 104–5

  naive belief in Obama’s willingness to cooperate on policy, 71–73

  ObamaCare and, 131, 136

  Tea Party’s growth and failure of, 331–32

  Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), 264

  Revolutionary War, 15–16

  Reynolds, Alan, 156

  Rezko, Tony, 39

  Rhode Island, 193

  Rice, Condoleezza, 265

  Rice, Susan, 215

  Rivlin-Domenici commission, 337

  Robb, Charles, 25

  Robin Hood story, as false analogy to redistribution, 64

  Rodriguez, Jose, 233

  Rolling Stone, 243

  Romer, Christina, 91, 171, 172, 176

  Roosevelt, Franklin, 22–23, 79–81, 82, 83, 84

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 320

  Roots of Obama’s Rage, The (D’Souza), 205

  Rose, Charlie, 75–76

  Rose, Donald C., 43

  Rules for Radicals (Alinsky), 40–42, 62–63


  Iran and, 252

  U.S. debt and, 114–15, 123

  U.S. foreign policy toward, 271–77, 350–51, 356

  Ryan, Paul

  budget plan of, 71–72, 107–8, 122, 334–40, 341–42

  taxes and, 162–63

  Sadat, Anwar el-, 254

  Salafists, in Egypt, 259

  Salazar, John, 226

  Salazar, Ken, 185

  Salvatrucha, Mara, 289

  San Francisco Chronicle, 58

  Sarkozy, Nicolas, 262, 299, 304

  Saudi Arabia, 69, 114, 137, 215, 355

  Sawyer, Diane, 256

  Schaller, Thomas, 57

  Schultz, Eric, 58, 295

  Schumer, Charles, 138, 226

  Schweitzer, Peter, 94

  Scott, Janny, 134

  SEAL Target Geronimo (Pfarrar), 234

  Sebelius, Kathleen, 133, 141

  Second Bill of Rights: FDR’s Unfinished Revolution and Why We Need It More Than Ever, The (Sunstein), 66

  SEIU (Service Employees International Union)

  intimidation campaign of, 198

  ObamaCare and, 130, 139, 144

  Occupy Wall Street and, 165, 168, 199

  September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks

  Bush’s reaction to, 28–29

  Obama’s reaction to, 203–6

  Shahzad, Faisal, 220, 221

  sharia law, Arab Spring revolts and, 245–46, 258–59, 268

  Sharon, Ariel, 300

  Sharpton, Al, 75

  Shell Oil, 186

  signing Statements, Obama administration and, 323

  Simpson, Alan, 115

  Simpson-Bowles deficit commission. See National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform

  single-payer health care system, 128–30

  Slaughter, Louise, 105, 139

  Smith, Adam, 82

  Smith, Alfred E., 22, 23, 24

  socialism. See also Left

  American exceptionalism and, 10–11

  as government-directed redistribution, 8n

  Obama’s czars and, 66–69

  Obama’s education in ideology of, 38–44

  Thatcher on immorality of, 359

  Socialist International, 66

  social justice. See redistributionist agenda

  Social Security

  increasing costs of, 83–84

  need to reform, 339

  Obama’s threat to withhold benefits, 118

  as percentage of mandatory spending cost, 88

  redistributionist agenda and, 62

  Solyndra, 93, 264

  Soros, George, 166

  Sotomayor, Sonia, 48

  South Carolina, 292

  South Korea, 299

  Specter, Arlen, 332

  Standard & Poor’s, 121

  Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM), 67

  START treaty, 276–77, 282

  Stephanopoulos, George, 57

  Stern, Andy, 198

  Stewart, Jon, 59

  stimulus. See economic stimulus

  Suleiman, Omar, 255

  Summers, Larry, 176, 196–97

  Summit of the Americas, 213

  Sunstein, Cass, 66

  Supplemental Security Income, 84, 88

  Supreme Court

  ObamaCare and, 127

  Obama on Warren Court, 44–45

  Sotomayor and, 48

  Sutton, Percy, 39

  Syria, 260, 261–62, 352, 356

  Taliban, 245–46, 258, 353, 354

  Tariq al-Mansour, Khalid Abdullah, 39

  TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program), 68, 97, 98, 99, 112, 117. See also economic stimulus

  taxes, 146–69

  class warfare rhetoric and, 109, 147–55, 157–58, 161, 163

  deductions and maneuverings to limit tax liabilities, 157–62

  deficit spending and, 82

  economic benefits of low tax rates, 95–96, 155–57

nt spending and, 153–54, 162–64, 176, 177

  government’s lack of stewardship of tax revenues, 148–49

  income redistribution and, 51

  paid by oil and gas industry, 187

  paid by wealthy, 161–65

  reforms needed, 336–38

  Ryan plan’s proposal for, 340

  stimulus money and back taxes, 94–95

  Sunstein on, 66

  Teamsters, 144, 195–96

  Tea Party movement

  elections of 2010 and, 19–20

  Occupy Wall Street contrasted, 166–67

  Republican Party and, 331–32

  Ryan’s budget plan and, 106, 108

  Tennessee, 144

  Terry, Brian, 286, 295, 296–97

  Thatcher, Margaret, 164, 317, 319, 358–59

  Third Way, 222

  Thomas, Evan, 55, 85

  Tibet, 278–79

  Tides Center, 166

  Tides Foundation, 130

  Time magazine, 80

  “too big to fail” concept, 98, 99

  Toomey, Pat, 332

  Truman, Harry, 24

  Trumka, Richard, 197–99

  Tunisia, 254, 259, 352

  Turkey, 214, 302, 303, 355

  Tyler, Alexander, 313–14

  unemployment, 170–88

  “green jobs” and, 93–94

  increasing rate of, 2007–2012, 63, 170–74

  Obama’s “saving or creating” of

  jobs, 92, 95–96, 170–74

  regulations’ effect on, 178–88

  stimulus and, 95–96

  unemployment benefits and dependence on government, 84, 88, 174–77

  unions and, 196–97


  auto bailouts and, 99–101

  Boeing and, 179

  costs to economy of, 197

  ObamaCare and, 130

  ObamaCare waivers and, 143–44

  states’ attempts to control pension and benefits costs, 189–95

  support of Obama’s programs, 195–99

  unemployment and, 196–97

  United Auto Workers (UAW), 100–101

  United Federation of Teachers, 166

  United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, 189

  United Nations, 206, 301, 357

  United States

  founding principles, 312–13

  individuals’ changing relationship to government, 313–17

  past warnings to, 327–29

  UN Security Council, 350

  UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 181

  U.S. Congress. See Congress

  U.S. Constitution

  balanced-budget amendment proposed, 118–19, 341–42

  Obama’s intention to “break free” of constraints of, 44–47

  U.S. Supreme Court

  Arizona’s immigration law and, 291, 292

  Obama on Warren Court, 44–45

  U.S. Treasury securities, foreign holdings of, 114–15

  Utah, 292

  Vedder, Richard, 197

  Venezuela, 356

  Virginia, 19, 69

  voter identification requirements, 344

  Wagoner, Rick, 101

  waivers, from ObamaCare provisions, 142–45

  Walesa, Lech, 274


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