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Bad Boys Do (Hqn)

Page 30

by Victoria Dahl

  “Um. Okay.” Olivia clearly couldn’t tell whether or not Tessa was joking. Actually, Jamie wasn’t sure, either.

  “Luke will be here in a few minutes. He had to work—”

  Tessa was interrupted when the front door opened on a loud whoosh, but it wasn’t Luke.

  “Oh,” Eric said, his eyes flying to Olivia as he stepped inside. “Hello.”

  “Olivia, you’ve already met Eric,” Jamie said dryly.

  “I have. It’s nice to see you again.”

  “Yeah,” Eric said. “Nice to see you, too. And, um… I’m sorry about the last time.” Eric was actually squirming. That was something Jamie had never seen before. He was pretty sure he was enjoying it, so he didn’t bother to step into the awkward silence. Instead, he just smiled. Let Eric be the one left swinging in the wind.

  “So,” Eric said, his eyes sliding away.

  Tessa jumped into the pause. “You brought a cake!” She snatched it from Jamie’s hands. “It looks delicious. Dinner’s not quite ready yet, so Jamie, why don’t you show Olivia the house. I’ll put this in the kitchen.”

  “Thank you!” Olivia called as Tessa hurried away.

  Laughing at the dazed expression on Olivia’s face, Jamie took her hand and led her on the grand tour. He started upstairs, pointing out the window in his old room that he’d used as a frequent escape route as a teenager. Then the banister where he’d broken his arm trying to slide down it as if he was grinding on a skateboard. In the hallway, there were pictures of his family. He’d always wondered how Tessa could stand to live with the pictures of Mom and Dad on constant display, but now he was glad they were here.

  “You really do look like him.” Olivia touched a finger to his dad’s cheek. “He looks happy like you.”

  “He was.”

  “And what’s this?” she asked, pointing at the senior picture Tessa had forced him to sit for.

  He shook his head, but Olivia didn’t drop it. “Look at that smile. Was every girl in your school in love with you?”


  “Liar. It doesn’t matter. You’re mine now.”

  “I am.” He glanced toward the kitchen, and when he didn’t see his sister, he pulled Olivia into his arms. “You know my favorite thing about you? All my family can see is my new responsible girlfriend. They have no idea what you’re really like underneath that cardigan.”

  “Jamie,” she warned, her eyes widening as she glanced around. But he noticed the way her neck arched when he kissed it, giving him better access to that spot just beneath her ear…. She sighed when his mouth closed over it.

  By the time he drew back, her eyes had gone soft and dreamy. God, he loved her like crazy. “All right, I won’t molest you in the hallway. But I’m giving you a heads-up. Your final exam is after dinner.”


  “We never finished your training.”

  “What training?” she asked.

  “In fun and adventure. On our way home, we’re going to stop at a store.”

  She shook her head in confusion.

  “I’ve got a crisp hundred in my pocket. We’re going to stop at The White Orchid, and you have to spend every penny.”

  “The White Orchid!” Olivia yelped.

  Tessa stuck her head around the corner. “Oh, my God, have you guys been there lately?”

  Jamie laughed, but Olivia looked like she might be stroking out as she slapped a hand over her mouth. She shook her head in frantic denial. Jamie tugged her into the kitchen, although she seemed to be trying to dig her heels into the wood.

  “I’m sure you’ve never been there,” Jamie said to his little sister. “Right?”

  “Ha! I’m on a first-name basis with the manager.”

  He hadn’t noticed Eric leaning against the wall, but Jamie damn sure noticed when his brother started choking. Eric’s face turned beet-red, and he banged a fist against his own chest as he coughed.

  “Jesus, man. Are you okay?”

  Eric shook his head, but the coughing subsided.

  Tessa rolled her eyes. “Oh, come on, Eric. It’s not a seedy sex shop. It’s really pretty inside. Not one X-rated video booth to be found.” She turned her smile on Jamie. “Are you guys going in for a class?”

  “A class?” he scoffed. “Hardly.”

  Eric cleared his throat. “What do you mean? What class?”

  “The last time I was there, the manager was giving a class on…” She glanced at each of them in turn, then waggled her eyebrows. “Fellatio. I almost died. There were cucumbers on the table. I think maybe she gave demonstrations.”

  Eric’s face went from red to ghost-white in the space of one breath.

  “Jeez,” Tessa said. “Calm down. I didn’t sit in on it. I just overheard it as I was leaving.”

  Eric’s lips were pressed so tightly together that Jamie had to roll his eyes. Sure, he was horrified that Tessa was so familiar with The White Orchid, but Eric was taking the uptight act to a new level. “Maybe you should stop in and ask if they offer any classes on loosening up, Eric. I don’t think you’ve had fun since 1997. Maybe that woman could teach you something.”

  Eric’s eyes went wide. “What?”

  “I’m just saying—” But before Jamie could finish his sentence, Eric spun on his heel and stalked out of the kitchen. The sound of the back door slamming echoed through the whole house.

  “Wow,” Jamie muttered. “What’s wrong with him?”

  Tessa shrugged. “He probably just thinks he hasn’t raised us right if we’re hanging out at The White Orchid. Speaking of which…” She pointed a spatula at Olivia. “Check out the pretty lingerie from France. It’s amazing.”

  When Tessa disappeared into the pantry, Olivia poked Jamie hard in the ribs. “I hate you,” she whispered.

  “Uh-uh,” he said, turning so he could put his arms around her. “Too late for that, darlin’. You already confessed your love. You’re stuck with me now.”

  “But now your family thinks I’m…”

  “Sexy? Hot? Perfect? You are.”

  “Jamie…” Her frown melted as she shook her head. “God, why is it so hard to stay mad at you?”

  He leaned in and pressed one soft kiss to her mouth. “Because I’m a really good, decent guy?”

  Her lips turned up in a smile. “You say that like you mean it.”

  “Yeah.” Something warm and sweet filled the last of that hollow space inside his chest. “I’m pretty sure I do.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-1387-6


  Copyright © 2011 by Victoria Dahl

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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