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Balance - Book 2

Page 14

by Marc Dickason


  I wasn’t well informed on the details of a person developing multiple demons. It had not been covered in any lecture up until that point, and what I had heard was mostly idle Cadet gossip. The kind of conversations that went;

  ‘Did you hear about the person brought in by the Enforcers yesterday? He had three demons.’

  ‘Three demons? Oh my God.’ Pause. ‘So how about this weather?’

  That is to say, multiple demons were the kind of thing spoken about but never encountered first hand. There was, of course, no doubt that such a thing was possible, but surely those unstable enough were found tucked away in the shadows of the city slums. Surrounded by empty liquor bottles and used syringes.

  Brent, as far as Benny and I were concerned, never came up in casual conversation. Not him or the failed gambling con, nor Pout the loan shark and his dead consorts, and especially not Morris Chapman and dead young Conrad in the penthouse. We had both done an admirable job of pretending none of it had ever happened.

  But I knew Benny must have dealt with mourning family members and investigations. He never mentioned any of it.

  The following morning I stepped into the kitchen to find Benny, as always, with cup of coffee in hand and smile on face.

  “Morning,” he said brightly.


  “I’ll look into that Linda thing for you today. Manipulation and Influence Hall 2 isn’t exactly Fort Knox.”

  “Okay. Thanks.”

  “Be ready after class. I thought we might also go pay a visit to Gloria Stephania.”

  “Selena’s mother?”

  “That’s the one.” He sipped his coffee.

  “You think that’s a good idea?”

  “Can’t think of a better idea at this point. No record of her being a Magic User and we have to start somewhere.”

  “Alright.” I paused, hesitating. “Are you feeling alright?”

  “Sure,” he replied, nodding amiably, “You?”


  The previous night seemed like a dream. My mouth opened, intending on asking where he would find help. But closed again.

  Instead I took my grinder from its place on the fridge, loaded it with coffee beans and began working the handle. Gathering excess Spirit drained away.

  “This still works for the blue-face,” I said, “He’s pretty much a pussy cat these days. But sometimes I have nightmares. I see faces; my mom, Conrad, Brent, that loan shark from Valhalla Hotel. And when I wake up…” I struggled with words, hand still working the grinder. “…the coffee doesn’t work for that. No matter how much I churn this Godforsaken thing, no matter how much coffee I drink, it only works for him; the blue-face.”

  I glanced round. Benny said nothing.

  “Found something that does work, though,” I went on, tipping the ground coffee into a strainer and flipping on the kettle. “Just sort of happened, but it works. Messy, not as smooth as the coffee, but it’s keeping the Spirit down, keeping the balance. I guess it’s my unofficial Secondary Crutch. My mother. Finding her and taking her down. I focus on that, channel the Spirit into that intention. And if I didn’t… I guess I would have a second demon by now.”

  Finally I turned to face him, waiting. Still he said nothing.

  “The girls you’re seeing aren’t working as a Secondary Crutch,” I went on, “You’re just making it worse, Benny. You’re just pissing off Bethany and making her unstable as well. Find something else. Or get help, the professional kind. The Mental Wellness Centre at your D.O.M? Or at the Academy. That’s also free”

  He sipped his coffee.


  “Who wouldn’t want to meet the human being responsible for screwing up Selena?” he said, continuing the previous conversation without missing a beat. “Should be interesting meeting her at least, right? We’ll go after Linda.”


  “Know all about Selena’s demon. Pulled her file.” He downed the rest of his coffee. “Ready to go when you are. Let’s get rolling or you’ll be late for the Academy.”

  He dropped his mug in the sink and exited the kitchen. I watched after him. Beside me the boiling kettle clicked.

  Soon after, we drove to the Academy, in complete silence.


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