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Medium in Paradise: A Humorous Paradise Romance

Page 12

by Moray, Tabby


  “This thing looks like it’s getting pretty serious.” Lila said after watching Arnie leave her office for the second time that week. He’d given Dina a lingering kiss, a detail that certainly hadn’t been missed. The moment he left, Lila was leaning against the doorway sipping from an iced latte, eyes burning with curiosity.

  “It’s moving along.”

  “I see, I see and if the glow you’ve had on your face is anything to go by, I’d say it’s moving along very well.”

  “What can I say? He’s a great guy,” Dina said, vaguely.

  “He’s more than a great guy, Dina. He’s a hunk! Those buns are to die for.” She pretended to swoon and Dina chuckled, shaking her head. “And you just happened to meet this delicious, single, non-gay alpha male in that exercise class?”


  “I should’ve taught that damned class,” she grumbled. “Do you know how hard it is to meet a great guy who’s not more into his appearance than yours? Really freakin’ hard.”

  “I guess I just got lucky.”

  “Lucky, huh? How lucky?” Lila slid into the only other chair in the office, staring beadily at her.

  “Not that lucky.”

  “And he’s a gentleman to boot? Gosh, you hit the damned man lotto.”

  “I wouldn’t say he’s a gentleman exactly.”

  “What do you mean?” Lila asked, her eyes once again shining with excitement.

  “I mean, I let him rub my feet…”

  “Uh-huh.” Lila leaned forward.

  “…and kiss my toes.”

  “Oh my God. Didn’t you tell me that’s your ‘hot’ spot?”

  “I may’ve mentioned that,” she muttered, now wishing she hadn’t. She’d shared her foot ‘thing’ with Lila during a late night binge on wine and chocolate. A lot of uncomfortable truths had come out during that particular evening.

  “So you are having sex!”

  “That is not sex.”

  “If you’re coming, it’s sex.” Lila leaned back in her chair with a grin.

  “Ok, get out. You’ve learned more than enough.”

  “Fine, fine. I’m going,” she said, getting up. “But be sure to let me know if he has any friends. I’m long overdue for a foot rub.” Her laughter echoed down the hallway.


  “Can we meet?”

  It was Anthony. He’d been trying to call her for the past couple of weeks and she’d been ignoring him. She figured talking to him was a task that was long past due.

  “Why? What do we have to talk about?” It was early evening and she was out walking Shrimp. He’d made remarkable progress and was now able to walk for a full seven minutes without fighting the leash.

  “We have a lot to talk about, Dina.” He was angry. She could tell because his words always came out in a jumbled heap when he got upset. “You don’t just give up a relationship you’ve had for over seven years just because things aren’t going perfectly.”

  “You do when it’s over.”

  “Our relationship’s not over.”

  “No, it’s over, Anthony. I’ve moved on and you should, too.” Shrimp had given up walking like a proper dog and was attempting to wrestle the leash. She held it taut, twirling it above his head. It was a trick she’d learned after battling him one too many times and it mostly worked like a charm.

  “What do you mean you’ve moved on?” His voice was sharp.

  “I mean just what I said,” she responded, coolly.

  “So you’re seeing somebody?”

  “That’s none of your business. But yes, I am.” That small part of every woman that likes to make a man that has dragged his feet for too long or otherwise done her wrong, jealous, flared inside of her. His shocked reaction bought her more than a small amount of joy.

  “Is that why you’re trying to break up with me? For this other man?” he spat, good and pissed.

  “No, Anthony. We are broken up because I finally realized I wasn’t getting what I wanted from our relationship--,”

  “And this man is giving you what you want?” he interrupted, tersely.

  “Yeah, right now he’s just what I need. I’ve gotta go. This puppy’s about to drive me crazy.”

  “You have a puppy, too?” he exclaimed.

  “Yep. Goodbye, Anthony.”


  “So, I’ve found the perfect caterer for your party!” Janie trilled as soon as Dina answered the phone.

  “What! I was doing potluck,” Dina protested, something she seemed to be doing every time Janie called, which had been far too frequently during the last week.

  “Potluck?” A peal of laughter erupted on the other end and in her mind’s eye, Dina could see Janie shaking her head incredulously. “Darlin’, we don’t do potlucks for our debut into civilized society. We’re not barbarians, honey.”

  “But I--,”

  “So Marcus says he will squeeze you into his hectic schedule for a twenty percent discount if you’ll agree to give him a complimentary exercise video, acknowledgement on your Twitter and Facebook accounts and a month’s worth of free classes,” she said, smoothly, ignoring Dina.

  “Who’s this Marcus?”

  “He’s Marcus. Just Marcus. And he’s only one of the hottest chef’s in Atlanta,” she gushed. “I used him for a few of my parties and everybody raved about the food. Why he’s been on the Food Network and everything!”

  “Seems like an awful lot to ask,” she grumbled, irritably. “How much is this gonna cost me, Janie?”

  “Oh, we’ll talk cost later, dear.”

  “We’ll talk cost now,” she said, firmly.

  “Oh, well, if we must talk money. He’s willing to charge only $1200, but only with the contingencies I’ve just stated.”

  “$1200!” Dina felt faint.

  “That’s a steal, honey! Get him while you can ‘cause I guarantee you he won’t be affordable this time next year.”

  “I can’t afford him now! Did you forget that I just bought a house?”

  “Oh, Dina. This party is your investment towards networkin’ and being in the right social circles and just plain ol’ havin’ fun. My date owns a prestigious marketin’ and ad firm and he’s very interested in pickin’ you up as a client.”

  “I don’t know, Janie…,”

  “Just trust me when I say your house warmin’ party is gonna be one of the hottest tickets in town.”


  “So she just bulldozed me into this thing and all I really wanna do is a simple potluck.” Dina was sitting across from Arnie, bitching and moaning over a glass of wine. She’d cooked dinner—her house this time—and Arnie was lending her a sympathetic ear.

  “Have you tried just saying no?” He took a sip from one of the Corona’s she’d bought especially for him, Shrimp sitting in his lap half asleep. A rose scented breeze wafted in the open window, ruffling the hair brushing the collar of his shirt.

  “Arnie, you don’t say no to Janie.”

  “And why is that?” he asked, looking mildly amused.

  “Because she’s Janie.” She got up, splashed a little more wine in her glass, then plopped down cross-legged. “No one has the nerve to say no to Janie. A no to Janie is simply a yes in reverse.”

  “Maybe she’s right. You are a business woman and being in business means rubbing elbows with the right people. This will probably be a good thing for your career.”

  “I do need to market my exercise video a little more than I currently am. My agent booked a mall show for me in Atlanta, but that’s two months from now.”

  “More exposure is a good thing. I just hope you’ll still have a little time for me when you’re famous.”

  “I’m sure I can always find the time.”

  “Always? I like the way that sounds.”

  He smiled and she smiled in return, feeling warmth course through her body. She reached over, running her fingertips across the back of his hand and peering at him beneath
her lashes. His eyes changed from relaxed, to on fire in a flash, his pupils dilating with lust.

  He grabbed her, pulling her towards him, his firm lips moving against hers in a slow deliberate manner that made her head reel. The puppy shifted between them and Arnie set him on the floor, then roughly pulled her on top of him, his hands cupping the back of her head as the kiss became deeper. Lifting her up, he flipped her over so that he was on top of her, his mouth drifting down her neck, his open mouthed kisses, tongue swirling against her skin, leaving her gasping with desire. His hands inched her shirt up until her breasts, free of a bra beneath her tee-shirt, were bared to his hot gaze. He stared at them for a moment, then his head slowly dipped down, taking first one, then another nipple in his mouth, his tongue darting against her hard nipples until they were so sensitive, she moaned, arching her back. His lips trailed their way down her trembling belly, the tip of his tongue dipping into her navel then making its way around the waistline of her denim cut-offs. He made his way back up, his eyes probing her own, a question in their depths. She only thought about it for a second before she nodded. She’d been wondering what he’d be like in the bed. Wondering what he’d feel like and she felt more than ready to move it to the next stage.

  His hands quickly divested her of her shorts, ripping them off and tossing them on the floor. Her shirt quickly followed, until she was naked, his eyes so dark and hungry she got extra turned on just looking at him. Gripping her hips, he gently pushed her up the couch until her back was leaning against a nest of pillows. He pushed her knees up, staring at her all the while. Then he laid down on his stomach, burying his head between her thighs, then kissing her, his mouth open and wet. She writhed and moaned, her hands gripping his shoulders as his hot tongue made its way down her inner thighs, nipping and sucking at the sensitive skin. He sat up, reaching to pull off his shirt, then stopped, looking uncomfortable.

  “I’m still getting in shape,” he said with a sheepish smile as he looked down at his stomach.

  “I like your stomach.” She sat up, staring into his eyes as she slowly slipped his shirt over his head. “It’s sexy.” He kissed her, a gentle touch that conveyed his appreciation. He pulled his jeans off, slipping his wallet out and removing a condom.

  “Let’s take this to the bedroom. But first…” She stood up, giving him a teasing look. His eyes reverently wandered their way up her body and he reached a hand out, tracing the line of her pelvic bone with one fingertip, his eyes glittering.

  “You are incredible,” he breathed, pulling her towards him. He inhaled the scent of her skin, his face pressed against the curve of her stomach. She raked her fingers through his thick hair, her fingers balling into a fist when his lips kissed their way down her stomach, his breath whispering against the trimmed hairs of her bikini line. “Why wait for the bedroom?” he asked, his voice thick with desire.

  Pulling her back down to the couch, he pulled the condom on, positioning himself between her thighs. He stared in her eyes as he reached a hand down, feeling her slickness. That look drove her over the edge and when he slowly slipped inside of her, she moaned, digging her nails into his shoulders as she adjusted to the feel of his body. He moved against her, exploring her, his moist lips against her neck, his breath coming out in short bursts. He grabbed her hips, shoving himself against her and she melted, her arms loosening as she tightened her legs around him, trying to get closer as sweet tension built. Their bodies grew slick with perspiration, his breathing harsh as he pumped against her. The throbbing between her legs intensified until it engulfed her. Moaning uncontrollably as she was hit with wave after wave of intense pleasure, her teeth chattered as she cried out again and again. His hands tensed around her hips as he pounded against her, his movements growing more urgent. Face strained, jaw clenched, with a final groan, he came, his breath rasping against her neck. They lay together until their breathing quieted, his hand running up and down the curve of her body, his face buried in her neck.

  “We christened the couch,” she said with a sleepy chuckle.

  “Did we?” He looked up, his hair falling against his forehead and partially obscuring his eyes.

  “Yup. It was a damn good christening, too.” His rumble of laughter vibrated through her chest as she pulled his head back down, pillowing it against her breasts.

  Dina was on the cusp of sleep, when the doorbell rang. Startled into wakefulness, Arnie sat up looking as groggy as she felt. Clumsily pulling her clothes on, Dina irritably wondering who the hell was at her door at 11:47 at night. It had better be an emergency. Trudging over to the door, she waited for a few seconds while Arnie slipped his jeans and shirt back on, then unlocked it, leaving the security chain in place. She was dismayed to see Anthony standing there looking pitiful and angry at the same time. His suit was rumpled and he looked tired. For a moment, she felt sorry for him. Then she hardened her heart.

  “What are you doing here, Anthony?” she hissed.

  “I wanted to talk to you.”

  “Well, you can’t. I’m busy.”

  “Busy with who? Him?” he spat, fists balled up at his side. He glared over at Arnie’s car where it was parked in the driveway, then looked back at her, jaw clenched with jealousy.

  “That’s none of your business,” she said, coldly. “I have to go.” She started to close the door.

  “Will you marry me?” Fumbling in the inside pocket of his suit jacket, he pulled out a small velvet box, popping it open and revealing a stunning diamond solitaire.

  “I--,” Dina began, then stopped, stunned, her heart racing. She looked back at Arnie who was sitting on the couch, his eyes hooded and unreadable.

  “I love you, Dina. I know it took me seven years to come around, but I did. I don’t want to lose what we have. I know I screwed up by taking so long. But I know now that I’m ready.”

  “Oh, now you’re ready?”

  “Yes, it took having another man around to make me come to my senses.”

  “I don’t think--,” she began, shaking her head. But inside she was a jumble of emotions. This had been everything she’d been wanting. Everything she’d been waiting for. Now here it was, hers for the taking.

  “I don’t need an answer right now. I just want you to think about it.” He pressed the box into her hand. “You at least owe me that.”

  He walked away and Dina was left frozen in place, standing with the box in her hand, the tiny little cube overwhelming her with all of its very large implications.

  “I guess congratulations are in order.” Arnie’s said as he looked first at the box then at her face.

  “Arnie--,” Dina said, haltingly. “I wasn’t expecting any of this.”

  “Yes, but after seven long years I’m sure you wanted it.”

  “I did, but--,”

  “But what? You met me?” he asked, bluntly. “In the face of seven years of history our few weeks mean nothing. You should go ahead and marry the guy and live happily ever after.”

  “You know what? Maybe that’s just what I’ll do,” Dina flared, angry at his cool and collected attitude about something that she was very much torn about.

  “Goodbye, Dina.”

  He walked out and with a loud curse, Dina slammed the door after him.


  Though the next few weeks slowed to a crawl, the house warming party hurtled towards her at meteoric speeds. Janie seemed to be calling every other day with additional details, tips or orders and not necessarily in that order. Each call made her palms sweat, a tight ball of anxiety settling in her stomach and expanding just a little as every day drew her closer to what she now referred to as ‘Janie’s Big Party’. The only thing keeping her sane was Shrimp and her mother’s constant sage advice to ‘Stay calm and center your energies’.

  Arnie was conspicuously absent from class. Her heart sped up with anticipation and dread at the beginning of each class as participants filed in, but none of them was ever him. She thought about calling him a few time
s, but clearly he didn’t want to see her, and to be honest, she wasn’t certain she wanted to see him either. She needed time to process the new information flooding her brain and she couldn’t very well do that with Arnie distracting her.

  Someone—or something--else that was missing, was Sam. If she were to weigh her distress about Anthony, Arnie and Sam on a scale, it would definitely lean most heavily toward Sam. Her disappearance was worrying and nothing she’d done to lure the ghost back seemed to be working.

  Dina agonized over both Anthony’s proposal and her burgeoning feelings for Arnie. Arnie was right, she and Anthony had a lot of history. Though he didn’t make her one hundred percent happy, she understood him, he was familiar and despite his shortcomings, that meant a lot to her. She liked Arnie, he seemed like a great guy. He was gentle and giving and attentive and had two cats for Gods sakes. How many guys had cats? Anthony hated cats. For that matter, he wasn’t very keen on pets of any kind. The two of them were as different as the sun and the moon. But still, when things became familiar and settled into a routine, all of that could change in an instant. Did she really want to start something new, moving into what could very well turn out to be a failed excursion into uncharted emotional territory?

  The ring sat in her purse, nestled inside a tiny zipped pocket which she frequently opened, peering at the twinkling stone with a mixture of exhilaration and fear. One day she slipped the rock on her finger, staring at it and turning it to and fro beneath the lights in her office. It was beautiful, sparkling coolly on her finger and looking for all the world as though someone had chipped a tiny piece off of a star and set it in platinum to be sold to some delighted bride. She waited to feel something, anything. A feeling that told her ‘This is it. You’re going to be someone’s wife’, but that eureka moment never happened. She was giddy, excited when she placed the heavy ring on her finger, but that was all. But maybe she’d never feel like that and this was all there was to it.

  “What the hell is that?” Lila squealed, rushing inside the office and grabbing Dina’s hand before she could slip the blasted ring off her finger and back into the purse. “You’re engaged?”


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