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Last Kiss

Page 2

by Dominique Adair

  So many years had passed since he’d last seen her but he knew his memory to be true. To be sure, there was one more test, one sure way to find out if it really was her. With any luck, he’d know within a few short hours.

  He tipped his head back, his eyes stinging with tears of joy. After all these years, his quest was almost over. He closed his eyes and offered a silent thanks to the Universe for showing him the way to his love.

  * * * * *

  Elaine turned away from the balcony, disappointed. Where had the stranger vanished to so quickly? She could only hope he’d reappear later and she’d get the chance to chat with him.

  A round of applause brought her attention back to Dirk. “Dinner will be served in one hour. Until then, please partake of the wines, canapés…and anything else you might...desire.”

  Elaine smiled as his voice dipped and he gave the crowd a slight bow. Stepping down from the dais, he headed toward her, pausing to exchange a word with one of the guests. Her heart swelled as his face broke into a broad smile when he reached her side.

  “Darling!” He swept her into a hug. “I’m so pleased you made it.”

  “And I’m pleased you invited me.” She returned his hug with a big squeeze. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He released her and stepped back to look her up and down, his gaze warm. “You’re looking well, my dear.”

  “I’m feeling well.” She smiled. “Very well in fact.”

  He caught her hand and gave it a quick squeeze. “I’ve been worried about you.”

  She caught the glimmer of concern in his eyes and her heart tightened. One of the hardest phone calls she’d ever had to make was to tell Dirk of her returning illness. Together they’d fought the same battle five years before and now it was back with a vengeance. Homemade soup and hand-holding wouldn’t save her this time.

  She widened her smile and gave his hand a squeeze. “Don’t worry about me, not this weekend anyway.”

  His smile reappeared. “You’re right. This weekend you’re well and, for that, we shall be thankful.” He nestled her hand in the crook of his elbow, leading her from the room. “For the next few days, I only want you to think about pampering yourself. I’ve arranged for a daily massage at 1 P.M. in the privacy of your room.” When she made a noise to object, he shushed her by placing a finger over her lips. “No, dearest, let me do this for you.” He replaced his finger with a quick kiss. “I know how important it is that you be as relaxed as possible.”

  She nodded, her eyes stinging with unshed tears. “You’ve been a good friend to me, Dirk.”

  “And you to me.” His expression turned serious. “Elaine, I wanted to—”

  “Mr. Dirk,” Nigel approached. “I’m terribly sorry to interrupt, but we have a slight problem in the kitchens that requires your immediate attention.”

  “Oh bother.” Dirk rolled his eyes theatrically. “I’ll be there in a minute.” He steered Elaine toward a large set of open doors. “I want you to see my new acquisitions in the gallery. I shipped many of the paintings from the New York apartment to make room, however, I bought a new one specifically for this house.” He raised her hand to his lips and pressed a warm kiss to her knuckles. “I think you’ll enjoy it.”

  “I’m sure I shall.”

  Elaine couldn’t prevent a smile as Dirk moved away. He was such a kid, spending his outrageous inheritance with his usual dash and style. Which was not to say that he was indiscriminate, he wasn’t. He donated much of his money and free time to various charities. The reality was that he was so darned rich he didn’t know what to do with it. She’d always thought that he had more money than sense at times and she loved him for it.

  Stepping into the gallery, the noise of the party faded behind her. Here, only a few drifted around to view the impressive collection. She wandered past a Gustav Klimpt that Dirk had acquired almost twenty years ago, one of his first serious purchases. They’d been in Germany when the painting had come up for sale and he’d been determined to buy it.

  Next came a Degas in pastel, a group of young dancers. Then a lesser-known Manet hung beside a series of Picasso’s work from the later period. An impressive collection of small Monet’s were hung above a delicate gilt table topped with a vase of flowers.

  He had exquisite taste in art.

  She spied the new painting at the end of the room and she turned toward it, eager to see what gem her friend had found. Before she could get a good look at it, a couple entered the gallery, their laughter disturbing the calm of the room. Elaine stepped to the side, ducking behind a potted fern as the man’s gaze swept the room.

  “We’re alone, darling.” He spoke to his companion.

  “Smashing, just smashing.” The woman grabbed his arm and led him to a padded bench near the center of the room. Pushing him down, she zeroed in on his lap, concentrating on releasing him from his trousers. Pulling her voluminous skirt up, she climbed into his lap, impaling herself with a squeal on his erection.

  So much for foreplay.

  As the woman set to work, Elaine clapped a hand over her mouth to thwart her laughter. Heavens, what did she do now? She couldn’t very well step out of her hiding spot and make her escape. They’d see her and know she’d been watching them. Maybe she could—

  Their shared groans escalated and she bit her lip, trying desperately not to laugh. Just a few feet away were the terrace doors. Maybe she could sneak through there and make her escape into the garden, then around to the front of the house. She could only hope the alarm wasn’t armed.

  She shot a glance at the amorous couple and noted they were oblivious to anything around them. Holding her breath, she moved the few feet to the door and curled her fingers around the handle. With a quick, silent prayer, she opened it with nary a sound and she slipped outside into the darkness, careful to quietly shut the door behind her.

  Backing away, she allowed a wild giggle to escape. That had certainly been a new experience for her. She’d been caught in quite a few embarrassing moments in her life, but this one took the cake. Dirk would get a laugh out of this and she couldn’t wait to tell him just as soon—

  She stumbled as she backed into something solid, throwing her off balance. Pin-wheeling her arms, her breath caught as hands descended upon her shoulders, hauling her back into a broad chest. Warm breath tickled her neck as her unexpected companion leaned down to speak in her ear.

  “Shh, don’t make a sound. We don’t want to disturb our friends.”

  A shiver ran down her spine and those strong hands guided her back across the terrace. Once she was sure they were safe from detection, she turned to face her rescuer.

  It was him, the man from the balcony. He smiled and her breath caught. As he captured her hand and raised it to his mouth, a jolt of awareness raced up her arm and her throat went dry.

  “Allow me to introduce myself, I am Alexei.” He kissed the back of her hand, then raised his head, his gaze meeting hers. “And you are?”

  She swallowed hard. “E-E-Elaine. My name is Elaine.”

  A spark of amusement lit his eyes at her nervous stammer.

  Great! She meets the most handsome man on the planet and she’d just proven she was a nervous Nelly who can’t even say her name successfully.

  “A beautiful name for a beautiful woman.”

  His accent was faint and yet somehow familiar. Did her dream lover have an accent? In her dreams, she couldn’t actually say that she’d heard him speak. It had always seemed like she just knew what he was saying.

  She shivered as he turned her hand over and pressed a kiss to her palm. “Where are you from?” she blurted.

  “Here and there.” He rose, still retaining his grip on her hand. “I am from Moscow originally, but I have lived all over the world.”

  “Since Russia fell?”

  He smiled as if her question amused him. “You could say that.”

  She bit her lip and his gaze immediately dropped to her mouth. Disconcerted, she par
ted her teeth to release her flesh as his thumb stroked her palm, causing a shimmer of heat down her spine.

  “So what brings you here?”

  Great Elaine, we all know why we’re here.

  His smile grew. “I am here for a variety of reasons, mainly to visit my friend, Veronique.”

  Elaine nodded. She guessed he was talking about Veronique LeMonde, Dirk’s lover. They’d been together for years.

  “Ah, so you know her as well?” he asked.

  “Oh yes, I’ve known Dirk for most of my life and I remember the day he and Ronni met.” She grinned. “He mowed her down on his rollerblades in Central Park.”

  Alexei laughed. “I remember that. She had to appear onstage at the Fall Fashion Preview with a bandage on her forehead.”

  “And still managed to look stunning.” Elaine chuckled.

  Their laughter faded, the night sounds enveloping them as their eyes met and clung. Shadowed by the mask, she couldn’t tell what color his were but she felt the heat of his gaze as it swept her, scorching her from the inside out. Her breasts tingled and her nether regions involuntarily clenched. Already she knew that she wanted him. With only a few words and a touch, he’d managed to move past her defenses and firmly plant himself in her psyche. The next question was how to get him into her bed? She licked her lips. Was he even interested?

  A loud cry from the amorous couple within the gallery brought a rush of heat to her cheeks, forcing her to avert her eyes.

  He squeezed her hand, jerking her attention back to his face. “They are very… energetic, yes?” He nodded toward the doors, his eyes gleaming with amusement.

  Elaine couldn’t prevent her smile. “You could say that.”

  “He makes too many mistakes.” Still retaining hold of her hand, Alexei urged her to walk with him. “He’s hurrying too much and doing a disservice to his woman.”

  Alexei stopped to lean against the stone railing, turning her so she faced the house. From their new position, she could see directly into the gallery and the couple writhing within.

  “I don’t think we should…“ She tugged at her hand but he refused to relinquish his hold.

  “Shh, watch and learn.”

  He pulled her into his arms, her back to his front. She had to part her legs to accommodate his feet as his hands slid down to grasp her waist. His big hands cupped her hipbones, pulling her snug against him, the press of his erection evident despite the layers of clothing that separated them. Lust unfurled in her gut, moving lower to pool in the apex of her thighs.

  That answers that question…

  A rush of feminine power hit her at the thought of bedding this handsome man.

  “He’s greedy.” His voice sounded in her ear, pulling her attention from her buttocks where he pressed against her, back to the couple. His breath tickled her neck as his chin brushed her skin, eliciting a shiver from her.

  “See how he eats her alive?”

  She focused on the couple. The woman sat astride the man, her fingers tangled in his blond hair as she rode him with short, jerky movements. His hands grasped her voluminous breasts through her open dress-front, nimble fingers flexing her white globes as they ate at each other’s mouths.

  Elaine winced. The man’s grip looked painful to her, but his partner didn’t seem to mind.

  “He’ll leave marks on her flesh.” Alexei said.

  She swallowed. “His partner doesn’t seem to notice.” Her voice came out low, husky, and aroused.

  “No, she doesn’t seem to care.” His lips brushed her neck and her eyes slid shut as a gush of warmth flooded her vagina. “When we make love, I’ll not treat you in such a cavalier fashion. I’ll handle you as one would a prized possession. You are a woman to be worshipped.” His lips moved up her throat to tease the skin just behind her ear, sending shivers down her spine. “Every inch of you, I shall explore and cherish with all of my body.”

  She barely managed to contain her groan as powerful images washed over her. This dark Russian in her bed, his hands on her body, as he made love to her. It was all so…familiar. She bit back a moan as his right hand moved to her stomach, his pinkie following the waistband of her panties through her dress.

  “For hours, we will delight in one another as we explore our deepest, most carnal fantasies.” His teeth grazed her skin. “Time will be of no importance, for lovers such as we shall have eternity.”

  Her eyes opened slowly, her blood sluggish with desire. She licked her lips. How well she knew the bondage of time. She’d been fighting it for years and, now, she was almost out of it. While he might have an unlimited supply of time, she did not.

  She turned in his arms, leaning into him, relishing the feel of his strong body against hers. His arms slid around her, nestling her breasts against his broad chest. Her gaze met his as she leaned in to brush her mouth against his lips. She caught the feverish glitter of his eyes shadowed by the mask as she repeated the motion. This time, his mouth opened, his tongue teasing the seam of her lips, requesting entrance.

  Her fingers curled over his shoulders as a sigh slipped from her and she opened to him. His taste, potent male, forbidden desire, exploded in her system as their tongues curled around one another. His grip tightened as the kiss turned urgent. She moaned as he sucked at her tongue, sending shivers of delight through her body. Her breasts ached and she shimmied against him, trying to appease her hunger, relishing in the groan sounding from his throat.

  His hands slipped to her hips, pulling her tight against him as they feasted. Her fingers tangled in the silk of his hair as he nibbled on her lower lip before kissing the corner of her mouth. She tipped her head back to give him better access as he seduced her chin.

  Dimly she was aware of sounds coming from the other couple as they reached completion. Their ecstatic cries mingled with the rapid beat of her heart. His hand cupped her breast, his thumb brushing her beaded tip eliciting a sigh of pleasure. She’d felt desire, even love, in her life. But never had she felt anything like the white-hot, fast burn that was consuming her now and she never wanted Alexei to stop.

  Her limbs were leaden with desire as he nibbled a path of awareness down her throat to nuzzle her collarbone. His lips were heated against her skin; the rasp of his faint beard teased her senses and stood her hair on end. The edge of his mask brushed her neck, shattering the illusion of intimacy and bringing her back to earth with a thud.

  What was she doing making love to a stranger in public? She couldn’t relinquish herself to a complete stranger within moments of meeting him, what was she thinking?

  Wasn’t that the reason you attended the party?




  Shaken, she pushed out of his arms, staggering as he freed her to stand on her own. Their gazes met and she saw desire change to concern.

  “What is it, Elaine?”

  “I-I-I think we’re moving too fast.” She stepped away from him while her mind screamed for her to take a leap of faith and beg him to make love to her. She ran her hand over her hair, unable to met his gaze. “I realize that this is the norm for a party such as this, but—”

  “Shhh, no explanations are necessary.” He straightened and reached for her, one finger tipping up her chin. “Perhaps we’ve been a bit hasty, and this after I told you I would worship you as a prized possession.” He chuckled. “Yet I find that I can’t keep my hands off you. I’ve behaved no better than that lout inside.”

  She smiled as a sense of calm descended. He understood at least and for that she was grateful. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  The deep chime of a gong sounded.

  “Sounds like we are being summoned. May I escort you to dinner?”

  She ran a shaky hand over her stomach and tugged her shawl back into place, trying to cover as much skin as possible. “Yes, I think I’d like that very much.”

  He took her hand, their fingers lacing together as if they’d walked as su
ch a thousand times before. Upon entering the gallery, Elaine was pleased to see that the couple had left, leaving behind only a white silk garter on the floor as a silent testament to their passion.

  Chapter 3

  Nothing could dim his awareness of her. Now that they’d kissed, her taste resonated through his body to tease nerves he’d thought long dead. It was a painful process, this reawakening, and he relished every moment of it.

  The thrill of victory ran through Alexei as he watched Elaine chat with Dirk and the lovely Veronique. It was her, his love reincarnated. While he still didn’t have concrete physical proof, he didn’t require it when his heart was telling him what he already knew.

  During dinner he’d sat by Elaine’s side, pushing unwanted food around his plate as he’d inhaled the scent of her perfume. She’d driven him crazy as she’d laughed and flirted shamelessly with another guest who’d been old enough to be her father. He’d barely managed to quell the urge to smash his fist into the other man’s face when he saw the interest clearly written there.

  It was accepted—even expected—that the men and women who attended these parties entertained multiple partners, but Elaine was his and his alone. She just didn’t know it yet.

  As dinner wound down, he’d escaped outside for a few minutes to pull himself together. He didn’t want to frighten her with the savagery of his feelings. He must move cautiously if he hoped to win her once more. He’d spent the past fifty years looking for her, and he was determined not to lose her by being impetuous.

  On the balcony overlooking the ballroom, he watched her from afar. The subdued lighting gleamed on her thick hair, contorted into a sleek twist with soft tendrils escaping into ropy curls long enough to brush her bare shoulders. His fingers itched to release the silken mass from its torturous arrangement. He longed to see it spread across his pillows as he seduced her into mindless abandon.


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