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Last Kiss

Page 5

by Dominique Adair

  “That’s reassuring.” He stretched to give her better access as she nibbled her way south. His breath caught as her hair brushed his groin.

  There was something almost painfully erotic about watching a woman pleasure her man. His eyes narrowed as she nipped the sensitive area just below his belly button. Her fingers curled around his cock and his eyes almost crossed with the power of lust. He murmured his acceptance and his eyes slid closed, giving himself over to her magic touch.

  Her tongue rimmed his sensitive head and he fought the urge to lunge for her when she stroked a particularly sensitive spot. Sensation curled in his stomach as she licked his cock, her touch soft yet assured.

  She paused, then something cool touched him and his eyes flew open.

  Elaine held the bowl of whipped cream and was liberally coating the head of his cock with the mixture. Once covered, she put the bowl back. After licking her fingers clean, she picked up the bowl of chocolate syrup. Dipping her fingers, she then drizzled the liquid over the tower of white, laughing as his cock twitched, threatening to topple its white covering.

  “Are you quite through?” he asked, amused in spite of himself.

  “Not yet.” She licked her fingers clean again and reached for the bowl of fruit, extracting a cherry. She placed it on top where it wobbled precariously. “Now I’m done.” She shot him a heated smile. “I guess dessert is on you this time around.” She lowered her head.

  “Take your robe off,” he said.

  Her brow rose, her gaze heated as she tugged the silk tie and the material slid open to reveal her body. Her breasts were firm and high, her skin creamy pale and the small raspberry-colored heart-shaped birthmark stood in relief against her pale skin.

  His throat tightened. She had the birthmark. She was The One.

  Her hips were slim, her legs long and strong as she tossed the robe out of her way. A soft thatch of dark hair covered her feminine mound, mere inches from his cream-coated cock.

  She leaned forward to nibble the warming cream and he suppressed a groan as her lips brushed the sensitive underside of his head and she lapped at the melting cream and chocolate.

  “Mmm,” she purred. “Delicious. I could eat this all night long.”

  He groaned. There was no way he’d last all night, not at this rate. She licked him clean, taking small cat-like laps as she cleaned him from root to head before taking him fully into her mouth. He was so big that she couldn’t take much, but she made good use of her hand and, within minutes, he was straining beneath her.

  “Elaine, I’m going to explode,” he rasped.

  She made quick work of a condom before rising over him, her slender fingers guiding him to her damp entrance. He dug his heels into the bed as she rubbed the broad head of his cock against her slick opening. Her eyes closed, her expression rapturous as she rocked her hips. Positioning him, she sank, his fists clenching as she clasped him in her honeyed heat.

  He slid his hands to her waist as she moved slowly, languorously. Bracing her hands against his chest, she rode him to completion. Her orgasm triggering his, their cries mingling as he came in slow spurts, from deep inside his gut.

  He managed to open his eyes as she sank to his chest with a sigh. Wrapping his arms around her, he rubbed her spine in a long slow sweep, complete for the first time in half a century.

  Chapter 5

  Silently cursing, Alexei reluctantly slipped from her bed. The sky outside her window ripened with the coming morning and he had to remove himself to his lair within minutes or face the painful consequences.

  Nude, he gathered his scattered clothing, tossing it carelessly over his arm as he moved about the room. His fingertips brushed the stiff velvet corset and he picked it up. Her scent rose from the fabric as a stab of desire shot to his loins. His fist knotted around the hard plastic stays. He raised the corset to his nose, inhaling her perfume, the scent of her skin. A soft shudder ran through him and his arm dropped as if his muscles were suddenly unable to support even the slight weight of the garment.

  He’d always been weak where she was concerned. With each incarnation, his desire for her grew and each time he lost her, he’d been devastated. No matter how hard he’d tried, he’d never succeeded in saving her life. With each loss, he’d lost another piece of himself until he often wondered if anything remained of the human he’d once been.

  He dropped the corset on the back of a chair and looked at his lover. Elaine lay on her stomach, the covers twisted about her long legs, her back exposed. Her hair was tangled from his fingers as they’d made love, her lips swollen from his kisses. Rosy with life, her skin glowed with contentment.

  His lips tightened. She was his, for now and forever and, this time, he was determined to never lose her.

  * * * * *

  The low throbbing in her head took her from sleep to full wakefulness in seconds. Elaine opened her eyes, her heart constricting at the dimness in the room. A cry locked in her throat as she sat up in her nest of silken sheets and her hand moved to her forehead where the grinding pain was centered.


  Her knees collapsed as she tried to get to her feet and she slid to a heap on the floor by the bed. Her hands shook uncontrollably as tears of desperation filled her eyes.

  Not now, not yet.

  Threatened tears spilled over and she covered her eyes with her fists, trying to stop the tide. Alexei’s scent swirled about her, filling her with a sense of yearning so powerful that she nearly crumpled beneath the onslaught. For a split second, she failed to breathe, her heart thudding so hard she thought it might explode from her chest. What she wouldn’t give to have his arms around her for five more minutes more. A bitter laugh escaped her. Who was she kidding? Five years in his arms would never be enough.

  He must never know…

  She sank into the carpeting as helpless sobs ripped through her. She barely knew him, but she had the strange sense that they’d known each other forever. Never had she met a man whom she’d felt immediately comfortable with, whom she’d felt she could tell almost anything and he wouldn’t bat an eye. Alexei seemed to understand her better than she did herself. What a cruel twist of fate it was to meet The One just as her life was ebbing.

  She stifled her sobs with her hands, crying until she could cry no more. Her throat ached and her headache had intensified though it wasn’t unbearable for her to reach for the pain pills she carried with her everywhere.

  Not yet.

  Dr. Peach had told her this would probably be the way she’d die. The tumor that was slowly destroying her brain would take first her sight, her consciousness, and her life in short order. There was nothing she could do, the tumor was inoperable and, this time, it would kill her.

  The last time she’d dealt with this demon was almost four years ago. After a long and painful round of radiation, chemotherapy then finally surgery, Dr. Peach had declared her cancer free. But she hadn’t made it to that magical, five-year mark, had she?

  So close and yet so far.

  She bit her lip, hard. She’d come to Dirk’s house to have one last fling with a handsome man. At the time of her diagnosis three months earlier, she hadn’t been dating anyone and, after the diagnosis, she hadn’t felt it fair to become involved with a man knowing he’d only lose her. No one knew how long she had left to live.

  This time it really was it.

  She rubbed her eye with the heel of her left hand. She couldn’t complain… Well, she could, but who’d listen? With the first diagnosis, her chances had been less than fifty-fifty and she’d defied the odds and survived four years. It had been a wonderful… no, make that magical four years and she’d relished every moment of it.

  She’d been lucky to have the financial resources to live as she wished thanks to a trust from her paternal grandmother. She’d traveled, seen almost everything she’d wanted to see, spent time with friends, volunteered for various charities, and now she was writing the final chapter to a wonderful life.

nbsp; What would you give for one more day?

  Anything, anything at all.

  She sniffed, tears threatening again at the thought of Alexei. No, it was better that she left now, before he knew she was ill. For a while he’d wonder what happened to her, why she’d left without a word, but this was for the best. She never wanted him to know she was sick. She wanted him to remember her as she’d been last night, hale and hearty, laughing in his arms.

  She braced her hands against the carpet and pushed upright. Keeping her eyes closed, she leaned back against the bed, needing a moment of darkness to steady herself. As long as she kept her eyes closed, she could fool herself into being normal for a few seconds longer. Whenever she’d closed her eyes, it was always dark, right? But it was when she opened them that her world was forever altered…

  She blinked, her heart in her throat.

  The room was lighter.

  She blinked again, barely daring to believe her eyes. Outside the window, a gray rain was falling and the sun was struggling to break through the dissipating clouds. Stunned, she struggled to her knees and crawled across the ocean of carpeting in pursuit of the faded patch of sunlight streaming through the windows. She was barely aware of the faint whimpers escaping her throat as she reached the door, her palms pressed against the cool glass as the sunlight, stronger now, cascaded over her.

  Tears dampened her cheeks as her vision wavered. She blinked away the wetness and the scene sharpened. The rain slowed to a fine mist and the sun broke through the clouds, illuminating the gardens outside her windows.

  Her gaze darted madly, flitting from the brilliant roses to the tangled mass of spiky columbines. The fat cherub in the center fountain continued pouring water from a big vase, a silly grin on its face. Rows of brilliant green hedges glistened with rain in the strengthening light as a feeling of joy clutched her heart.

  I’m not going blind. It was the rain, only the rain.

  Laughter bubbled and she tilted her head back. Tears streamed down her face and the sun was warm on her face as she gave silent thanks for another day.

  * * * * *

  He couldn’t take his eyes off her.

  Alexei glanced over his shoulder in time to see Elaine duck under an overhanging branch, her seat sure and steady in the saddle. Her horse, a soft gray mare, walked easily behind his as they rode into the dark Colorado night. The air was cool but her thick sweater should keep her warm enough.

  He looked forward. Until he could warm her, that is.

  When he’d arrived at her room, mere moments after sunset, she’d thrown herself into his arms as if she’d feared never seeing him again. He was pleased by her reaction. It reminded him of the woman she’d been before. Always open and loving, this incarnation of his love was far more guarded than she’d been in any other lifetime. Then again, she was older than she’d ever been as well. He pondered that for a second. In this lifetime, she’d lived to be older than in any other lifetime. Maybe, on some cosmic level, she’d been waiting for him as well?

  He liked that idea a lot. Soon, it would be time to tell her about their lives together. For now, he still had work to do. The more attached she became to him the smoother the transition would be when it came time to enlighten her.

  Or so he hoped.

  He pushed the thought away. He would succeed; the universe couldn’t be so cruel as to take her away from him again. This evening he wasn’t going to worry, for he was about to show her the eighth wonder of the world and he couldn’t wait to see her reaction.

  The trail grew steadily rockier, but the horses handled the path with ease. No doubt they’d followed the trail to the grotto on many occasions.

  A few minutes later, a rocky outcropping surrounded by trees came into view. He pointed his horse to a sheltered area between some tall trees before speaking. “We’ll dismount here.” He reined in his horse and dismounted before turning to assist her. Born to the saddle, he’d ridden since he was three years old.

  “Are we still on Dirk’s property?” she asked.

  “Yes.“ He slid his hands around her waist and guided her to the ground. “We’ve barely scratched the surface of his holdings. However, our destination is just ahead.”

  She tipped her head back, her expression teasing in the moonglow. “So secretive.”

  “Just wait and see what I have in store for you.” He wiggled his brows in a mock-lecherous look.

  She blinked, then her eyes narrowed. “That street goes both ways, my friend.”

  “I’m counting on it.”

  He retrieved a backpack and pulled stakes from a side flap. Pounding them into the ground, he staked the horses so they had room to graze. When done, he slid the pack on his back, adjusting it until it was comfortable. “Come.” He held his hand out toward her.

  She laced her fingers through his and he led her into the woods.

  “It’s dark, how can you see?” she asked, stumbling over a branch.

  “Follow my steps and you’ll be fine. I’ve been here many times and I know the way by heart. Don’t worry, I won’t lead you astray.”

  She gave a throaty laugh. “That’s too bad as it’s exactly what I was hoping for.”

  He gave her hand a squeeze as they neared the rocky outcropping that sheltered their destination. Sliding around a cluster of bushes, Alexei led her into the darkness of a narrow crevasse in the rock.

  “Where are we going?” There was tension in her voice.

  “Patience, it’s well worth the journey.” He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.

  They traveled twenty feet, twisting and contorting around knobs of rock in the tight passage. He led her around a narrow corner and the trail opened into wonderland. He stepped to the side allowing Elaine to follow. He heard her intake of breath as she stepped into the light.

  They stood on a small ledge overlooking a large hot spring. The ochre red walls glowed in the flickering light from dozens of torches illuminating a spring ten feet below. Large flat rocks hung suspended over the water, forming a series of ledges and steps enabling people to move about the pool. Heat radiated from the spring as steam drifted upward in lazy tendrils. Overhead, the sky was laid out like black velvet strewn with millions of diamonds. The ochre rock walls soared twenty-five feet over the base like an oddly rounded coffee cup contained the heat from the spring.

  “I’ve never seen anything like it,” she said.

  Alexei smiled, pleased with her response. “I’ve been to almost every country in the world and I, too, have never see anything like it.” He looked at her awed face. “Come, let us partake of its delights.”

  He led her down a winding path of stones that led to the floor. Elaine scampered to the edge of the pool and dropped into a crouch to dip her fingers in the water, a look of extreme pleasure on her face. “This is amazing. How deep is it?”

  “Thirty, forty feet or so.” He slid the pack off his back as he walked to a large, flat rock. Through the soles of his boots, the warmth radiated to the bottoms of his feet. “It is amazing and the best part is that we’re all alone.”

  She rose and sauntered to him as he set the pack down. “How fortuitous.” Her fingers wrapped around the bottom of her sweater and she pulled it up slowly, torturing him as she exposed each delectable inch before finally pulling it over her head. Beneath the bulky wool, she wore a scanty emerald green bra that barely covered her breasts. “It’s getting warm, don’t you think?” She asked, her expression mock-innocent.

  “Yes.” He licked his lips. “It’s getting warmer every minute.” He sat, making himself comfortable, eager to see what she would do next.

  She spread out the sweater on a heated rock before continuing her journey toward him. Her deft fingers undid the button on her jeans, then unzipped them. She stopped before him then raised one foot, placing it square between his legs, inches from his arousal.

  “Can you help with my boots?”

  He smothered a smile as he tugged the laces with one hand while the other
slid as far up her pant leg as possible to touch the softness of her skin. Her eyes narrowed as he removed one boot, then her sock, stopping long enough to give her instep a slow rub with one finger.

  A smile curved her mouth as she lowered one foot and raised the other. He repeated the process, this time lingering over the fine bone of her ankle. He smiled as she shivered and pulled her foot away, careful to move away a safe distance before shimmying out of her pants. Her panties matched the bra, and they were ridiculously skimpy. He licked his lips as he devoured her with his eyes.

  “Like what you see?”

  He looked at her face. “What do you think?”

  She approached and dropped her gaze to his crotch. He felt his cock leap under the heat of her gaze. “I think you’re enjoying yourself, or at least he is.”

  He reached for her, pulling her into the vee made by his legs, then pressed a noisy kiss to her stomach. “What am I going to do with you?” he mumbled against her sweet skin.

  She laced her fingers through his hair and tugged his head back, her gaze dark, slumberous. “Everything, I hope.” Dropping her head, she caught him in a kiss that was sizzling and loaded with promise. Her tongue tangled with his as her taste exploded through his nervous system, setting his senses on high alert.

  She released him and moved away, and he had to restrain himself from reaching for her again. He wanted more, much more, but they had time for that. All the time in the world.

  Her gaze never wavering, she reached up to release her sable hair to fall in thick, soft waves on her shoulders. She ran her fingers through the silk and he caught the scent of herbs and knew it was her he smelled.

  “Come join me?” she asked.

  “In a minute.” He wanted time to gather himself before joining her in the pool. In his current state, he’d be on her in a minute and he didn’t want that. He wanted it to last and last.

  She nodded and turned away, presenting him with a nicely rounded backside framed by her thong panties. He swallowed hard as she walked, an unselfconsciously sexy sway in her gait. She approached the edge and, without a pause, dove into the water with very little splash.


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