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Men Love Curves: BBW Romance

Page 10

by Ruby Madden

  “Hey, Amy! You wanna go to a party…”

  Daylen at least wanted to drag another friend her age down with her. She refused to be the only freshman there, so she easily convinced Amy to come along. And they made plans to go clothes shopping Saturday morning, before the party.

  Daylen usually would do everything in her power to avoid embarrassing situations, which was really hard, considering who her best friend was. Chase liked to drag her to places with all the other cool kids though her wallflower tendencies didn’t always go over well. Daylen just prayed the party wasn’t a complete disaster.

  Chapter 5

  Saturday night, Chase sat at the kitchen table in Daylen’s house, waiting for her and Amy to finish getting ready. Pat fed him some milk and cookies like he was still ten-years-old. His leg bounced anxiously, he knew Miguel’s brother would be there any minute to pick them up and the girls were taking forever. He was also nervous that Day’s mom would start asking questions about their birthday celebration.

  The story they had told her was that they were going to the movies and then the arcade to hang out with all their friends. Little did she know that they were going to an unsupervised party at Miguel’s house since his parents were out of town. The only “adults” that would be in attendance was Miguel’s twenty-one-year-old brother, Xavier and a few of his friends. Xavier had said that they’d get them some booze and then he and his buddies were gonna hang out in his room. Close enough so that he made sure no one trashed the house, but far enough away, so the younger kids could have fun.

  “So what movie are you all going to see again?” Pat asked curiously.

  “Um…Clueless, Mrs. Daniels.” Chase answered, trying to keep his voice level.

  “Alright. Well, I want Daylen back in here by ten o’clock.” Pat gave him a stern face.

  “But Mrs. D, we figured we’d go play at the arcade first and then go to the last movie at nine-thirty. It won’t be over till eleven or eleven-thirty so we wouldn’t get back till eleven-thirty, twelve.” Chase said, starting to panic.

  Pat stayed quiet for a moment and stared him down. Chase squirmed in his chair. Not much got past Pat Daniels, which was why Daylen was still so sheltered and innocent. Well, aside from what he and Miguel taught her.

  “Now Chase, don’t have me hurt you. You’re like a son to me, but I have no problem knocking your block off.” Pat warned, giving him her classic stink-eye.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Chase swallowed.

  “Now, I know it’s you all’s birthday celebration and I don’t wanna ruin that. But you look after my baby. And I want her back here by midnight. And not a minute after. If one hair on her head is touched, there’ll be the devil to pay. Do you hear me?” Pat asked, pointing a finger at him.

  “Yes, ma’am. Understood.” Chase nodded quickly, looking like a bobblehead.

  Chase knew that Daylen’s mom knew they were up to no good. She was basically saying that this was on a need to know basis. And that whatever they were up to, he better look after Daylen or he’d be dead. He did not take the threat lightly.

  Chase heard a commotion in the upstairs hallway and practically flew out of this chair to head towards the bottom of the stairs. He couldn’t stay in the kitchen with Pat’s knowing eyes burning a hole through him a second longer. He looked up at the top of the stairs and his breath hitched.

  Daylen and Amy talked animatedly as they made their way down the steps. They were completely oblivious to the sudden and shocking internal war that had just exploded inside of the boy waiting for them at the bottom.

  When the fuck did Day grow up?! Chase thought to himself, shell-shocked.

  Her black hair was silky and straight. Cut into a neat bob with bangs that framed her large, coffee-brown eyes. Her skin was butterscotch with a hint of summer sun and a tinge of pink kissed her round cheeks. Her lips were pouty and dark red. Inviting. Chase had to shake his head, he was so disoriented.

  The outfit she had chosen worked well for her. On her feet were cute, clunky black Mary Janes that were popular now. Her short, shapely legs were wrapped in black tights. Over those, she wore a black with red floral print babydoll dress that reached mid-thigh. The neckline was scoop-necked and showed off a bit of cleavage that Chase never knew she had. In fact, he just realized that she had a huge rack. Even in comparison to the girls in his sophomore class.

  Her only accessories were giant black hoop earrings and a black lace choker. The choker drew his attention to her long, soft neck. Chase realized that he noticed body parts on her that he had no business noticing. She was still his plump, shy, and reserved-in-public best friend. And he’d just seen her earlier in the day though the soft curves that normally reminded him of his cuddly best gal pal were now evoking the dirtiest thoughts he’d ever thought when it came to girls.

  No no no no no! Chase had yet to learn how to control his body’s reaction to pretty girls. He quickly clasped his hands together in front of him to hide his sudden arousal at his best friend. This can’t be happening!

  “Hey, Chase! We’re ready!” Daylen hopped down from the last step, her boobs bouncing.

  Chase closed his eyes for a brief moment and swallowed hard. “Sup, Day. Hey, Amy.”

  “You alright?” Daylen asked Chase with a frown. “You look like you’re in pain.”

  “I’m good,” Chase said after clearing his throat a few times. “So uh, here’s your gift. I had to cut a few lawns to get it, but…” Chase shrugged as he handed her a small box wrapped in newspaper.

  “Oh yeah, here’s yours too.” Daylen held up a black pouch and handed it to him.

  They both opened their gifts to each other at the same time, which was part of their tradition. Chase opened the drawstring on the pouch and turned it upside down to shake out the contents. Two necklaces fell into his hands. They were made of the popular black leather cord and had pendants hanging from them. One was a Tibetan coin and the other was a yin and yang symbol. He instantly loved them. They were just like the necklaces that Jared Leto wore on Day’s favorite and his secretly favorite show, My So-Called Life. They were still devastated over the teen-angsty drama being canceled.

  Chase looked up as Daylen lifted the top of the small box. Nestled in the cotton lining was a silver ID bracelet he’d gotten from Things Remembered in the mall. He’d had Pretty Day engraved on the metal plate, not realizing that the nickname would eventually punch him in the gut. It had a whole new meaning now.

  “Here, let me help you put it on,” Chase said, taking the bracelet out of her hands.

  He wrapped the silver metal, around her wrist and clasped it. Daylen looked down at it lovingly. She then lifted her pretty dark brown eyes up to his. They were glassy with unshed tears.

  “Thank you, Chase. It’s beautiful. This must have been a lot of lawns.” Daylen said in awe.

  “It was nothing.” Chase brushed it off. “Thanks for the necklaces, Day. They’re awesome.”

  “You’re welcome. I can help you put them on.” Daylen offered and held out her hands for the necklaces.

  Chase handed them to her and squatted down low. She stood in front of him and reached around the back of his neck to clasp each necklace. He tried not to stare too hard at her face that was in such close proximity, but it was nearly impossible. Her long, curling eyelashes fluttered prettily with shyness.

  When she was done, Chase stood back up and Daylen looked up at him appreciatively. “Now you definitely look like Jordan Catalano.” She grinned brightly, showing off her new braces.

  “Definitely!” Amy piped up. “You’ve got that whole grungy thing going.”

  Both girls looked him up and down. They took in his heavy black boots, baggy jeans, white tee and thin red and black flannel. Chase looked away bashfully. For the first time in a long time, he was completely unsure of himself. He turned towards the kitchen and saw Pat standing in the doorway, giving him a knowing look. The look said, I know you finally see her, but
make sure you keep your hands to yourself.

  “Are you sure you’re alright?” Daylen asked him again. “You’re acting strange. Do you have gas?”

  “I’m fine!” Chase answered too forcefully.

  Daylen continued to look at him, obviously not sure if she believed him. Luckily, a horn sounded from the driveway, saving him from his best friend’s scrutiny.

  “That’s Xavier and Miguel. We better get going.” Chase said, changing the subject.

  “Alrighty. Bye, mom.” Daylen walked over to her mother to give her a kiss on the cheek.

  “You behave yourselves. And remember what I told you, Chase.” Pat gave him the ‘I’m watching you’ look.

  “Yes, Mrs. D.” Chase bowed his head guiltily as he followed the girls out the door.

  Miguel’s brother had pulled up in their parents’ Jeep Cherokee. Xavier and one of his friends were already in the front. A few more of his buddies took up the very back and Miguel was sitting in the middle row. There were only two spots left for the three of them. Amy hopped in the middle next to Miguel, who grinned down at the redhead lecherously. Chase and Daylen looked at each other awkwardly, not sure of how the seating arrangement should go.

  “Damn, Daylen! Since when did you get so fine?!” Miguel said, never lacking for words or objectifying women.

  All the guys laughed and looked at her admiringly. Earlier when she and Amy had gone shopping, she had learned, to her great embarrassment that she was now officially a C-cup. Amy had been envious of her larger cup size. Daylen would’ve gladly given them to her friend. She was nowhere near confident enough or bold enough to use them to her advantage. And to her horror, all male eyes were currently directed to her two new, larger ‘friends.’

  “Don’t worry, Daylen. There’s plenty of room…on my lap!” Miguel said suggestively, patting his thighs.

  “Shut up, Miguel! She can sit on my lap.” Chase offered gallantly though Daylen heard a hard edge to his voice that she didn’t understand.

  “I’ll crush you,” Daylen whispered under her breath.

  Chase gave her a look that said, don’t even go there. He always got mad at her when she downed herself about her weight. He slid into the seat and waited for her to get in. Daylen took a deep breath and then put her left foot inside, held onto the handle above the door, and pulled herself up. She sat down sideways on Chase’s lap, trying not to put all of her weight down on him. She leaned forward and closed the door, and then scooted back to make room for her legs. Chase groaned deep in his throat.

  “I’m sorry.” Daylen cringed. “I’m not too heavy, am I?” Daylen looked at him.

  Chase’s eyes were closed and his jaw flexed. “I’m fine,” he said in a strained voice.

  “We ready to roll?” Xavier shouted back to them.

  “Yeah.” They all shouted back.


  Chase was in pure agony by the time they got to the Flores house. He didn’t think that he could take one more minute of Daylen’s butt moving around on his lap, during the bumpy ride. Chase remained silent while she and Amy talked about whatever girls talk about, and the guys all gave each other a hard time, as guys usually do. He thought about football plays, the coming school year, anything other than his best friend.

  Once Xavier parked in the driveway of their house, they all poured out of the car and made their way inside. Chase noticed the way Xavier and his friends looked at Day. As well as all the boys from his class as they arrived at the party, including some juniors and seniors that had heard about the party. Her plumpness gave her womanly curves way sooner than some of the other girls in their class, so the older boys had zeroed in on her the moment they laid eyes on her. Chase made sure that she was never out of his sight as the party progressed.

  “Dang, man! I really didn’t realize that Day had grown up so much.” Miguel whistled appreciatively through his lips as he wrapped an arm around Chase’s neck.

  “Don’t even fucking think about it, dude,” Chase growled at his friend.

  Chase looked down at the short Latino, giving him a look that spoke volumes. Miguel was a good looking kid, but all he could ever think about was getting in girls’ pants. Daylen would not be his next victim if Chase had anything to say about it.

  Miguel held his hands up and backed off. “I was just saying, man. I wouldn’t mess with her or anything.”

  “Yeah, make sure you don’t. If I don’t kill you first, her mom definitely will. She hasn’t even started her first day of high school yet. That’s just gross!” Chase wasn’t sure if he was trying to convince his friend or himself that it was wrong to even go near her.

  “True. You’ve got a point. But she’s nice to look at.” Miguel shrugged.

  “Yeah…” Chase said under his breath, before taking a drink of beer.

  Chapter 6

  Daylen was in social hell. She didn’t know what to do with herself. Unlike Amy, who was a social butterfly. It was nothing for her to flit from person to person, striking up conversations and flirting with the older boys. For Daylen, it wasn’t so easy. She could hold a conversation just fine, one on one and with people she was close to. But this was way outside her comfort zone.

  She remained in a corner, holding up the wall for all intents and purposes. She’d found a can of pop and she nursed that, not wanting to go anywhere near the booze everyone was drinking. Daylen noticed that many of the boys kept giving her strange looks. She assumed it was because they thought she was a total freak show though that was the least of her worries. Worry number two was added on, as soon as she watched her arch nemesis, Whitney Taylor walk through the door.

  She hadn’t been in the same room as Whitney for a year. The last time Day had even seen her was at Chase’s football games, last fall. Honestly, she wished that it had of been longer. Whitney, of course, was a high school cheerleader, which added to her overall appeal.

  The cruel girl had never gotten over the fact that Daylen and Chase had become best friends. Whitney had been chasing him for years and her hatred of Daylen had grown with each year. Finally, it all came to a head when Daylen was in seventh grade and they were in the eighth. It was literally like a scene from the movie A Christmas Story.

  Daylen gingerly made her way over the thick layer of ice, heading to the buses lined up after school. It was freezing cold and the snow that had started to melt was now frozen over. It made walking normal next to impossible. She was so focused on not falling, she didn’t realize anyone was coming up behind her.

  Daylen felt someone shove her back. She tried to stay upright, but the shove combined with the ice propelled her forward. She landed hard on her stomach and her chin smacked the ground painfully. It felt like her teeth would crack from the force.

  “Hey, look! Fatso is clumsy too! Who knows why Chase lets her follow him around like a puppy dog?” Whitney shouted out as she passed her. Her usual entourage burst out into fits of laughter at Daylen’s expense.

  Daylen had no idea what came over her. All she knew was that she saw red. Maybe it was the blood pouring from her chin or maybe it was the rage that clouded her vision. Next thing anyone knew, she was up and running straight for her tormentor. When she reached Whitney, she grabbed a fistful of brown hair and pulled so hard that the girl fell backwards. Daylen took that opportunity to quickly straddle the girl and her fists started flying.

  Whitney screamed and tried pushing Daylen off, but in her rage she had the strength of ten teenage boys. Her tiny fists rained down on her bully, connecting with her face, head, and upper torso. Whitney cried for help from her friends, but they kept a wide berth, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire.

  Finally, Chase and a teacher were able to pull Daylen off of the crying and bloody girl, though she kept swinging in her delirium. Chase’s voice finally brought her out of her blind rage.

  “Day! Day, stop it! It’s me, Chase!” He shouted at her.

  The moment she realized what had hap
pened she started to sob uncontrollably. Chase hugged her tightly and scowled at the girls that were trying to feign innocence. A couple of the bus drivers that had been waiting came over to explain to the teacher what they had seen. Then the teacher took them inside and called their parents. Chase waited with Daylen and held her hand in support, under the hateful stare of a bloody and bruised Whitney.

  Daylen subconsciously rubbed the scar on her chin. She’d had to get five stitches after they left the school with her mom. Chase, of course, had gone along with them to the emergency room, which had gotten him into huge trouble with his dad when he got home.

  In the end, Daylen had gotten a one-week suspension for fighting, but Whitney got two weeks for starting it. Two things happened after that day. First, no one, including Whitney, ever messed with her again. Second, everyone was too afraid to be her friend or piss off Whitney, so she also became a social pariah. Her only friends were Chase and Amy, which in the end, was fine with her.

  Whitney may have been afraid to confront her face to face since then, but she still gave her evil looks from afar and spread rumors about her, behind her back. As she looked across the room at the popular girl, Daylen was getting one of those evil looks, even now.

  “Attention! Attention everybody!” Miguel shouted out until everyone’s attention was focused on him. “Now it’s time for a game. A little game I like to call Spin the Bottle for Seven Minutes in Heaven!” He announced loudly.

  Everyone in the room cheered boisterously. Daylen cringed inwardly. You’ve got to be kidding me?! She prayed that she could stay in the corner unseen.

  She watched as a large circle was formed on the floor. Daylen looked on in agony as Whitney grabbed Chase’s hand and pulled him over to the circle. Even worse, she saw Miguel and Amy coming towards her with big smiles on their faces. She immediately started shaking her head no.


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