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Billionaire's Bombshell

Page 19

by Sienna Valentine

  She then lowered herself onto her hands and knees, eyes on me the entire time. My hands ached to reach for her. My body urged me to pounce. But I waited, as if in a trance. She crawled toward me across the carpet, stopping at my knees. A steady hand reached for the zipper of my pants and a shiver of electric desire shot through every inch of me. She hadn’t even touched me yet.

  It took her a couple tries, but soon she had released my cock from my pants and had her lips against the head of it immediately. Waves of pleasure rippled across my skin with every breath. And when she took me in her mouth, I groaned out loud.

  Elizabeth worked skillfully along my shaft. She swirled her tongue around the tip, then pressed down until she took all of me. I rested a hand on the back of her head, revelling in the way she bobbed up and down. Her mouth was so hot and so wet, and I had been thinking about almost nothing else since the last time we’d had sex. I wasn’t sure how long I could last.

  It had been torture not taking her on the bearskin rug during our last date, despite how much I wanted to. Since then I’d been craving even the briefest touch of her skin to the point of near madness. And now, here she was on her knees, giving me the hottest blow job of my life.

  And just as I was nearing an explosive conclusion, Elizabeth pulled away.

  She grinned up at the confused look on my face. “Movie time.” I watched in shock as she rose and took her spot next to me as if she’d never left.

  “Are you serious?” I asked.

  “Don’t you want to watch the movie?”

  In one swift movement I flipped her onto her back and ground my hips down into hers. Her mouth opened to release a gasp of surprise, which I muffled with a hard kiss. She kissed me back feverishly, grasping at the material of my shirt.

  “Do you want to watch the movie?” I asked, moving down to nip at her throat.

  “I mean, I own it so I guess we could watch it another time…”

  “What would you like to do instead, kitten?” I asked. I moved my hand between us, pressing it into her slick folds. She bucked up against me, driving my fingers inside of her.

  I repeated my question. “What do you want, kitten?”

  “You,” she said breathlessly.

  I stroked at her clit, swirling my fingers in time with her hip thrusts. Her hands clenched my shirt, trying to pull it up.

  “Details, darling,” I prodded.

  She moaned in pleasure as I pressed another finger into her. “I want you to fuck me.”

  “Well, since you asked so nicely…” I rolled onto my feet and began to strip down, my cock still solid from her mouth. She watched through half-lidded eyes.

  “Should we go to my room?”

  I shook my head, dropping my pants to the floor. “I want you here.”

  She bit at her lower lip, glancing around. “I-uh, I’m on birth control,” she said.

  I chuckled. “Good for you.”

  “I just mean if you don’t want to use condoms, I’m covered.” I hadn’t seen her this awkward in a long time. It was adorable. “And I’ve been checked recently.”

  I had too. The prospect of getting to feel her, skin to skin, sent more blood flooding between my legs.

  “Good,” I replied. “On your feet.”

  Liz perked up, a smile spreading across her face. I remembered how much she seemed to love being ordered around that first time we had sex, back at the club. And I loved giving her orders.

  She rose to her feet and approached me, running a hand lovingly along my hard cock. I shivered with delight.

  “Where do you want me?”

  I pulled her to me in another deep, passionate kiss. Where did I want her? There were fewer possibilities in such a tiny space.

  “Over the edge of the couch,” I growled.

  She grinned and darted to the side, bending over seductively. I leaned against her from behind, sucking and biting at her neck as I lined myself up. She was so hot and wet for me, and I’d barely done anything. God, I wanted her. So badly.

  I rubbed the head of my cock along her entrance, teasing her. She tried to push back toward it, but I held her in place with a hand on her back. “Patience, kitten.”

  She groaned in frustration.

  I kept teasing her, pushing in a little and pulling out. I was savoring the first feel of her skin, the softness of her body. It felt incredible.

  “Oliver,” she begged. “Please.”

  That was all I needed to hear to lose what little self-control I still had left.

  I thrust forward, pressing so deep that my hips slammed into her ass in a single movement. I sighed in contentment at finally feeling her pussy slide along my cock, squeezing me in a warm, wet embrace. Liz shuddered and arched back, wiggling her ass against me in what I took to be a silent request for more.

  And I was ready to give it to her.

  I pulled back and pressed in again, over and over, somehow reaching deeper with each thrust. Our bodies found a natural rhythm as we writhed together in ecstasy. The heat that was building between us felt like it was about to erupt into flame, but if it did I was more than willing to be consumed by such passion.

  I tugged her hair in my fist, pulling her head back so I could press a bruising kiss to her lips. She cried out against me and I drove in harder. I licked down her neck, the salt of her skin like candy to my tongue. Her moans grew louder as she urged me on, begging me to go faster.

  Every one of my nerves was on fire. I could feel them, millions of tiny sparks under my skin. Still, I pushed forward, increasing my power and speed in a desperate bid to give Elizabeth what she wanted. What she needed.

  And then suddenly she was there. I felt her stiffen, heard her cry out, and then watched as she fell forward, limp. But her body still clenched onto my cock, squeezing tightly as I continued delivering long, deep, and frenzied strokes. It was only moments later that I clambered to the top of my rise, vaulting over the edge into white nothingness.

  The pleasure was intense. Visceral. Primal. I muffled a groan into Elizabeth’s shoulder as I collapsed on top of her.

  We lay there for some time. I was breathing in her scent, committing it to memory. Someday all I would have left of Elizabeth was the memory of her. The thoughts had been pushed away by desire, but they’d never disappeared completely.

  Either lose her, or lose everything. Tell her.

  I wish that thought wasn’t clouding my mind at such a moment, but I knew all too well that it would never leave me alone.

  I’d made another mistake. I came here to tell her about the will, not to fuck her. Maybe this was inevitable, though. It seemed when it came to Elizabeth, I was powerless.

  But now it was time to do what was right.



  “I’m going to grab us a drink,” Elizabeth giggled. “I don’t know about you, but I’ve worked up quite a thirst.”

  “That would be great, thanks.”

  She scooted out from underneath me and strolled over to the kitchen. I watched, loving the round curve of her ass and the way it jiggled with each step. She came back a moment later with two tall glasses of water.

  I drank greedily, more as an attempt to stall than because of my thirst. But I couldn’t put this off forever.

  “I have something to talk to you about,” I began.

  Elizabeth had begun to dress and was halfway through sliding the little shorts up her lean thighs.

  “What is it?” The curiosity in her tone and the way she hurriedly put on the rest of her clothes told me she knew it was something important.

  I reached for my own clothes. It gave me somewhere else to look.

  “We made a bet, once upon a time,” I said.

  She raced over to me, grinning like a madwoman. “Go on,” she prompted.

  I sighed and ran my hand through my hair, already tousled from our quickie. She looked so excited. Her eyes were bright and inquisitive, her lips pulled back in a grin. She watched me from the floor, legs cr
ossed, hands rested by her feet. Even like that she was gorgeous, and I could already feel my cock begin to tingle back to life.

  I stood up and began pacing.

  Elizabeth’s mood sobered as she sensed the seriousness of the conversation to come. She could probably read it from my face, but she didn’t look concerned. Rising from the floor, she took a seat on the couch and waited patiently for me to explain.

  I wished I could give her the kind of answer she was expecting. She just wanted to know more about me. When was the last time somebody had been this excited just to know me? Had anyone ever?

  If only it were that simple.

  “I’ve already told you my grandfather was a bit eccentric.”

  She nodded, grinning cheekily. “I think it’s a requirement for aging billionaires. I’ll be very disappointed if you reach eighty without doing something crazy. Like hiring a monkey butler.”

  My heart ached. She wouldn’t know me at eighty. She couldn’t.

  “Granddad built the world I live in with his bare hands. And before he died, he set aside a plan for my future so that I wouldn’t miss out on the same things he did.”

  Elizabeth began to look confused.

  “A little while after my grandfather died, I tried to take over some of his business assets,” I explained. “Nothing major, but I wanted to start building up my experience for when I gradually absorbed the rest of his ventures.” I took a deep breath, remembering the heartbreaking discovery that followed.

  “You don’t have to tell me this if you don’t want to.”

  I wished that were true. I wished none of this affected her. But it did, and so she deserved to hear it. All of it.

  “No, Liz,” I said. “This is important.”

  “Okay.” She nodded thoughtfully. “I’m listening.”

  I came back to the sofa, pulling her over my lap. I didn’t know how much longer I would get to do things like that for.

  “I found out that my grandfather had specified in his will that he wanted me to live life to the fullest. He left me almost every cent he had, but with one condition.” I paused, closing my eyes and shaking my head. “I had to continue living life as I was at the time. No working. No further schooling. And never settling down.”

  Elizabeth adjusted to look up at me, eyebrows knitted together. “I don’t understand,” she said.

  “To put it plainly…” I grabbed her hand. “If I ever take a job, or enroll in grad school, or… if I ever meet someone and want to get married, hell even if I just want to move in with them which would make us common-law, then I lose everything.”

  Elizabeth shot up. Her mouth dropped open. “How could he do that?” she asked. “To his own grandson?”

  “He was doing what he thought was best for me, Liz,” I explained. I understood how she felt, though. It took me a long time to really understand why he’d set things up this way. I didn’t agree with it, but I understood it. I just wasn’t sure if anyone else ever could. Not that it mattered. Whether anyone understood, or agreed, or disagreed, none of it made a lick of difference.

  But I still owed it to her to try and explain.

  “My grandfather spent his life working. He never stopped to have fun. Even when he married, I had the feeling he did it more out of duty than anything else. Same with having his son. My dad. He rarely had time for any of them, choosing instead to work and build his empire.

  “It was only later, much later, that he began to have regrets. His wife had died, then his only child. The only family he had left was me, and I barely knew him by the time I showed up. But even then, it was always hard for him to relate to me. He did his best to give me what I needed, but he just didn’t know how to stop working.”

  Elizabeth continued to watch me, listening intently, but the look of shock and disbelief on her face hadn’t wavered.

  “He eventually became weak as he grew older, and I think that was when he really started to regret his choices. We spoke about it a lot, near the end. He was too sick to do much else but talk, and I would spend my days at his bedside listening.” I paused for a moment. It wasn’t that long ago that the memory of watching him waste away wasn’t still painful. Liz squeezed my hand in support.

  “Most of what he talked about were his regrets, and that his greatest wish was that I avoid making those same mistakes. He told me how he was going to leave me all of his money so that I didn’t need to work. I’d already graduated from college, so I wouldn’t need to go any further in school – something he considered a waste of time. He wanted me to live. To go on adventures. To sow my oats, so to speak. Not to settle into any societal norm of jobs and marriage that would only lead to what he considered to be a sure path to routine and drudgery.”

  “How could he say that? Because that’s how he ended up? Not everyone feels that way about their lives.”

  I shrugged. “I agree. But that was my grandfather. Always sure that he was right in all things, and unwilling to bend or see any other sides. In the business world, that served him well. But personally, it just left him alone. Anyway, after he died I actually tried to live that way by choice, to honor his wishes. I partied and I travelled and I had a lot of fun.”

  “And you were with a lot of women.” Elizabeth’s voice was flat when she said that. I raised an eyebrow as I nodded.

  “Yes, there were a lot of women. I was young and I had all the time and money in the world. But there was no one special. As I said, it wasn’t until I grew bored and tried to take over one of his businesses that I discovered the truth. You see, until then, I had no idea that he’d actually put steps in place to make his wishes for how I spent my life legally binding. He’d written it into his will, and made it so that if I ever tried to go against it I would lose everything.”

  “That’s… crazy! What kind of life is that? How could he make those choices for you?”

  “The grass always looks greener from the other side. My grandfather suffered, Liz. He had so many regrets. I was young and impulsive. I guess his will was his way of putting his mind at ease, figuring that if I ever strayed, I would be forced into what he considered to be the right path to happiness. Maybe that gave him a bit of peace before he died. Made some of his mistakes easier to bear.” I stroked the hair from her forehead, coaxing her to settle back down against me. She looked like she was about to throw up.

  I’d been there. It took me a long time to really understand my grandfather’s actions and forgive him for them, mostly. Even though I didn’t agree with them. Even as I looked for a way out.

  But there was no way out.

  “And there isn’t anything you can do?” Her eyes were still wide, her face pale.

  Damien reacted in a similar way, when I told him. He was most incensed by the clause where I couldn’t work. That was Damien’s biggest nightmare.

  “Recently, I started going through all my grandfather’s old legal documents,” I said. “I thought either I could find a loophole, or I could find some sort of evidence that he was mentally unstable when he drew up the will.”

  “No wonder you were spending practically every waking hour in your study. I’m guessing you didn’t find anything,” Elizabeth ventured.


  She pressed her eyes closed and released a breath through her nose. “This is so surreal.” When she opened her eyes again, they sparkled with tears. “So, you’re telling me that if you did meet someone, fall in love, and want to be with them…”

  “I’d lose everything.”

  “I suppose that makes it hard to get close to people,” she said after a moment. “This lifestyle would be hard to walk away from. I can see why you’d want to push away anyone who tried.”

  The hurt in her voice killed me. She still didn’t fully understand the implications. I needed her to.

  “It’s more than just the money, Liz,” I said gently. “It’s my family. Every connection I have to them is through this life that my grandfather built. Before my parents died, it was their l
ife, too. My father grew up in that house.”

  “And so did you…” she said. Her voice was starting to become hoarse. “I get it.”

  “You do?”

  “Come on, Oliver.” She chuckled softly, though her eyes were rimmed with red. “You have a squeaky old office chair that you refuse to let anyone touch and we fought for days about that damned chandelier.” She sniffed, blinking away tears.

  My chest ached for her. For me. For us. I didn’t know what else to say, so we sank into silence. I rubbed her arms and held her to me.

  After a while, the shadow of a smile flickered on Elizabeth’s lips. “So, yeah… that certainly wasn’t the answer I was expecting when I made that wager.”

  “What did you think I would say?”

  “I dunno. That you got your heart broken by a Swedish supermodel or something.”

  “She was Finnish, actually,” I teased.

  Elizabeth elbowed me in the ribs, but not hard enough to hurt. I wondered what to say next. We’d never struggled so much to come up with words before. Part of me wished I could tell her she had nothing to worry about, that I would always choose her. But would I? I still hadn’t decided that myself.

  It was too soon to make any such decisions. But that didn’t stop me wondering what it would be like.

  “Where does this leave us?” she finally asked. She sounded ragged, beaten. It killed me that I had done this to her.

  “I don’t know,” I answered honestly. “I didn’t have a plan for this part.”

  “I think I need some time to think.”

  The silence that followed was oppressive. I understood. How could I not? But it still didn’t make it hurt any less.

  “Of course.” I began to gently disentangle our bodies, shifting her over to the other side of the couch. “I’m going to go and give you your space.”

  I went to leave, but Liz leapt up to follow me. “Wait!” she called.

  I turned.


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