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Midnight Rider

Page 2

by J. R. Mitchell

  John thought back to their last encounter and knew she had not fed on him, maybe it was that gesture that made him not kill her, instead he wanted her.

  Not allowing himself to think about it any more, he followed his gut instinct that told him she was the one, his soul mate and chased after her.

  I have to find her, he thought as he slowly followed her essence. After a few miles he was lost. He could sense her, she was close, but he couldn't pinpoint her whereabouts. After a long pause to test the air as it were, he could feel another supernatural presence. Not good. He thought as he changed his concentration to the new being.

  Demon, came the thought just as the spawn sprung at him from a high above. John held his ground and used a short incantation to protect himself. From out of nowhere he pulled a mystical broadsword.

  John sized up the black, winged demon. Watched as he flashed a malicious smile to show off a mouth full of razor sharp, jagged fangs, and extended his arms to allow each of his claws to grow in length reaching ten inches each.

  John was having second thoughts on his game plan when the demon attacked with both arms, his spiked tail swinging near his head. John's makeshift shield was holding out for the time being, but each rip across the magical fabric weakened the stability. John fought back valiantly, uttering spells of light to blind the demon, and slashing with his two handed sword. If I can just remove the head, I will be in the clear. It was at that moment his hastily constructed shield burst, and the first blood was drawn ... John's.

  * * * *

  Raelynn watched from her perch as the demon slowly picked apart John's shield. Why did he have to follow me? She wondered knowing her demon stalker would be lurking about, he always was at midnight, and it was up to her to deal with it, not John. Raelynn thought about the past years and how she had barely escaped this demon time again, and now because of this Hunter, she was going to have to face him.

  She actually thought of fleeing, using John to escape once again until she watched his blood fly in a wide arc. Her vision went slow motion, and Raelynn found herself leaping off her perch to land between John and Lust; the demon.

  "Stop Lust!” she commanded holding out her arm in a stop gesture. She watched Lust's eyes widen in slow motion before his clawed hand came sweeping towards her. She side stepped easily and started to spout out obscenities at him in his language.

  She could see his red eyes grow brighter with each crude thing she accused him of, and taking advantage of his anger, she slowly circled him, keeping her mouth running and dodging each swing he took at her. I'm almost there, she thought as she glance over at John, he was readying himself to take Lust's head.

  She had just spouted out a vicious curse at Lust, when the demon realized what was going on, what seemed to have taken ten minutes to Raelynn had actually taken less then one, and as Lust turned growling out his frustration a magical broadsword hacked into his neck.

  Raelynn watched in horrific slow motion as the sword entered the right side of Lust's neck the tip pointing at her, the demon's blood starting to spray in a high arc, until she watched the slow progress of the sword's tip move along in a perfect cut to burst out the other side. At that exact moment time resumed at a normal pace. John collapsed, Lust crumble to the ground; dead, and Raelynn stood there in shock, staring at the carnage that had been created.

  "Raelynn,” John whispered, his hands clasped to his oozing wound. “You must flee, the Hunter's will be here soon. You must...” his sentence was interrupted as he coughed.

  Raelynn snapped out of her shock and raced to his side. “John, I can save you, I have to save you, even if it means my own miserable life."

  "No, if I don't kill you, they will. Run Raelynn, I could not bear the thought of you dead. I'm dying there's no reason for the both of us to die this night."

  Raelynn ignored him as she picked him up easily, her supernatural powers lending her the superior strength she needed, and carried him to her warehouse loft apartment she used as a hiding hole.

  * * * *

  Once inside the loft, Raelynn settled John onto the old and faded couch. She rushed about the apartment until she found the first aid things she would need to help him. Using a technique she learned over a hundred years ago, Raelynn used pressure points around his wound to stop the flow of blood. She dressed the nasty tear in his body and bound it tightly. “Now John, I will attempt a healing but before that I have to tell you what it will entail."

  John stared at her with glazed over eyes, before barking out a yes.

  "We'll have sex and I'll feed off our desire,” she paused trying to gauge his reaction, when she got none, she continued. “At a crucial point, I will then force the desire back into your body, it should heal your wounds, then I'll leave so you can go on with your life.” The last statement hurt her soul more then she thought it would but then again, he was supposed to be her enemy.

  John nodded at her, then wrapped his good arm around her waist pulling her towards him.

  She went grudgingly but when he laid his head against her breast, Raelynn had an overwhelming desire to protect him, to keep him alive and well. She felt a love for him she had never experience before and all the things that had happened so recently and all the things that were about to happen in their lives didn't matter anymore. “All that matters is the here and now John,” she whispered into his ear before melding her lips to his.

  The kiss was sweet and tender, Raelynn was careful not to hurt his injury, but when John responded with fervor and traced the outline of her lips with his tongue, Raelynn couldn't hold back anymore, she opened her warm mouth to him. John plunged his tongue into her mouth, nipped at her bottom lip, crushing her body to his chest with his one good arm.

  Traveling her hands up his chest, she pulled back from the kiss so she could trail hungry, wet kisses down his neck unbuttoning his shirt, she led her mouth to one puckered nipple and then to the other.

  Letting her hands explore where they would, she traced feather light fingertips up and down his abdomen until finally her hands wanted more. She felt the top of his jeans and tugging at the waist band she slipped a hand into his shorts.

  The moment her fingertip touched his silky erection, John lost all control. Taking the lead, he dropped them both on their knees, so she could have freer access to his throbbing cock.

  Yanking her shirt off to expose two perky breasts, not to large, but ample enough, John lifted first one nipple to his mouth and then the other. Sucking on her nipples, Raelynn arched her back away from him to allow better access, and grabbed his cock in her hand and began to slowly slide her hand up and down his shaft.

  Groaning with desire, John continued to peel her pants away from her lower body exploring every nook and cranny with hands and mouth. When he ended at her knees, he urged her to stand up to peel the rest of the material away,

  "Please don't,” John murmured as he gently guided her hands away from her body. Staring at her in the moonlight that broke through a skylight, he noticed how her blonde hair framed her face like glowing pale halo.

  Letting his eyes rake down her size four figure, he noticed that she had a small belly with a perfect navel indented into the small imperfection. Continuing to slide ever downward, she felt her skin blush as his eyes reached her small patch of honey colored curls that hid her most sweet nectar. The hurried encounters in the alleyway next to the bar had never allowed for anything so leisurely as this night.

  Not being able to resist, he slowly lowered his head to these curls and as Raelynn started to protest, he quickly licked at her lips, making her take a quick breath and as he used his fingers to spread her open he slowly encircled her throbbing bud and sucked gently.

  Whimpering in ecstasy, Raelynn couldn't help but raise her hips slightly, she relished in the sensations that John was creating in her.

  Clutching at the carpet beneath her hands, Raelynn screamed out as she was overtaken by a wave of pleasure, and John lapped up every ounce of nectar she mustered up.<
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  "Please John, I need more.” Raelynn begged and whimpered.

  Quickly shucking his jeans, John hovered over her. Leaning down towards her face, to hear the words she was speaking.

  "Are you sure John?” As much as it pained her to say it, she knew she would stop the act if he asked her too.

  Grasping her head, John leaned down and kissed her, licking at her lips in order to taste her sweet, yet tangy essence. “What do you think?” He asked after the kiss, and as she was about to kiss him again, he impaled her with his rod.

  Starting out slowly, John found that she matched his every thrust and not being able to help himself he sped up.

  "Harder John.” Raelynn screamed, as she grabbed at the carpet once again as she felt her muscles tighten on him.

  John felt the moment when she started to feed on their desire, his wound broke open and started to bleed again, but he didn't care, it felt too good to fuck this woman.

  Feeling her tense as he rammed into her, they matched rolling rhythms. Listening to the sound of bodies slapping together, and her whimpers as she urged him on, he lost the rhythm as he shot his cum inside of her.

  As she climaxed with him, she thrust all her desire back into his body and watched his shocked expression.

  Collapsing onto his elbows, Raelynn asked if he was okay, removing the bandage to see if her theory had proven true, she saw a nice scar where two minutes ago was an open oozing wound.

  Murmuring that he was fine, she found his mouth and kissing him deeply, clenched her muscles and his cock responded, chuckling in a sultry laugh Raelynn grunted. “Get off me, you're suffocating me."

  Laughing her rolled over bringing her with him. John tucked her pretty head onto his shoulder and snuggled her close.

  * * * *

  "Raelynn, you will have to go soon,” he told her as they snuggled together in the aftermath of their love making.

  Laughing she responded by kissing his chest, “Maybe I don't want to go just yet,” she teased leaning her head and kissing his neck.

  "Five minutes lover,” he relented tucking her head back onto his chest with a sigh.

  Raelynn rested there content with her life for five more minutes.

  "Raelynn, they are here.” It was a flat statement, and when she sat up she glanced at his pale face and knew it was decision time.

  "I'll leave immediately. I'm good at hiding. The demon you defeated has been after me for centuries.” Raelynn got up and moved to her discarded clothes, getting dressed in a hurry.

  John pulled on her arm turning her towards him, his own discarded clothes in his hand. “We will leave immediately.” He kissed her hard and urgently and they dressed together in silence.

  * * * *

  The man watched with a woman as John and Raelynn slipped out a window high above the ground just as their troops were entering through the front.

  "This is better then I could have expected,” the woman said to the man as they let their prey slip away into the dark.

  The End?

  Author's Bio:

  J.R. Mitchell was born in Montana. Moving across most states in the west, she has settled down in Santa Fe, N.M. Living with her two small children and her husband, J.R. aspires to be become a full time author. Working on many long novels and short stories her books revolve around the vampires she loves, and other supernatural things.

  * * *

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