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Fallen For You (Killer Next Door #1)

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by Carlie Sexton

  Fallen For You

  Killer Next Door Series, Book One

  By Carlie Sexton


  Copyright © 2016 by Carlie Sexton.

  All rights reserved.

  First Print Edition: April 2016

  Limitless Publishing, LLC

  Kailua, HI 96734

  Formatting: Limitless Publishing

  ISBN-13: 978-1-68058-588-9

  ISBN-10: 1-68058-588-6

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.


  This book is dedicated to two special friends. First, Jacelyn Rye, who wrote her own book simultaneously while I wrote mine. Your support was invaluable to me. This would have not come to fruition if it wasn’t for you. Second, Raine Miller, who inspired me to go for it. You spurred me on to finish and gave me incredible advice. Thanks to both of you.


























  A smile the size of the Grand Canyon stretched across Roger’s face as he hung up the phone, causing his eyes to crinkle. The voice on the other end of the line had piqued his interest unlike any he’d ever experienced before. If only he could have reached through the line and touched her. Who was this Kate, and what did she look like? He’d know soon enough, as Kate and her roommate Charlie were coming to see the apartment he had for rent next door. Hearing her voice had somehow made him forget he had a girlfriend. How could the sound of a voice do that?

  He had managed Rancho Verde Apartments for several years and always judged potential rental candidates with his gut feelings. His easy conversation with Kate on the phone had been enlightening. She was well-spoken and classy, never interrupting him a single time he’d spoken. Now all he had to do was see her in the flesh. Did her face and body match her sweet, sultry voice?

  The sound of the doorbell made his heart race a little faster, and when he pulled the door open he was faced with two goddess-like creatures. Wow. Someone up there must really like me. Both women exceeded his wildest expectations.

  “Hi, I’m Kate Simmons, and this is Charlie Andrews,” one woman said with her hand outstretched.

  Roger took her soft, delicate hand. He didn’t want to let go of it. He wanted to kiss and caress it, but he didn’t. Holding it longer than he knew he should, he noticed Kate’s face turn flush.

  “Nice to meet you. I’m Roger Wilkins, the apartment manager,” he said smoothly. He shook Charlie’s hand as well.

  Kate was stunning. Roger couldn’t help but notice her full, beautifully shaped breasts and tiny waistline. She had curves in all the right places, and her long, wavy brown hair with blonde highlights cascaded down toward her breasts. He could lose himself for days in her big brown eyes. When she flashed her smile, he was certain she turned heads wherever she went.

  The sound of her voice had captivated him, and now seeing her, he wanted to know her heart, mind, body, and soul. He didn’t believe in love at first sight, but he definitely believed in lust at first sight.

  Charlie, to his relief, turned out to be a woman. But not any ordinary woman; she too was striking. She was petite with long, straight black hair. Her smooth skin made him think of a porcelain doll. Her high cheekbones would have given any model a run for her money. He was going to do everything in his power to make sure they rented the apartment right next door to his. His search for the perfect woman might be over thanks to a fortuitous vacancy.

  “Let me show you the apartment. It’s right across the way,” he said, pointing to the door.

  Kate and Charlie turned, strolling to the door across from Roger. As he opened it, he said, “I think you’ll like this place. It’s west facing, so it stays cooler than the apartments on the other side of the complex. The kitchen is a good size, and you can fit a small table and chairs out on the balcony. I’ll let you look around. Come on back when you’re done.”

  Kate’s smile broadened. “Thanks, we’ll see you soon.”

  Leaving his door ajar, Roger returned to his apartment. A spark had been ignited when he and Kate shook hands. He had seen it on her face. Brimming with confidence, he prepared the lease agreement, and waited for their return.



  Kate glanced around the apartment. Sun poured in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, highlighting the cheery pastel yellow paint on the walls. Just standing here made her feel warm…or maybe she was just high off the knowledge she was finally going to be free from under her mother’s thumb. And judging by the look on Charlie’s face, she was loving the place too.

  “Charlie,” Kate called out, “what do you think of this place?”

  “I love it!” Charlie said, kneeling next to the dishwasher. “And the dishwasher is brand new. Very energy efficient.” She glanced up. “Plenty of cabinets too. We can stock up on groceries. And it’s only fifteen minutes away from my job.” She grinned. “It’s better than the other places we looked at earlier today. I can see myself spending time on the balcony.”

  Charlie walked over and grabbed Kate’s hand. “I’m really glad we’re doing this. It’s long overdue.”

  Kate’s eyes glistened. “I know,” she whispered.

  “Are you ready to fill out an application?”

  “Yes,” Charlie said, nodding her head.

  She hugged Charlie. “It’s going to be great for us to be out on our own together.”

  They walked out of the apartment to find Roger’s door open.

  “So, what did you think of the place?” he asked with raised eyebrows.

  “We both really like it,” Kate answered. “We want to rent it.”

  “Great. I have your lease ready if you want to sign today,” he said, leading them into his dining area. “I think we can forego the application process. I can tell you’re both upstanding citizens.”

  The smile on Roger’s face was so warm. He had boyish good looks with thick dark hair and brown eyes. Kate played with her hair as she gazed at Roger. For a brief second, she thought about Roger’s arms around her, but she quickly dismissed the notion, knowing it wasn’t a good idea to date her apartment manager. But just feeling that draw toward someone again was a shot in the arm.

  Signing the lease, Kate asked, “When’s the earliest we can move in?”

  “You can move in tomorrow if you’d like,” he said. “The apartment’s ready.”

  “That works out great,” she said.

  “Well, if you don’t
have any more questions, then I will see you when you move in. The place is yours,” he said, handing each woman her own key.



  Roger was looking for the perfect woman to complete his life. He had a placeholder for right now, who was pretty and sweet. She met his needs, but she didn’t make him weak in the knees. Finding the kind of woman who rocked his world and made other guys jealous had become a big priority. Maybe then he could overcome his past and not be haunted anymore. He hadn’t exactly been given a charmed life, but he was working on changing it.

  Roger couldn’t have been more satisfied Kate and Charlie were moving in. As he sat on the sofa in his apartment, his pulse quickened. Both girls were so attractive and incredibly desirable. Kate seemed friendly. The way she looked at him while signing the lease made his stomach tighten. They had a connection. It was obvious she had no clue how beautiful she was, making her even sexier. Charlie, on the other hand, carried herself like she knew she was gorgeous. She seemed a little more guarded.

  They had signed a year’s lease, so he’d have plenty of time to get to know Kate. He started planning his strategy, as he knew Kate would be the perfect woman for him. He’d keep his door open so he could figure out her comings and goings. Invitations for wine at the end of the day might loosen her up a little. Once he’d worn her down, he’d break things off with his girlfriend, Rose, to garner Kate’s sympathies. Being next door was very convenient indeed. All he had to do was walk across the landing and he could see her anytime he wanted. She didn’t even have to be awake. As the manager of the complex, he had a key to everyone’s apartment. He legally wasn’t supposed to go into someone’s apartment without their consent, but he wasn’t one to get caught up in legalities. It wouldn’t be the first time he watched a sleeping beauty. He’d have her figured out in no time. The plans he had for her swirled around in his mind. Despite the fact she was a good woman and he appreciated having her in his life, he didn’t see Rose as long-term relationship material. If he had, perhaps meeting Kate wouldn’t have cast her aside in his mind so quickly and definitively.



  Roger’s door was open when Kate and Charlie arrived at the apartment to start moving in. He made sure to greet them as they carried boxes up the stairs. He was all smiles until he saw Tom and Mitch climbing the stairs; then his face turned a little more serious.

  “Roger, this is Charlie’s dad, Tom, and her boyfriend, Mitch.” Tom extended his hand to Roger. For a split second, Roger hesitated, but then gave Tom a firm handshake. Why is Roger’s jaw clenched? Kate thought. This is weird.

  Otherwise, their move went on without a hitch. When the truck was completely empty, Tom headed home and Mitch stayed to help with the unpacking. The new furniture arrived as Kate and Charlie were organizing their bedrooms and Mitch was putting things away in the kitchen. He was a whiz at organizing and made sure to put all of the kitchen essentials in the most convenient cabinets.

  Plopping down on the sofa, Kate and Charlie simultaneously said, “I’m starved.” Mitch pulled out his cell phone and within minutes, he’d ordered two large pizzas that arrived in no time. After inhaling a couple of slices and a couple of beers, Kate decided she needed a good soak in the tub. But before she could excuse herself, there was a knock at the door.

  “I wonder who that could be,” Kate mumbled as she got up to answer it. When she pulled the front door open, Roger was standing there with a bottle of wine. His white shirt showed off his olive complexion and his athletic build. Again, Kate’s mind wandered to his arms around her, but she quickly dismissed the image. Not going there. “Hi, Roger,” she said with a weary smile.

  Roger nodded with a smile of his own. “Kate, I thought I’d bring over a bottle of wine to welcome you and Charlie to the building.” The intensity of his eye contact unnerved Kate a little. It had been a long day and she wanted to unwind.

  “You’re so thoughtful. Please come in,” she said. Roger handed her the bottle of wine as he crossed the threshold to enter the apartment.

  “It’s open already, in case you hadn’t unpacked the kitchen yet,” Roger explained.

  “Fortunately, Mitch unpacked the kitchen for us. Take a seat. I’ll get the glasses. Mitch, Charlie, do you each want a glass of wine?”

  “Yeah, sounds good,” Charlie said, while Mitch nodded.

  Roger sat on the loveseat as Kate went into the kitchen and poured the wine.

  “So tell me, Roger, have you managed the building for very long?” Mitch asked.

  “Just the last few years,” Roger said.

  “Cool. What did you do before?” Mitch continued.

  “I was in the Army for many years. Got out right before the towers were hit.”

  Mitch shook his head. “That was a crazy time.”

  “Yeah, it sure was,” Roger said.

  Kate returned with two glasses, handing them to Mitch and Charlie. She went back to retrieve the glasses she’d poured for Roger and herself, then joined him on the loveseat.

  “Thanks for serving our country, Roger,” Charlie said. “What did you do in the Army?”

  “I worked in the Criminal Investigation division for most of my time.”

  “Sounds intense,” Kate said. “So you helped to solve crimes?”

  “Mostly domestic disputes. I took down the information from the wife or girlfriend who had been abused and filed a report.” Roger took a sip of his chardonnay.

  “Were there a lot of domestic problems in the Army?” Kate asked.

  “Unfortunately, yes. People who have violence in their relationships rarely break free of it. Most women recanted their stories the next day and forgave the guy until the next time.”

  “That’s too bad,” Charlie said.

  “When I got out of the Army, I applied to the police academy, but due to budget cutbacks at the time it didn’t work out, so I started my own business and began managing apartments.”

  Kate yawned and let out a sigh. “Roger, thank you for the wine, but I can barely keep my eyes open. I need to call it a day.”

  Roger stood up. “No worries. Get some rest and I’ll see you tomorrow.” He made his way to the door and they all said good night. Kate locked the door behind him.

  Turning toward Mitch, she said, “Thanks for all of your help today, Mitch. You made everything so easy. You did the biggest part by unpacking the kitchen.”

  “Glad to. You know how I love to organize. Growing up in a sloppy family made me rebel. I have to have everything in its place.”

  “Well, I’m grateful to know we’ll be able to make coffee in the morning. I’ll see you tomorrow, Charlie.” She blew a kiss to her best friend as she left the living room.

  Kate entered her room and found the box labeled “bathroom.” Rummaging through it, she found all the essentials for taking a bath. She had enough salts left for tonight. Soaking in the tub was undoubtedly one of her favorite pastimes.

  When she started running the water and poured in the salts, the smell of jasmine filled the air, immediately relaxing her. After adjusting the water temperature, she swished her hands through the water to spread the salts and then slipped in the tub. The water felt silky smooth. Normally she read a book, but she’d forgotten to get one before getting in. Now she had only her thoughts to keep her company.

  Her mind wandered to Mitch and Charlie and how happy they were together. She’d left them cuddling on the sofa, wrapped in each other’s arms. She was glad her best friend had such a wonderful man who loved her so much. He was six-foot-two, muscular, drop-dead gorgeous, and so in tune with Charlie’s needs. He was thoughtful and considerate, a real catch, in her opinion. One day soon she expected to be standing up at their wedding. She once had the same thing, but it seemed like a million years ago now. Sighing heavily, her heart felt constrained. Seeing them together made her want what they had—someone to love who loved her back, someone who accepted her unconditionally. But after what had happen
ed, she didn’t think she deserved a second chance at love. She rubbed her hands over her face and then covered her mouth.

  After all, her dad had abandoned her, and the only guy she’d ever loved was gone now. Maybe she was destined to be alone. Working through those feelings in therapy for the past two years had been challenging.

  She shifted to move the water around, then put her feet on the wall above the faucet to soak more of her back. It was a big step moving out of her mother’s house, and she felt a real sense of accomplishment. No longer would she have to tiptoe around her mom or pretend everything was okay when it definitely wasn’t. She was so thankful she could be real with Charlie and not have to hide behind a mask with her. Her therapist, Dr. Cox, was the same, but he had no choice since she paid him to listen to her. Charlie had a choice and had decided Kate was worth being friends with even after what had happened. Her throat tightened and she could feel the tears welling up.

  How was she going to get over her past? Like a dark shadow, it followed her no matter where she went or what she did. She couldn’t get away from what she’d done. Dr. Cox had told her the past had shaped her life, but it didn’t have to control her life. In her head, she knew he was right, but transferring the information to her heart was so difficult. This was her first step in a long process—moving out, returning to college, and allowing herself to be open when she’d been closed off for so long. All she could do was try. It wasn’t going to be easy, but she knew it was the right thing to do.

  Suddenly she realized the walls were paper thin and she could hear Mitch and Charlie’s voices. She heard the water come on in Charlie’s shower. Their muffled voices caused her mouth to drop open. They were going to conserve water by showering together. How resourceful!


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