Book Read Free


Page 15

by Marshall Huffman



  Finding Al’kino was easy. Finding the secret Yamantaw complex took a little more time. Nothing indicated in which direction it was located. No sign pointed the way. Yegor stumbled on to how to get there when he happened to look over on a dirt road and saw four large earth moving vehicles. He skidded to a halt.


  Yegor pointed to the trucks.


  “Where do you think they were going?”

  “A mine?”

  “Or a base.”

  “That’s a definite possibility.”

  “Let’s see where that road goes,” Yegor said, turning the car around and heading down the dirt road. Dust kicked up behind them as he sped down the rough road.

  “Wouldn’t the road be paved if it was going to a military base?”

  “Quite the opposite I would think. The key word is secret. A paved road would certainly cause suspicion. Any satellite would become very interested in a newly paved road. Where is it going and why was it built? A dirt road makes sense,” Yegor said.

  “I will never understand the military mind. You are so devious and paranoid. You think everyone is out to kill us. Did you ever stop to think maybe no one gives a damn about all this secret stuff?”

  “God I hope not. What would I do for a living? I like being paranoid,” Yegor said, turning on the wipers to try to clean some of the dust off. It was hopeless.

  “For some reason, that does not come as a big shock.”

  “What? Being paranoid?”

  “Yes, and suspicious, devious, and all the other stuff that goes with it.”

  “Someone has to do it.”

  “You are all crazy.”

  They came to a high fence and Yegor stopped the car. He started to get out and a bullet slammed into the front of the car. Steam started boiling out, mixed with dust. He sat back down.

  “Who are you?”

  “Colonel General Yegor Nitikin,” he yelled out the window.

  “Why are you here?”

  “I have orders to report. Why else would I be here?”

  “Bring them to the front gate and leave them. Go back and get in the car.”

  Yegor did as instructed.

  “Nice posting General,” Matryona said.

  “Friendly bunch. At least they know enough to have someone guarding the facility.”

  “The old ‘shoot first, ask questions later’ approach. How clever,” she said sarcastically.

  Yegor didn’t respond. He watched as two men came out and opened the gate just enough to reach the packet he had placed on the ground. One man reached out and grabbed the packet and immediately locked the gate again. They disappeared behind a wall.

  “Now what?’

  “We wait. We couldn’t go anyplace if we wanted to. They shot the radiator,” Yegor replied.

  “I’m going to miss this car.”

  “Yeah, right. About as much as I am.”

  Twenty minutes went by before the two men reappeared. They opened the gate and walked out to the car.

  “General Nitikin. Sorry about the car. Would you please follow us?”

  “And my lady?”

  “Yes, by all means. She is invited to join you as well. We will send someone to get your belongings. Sir, on a side note if I may?”

  “Yes, what is it?’

  “We are very glad to see you. All of the senior officers are gone. Only one Junior Lieutenant is here. He has been the acting commander.”

  “And is that a problem?’

  “No sir. That is what I meant but I think he will be relieved as well. He has not had much experience in decision making.”

  “I understand and thank you for that information.”

  When they walked behind the wall, Yegor and Matryona almost stopped dead in their tracks. Only a small opening in the mountain was visible. They had both been expecting something much more imposing.

  “Everyone has that look,” the escort said.

  “That noticeable?”

  “I’ve seen it a hundred times. You are expecting something spectacular and all you get is another mine entrance. That will change soon enough.”

  They walked into the mine and down a sloping ramp for thirty meters before they made a sharp right turn. A door resembling a bank vault with two guards was visible there.

  “General, since this is your first visit and you have not officially logged in, I will have to open the door,” the escort said and placed his hand on the screen and his chin on a cup shaped shelf. His hand and eye were both scanned. A green light came on and he opened the door.

  “I must do one more thing he said as he spun a large dial and the door clicked open. There was a large elevator on the other side of the door.

  “Override Protocol YC-1023C,” the guard said into a small microphone on the wall.

  “Now we can enter,” he told them.

  “What was that all about?” Matryona asked.

  “It is a safety feature. If you had a gun on me I would not have overridden the protocol. When we got on the elevator it would have known more than one person was in it and would have dropped all the way to the bottom level were we would have been met by a team of very aggressive security people. They tend to start shooting and sort things out later,”

  Yegor noticed four buttons and the guard pushed the second one. He assumed they were going to the second level. The elevator door closed and dropped rapidly.

  “Whoa,” Matryona said, “A thrill ride as well as an elevator.”

  “Sorry, I should have warned you.”

  When it stopped and the door opened they stepped into a huge expanse that was almost surreal.

  “My God,” Matryona said.

  Yegor realized his mouth had dropped open. Almost as far as they could see was a huge domed shape cavern. From the floor to the top was well over 150 meters high.

  “I heard it was big, but this,” he said, sweeping his hand around.

  “Wait, this is only the first level. There are two more under this.”

  “Incredible,” Yegor said.

  “How far does it go back?”

  “This level is 200 meters tall, 1000 meters across and 1500 meters to the back. The next level is about the same except that it is 1500 meters across and 2000 meters to the back.

  It is the third level that is most impressive. 200 hundred meters high, 3000 meters across and 3000 meters deep,” he explained.

  “What an amazing engineering accomplishment,” Yegor said.

  “I noticed that you pressed the second button and it said level one. What happens if you press the first button?”

  “Another security measure. Gas fills the elevator that will render the occupants unconscious in seconds.”

  “And then it goes to the bottom floor where the same angry security guards meet it.”


  “I like it,” Yegor said.

  Matryona just rolled her eyes.

  “Please General, if you will follow me I will take you to Lieutenant Andreev.”

  “Why did he not come to greet me?”

  “Sorry sir, but protocol is different here. The Commanding Officer is not allowed to leave the self-destruction console until the official change of command has taken place.”

  “Most interesting,” Yegor said.

  “I’m not sure I’m going to like this place all that much,” Matryona muttered.

  “You will get used to it. It is actually quite amazing. We even have a shopping store, beauty parlor, spa and exercise area.”

  Yegor just shook his head. This place was actually bigger than his last command.

  The escort knocked on the door that said ‘Командир’. Yegor had never anticipated that he would end up being the Commanding Officer.

  “Come in.”

  “Sir,” the escort said, opening the door for the General. Lieutenant Andreev was in his dress uniform and standing at attention. His r
ight hand was still holding the end of a key in a slot on the console.

  “General Nitikin, Welcome to the Yamantaw complex.”

  “Thank you Lieutenant Andreev. You can take your hand off the destruct key now. It is quite safe.”

  “Yes sir,” he said and let go of it like it was burning his fingers.

  “Relax Lieutenant. Everything is going to be fine. Please, at ease, you are making me nervous,” Yegor said.

  Matryona was taking it all in. This was something she had not seen before. The poor Lieutenant looked like he might faint.

  “Lieutenant, you do not look so good. Please sit,” Yegor said.

  He started to walk across to another chair but Yegor stopped him.

  “Just sit behind the desk. You seem very jumpy? Is something wrong?”

  “I hope not sir. I mean,” but he stopped.

  “Out with it Lieutenant,” Yegor said and then broke into a loud laugh.

  They all looked at him wondering what was so funny.

  “I know. You have been warned that I shoot Commanding Officers that don’t hold to proper military protocols. Is that it?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Oh for heaven’s sake. Relax. I promise I won’t shoot you until tomorrow...just kidding, don’t soil your pants.”

  “Yes sir,” the Lieutenant said, relaxing a bit more.

  “What happened to all the senior officers?” Yegor asked.

  “They were holding a meeting outside because it was one of the first nice days we had in months. It was warm and sunny so they decided to hold the meeting out of the complex for a change. I was left here until they got back but they never did.”

  “How many are here in the complex now?”

  “Two thousand, seven hundred and fifty-three, including me. You and Mrs. Nitikin will make it fifty-five.”

  Yegor didn’t bother to correct the Lieutenant. She was not his wife but he thought it would raise more questions than he wanted to answer at this time so he let it go.

  “I only saw a few on the way here.”

  “Most are on the third level. That is where the living quarters and recreational areas are located,” the Lieutenant told him.

  “Alright. Where does the Commanding Officer stay?”

  “I would be happy to show you. I apologize but you must tell me that you have assumed command of the base before I can hand over the key and be relieved.”

  “Very well…I, General Nitikin now assume command of the Yamantaw Complex at 15:45 hours.”

  “Thank you sir. It is a pleasure to have you here,” he said and handed the key to Yegor.

  “If you will follow me I will show you to your quarters.”

  As they were walking along Yegor said, “So you are the only senior officer left. Good time not to have been outside.”

  “Actually sir, I should clear up one thing. We do have a full Lieutenant still in the complex. I just happened to be the most senior of the Junior Lieutenants. Only by three weeks.”

  “Then why didn’t he assume command?”

  “He refused. We all tried to get him to do it but he wouldn’t. We told him he would be in big trouble but he wouldn’t listen. Finally I decided someone had to be in charge so…” he said and shrugged.

  “Very good Captain.”

  “Lieutenant, sir.”

  “Captain. My second in command will be a Captain. You did what had to be done and you accepted the responsibility. You have my complete faith in your abilities.”

  “Thank you sir. I don’t know what to say.”

  “You do not need to say anything. Just keep doing the job and I think we will get along just fine.”

  Matryona watched the exchange with interest. She could almost see the young Lieutenant relax. He led them past a large room that was separated from the hall by a thick glass. Inside was a huge U-shaped table with leather chairs. A map of Russia covered one entire wall. A projection screen covered another. The sign above the door said it was the War Room. There were blinds at the top of the window so they could close off the room when needed. The next room was marked Encryption and Coding. It had no windows, only a heavy metal door.

  “Here you are sir,” he said and opened the door.

  “They should have brought your clothes in by now. Is there anything else you need right now?”

  “I think a hot shower and change of uniform would be the best thing for me. I hope I don’t look as bad as I feel.”

  “We totally understand. It is amazing that you even made it here. When you are ready I will get you logged into the system and give you a full tour of the facility.”

  “How do I contact you?” Yegor asked.

  “Press this button here,” he said walking over to a large desk that had a panel with several buttons on it.

  “That will page me and I will come as quickly as possible,” he said.

  “Excellent. Thank you for everything Captain. I would like to take that hot shower now.”

  “Yes sir and thank you,” he said as he closed the door.

  “Well, you certainly obtained a loyal follower pretty fast. One minute they are shooting at you and the next licking your hand,” Matryona said.

  He ignored her remark.

  “Looks like a fairly nice place,” he said.

  “Fairly nice? I don’t know what you are used to but this is a palace. Look at the size of this room alone. It must be 10 meters by 10 meters. A bar no less and that coffee table, is it marble?”

  “Polished granite I think.”

  She walked into the next room.

  “Yegor, come look at this,” she said excitedly.

  The next room was even bigger. A hot tub was built into the stone with a waterfall at one end. The bedroom was also part of the room with the largest bed Matryona had ever seen.

  “Look at this place. Have you ever seen anything like it?”

  “The palace has some pretty nice rooms, but never for a base commander. They certainly didn’t mind spending money on this place. I would venture to say the people at the Kremlin never see this part of the complex.

  “Oh my,” Matryona said, going into a side room, “Look at this Yegor,” she said.

  She sounded like a kid who had just found a sack of candy. Like everything else, the bathroom was opulent. Even the fixtures were gold. The shower was big enough for a family of five to all take a shower at the same time. Everywhere you looked it was over the top. Yegor wondered how anyone could justify spending such enormous amounts of money. It was almost as if they were trying to be gaudy, just flaunting the fact they could spend it if they wanted. How childish and sad, Yegor thought.

  “So, I wonder what your room will look like,” Yegor said. She stopped and turned to face him.

  “I just…”

  “What? Thought we would share this place?”

  “I guess so, yes.”

  “Is that what you want to do?”

  “Do you?”

  “I asked you. Is that what you want?”


  “You are absolutely sure? You don’t know anything about me really,” Yegor said.

  “I have just spent every minute of the last ten days with you. That is more time than I spent with my husband in the last five years. I may not know everything about you but I know you are a good man. I have seen how you handle people. You are not the usual roughneck military officer who thinks he has to boss everyone around. You said you were too blunt. Perhaps at times, but it is only because you are honest and believe in what you say. Do you know how refreshing that is to find in an officer?”

  “Then the answer is yes?”

  “Damn you. Are you going to make me beg you?”

  “No, but I do want to know if it is because of me or just the accommodation.”

  “Humm…well, that makes it a little more difficult,” she said, keeping a straight face.

  She rushed to him and put her arms around him and kissed him. Softly at first and then more passionately. She fe
lt his arms wrap around her. Finally they pulled apart.

  “So it is for the room,” Yegor said.

  “Definitely,” she said laughing and kissed him again.

  “Then I believe the rent is due.”

  ~ ~

  Matryona was humming when Yegor came into the front living quarters. They had showered together and then he had carried her into the bedroom. They spent a couple of hours discovering each other’s bodies.

  “I guess it is time for me to see what this place is all about,” Yegor said, buttoning his jacket.

  “You look very handsome in your fresh clothes.

  “You look fantastic in what you are wearing,” Yegor said.

  All she had on was one of his shirts which just barely covered her.

  “Good, then you won’t be too long in coming back.”

  “I’m pretty sure you are right about that,” Yegor said as he opened the door.

  He walked down the long hall, just observing. He discovered next to his quarters was the second in command's quarters and a little further along were other top officers lodgings. He wondered if they were all as plush. He was also thankful that the walls were made of stone. Matryona was very vocal, he had discovered.

  He noticed a Warrant Officer watching him out the corner of his eye. He was acting like he was busy working on something.

  “Excuse me. You are?”

  “Sir. Warrant Officer Tarasvo.”

  “Tarasvo. Tarasvo. Are you related to Admiral Tarasvo by any chance?”

  “Yes sir, he is my father. I guess, was my father now,” he answered.

  “I knew the Admiral. He was a good officer and a good friend. He mentored me for a few years. Tried to get me to go over to the Navy. I thought I saw the resemblance,” Yegor said.

  “Thank you sir. I appreciate the kind words.”

  “Not kind, true.”

  “Sir, may I ask you a question?”


  “What happened? How widespread is all of this? We have sent out patrols over and over again but have found no one.”

  “I’m afraid it is very widespread. From here to Moscow we have only found a few survivors. They happened to be in a tunnel at the time.”


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