Book Read Free

Falling for Love

Page 3

by Vicki Green

  * * * * *

  “So. He seems to really like you. Why can’t you give him a chance?”

  Taren and I have been shopping for a couple of hours now. I’ve gotten three new outfits, two conservative and one dressy, for this weekend. I happened to mention about him hanging out at the bar waiting for me last night and now that’s all she’ll talk about. I push clothes roughly across the rack, my face puckering with her inquisition. “I don’t want to talk about it. I don’t want to be put in that position again. Besides, I need to concentrate on my new job and not some beefy man. How does this look?” I pull a shirt off the rack and turn, holding it up in front of me. She reaches over and pulls it down, looking at me intently.

  “Irish! Stop it, will ya?”

  I huff and slam it back on the rack. “You’re right. The color is all wrong.” I start to push the shirts along the rack again until she grabs my arm and turns me to face her again.

  “Irish,” she whispers sternly.

  I stare into her soft eyes and then roll mine. “Okay. Maybe.” She smiles as she releases me. “After this weekend. I have to make a good impression.”

  “Fair enough.” The look on her face is as if she’s won. Snot.

  “Doesn’t mean anything will happen or come out of it, Taren.”

  She rocks up on her toes then back on her heels, still smiling. “Oh, I know.” Wench.

  I start to walk out of the store with her following behind me. “Shouldn’t you be like nesting or something?” Her giggles surround me. Didn’t think it was that funny. It was a fair question. Sheesh!

  After dropping Taren off, I had a little time to think on the way home and get even more nervous. My first big thing with my new job and all I can think about is him. What the fuck? This is one reason it doesn’t pay to like someone. They are all consuming and you can’t do anything else normal. He’s strong. I’ll give him that. Good looking? On a scale of one to ten – definitely a fifteen. Eats right and doesn’t party like others our age. Stays fit. Calls me Doll, which I hate, but it’s special for only me so I kinda love it.

  I park my truck, slam the door shut, and take my bags up to my apartment. I shove everything needed into my bag and look over at the clock. Butterflies take residency in the pit of my stomach, but I swallow the nerves down and take my bag out to my truck. How am I ever gonna get through this weekend? Taren told me to call her when I needed to, and I may have to so she can talk me off the ledge I’m sure I’ll be on. I tried to bring the most conservative clothes I could so that the techy guys don’t hit on me, but they are having a formal night party tomorrow night. I roll my eyes just thinking about it and have more time to think about it with the hour drive it takes to get there.

  My nerves move up to the bottom of my throat as I pull into the parking lot of The Seaside Royal Hotel. I can tell how posh it is by the look of the exterior of the building. Two uniformed gentlemen run over to my truck immediately. One opens my door and I smile up at him and put my game face on as I place my hand in his. Once he’s helped me out of my truck, the other proceeds to open the passenger door, retrieving my bag. “We’ll take great care of your vehicle, miss. You may follow Charles into the lobby to check-in.” I nod, placing my hand back in his with money for a tip then follow the other into the lobby. I stop cold when I look at the plush interior — I am so out of my league. I regain my senses and walk over to the counter. Check-in was quick and painless since the corporation had set up my reservation and had already paid for it. I follow Charles to the elevator and up to my room, looking all around in fascination. When he opens the door to my room, I have to stifle my gasp at the large suite. Once he’s returned from taking my bag to the bedroom, I thank him and provide him a tip. He nods, smiling, as he leaves me closing the door behind him.

  I quickly walk to the center of the living room and twirl, my arms outstretched above me, and squeal internally. Not only have I never stayed in such a beautiful and posh hotel before but never in a suite either. I’m in heaven and feeling more relaxed with my surroundings. I decide to change my clothes into something more casual yet still a little dressy. Wearing my black dress pants, high heels to match, a white silky blouse with the top button undone to show my ample cleavage but yet not too much, a smoky pearl necklace and matching earrings, I head to the elevator to go find the lounge. Suddenly, excited and anxious, I’m in need of some liquid courage. Eating. Eating might be good too since I haven’t had a thing all day.

  It doesn’t take me long to find the lounge and it’s as regal as the hotel. There’s not many people here yet but it’s still early. Most people probably don’t start drinking at four o’clock in the afternoon but then again, with two conventions here this weekend, I’m surprised there aren’t more in here getting lit. At least tonight is more of a free night with most of the activities beginning in the morning. I have no problem finding a seat at the bar, choosing one that’s next to the wall trying to keep low and inconspicuous. “Hey, little lady. What can I get you?” A very nice looking, well dressed bartender leans over the counter placing a cocktail napkin in front of me and giving me a wink.

  “A frozen Mai Tai, please.” I smile back and then look around trying not to make eye contact.

  “Very good.”

  I nod, mostly to myself, and watch as more people begin entering the lounge. It doesn’t take but halfway through my drink for the lounge to be packed and secretly I’m thinking I might escape up to my room when a low and sexy voice whispers in my ear, “Buy you a drink?” I turn my head slowly and see a very nice looking gentleman standing way too close behind me. He has short blond hair, the bluest of eyes, strong jaw, and a very nice build. The thing that captures my attention the most is the dimple that deepens beside his mouth when he smiles. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to have a drink bought for me as long as he expects nothing in return because I’m not offering anything more than my company.

  “What’s the catch?” I whisper back, hoping against hope there isn’t one.

  “Just the pleasure of your company during the drink,” he speaks quietly and a little too eagerly.

  I look him over and let out an internal sigh. “If that’s all then thank you.”

  He slides between my chair and the next one, leaning over the bar. “My good sir. Another for the lady.” Lady. Nice touch. The bartender looks at him and then me, winks, and begins making my drink. The nice gentleman turns, placing his arm on the counter. “So. Come here often?” I roll my eyes but can’t hide my smile. “Yes, I know. Real authentic, right?” I nod, giving him another smile. So far he seems nice. Normal. “I’m here for the tech convention.” My brows raise. “I’ve been in this business for about five years now. Thing is: people think I’m a geek, a nerd if you will.”

  I lean my elbow on the counter, my chin in my hand, curious. “And you’re not?”

  That’s when things start getting strange. He looks at me like he wants to devour me. Whole. His eyes scan my body, slowly, stopping on my ample cleavage for a beat, then back up to my eyes. “No. I’m anything but.” We stare at each other. Inside I want to smack the grin off his face, removing that damn dimple. As he leans in closer, I lean back in my chair. I watch him raise his finger, poking me gently on the side of my face and moving it up until he taps my nose. I blink rapidly and then let out the biggest sneeze. My eyes widen at the look on his face since I just sneezed all over him. Oh, my God! How embarrassing! He quickly grabs the napkin under his drink and rubs it all over his mouth then the rest of his face. Hmmmm. He looks me over again as he drops the used napkin on the counter and chuckles. “You okay there? Not coming down with anything, I hope.” Shaking my head, I grab my drink and take a big gulp. He starts to lean in again. My heart starts beating rapidly. Should I just give in? Go for it and see where the chips fall? I’m always so scared to let go. Scared to give it a try. So afraid of being hurt. Again. A throat clears from behind us just as his lips are almost to mine. I’m staring into blond guy’s eyes and then shift over to
the throat clearer. My eyes widen. My brows lower and my heart speeds up for a different reason.

  Chapter Three


  After lounging in my suite for a good two hours, my stomach growled enough that I thought I’d better go downstairs and get something to eat. I could have just ordered room service but Amanda already called me and asked me to make an appearance downstairs. I know it’ll be a ton of patting my shoulder or grabbing my arm and I’ll just put on my fake smile the whole time. Although there could be a chance to find a sane woman here, one that might want to spend some time with me to help me get through this. Then again, this weekend can’t get over fast enough. I end up putting on one of my tight fitting t-shirts, saving my wife beater for the signing tomorrow. My snug jeans don’t leave much breathing room for my cock that’s already hard from thinking about all the women I’ll meet and the lack of attention it’s had for a long time. I head downstairs and end up eating something light in the restaurant. Gotta watch my weight especially since Amanda said there would be a photo shoot tomorrow. I’ll have to find the gym here in the morning as well.

  A text informs me Amanda’s in the lounge so that’s my next stop. No beers for me tonight but that’s okay. Don’t really need them anyway. I stand in the entrance, scoping out the place. It’s jammed with people. I spot her over on the right side in the back. We both wave at each other and smile. I begin to walk that way when something catches my eye on the left side of the room. There, in the back, is Irish. Well, I’ll be damned. What in the hell is she doing here? I stop and just stare, watching some asshole making his moves on her. I walk over to that side of the room, into the shadows and continue to watch. I have to hold in my laughter, watching her sneeze all over that guy. What a schmuck. Then something happens that I’ve never dealt with before. I watch him lean in close to her, like he wants to fucking eat her. A foreign feeling fills me quickly and I think it’s jealousy. I’m not sure but I feel like I want to tear his limbs off. I feel protective. But also possessive. Like she’s mine. I’ve never felt this way about a woman before. I’m not sure I like it.

  Without even thinking it through, I storm over to her. By the time I’m standing behind her, their mouths are about to touch. I clear my throat loudly. My arms crossed over my chest. Her eyes shift to mine and for a moment I think she’s happy to see me until her brows lower and a sneer appears on her beautiful face. There’s my girl.

  She pushes against his chest, and the look on his face is priceless. Her head whips around to me and I swear I heard a growl. I have to clamp my mouth shut so my chuckle doesn’t escape. “Excuse me just for a moment, please,” she says to nuthead and then walks with anger to me. I take a step back but only because she’s about to knock me over with her finger poking into my chest. Again, I have to squeeze my mouth shut in order not to laugh. She’s so fucking cute. “What in the hell is wrong with you and why are you even here?” She growls as she continues to push against my chest. I’m about ready to take that damn finger and suck on it.

  I grab her wrist and give her my own snarl. “Look, Doll. I was doing you a favor. If you want meat boy all over your fine ass, have at it.” Her mouth snaps shut and a softness appears in her eyes. I couldn’t help myself. I guess I care about her more than I thought. What the hell is wrong with me? Why now? Why her? Yeah, I don’t want a lifetime of loneliness and there are plenty of women to be had. I’ve never had any problem getting a woman. Anytime I want. But do I really want that? Do I really want to keep on being a player? I’m getting tired of that. I’m not getting any younger. I want someone I can have an intelligent conversation with, someone who I can take care of. Someone who wants me for me and not just my body. Now I understand how some women feel like an object. Like Irish.

  “You think I have a fine ass?” Is her only comment. Is that all she got out of what I said? I stare into her eyes, my cock straining against my pants as I take in her warmth. Fuck! What she does to me.

  I lift my hand and run the back of it over the side of her face. Soft. Damn, always wondered what that felt like. “Amongst other things.” I smile and the corner of her mouth lifts. She leans into my touch, briefly, but realizes what she’s doing and takes a step back.

  “I can take care of myself.” She growls, crossing her arms over her chest, and I can’t help but watch as her ample breasts raise with her movement.

  “Suit yourself, Doll. I was just looking out for you.”

  She starts to turn but looks at me over her shoulder. “I don’t need your help and the name’s not Doll, for the last time.” She stops and turns around fully. “Why are you here? Are you stalking me now? You know, there’s laws about that. I could have you arrested and.…”

  I look up as slime-ball walks up behind her, placing his hand on her shoulder. “Everything okay here?” I stifle a laugh as she shrugs him off.

  “None of your business,” she spits still looking into my eyes. He finally takes the hint and walks away. Yeah, leave my girl alone, asshole. “And you. I don’t know why you’re here but leave me the hell alone.” She turns and storms off. Should I follow or leave her alone? No, I’m not done with her quite yet.

  I follow her out to the lobby. She slams the up button for the elevator trying to take her aggressions out on it. The doors slide open quickly as if it knows she’ll keep taking her anger out on it. I walk into the elevator behind her and turn before she does. A few people try to enter but I shake my head slowly and they step away. I press the button for my floor about the time she turns around. “What the fuck, Caylan. Get out!” She tries to move around me and I press back into her, stopping her. I feel her soft hands on my back, pressing against me. “Let me get out then. I don’t want to be in here with you.” She pushes harder and I let her. Damn, her body pressed against mine is making me come undone. The doors close and I turn abruptly, taking ahold of her upper arms and pushing her against the back wall. Her eyes move up to mine. Surprised and searching, yet so much desire within them. I lean down not able to stop myself and press my lips against hers. She fights me at first, struggles, and then relaxes, melting into me. I release her arms as she brings them up and around my neck. I capture her moan as her lips part, my tongue seeks her warmth, her wetness.

  The elevator stops. A small breeze blows in from outside in the hall but I can’t stop. “Is this your floor?” A voice distracts me. I turn my head, my lips still attached to hers, and I look up to see it’s my floor. I grab her hand, turning around, and smile at the woman standing outside the elevator.

  Irish doesn’t resist me pulling her down the hallway. In fact, she’s walking right beside me, almost jogging to keep up. This is what I always do. Get the woman I want and take her to my place or my room. I thought she’d put up more of a struggle. Counted on it. We reach my suite and I slide in the key card quickly. As soon as I push down on the door handle, I whip around and capture her mouth again. She grabs fistfuls of my shirt in her hand, pushing me through the doorway. Not like I’m not going eagerly. I kick the door shut with my foot as my hand makes its way underneath her soft, long hair and cups the back of her neck. I grab around her waist with my other arm, pushing her mouth against mine even harder. Suddenly, we’re all limbs, lips, tongues and fighting each other to remove each other’s clothes. I take a step back, my eyes scanning her luscious body. Black lace bra and matching panties. She doesn’t seem embarrassed by my stare yet her eyes change from desire to pain. She’s afraid I’ll hurt her. Will I? Will I use her like so many and then discard her? Could I do that? My conscience overwhelms me. I can’t hurt her. Not possible. I bend down, picking up her clothes and take the step to her, covering up her chest with them.

  “You’d better go, Irish.” The look on her face breaks my heart. She’s hurt. Her vulnerability showing. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to….”

  She starts taking steps backwards, putting on her pants, hopping from one foot to the other. Then she slides her arms into her blouse, her face changing from embarrassment
to anger. “Fuck you, Caylan. I thought….” She looks around and then back into my eyes. She hits the door with her back, reaching around trying to find the handle. “I thought you were different but you’re just like them! All of them! Asshole!” She turns quickly, her open blouse swinging out with her movement as she opens the door. I jog to her, putting my hands on the door on either side of her, shutting it and pressing against it so she can’t leave.

  She keeps tugging on the handle, her quiet sniffles filling the air. I rub my nose into her hair on the side of her face. “Don’t go, Irish.” A sob breaks free and my heart breaks again. How could I be so cruel? I know what I want and then again I’m so confused by what I want. “I’m sorry,” I whisper into her ear. She stops, melting back into me. Her breathing is erratic. I kiss under her earlobe, releasing the door with one hand and wrapping it around her slim waist. “I’m sorry.” I keep kissing her soft skin. She tilts her head as I make my way down her neck. “I’m sorry.” I keep whispering after each kiss on her soft skin. I’m afraid things will get out of hand again so I grab her waist with both hands and spin her around, looking deeply into her wet eyes. “Come. Let’s call room service and talk.”

  A laugh bubbles up and escapes her mouth.

  “You want to talk now?”

  I can’t help but grin. “Yes. Talk. Come.” I take her hand and lead her over to the bed. She sits, covering up her chest with her blouse. I pick up the phone and hit the button for room service. Not knowing what she’d like, I order several items. By the time I’m done, I look over at her and notice she’s buttoned up her blouse and is sitting cross legged on the bed. I walk over, grab the chair by the window and pull it close to the bed. I place my feet up on the mattress and notice she’s watching my every move.


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