Book Read Free

Falling for Love

Page 7

by Vicki Green

  “Yeah, I know. She’s hanging in there. I’m taking good care of her. Don’t worry. I’ve got this.” I’m trying to sound reassuring. I know Taren knows how I feel about Irish, so I’m hoping she’ll know she’s in good hands. Thing is, I’m a nervous wreck. I’m so worried about her right now. I’m about to lose my mind. I’ve never taken care of anyone before and because it’s her, it scares the shit outta me. What if she damaged her knee beyond repair? It would be my fault. She wouldn’t have run, fallen down those stairs, if it wasn’t for me. Worry and guilt are about to consume me.

  She lets out a breath. “I know you’ll take good care of her, Caylan. Thank you. I don’t think I could be there even though I desperately want to. I’ve been really ill with morning sickness and probably wouldn’t be much good there. Will you please call me when you get her home and let me know how she’s doing?”

  “I’m sorry, Taren. That’s too bad. I hope you get to feeling better. I’ll definitely call you. You have nothing to worry about. I’ve got her.”

  “Thanks, Caylan. You’re the best. If I had to pick anyone in the world for my bestie, it would be you.” I smile into the room, feeling like a million bucks. That means everything to me. “Kane is bringing Brock home now. They just dropped off Irish’s truck at her apartment.”

  Just then the curtain opens and Irish is pushed through by a nurse with a doctor following them. “Okay. Great. Please thank them both for me. I’ll call you as soon as I can.” I end the call and stand. She looks like she’s pretty doped up and there’s a bandage that covers around her knee. She looks up at me and smiles, in a sluggish, drunken sort of way.

  “Mr. Dorn. Her knee is severely bruised. Here’s a prescription for some pain medication and she should stay off of it for at least a week. I recommend her regular doctor take a look at. We’ve also fitted her for crutches.” He hands me a pill bottle and I shake his hand.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll see to it. Thank you.”

  The nurse turns Irish’s chair around and I follow them out of the room. We stop at the front desk. I watch her sluggishly sign her name on a piece of paper and they hand me a set of crutches, then I wheel her out of the hospital. Once we’re at my truck, I open the passenger door and lean down, picking her up gently.

  “Damn, you have such big arms,” she slurs.

  I chuckle as I set her down on the seat. She’s even cute when she’s doped up. I lean down and start buckling her seatbelt. Her fingers move into my hair. If she doesn’t quit that I might feel bad for taking advantage of the situation. After snapping the buckle and making sure she’s safe, I lean back to stand up when her mouth covers mine. Dammit! Her wet tongue glides into my mouth and suddenly, I’m lost in her. “You’re a great kisser,” she whispers.

  A moan escapes my mouth into hers. Her fingers tighten in my hair and tugs, making my cock even harder than it already is. “Irish.” I warn. All that got me was a moan from her which doesn’t help at all. Finally, I regain my senses when a horn honks behind my truck. I pull back and look into her glazed over eyes. Right now, I’m not sure if they look that way from the drugs or her desire. Most likely both. I grasp her wrists and pull them away from me, looking into her eyes. Her chest rises and falls with her heavy breathing. Not helping. The car behind me honks their horn again so I move back, shut her door and run around my truck, getting in quickly.

  By the time I get her to my place, she’s out cold. I pick her up and take her inside, straight to my bedroom and into my bed. It’s rather a hard task removing her clothes. I can’t help myself from staring at her beautiful body before I cover her with the sheets and comforter. Although, I wasn’t stupid enough to remove her bra and underwear. I wouldn’t have been able to take that. Once I was able to leave her, I walk into my living room, sit down in my big leather recliner and text Taren that Irish is safe at my place. I get an immediate reply telling me that she’ll have Brock take her over to Irish’s place later today and pack a small bag for her and that Brock will bring it by. Taren also told me that Kane said for me to take a couple of days off to take care of her. Best friends a person could have. I’m exhausted from last night, not having much sleep, so since Irish is out, I go into the living room, lie down on the couch, and allow myself to doze off for a bit.

  “What the hell!”

  My eyes snap open to her screaming. I have no idea how long I’d been asleep. I almost fall as I get up quickly. I run into my bedroom, my breathing rapid from the exertion and fear, and see her sitting up in the bed, the sheet pulled up to her chin.

  “What the fuck, Caylan! You undressed me? Again?”

  I’d be mad that she’s upset, but I’m fighting back my smile. She’s so adorable when she’s angry. I approach her slowly. I have to admit, she does scare me a tad when she’s like this. Her face is red in anger and her knuckles are white from fisting the sheet so tightly. “Hey, now. I’m just trying to take care of you. I didn’t look.”

  “It was my knee that was hurt, not my entire body, Caylan,” she responds through gritted teeth.

  I sit down at the end of the bed, my hands up in surrender. God, I’d love to really surrender to her. “I was just making sure you’d be comfortable. It’s no fun sleeping in your clothes.”

  She looks around the room then back at me. “Why did you bring me to your place? You should have taken me home. I have sleeping attire there, you know.” Again, she speaks through gritted teeth. Guess she’s still mad.

  I lay my hands down on the mattress, hoping she doesn’t come after me. She might. “Look. I was only trying to help take care of you. Taren said she’ll go over to your place and pack you a small bag and Brock will bring it over in a bit.” She starts gnawing on her bottom lip and I’m about to dive at her. “You’re so stubborn. Let us help you for a change. We all know you’re tough and strong but it’s okay to get help, Irish. And stop biting on that damn lip.” My voice becomes deeper the longer she bites on her lip. I don’t know why it turns me on so much.

  She releases her lip, much to my dismay, and relaxes a bit. She looks down, her face saddens. “I’ve never really had anyone want to take care of me before.” She looks up at me and it breaks my heart. “I’ve always been the strong one and have taken care of everyone else.”

  My brows furrow at her words. “What about your parents?”

  It dawns on me that I really don’t know much about her. That saddens me even more. Of course, I guess I never stopped and asked either. That just makes me mad at myself. No wonder she hates guys so much. She’s always harassed by them. No one ever stops just to talk to her.

  “Uh. I really don’t like to talk about them.”

  I get up and walk to my dresser, removing a t-shirt and a pair of my sleep pants. I take them over to her, laying them on her lap. “Here. Why don’t you get changed and I’ll make us something to eat.”

  She looks up at me, almost shyly. “Thanks. I could eat.”

  As I walk away, I chuckle. “I’m sure and you really need to with those pain meds you’re taking.” I hear a small giggle behind me. “Too fucking cute,” I say low. Apparently she heard me when I hear her gasp. Good. She should know. I want her to know just how much I’m interested and want to make this work.

  I walk into the kitchen and start preparing sandwiches for us. By the time I finish, I turn around to find her sitting at the kitchen table, one crutch leaning up against the wall beside her. My anger swells. I walk over and place her sandwich with some raw vegetables in front of her, loudly. “You shouldn’t have walked in here by yourself,” I growl, not intending to sound so mean. Her eyes widen as I sit down.

  “I don’t like not being able to do anything. Besides, you were busy. I didn’t want to bother….”

  “Wait a minute.” Her mouth shuts quickly. “Right now, I’m here for you. It’s all about you. Nothing else matters. I could have stopped long enough to come get you and carry you in here.” Her brows lower. “Again. I know it’s hard for you to accept help. Hell, it w
ould be hard for me too, but the doctor said to stay off of it so you need to do that.” I lean over and pick up her soft hand. It’s not my fault my thumb has a mind of its own and begins to rub across her delicate skin. “Look. Please do as I ask and no one gets hurt.” I give her my cocky grin, knowing she either loves it or it causes her to be spunky. No matter. I love her either way. Wait! What? I’ll think about that later.

  She looks down at our hands joined and fights a smile. “Okay. I guess I’m just not good at letting someone help me.” She looks up and gives me a full fledge smile. “Thank you for wanting to.”

  I release her hand and pick up my sandwich. “You’re welcome. Now, eat.” I smile around my sandwich as I take a huge bite. Maybe with her being here for a while, we can get to really know each other, maybe take our relationship further. Relationship? Do we really have one? Well, other than bickering all the time. I smile to myself. I love bickering with her. Such a spitfire. Suddenly, I’m starving. I might need a lot more energy than normal with her here.


  God, I’m starving! I feel like I haven’t eaten in weeks, even though I know that’s not true. Then again, I always watch what I eat and sometimes I skip too many meals with being busy at the bar or my new job. That reminds me. I hate my new job. Maybe I’ll talk to Pop about coming back to the bar full time again. I’m just not cut out for nice clothes, parading around a tech convention and the work itself – so boring.

  He wants to take care of me. That gives me such a foreign feeling. My own mother doesn’t want to have anything to do with me so why would anyone else? Yet, I wouldn’t mind Caylan taking care of me. But that’s not how I want him to do that. If you know what I mean. Hey! I may be a virgin, but it doesn’t mean I don’t have desires. He could fulfill those so damn well. Shit! I’m horny again. Maybe it’s the meds. Maybe not.

  When I awoke and found myself almost naked, again, I saw red. Truthfully, I wish I would have been awake when he removed my clothes, I might have attacked him. Yeah, I would have. I got a little emotional with him making me lunch and wanting to take care of me so badly. Shit! Maybe it’s hormones. Then he asked me about my parents. I hate sharing any information about that with anyone, especially him. I don’t want him or anyone to feel sorry for me. I’ve made it on my own, well, with the help of Pop and Mrs. Evans or Barb as she’s always wanting me to call her. Anyway, I’m afraid to tell him too much about me. What if he doesn’t want me after that? What if I’m not what he thinks I am? Which is: strong, willful, and a handful. Yeah, not sure that’s exactly what he thinks of me but what I think of myself. I can’t help but snicker at my thoughts.

  “What’s so funny?” Shit! Busted.

  I look up and try not to laugh. “Oh, nothing. Just thinking.”

  “Why does that scare me a little?” His smile softens, and I relax. He certainly has a way to fire me up and then cool me down quickly.

  I start playing with the little bit of sandwich left on my plate. What? I ate almost all of it. I was hungry. I watch as I drag a piece of ham through the mayonnaise back and forth with my fork. “You asked about my parents earlier.”

  “Irish.” I look up, my hand stopping its movements. “You don’t have to.”

  “Oh, I know. I just figure you’re trying so hard to be my friend….” His brow raises. “Or something. So I thought maybe I should be a little more open.” I give him a smile, hoping he knows I’m doing this because I want to. I look back down at my fork. “Well, not much to tell really. My mom was a hard worker, and mother to me, my little sister and brother. There wasn’t much in the way of luxuries, but we had what we needed. My dad left when I was eight and with Mom working all the time, I grew up pretty fast. I kind of became Jonas and Tiffany’s mom, in a way. I didn’t mind though. They’re good kids. Jonas was only a baby and Tiffany was about two when Tiff’s dad left. Poor Jonas never knew his dad, he didn’t stick around to even see him when he was born. Mom had a little issue of sleeping around. We all have different Dad’s.” I see his hand come into my vision and look up when it covers mine. His eyes aren’t full of pity though, sadness – yes.

  “I’m sorry, Irish. No wonder you can’t stand guys hitting on you all the time. And Kane and even me, being guys that have had more than….” He clears his throat. “One woman. Okay. A lot more than one woman. Now I can really see why you’re the way you are.”

  I swallow hard. “Is that bad?”

  “Oh, no, love. It makes me respect you even more.”

  I blink a few times. “Really?”

  He releases my hand, stands, and sits back down in the chair next to me. I’m startled a bit when he reaches over and am amazed how he lifts me effortlessly onto his lap. I’m unsure where to put my hands so I fold them in my lap, looking down at them. He lifts my face up with his hand and I have no choice but to look into his eyes. “Really.” His eyes search mine. Those sensations are back, flowing through me, and I almost feel love emanating from him. Maybe that’s too strong of a word. “I’m going to kiss you now.”

  “Okay,” I whisper.

  He leans down and presses his soft lips against mine. There’s no hurry. No frantic movements. Just a sweet closed mouth kiss. My heart starts to flutter as his fingers move into my hair, his hand cupping the back of my neck. For once, I take the initiative and run my tongue across his lower lip, asking – maybe pleading, for entrance. When his lips part, I take advantage and push my tongue inside. When he moans, it makes me excited that I elicited that from him. My hand moves up and rests against his broad chest. Swiftly it moves through the opening in his shirt. His skin is soft, hairless. Damn. He’s killing me. I want more. I move to sit up, pushing out my leg to help, and wince in pain. Of course he senses it and pulls away, his face full of concern. “I think it’s time for your medication.” My face scrunches. He leans down again and kisses me, hard. Oh! When he pulls away this time, I don’t feel like he’s leaving me like before. “We need to get you healed. Then, I’m taking you on an official date.” My brows raise with his playfulness. I like this Caylan. He lifts me and sets me back down in my chair then stands and walks over to the counter. He brings over a glass of water and my pills and I take them like a good girl. “Are you finished with lunch?” I nod, smiling. I just can’t seem to help it. “Good. I’ll clean up then we’ll rest on the couch. Maybe find a movie to watch.” And that’s exactly what we did, however, with the drugs I started dozing off mid-way through.

  When I awaken, I’m laying back against his warm body. His arm is around me and clasping my hand in front of my stomach. I turn my head and see he’s asleep. Has he even gotten much sleep since this whole madness of a weekend started? I’m not even sure. His long reddish/blond eyelashes fan down, casting a shadow above his cheeks. Damn. Any woman would kill to have those. I feel the warmth of air as he breathes lightly against my face. He looks younger in his sleep. There’s still no mistaking that gorgeous body of his pressed up against me. I feel so safe in his strong arms. So relaxed. I turn my head back, laying it on his other arm, and close my eyes.

  “Yeah. She’s doing okay.” Caylan’s voice penetrates my sleep.

  “Good. Taren wished she could have come but she seems to be sick. A lot.” Brock’s here?

  I open my eyes and turn my head towards the sounds of their voices. Moving my legs off the couch was not the best decision as pain hits me hard when I move my bad knee. Their voices begin to get louder.

  “Well, tell her to feel better and hopefully we can get together soon. I’ll have Irish call her when she gets up.”

  I see Caylan walk in from the kitchen, Brock beside him. “Hey, Brock.” He turns to me and smiles. He walks over, leans down, and gives me a kiss on my cheek.

  “Hey. How’s the bum knee?” He winks, and I laugh.

  “Let’s just say, thank God for pain meds.” He chuckles, and I look at Caylan when I hear him laugh. I look back at Brock. “So, Taren’s having morning sickness?” He nods, sadness washing over his face. �
�I’ll call her. Maybe if I’m nice I can get Caylan to take me over there tomorrow.” I shift my eyes to Caylan. He’s smiling. He rubs his hand over the scruff on his chin.

  “Yeah, I dunno. You’d have to be really nice,” he teases.

  Brock smacks him lightly on his arm and laughs. “Okay. I’d better go. Irish, there’s a bag that Taren packed for you. I hope she got everything you need.” He walks to the door, opens it and turns. “Do me a favor? Don’t kill each other.” He chuckles and walks out the door.

  “Well, that was — lovely.”

  Caylan laughs and bends over and picks up my bag. “I’ll take this to the bedroom. If you want to call Taren, you can go through this afterwards. I’m gonna make a grocery list and go before dinner to get a few things. Let me know if there’s anything you need.”

  I watch him walk out of the room. He seems almost shy, coy. Weird for him. Maybe this getting to know each other is a good thing. I lean forward and grab my phone from my purse on the coffee table and call Taren.

  “Oh, my God! It’s so good to hear from you, bestie! How are you?”

  It’s so great to hear her voice. I fill her in with all things tech convention, hurting my knee, stupidly, and then about Caylan. “Yeah, you never could walk, let alone run, very well in heels. What were you thinking?”

  I roll my eyes but not at her, at myself. “I know, right? Stupid, huh? He’s been amazing and we’re really trying to get to know each other, ya know? It’s so weird for me, but he’s been great. I’ll deny that though if he asks.” She laughs and I sit up straight when I hear Caylan come into the room. “Anyway. I’ll see if I can get over there tomorrow. I can’t wait to see you.”

  “Me too, sweetie. You just let him take care of you, okay?” I laugh and agree then end the call. I watch him walk through the room and into the kitchen, carrying a small pad and pen. He’s definitely got the moves. I watch as his firm bottom sways in those nice jeans. How above his slim waist widens as my eyes follow it up his broad back. Damn.


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