Book Read Free

Falling for Love

Page 20

by Vicki Green

  I brush my finger against the soft skin of his cheek. “I am,” I whisper. “For now.”

  She gives me a strange look but her smile remains. She takes him from my arm and places him in a bassinet on the other side of Margie’s bed. I look at Margie. Still asleep. She must be exhausted. The nurse takes me back to my room and helps get me settled in bed. She asks if I need anything for pain but I simply shake my head. I’m tired enough and the pain is somewhat manageable. I don’t want to be knocked out. Once she leaves, I send off a text to Brock.

  Me: Two favors – Can my sis Jen stay with us at your house next week? She’s coming to see me and a friend.

  I get an instant reply. I smile.

  Brock: No problem. Anything you need, you’ve got. We owe you so much.

  Ugh! There he goes again. I keep telling them just because I saved his life doesn’t mean they owe me for the rest of their lives. Being friends, family is thanks enough. But they won’t listen.

  Me:Stop. Now, this might be strange but Margie had the baby. A boy. When she’s released I don’t want her to have to go to a hotel with the baby. I….

  Brock: Bring her and her son to our house. Taren can get practice with the baby. Ouch! She just hit me but she’s smiling.

  Me: U all r too much. Thank you.

  Brock: Anything. Anytime.

  For the first time in several days, I go to sleep happy.


  “He’s on his way to pick them all up at the hospital now. He even put our car seat in the back seat for Gregory, Margie’s baby. And Caylan’s sister is coming from Georgia for another reason as well as seeing her brother, so she is gonna stay here for a few days. So, I guess we’ll have a houseful for a little while but I don’t mind. It’ll be like a sleepover but without the sleep having a new baby in the house. It will give me a bunch of practice though so I’m kinda glad.”

  Taren called me to tell me the results of her sonogram and then went into everything else that’s going on. I heard what she said but my heart stopped at he signed the birth certificate and Margie and Gregory are coming to live with us for a while since Caylan will be here. I’m not sure how I feel about any of that. Of course, I don’t wish anything on the baby but Margie? Yeah, not sure I like her living in the same house with Caylan. Will they be sleeping in the same room? Same bed? I know Taren has a ton of extra rooms but just how cozy of a sleepover are they having? The other thing that made me feel sad is the thought that I was to go with Caylan to meet his family and his sister will be here. That hurts.

  “You can always come over, Irish.” Ha! Yeah, not a chance. “I mean, I know it would be awkward in so many ways but I’d love if you’d think about it. I know you’re dying to see Caylan. You wouldn’t have to see anyone else. I’ll make sure of it.”

  “Uh, no. Thanks. I can’t…. I have to do some shopping after all and get some new clothes to wear to the office and other things.” I’m stalling. I know. I just can’t go over there with all them there. If it was only Caylan, maybe. “Besides. I told Pop I’d work some this weekend since it will be my last for a while. I can’t let them down. Oh! I’m so excited that you’re having a girl.” Shit! I forgot about that with all the other things going on. “And Jenae is such a beautiful name.”

  “Oh! Thank you! I can’t wait until she’s here and in my arms. Sorry, Brock just pulled into the garage. I’d better go help him unload everything.” My heart pangs with envy.

  “No worries. You just be careful. You need to take care of yourself and my niece.” She laughs and quickly tells me goodbye.

  Friday night and nowhere to go except Pops, but I don’t mind. It’s bittersweet that tomorrow will be my last time working there for a while. I will miss it. If not for him and Barb, I’d never had met Taren and Brock and become family. Yeah, it’s gonna be hard to leave but I promised I would at least stop in for a drink once I get my life in order and my knee healed.

  The entire bar is slammed tonight. No time to think or do anything but sit at the counter in the kitchen and help get food out as fast as possible. By the time I leave to go home, I’m freaking exhausted. I’m so glad I don’t have far to go now. When I pull up in my truck, I slam on the brakes. “What the hell?” Caylan’s big ass truck is sitting right in front of my building. “But how?” I shut off my truck and grab my crutches. I’ve gotten the hang of maneuvering to get out of my truck with them now. I throw my purse over my shoulder and hobble over to him, his window lowering as I approach. “What are you doing here?” My anger is burning through me. He has no business being here or driving.

  His mouth turns into the grin I missed so much. That just pisses me off more. “Hello to you too.”

  “You shouldn’t be here, Caylan. You should be at Taren’s resting.” I make it to his door and cock my hip in defiance only I think it ended up looking weird with my foot in the air and crutches under my arm pits. His eyes scan down my body, leaving a burning trail, then back up until they reach my eyes. I swallow hard. Even injured, bags underneath his eyes, and looking worse for wear, he still makes my heart flutter and my body burn with desire. Damn him.

  “We need to talk.” His voice is gruff, low.

  My brows lower and I lift my chin in insolence. “Go home, Caylan. Or to Taren’s. I’m really tired and not in the mood.” I start hobbling off except I only get a few steps when a strong hand grabs my arm stopping me. I whip my head around. He’s standing! Okay, he’s standing holding onto a cane but he is standing. I let out a sigh. “Really. You should be resting. You almost die….” My lips clamp shut as wetness forms in my eyes. I turn my head then his hand leaves my arm and cups my chin. I feel weak as he pulls me back towards him. “Please. Don’t.”

  He grabs the back of my head, pulling me to him. His lips are on mine, pressing against them hard. His hand leaves my head and wraps around me, holding me tight as I begin to struggle. His hand fists the sleeve of my shirt as he pulls back and looks into my tear filled eyes.

  “I love you, Irish Hadley. I love you with everything I am. Quit fighting me and just be with me. I don’t run away from my commitments, Irish. I’m committed to you. Only you. No one will ever come between us. I refuse to let that happen. I told you I’d give you the space you need but I can’t. I just…. I can’t. You’re my whole heart. I live for you. Breathe for you. You are my air. Don’t you understand?”

  I look down and see both of his hands on my arms, nearly shaking me, the sling hanging from his neck loosely. My eyes snap back to his. Full of love, caring, need, and want. Dammit!

  “The baby isn’t mine, Irish.” My heart stops. “I don’t love Margie. Hell, I barely remember her. She has no place to go and just had the baby. I’m not going to turn my back on them.” His eyes flicker. He’s not telling me everything. I make a snap decision.

  “If you really love me….” His eyes widen in hope. “Don’t let go. Fight for me. I’m trying to trust you. I really am. I’m scared. I want to let go but…. I can’t. Just…. Don’t let me go. Promise me.”

  I’m in his arms, his strength surrounding me. Completes me. God, I’ve missed this. Missed him.

  “I won’t ever give up, love. Never. I’ll fight for you but you have to fight for us.”

  I bury my face between his neck and shoulder. I nod, my arms wrapping around his slim waist. I hear my crutches hit the ground. I don’t care. I have what I need to keep me up, right in my arms. I feel his lips against my head. Warmth flows through me, envelops me. “Fuck, I’ve missed this so much,” he whispers against my head. Me too.

  He pushes me back, just a breath, and smiles. “I’d love to hold each other up all night but think we could go inside and sit down?” A laugh escapes me. I bend down and pick up my crutches, shoving them under my sore arms.

  “Oh, I guess we can.” He laughs, and it’s the sweetest sound I’ve ever heard.

  With my crutches and his cane, we make our way into my building and I unlock my door. Flipping on the light switch, I watch him na
vigate to my couch. “Something to drink?” His head turns and I notice his smile is still on his gorgeous face.

  “Water would be great. Thanks.” His pearly white teeth glisten in the dim light of my living room.

  It feels good with him here. It feels right. I hobble over and grab two water bottles from the fridge then carefully take them to the couch. He reaches for my crutches, laying them against the couch as I sit down beside him. I hand him a water but he doesn’t open it. Stares. He just stares at me. I flush a bit, feeling a little shy all of a sudden. “Beautiful.” I lick my dry lips, feeling awkward. “You’ve done a great job getting settled into Brock and Taren’s old apartment. It has your touch,” he says not taking his eyes off mine.

  I let out a small laugh. “How would you know? You haven’t really looked around.”

  His eyes glisten. “What I see is beautiful.” My heart skips a beat.

  I tear my eyes from his and look down, wringing my hands in my lap. “So he’s not yours?” I look up, hopeful. He shakes his head, a smile appears. “I do understand you wanting to take care of them but for how long? I’m just curious.”

  He covers my hands with his. As always, tingles flow through me and I shiver. “Just until she can get on her feet. We need to talk. Plan. I just want to make sure he’s taken care of.” He shifts, facing me more, his eyes lighting up. “You should see him, Irish. He’s beautiful. Truly a miracle. I held him. I just wanna make sure he’s gonna be okay.”

  I smile, this time really feeling it. “You’re such a good man.” His brows lower and he looks away. I grab his hand and squeeze. “What’s wrong, Caylan? What aren’t you telling me?”

  His eyes look back at mine, begging me to understand. “I had signed the birth certificate in the hospital.” My chin quivers. “I felt bad for Gregory, not having anyone there to claim him and the DNA test results weren’t back yet. I’ve already spoken with my lawyer and am having it amended but it’s there for now. It’s not why I want to help them though.”

  I give him a small smile. It’s all I can muster. “Thank you for telling me.”

  He releases my hand and cups my face. I lean into it, loving the feel. “You look really tired and you’ve lost weight. Are you feeling okay?”

  “I’m okay. Just a lot of things going on and kind of stressed. But I’m good.” I tell him about my new job. We both lean back and I snuggle into his side. Where I belong. He tells me about his accident, how it happened. My heart couldn’t beat any faster as he relives it. He said he has nightmares about it every night. I would imagine he would. I guess more than just his body needs healing. By the time we finish our waters and catch each other up on everything, with my head laying on his shoulder I look up, and see he’s asleep. Carefully, I shimmy out from underneath his strong arm and hop to my room, gathering pillows and a blanket. When I return, his head is laid back on the couch, his body relaxed. I can’t stop staring at him. He looks so at peace as he sleeps. Finally, I hobble over and turn off the light then back over to the couch. I place the pillows against the arm of the couch then spread the blanket out across the cushions and across him. I lean down, carefully tugging on his arm. He moves with me, laying down until his head hits the pillow. I start to rise, however, his hand grabs my arm, pulling me down. I can’t say I want to leave him. Somehow this feels so wrong but right all at the same time. I lay down. His arm wraps around my waist, pulling me against him more. I feel him cover me with the blanket and lets out a big breath against the back of my head. I’m comfortable yet not. Turning my head slightly, I look up at him. His eyes are still closed, his breathing light and even. I turn back and close my eyes trying not to feel like I’m anxious inside. Finally, I let myself feel comfortable in his arms. Safe. His hand finds mine, his fingers threading through mine, and I smile in the darkness.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Dreams of having my love in my arms invade my sleep. Man, what a real dream this one was. More vivid than the nightmare that plagues my nights. Slowly, I open my eyes, trying to adjust to my surroundings. This isn’t Brock’s house. Flashes of last night come to me. Kissing her, tasting her sweet lips. Her eyes sparkling in the moonlight and the feel of her warm, luscious body pressed up against mine. Brock’s old apartment, the one she moved into. Irish. I look around, sunlight peeking in the slivers between the blinds over the kitchen window. Memories of this place, another time, sweep over me. It looks different though, her things, her special touch. I move to sit up, pain hitting me in my side and shoulder. I didn’t take any meds last night before I fell asleep. I’ll be paying for that mistake. Gripping the back of the couch, I manage to sit up, feeling like an old man, bent in an uncomfortable way.

  Sounds of running water coming from behind a closed door in the hallway. The light sounds of her singing make me smile. The water shuts off as I stand, cringing as I pick up my cane. I walk slowly to the kitchen, getting out a bottled water and set it on the counter while I take out my pills from my front pocket. After getting out the amount I need, I open the water and down them. By the time I gather eggs and bacon, a couple of skillets from under the cabinet, and start cooking, I feel her presence behind me. I turn my head. My mouth drops open. Her long brown hair looks darker wet as it hangs over her shoulders. She’s wearing a silky blue tank top and jean shorts, making her legs look even longer. Sizzling sounds break my stare and leave me no choice but to turn back, flipping the bacon in the skillet quickly. I feel her arms move around me, her head laying against my back, and I smile taking in a deep breath. God, what she does to me with just her touch. Turning the burners off and moving the skillets to the ones above them, I turn swiftly, catching her by surprise. My mouth descends on hers, my arms wrapping her in a tight embrace. She tastes minty as my tongue sweeps inside, tangling with hers. I capture her moan, her hands digging into the back of my shoulders, and I wince. She feels it and pulls back, looking worriedly into my eyes.

  “I’m sorry.” She begins to move away but I tighten my hold.

  “Don’t be.” My lips press against hers again, not able to get enough. Never enough. Her hand moves down to my lower back. The other begins digging into my shoulder again. She’s trying not to hurt me. Fuck, I love her! She pushes into me not able to get close enough. Good. When she rubs against the part that aches for her, my moan is so loud even her mouth doesn’t muffle it completely. My lips leave her mouth, and I rub the side of my face against hers, whispering in her ear. “God, Irish.” I blow into it then kiss her earlobe, nip it and then blow again. As I begin my slow torture, I feel her hand grasp my hard cock through my jeans. Dammit! I’m not healed enough to do what I want to do to her. “Be careful what you start, love.” I feel her smile against my face as she begins to rub. “Fuck!” I’m gonna cum in my jeans if she doesn’t stop. It’s been too long. I’m weak against her.

  “Let’s go to my bed, Caylan,” she whispers in my ear. “Let me take care of you.” Shit!

  My heart tells me to take it slow with her, handle her with care. My body is wishing I could pick her up and throw her over my shoulder, carry her into her room and make love to her for hours. I’m surprised when she releases me, my cock straining for her touch, and takes my hand. She grabs one of her crutches and leads me to her room, breakfast forgotten. I let her take the lead when we enter her bedroom. She brings me to the bed, releases my hand, and helps me onto the mattress, pushing gently against my chest until I lay down. She’s all fumbling as she tries to remove my t-shirt so I struggle to sit up and pull it over my head. She almost falls over as she tries to unbutton my jeans, so I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her down onto the bed, giggling. My mouth claims her instantly, stopping her adorable sounds. My hand covers her breast, and she arches her back, pushing her breast into it even more. I can’t seem to stop myself, my thumb rubbing over her perk nipple over her bra. It seems to have a mind of its own and travels down her side, over her flat stomach and between her already spread legs, cupping her over her short

  “Caylan,” she moans into my mouth.

  My fingers work on releasing the button, then pull down the zipper with ease. I run my hand over her stomach again as she begins to wiggle beneath me. My hand moves up under her tank top, feeling her smooth skin, then down under her shorts and panties. Her legs move wider as I find her wet, pulsing, aching for my touch. Pushing a finger into her, she moans again, pushing against my hand. “Already so wet. God, you feel so good.” Another finger penetrates and we begin a rhythm. “I love you. So much,” I whisper in her ear. My thumb finds her swollen clit and begins rubbing, pressing. Her hips buck uncontrollably. God, what I would give to have my cock in there instead of my fingers. Dammit. My cock presses against my jeans harder. I can tell she’s getting close as her muscles begin to tighten around my fingers. “Let go, Irish. Feel me, love.” She yells out my name, her voice becoming hoarse. I feel her wetness dripping over my fingers. I move back a breath away and watch as she comes undone. Beautiful. Breathtaking. A calming peace spreads over her face, a light flush covering her cheeks. Looking at her just affirms how much I want her, need her. I must make sure she’ll change her mind and fight for us. I know I’ll do anything to keep her in my life.

  Her eyes open slowly, a smile appears. “God, Caylan,” she whispers. “I fucking needed that.”

  My mouth lifts into a smile. “My work here is done.” A laugh bursts from her luscious lips. She raises up onto her elbows then reaches for my waistband. I grab her wrist, stopping her. Her brows lower. “I can’t, love. Not that I don’t want to, believe me. I’m in too much pain to enjoy it.” A concern look washes over her. “Another time.” I lean towards her and kiss those pouty lips. I pull back and reach up, sliding my fingers through her damp hair, cupping the side of her face. “We heal then we’ll have plenty of time, my love.” She leans in, pressing her warm mouth against mine. Dammit! I need to heal and fast.


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