Falling for Love

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Falling for Love Page 25

by Vicki Green

  “Well, she’d have to be to keep up with your smart ass.” She winks and lets out a big sigh, becoming somber. “How are you really, bro? You scared the shit outta me when you got hurt. Of course, you’ve done that before when you ran into that shack that was on fire to save your friends but this time, I thought it was the end. Please don’t tell me you’re gonna keep doing that uncover crap.”

  I give her a thoughtful look. Since this last time, getting hurt as bad as I did but more importantly after Irish finally consented to give our relationship a try, I have been thinking about giving it up. I’m just not one hundred percent sure yet. It’s really good money and I love ridding bad people from the world, even though it’s only a few. It makes me feel good, like I have a purpose for my life. Then again, I don’t want to do anything that will jeopardize my relationship with Irish. I know that scared her too but we haven’t really talked about it.

  “I haven’t decided yet. Quit worrying about me. I know that’s easier said than done. Right now, I want nothing but happiness while you’re here. Got me?”

  She gives me a smile. “Got it.”

  We spent the next couple of hours reminiscing as she unpacked. Glad I have a two and a half bedroom apartment so she doesn’t have to use my bedroom. Would feel weird her sleeping in my bed where I made love to Irish. I still need to talk to Irish about getting rid of her apartment and moving in here. Tons of more room, much nicer, and actually closer to her job. Of course she told me they would be moving into the new building once it’s finished but after she told me where it will be located, my place is closer to it as well. That anxiousness I was feeling at the airport returns ten-fold as I wait for Irish to come here from work. I’ve planned a great dinner and have been working on it for the last half an hour while Jen has been throwing cut vegetables at me, her only job. Makes me think of old times.

  I hear the front door open and my heart speeds up. I go to meet her as she’s setting down her briefcase on the table to the left of the door. She smiles and as I look into her eyes, I can tell she’s tired and doesn’t feel well. “Hey, love.” I embrace her in my arms and kiss her cheek. I pull back just a breath and look at her. “Are you okay?” I reach up and feel her forehead. Cool to my touch. “You don’t look like you feel well. Stomach again?” She nods and rests her head against my shoulder. “I’m sorry. What can I do?” All I want to do is take care of her, forgetting briefly that my sis is in the kitchen.

  “Just hold me,” she whispers.

  “That I can do, love.” I hold her tight, giving her what she needs. What I need. We stand there for a few moments until it hits me about her knee. “Come on. Come sit in the kitchen and I’ll make you some hot tea. Let’s get you off your feet.” She moves back, one of her brows raised. I let out a chuckle, knowing where her mind has gone. “I wish. Jen is in there.” She gives me a pout but then laughs. I walk beside her as she makes her way to the kitchen. Jen jumps off the stool at the breakfast bar and walks quickly to meet us.


  Irish nods and smiles then lets out an oomph when Jen hugs her quickly. “I’m so excited to meet you finally!” That’s my sis. She can be a little overzealous at times. They finally break apart, and I’m relieved to see Irish smiling.

  “Shit, let her sit down, sis. She has a hurt knee.” Jen sticks her tongue out at me then helps Irish to a chair at the table. I stick my tongue out back at her and then laugh as I walk over to the counter to start Irish’s tea. I wonder what’s going on with her stomach, seems to be happening a lot lately. Maybe it’s the stress of the new job. I only hope that’s what it is and that she’s not coming down with something. She needs to have this surgery Friday and get completely healed. There’s so many things I want to do to her, many positions we haven’t tried yet while making love. My cock grows hard just thinking about it.

  We have a great dinner and Irish’s stomach seemed to finally calm down. She and Jen really hit it off. Seems they have the same snarky humor and the same degree of picking on me. I loved every minute of it. I convinced Irish to spend the night here and took her to her apartment to get a bag of clothes and her toiletries. I hate living in two apartments and need to remedy that soon. We felt weird making love with Jen in the next room so we settled for holding each other. I think I loved that just as much. Okay, almost as much.

  The next morning, I kissed Irish goodbye, telling her to have a great day as I slip an apple into her purse wrapped in another note. After she left and with Jen still asleep, I do my walking on the trail that begins a couple of doors down from my apartment building. It’s a beautiful day and I’m enjoying it. When I get back home, Jen’s sleepily drinking a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper that’s always left outside my door. I grab my gym bag and kiss the top of her head. She told me she needs my truck when I get back to go shopping, which is fine by me. I have an idea and want to work on it when I get back anyway. My workout about did me in but I’ve been pushing harder lately, wanting to be healthy again so I can take care of my girl better. Something’s going on with her, and I’m getting more and more concerned. Luckily today she is taking off a couple of hours early and going to see her doctor for pre-op tests. Maybe he can give her some kind of indication why her stomach has been acting up. Then again, it could be nerves. She’s had a lot to deal with so that wouldn’t surprise me. I can only hope that’s all it is. Tonight we’re meeting Jen and Bria at Pops once Irish gets home. This should be fun.


  Today has been rough. My stomach’s in knots. I hate going to the doctor but right now, I can’t wait. I need to find out why my stomach keeps acting up. I’m sure it’s just stress though. This morning’s note from Caylan cheered me up. I’ve been wanting to tell him that I love him but the timing hasn’t been right. I hope I can soon. His declaration of love and support has been never ending with the notes each day, taking care of me, his worry and concern. God, I love him.

  After the nurse drew some blood and I peed in a cup, I’m sitting down on a very cold thin table in nothing but a paper gown, freezing my ass off. Literally. After what feels like an eternity, Dr. Martin walks in. He’ll be doing my knee surgery and reminds me of an old soul. I felt comfortable with him the first time we met. His glasses are low on his nose and he smiles when he sees me. “Irish. Good to see you.” I give him a smile and try effortlessly to pull my gown down to cover me more. No such luck. He sits on the rolling stool and scoots it until he’s in front of me, looking down at some papers. “Blood work looks pretty good for tomorrow.” He looks up at me in concern. Okay, that makes me nervous. “You should have told me you’re pregnant.” What? What in the hell? “I can still do the surgery. Since it’s outpatient and laser it won’t be hard on you but I’ll have to switch the medication I’ll be giving you.”

  My heart beats frantically, and I feel like I might puke. “Uh, no. There must be some mistake. I’m not pregnant,” I laugh.

  He removes his glasses and smiles. “Oh, there’s no mistake. You’re definitely pregnant. I’d say….” He puts his glasses back on and they slide down his nose. He holds up the paper and reads. “Yes. It’s right here. Looks like you’re only a few weeks along so that’s good.”

  I startle him by jumping off the table. He slides his stool back with my descent. I start pacing the small room, well, hopping, holding the back of the gown closed and waving my other arm all around. “No! No. That can’t be right.” I stop my hopping and turn to him. “Run them again. Something’s wrong with those. They weren’t done right or they’re someone else’s. Do something!”

  His look of surprise turns to concern. “I’m sorry. I take it this wasn’t planned?”

  “Planned? Are you freaking kidding me right now? I’ve only been in a relationship for like a month! This is crazy! No, it’s insane! I’ve been on birth control for a long time. I know it’s not one hundred percent safe, nothing is, and I’m not stupid. But I can’t be pregnant! Do another test! Now!” He smiles and gives me a nod sl

  “Very well. Think you can empty your bladder again?”

  I hop back to the table and hoist myself up. “Are you kidding? Give me a glass of water. I’ll force it out if I have to.”

  He stands, walks over to a cabinet and takes out plastic cup and fills it with water from a cooler by the door. I down it quickly. “I’ll get the nurse to bring you another specimen cup. Just try to stay calm.” He walks to the door, his hand on the knob, when he turns his head back to me. “Irish? At any time recently were you sick and took medication when you had sex?” My mind is racing as I think back. Shit! My knee injury. Taren’s doctor giving me pain meds. The first time Caylan made love to me. Oh, my God! I nod slowly, in a daze. “That could be when your birth control wasn’t effective. Happens all the time.” I just nod again. I feel numb.

  He leaves the room and I feel like I might lose everything I’ve eaten today. After the nurse comes in, I give them a hefty sample and wait again. This can’t be right. This can’t happen. Caylan and I have never talked about kids. I know he fell in love with Gregory but he’s not his. Does he even want kids of his own? Such a happy day turned into shit so quickly. What am I gonna do if I am pregnant? No! Just no. I can’t be. I just can’t. Sure I’d love to have kids someday. Someday, not now. Do I want Caylan’s babies? Oh, my God, yes! But later. Much later. Can’t I ever get a freaking break? Can’t I just focus on my new job and Caylan for a while before all hell breaks loose in my life? According to the second test — No, I can’t. I’m positive now that I am indeed pregnant.

  On the way out, he tells me to make an appointment with an OB/GYN as soon as I can, knowing it may have to wait until after the surgery and a couple of days to begin healing. He said that wouldn’t hurt but that it may make me feel better. I don’t think anything will make me feel better. He also said that doctor could give me something to help with the nauseousness. Well, at least there’s that. Shit! What am I gonna do?

  I’m standing at the front door, tapping the wooden porch with one of my crutches. My stomach is so tied up in knots, I’m gonna lose my cookies if someone doesn’t open it soon. By the time the door opens, I hobble as fast as I can past Brock, through the kitchen and into their guest bathroom. It’s harder than hell to get on my knee, keeping the other one from hitting the floor, but I manage as I lift the toilet lid. Nothing comes out but a loud burp.

  “That’s real lady like.”

  I lift my head and see Brock leaning against the door frame, a smirk on his face. I give him a mean look and he raises his hands up, palms out and starts backing away as I struggle to stand.

  “What’s going on? Oh! Irish! Are you okay?” Taren comes scurrying into the room, grabbing my arm and helping me up.

  “I’m fine but your husband is about to lose a limb.” I scowl at him and he turns and walks away. Quickly. I look into the worried eyes of my bestie.

  “You don’t look very good. You’re so pale. Come on. Let’s get you something to drink and talk.” I let her lead me into the kitchen and help me sit down on a stool at the breakfast bar. She takes my crutches and puts them somewhere, I don’t bother to look where. I rub my hands down my face and let out a deep breath. When I look down there’s a glass filled with ice with some white liquid in it. I take several gulps. Ah, soda. My eyes fill with tears. I won’t be able to have that anymore. I feel her arm around my shoulders and turn towards her on the next stool. “Okay. Spill it, Irish. You’re making me nervous and that’s not good for Jenae.” She’s right. I spoil everything for everyone. I might just hate myself right now.

  I look down and see her hand on her stomach. Jenae. A little baby girl is in there. My heart leaps and my stomach flips again. I take another few swallows from my drink.


  My eyes snap to hers. “I’m pregnant,” blurts from my mouth before I can stop it. I cover it with my hand, my eyes wide. Shocked.

  She smiles, her eyes light up. “Oh, my God! That’s great!” I frown trying to keep my tears at bay. “It’s not great?” Her face falls. She tighten her arm around me and I rest my head on her shoulder. “Oh, Irish. What can’t be good about carrying a life inside you? A bit of you and Caylan together? I think it’s fantastic news. I’m sure he’ll be excited. You saw him with Gregory. He was crazy over him and he wasn’t even his.” I sit up and wipe the tears from under my eyes. She grabs my hand.

  “That’s just it! He wasn’t his. I don’t know if Caylan even wants kids. We’ve never talked about it yet. Shit! We’ve only just officially gotten together. It’s just too fast. Everything is just too freaking fast. I just got this job and now have been put partly in charge of a huge project and….”

  “What? You haven’t told me about that. I’m so proud of you.” She smiles and squeezes my hand.

  “Yeah. I guess our company is partnering with this bigger company and will be helping out on this huge project. I am pretty excited about it.” She nods and encourages me to go on. “That’s just the thing. There’s that, my surgery tomorrow — it’s all too much.”

  Her look changes to concern and understanding. “I’m sure it’s all overwhelming for you.” I nod and sniff. Thank God for my bestie. “I have a feeling that Caylan will be more than understanding.” She takes both my hands into hers. “He loves you so much, Irish. I’m sure he will be so excited and will do anything to support you.”

  I sniff again and let out a sob. “He is already and takes care of me. I haven’t even told him I love him yet,” I cry.

  She envelopes me into a hug, pulling me to her again and I start releasing my tears onto her shirt. Her hand strokes the back of my head. So comforting. “It’s all going to work out, bestie. I know it.” She moves back and I sit back up. “Just think! We’ll be pregnant together and our kids will grow up together!” Her smile is back and the corner of my mouth lifts. I hadn’t thought about that. Of course, if Caylan doesn’t want kids and we break up, our kids can still grow up together. I wonder if they’d build me a guest house out in back?

  Finally a little calmer, I kiss her goodbye and smack Brock on his shoulder then head home. Home. Well, technically it’s Caylan’s place but we are kinda living together. He may not want to anymore after I tell him. He may not want me. Shit! We’re going to take Jen and meet this Bria chick at Pops in a little while. I’m seriously not in the mood.

  By the time I get to Caylan’s, Jen is already at Pops with Bria and Caylan is pacing the floor. He’s gotten so much stronger the last few days, and I think he’s overdoing it but he keeps telling me he feels great. See, I’m worried about him too. Too much.

  “Where have you been, baby. I’ve been so worried.” I almost cringe at baby as he pulls me into his arms. He leans back and holding onto my upper arms, leaning down to look into my eyes. “If you’re not up to going out, we’ll stay home. Jen will understand.” His eyes search mine then he puts his strong arm around me and leads me to the couch. We sit and he takes my crutches away, keeping his arm around me. “You look like you’ve been crying. What’s wrong? Please tell me.”

  Do I tell him? Now? It’ll spoil his whole night.

  “I’m fine,” I lie, trying to put on a smile. “I’m just really tired and I guess a little emotional with the surgery tomorrow. I’m being silly.” He pulls me closer, putting his hand on the back of my head. So sweet. So loving. Why was I so stupid before about being with him? Sometimes I can be so dense.

  “Oh. Everything will be all right, sweetie. I’ll be right there with you. I’ll take care of you. Always.” My tears begin to fall again, this time on his shirt.

  Oh, my God, Irish. Get a freaking grip. You’re losing it!

  I reach up, around his back, and quickly wipe my eyes. I lean back and smile. Truly a genuine smile this time. He just does that to me. “No. I’m good. I’ll be fine. Let’s go see Jen and meet this Bria woman and relax. Just let me go freshen up and change clothes.” He searches my eyes again and finally nods. He helps me up and I go splash some water o
n my face, touch up my makeup, and change into a pair of jeans and one of my silky tank tops. Okay. I feel a little better except my stomach is still doing somersaults. I hold my head up high and walk or hop to my man.

  Chapter Twenty


  Irish has me so worried. She’s not a very good liar, well, at least to me. I can tell she’s not telling me something. My mind immediately moves to her boss. Did he make a pass at her? My anger starts to boil. I’m gonna have to work on her tonight and get it outta her. She can’t go on this way and I won’t let her. I wonder if that’s why her stomach has been so upset. Maybe it’s all his forwardness and advances, and she’s afraid to tell me. Maybe that’s what’s causing it. Now I want to find out where this asshole lives and have it out with him. No one is gonna upset my girl. He needs to know once and for all that she’s mine. I don’t share.

  She’s quiet the whole way over to Pops. I keep glancing at her and she just stares straight ahead. I take her hand, and she smiles. It’s small, but it’s there. Yeah, something isn’t right. I just wish she’d come out and tell me what’s going on. She has to know how much I love her, that she can tell me anything and I’ll understand. I think I’ve shown her that many times now. So stubborn. I always loved that trait about her, now it’s making me crazy. The bar is packed when we get there. I finally find a parking spot on the side. Once I help Irish out, we start walking to the front door. As we get closer, you can hear the blaring of music and voices talking over each other. I take a chance and look over at her. She’s got a blank look on her face. I don’t think this is such a great idea.

  We walk in and people bump against us as we make our way through the crowd. “Caylan!” I look over to the right and see Jen waving from a booth in the back. I look at Irish and she gives me a smile. Totally fake. As we get closer, I see the back of a woman sitting across the table from Jen. Long dark hair, black and very shiny from the lights in the bar. Jen moves over as we get to the booth. I wave my hand for Irish to sit and take her crutches, stowing them up against the end of the seat as I slide in beside her. “Caylan and Irish, this is Brianna Daniels,” Jen introduces, her face beaming.


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