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The Lady Rochford Saga Part 1: Into the Ranks of the Deceived

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by Danielle Marchant

  I then awoke. It was almost daylight outside. I looked up and George was sat near me. I was lying on a couch. “Well, I’m glad you’ve finally awoke Jane!” He said.

  “What time is it? What happened?” I asked him confused.

  “I would say about five ’o’clock in the morning Jane. You better get up soon otherwise Queen Catherine will be wondering when you will be able to come to the chapel with her. She was a bit worried about you!”

  A realization then spread over my face “Queen Catherine? Last night! Oh my God!” I was supposed to be with the King wasn’t I?

  “Calm down Jane!” He ordered. “You must stop getting so uptight! That’s probably why you fainted last night!”

  “I fainted?” I asked him, confused. “Did I spend all night in here?”

  “Yes, you did Jane” He replied.

  “Oh God!” I sat up and started panicking.

  “Woah! What is wrong? “He asked, placing both hands on my arms to calm me down. Should I tell him the truth?

  “I can’t say George, honestly!” I replied, the tears beginning to well up in my eyes.

  “Jane, you can tell me anything” He replied softly.

  I drew a deep breath and said “I was supposed to be with the King last night.” There, I said it. I searched George’s face for a response. “George, the Cardinal ordered it. He said if I didn’t, I wouldn’t be able to marry well later on” I added. There was an awkward silence. Then, George smiled back as the realization hit him.

  “And that’s what the Cardinal said to you is it?” He replied. “That’s what he thinks!” He embraced me and pulled me closer to him. “Jane, I would marry you regardless of what the Cardinal orders. I do want to marry you when the time is right. That is if you would like to marry me?”

  A feeling of joy swept through me and I replied ecstatically “Yes George! I want to marry you!” He pulled me to him and kissed me passionately on the lips. He pushed me back onto the couch as I smothering his face with kisses. We then stopped when hearing a coughing at the doorway. We both looked up to see Mary coming into the room, looking tired and a bit disheveled.

  “Well, where have you been Mary? Not with King Francis again I hope!” George said, teasing her.

  “You can talk, brother!” Mary replied. “What were you about to do to my friend Jane! Honestly!”

  George got up slowly and then, helped me up with him. I was still wearing last night’s gown and my hair was slightly messy. He stood me by his side with a hand around my waist. “By the way, sister, she’s no longer your friend – she is your potential sister-in-law!” A big grin spread over Mary’s face.

  “This is fantastic! Congratulations!” Mary screamed, running up and hugging me. “Welcome to our family at last! I knew he would propose to you eventually!”

  “I just hope that the King is not angry with me and shares your joy” I replied. Mary then backed away slowly and then, fell silent. “No, the King is very happy and is not angry with you.” Mary muttered, staring at the floor. She then perked up and said “Oh wait until I tell Anne!”

  “How would you know about the King?” George asked curiously.

  A maid who happened to be passing outside the room came in and interrupted “She knows because she spent the night with him!”

  “Is there any privacy in this place?” I thought to myself. Then, both George and I turned to Mary, amazed.

  “Mary?” George asked her with one eyebrow raised.

  “Oh, yes I did! What of it?” Mary replied looking irritated.

  “Does William know?” I asked her.

  “Huh! What would he care what man I spent time with! He wouldn’t notice anyway!” Mary retorted. She then gathered some calmness. “Could we please just keep this between us?” She pleaded.

  “And the maid of course” said George. “That’s the worrying thing – who else knows about this, now that a passing-by maid knows”.

  “You make it sound so sordid! It’s not like that! There’s more to it than that – he cares about me” Mary argued.

  “Oh wake up sister! King Francis probably recommended you to him! And you were just filling in for my poor Jane who had fortunately missed her appointment!” George shouted.

  “Please keep this down!” I pleaded with them both. “Look, what’s done is done. Mary, in a way, I am grateful that you did spend the night with him – hopefully he won’t be angry with me now and has forgotten about me, but please see this for what it is. He is just using you. Please try to be fair to your husband and make peace with him.”

  “Yes, I must tell William” Mary responded thoughtfully. “However, it’s not like he can argue with the King on this and say ‘no’”.

  “That’s true” agreed George. “In the same way that neither could you Jane! I hope Anne doesn’t find out”.

  “My sister never learns does she?!” Anne muttered quietly under her breath venomously. It was now Saturday 23rd June and both Anne and I sat together in the stands watching the great mass, the climax to the recent events. “How long has this been going on for?”

  “Just one night” I replied quietly. I was wary of anyone hearing as only nearby sat William Carey and our parents. It was the first time I had seen mother since arriving here. I had wondered where she had got to as I really needed to speak to her. Was it true about her and the King? How could she do that to the King and my father?! How could Mary?! Mother caught my eye in the distance and as if reading my mind, gave a sorrowful look back. I could see the shame in her eyes. I quickly turned away. “In fact, in a way, she did me a favour”.

  Anne was quiet and then, as if the penny had just dropped, replied astonished “Oh! Was it meant to be you?!” Anne replied mischievously.

  “Shhhh!” I begged her as I began to blush.

  “Is that why you fainted? “ Anne replied, laughing quietly. “Oh bless you! Very clever! I must suggest that to my sister one day as she obviously cannot say ‘no’ to the King”

  “No one can say ‘no’ to the King, Anne” I quietly reminded her. “It’s not as simple as that”.

  “Nonsense, Jane! Isn’t the King a man like anyone else?” Anne retorted.

  “I think we had better change this subject” I replied. I was shocked by Anne’s attitude. Refuse a King? It’s unthinkable! “Anyway, I was made to by someone else”.

  “Who?” Anne quizzed me.

  “Cardinal Wolsey” I replied as I gazed out of the stands, seeing the man himself. Anne followed my gaze.

  “Oh yes, George mentioned him trying to keep you two apart!” Anne replied. “By the way, congratulations! I cannot wait to have you as a sister-in-law”. Anne added with a smile and squeezed my hand.

  “Thank you!” I replied, beaming with a big smile.

  “About time too, I would say! Once you two get betrothed, you can get as well-acquainted with each other in the gardens as much as you like!” Anne replied and winked. I just smiled back and continued to focus on who appeared to be the main man of today’s event. The Cardinal appeared adorned in jeweled vestments. All of the Cardinals and Legates of England and France were dressed in red and had made their way to the platform. They were then followed by the French bishops, archbishops and then, the English bishops. The last group today had to serve as deacons and subdeacons, something that was normally too lowly a duty for them.

  I looked around the stands and then saw George not far behind me, sitting with Thomas and Elizabeth Boleyn. On the platform below, the King’s musicians from the Chapel Royal began to sing joyously. As they sang, he slowly turned his gaze to me and smiled. In that moment, I felt myself rise to the heavens along with the clear, pure, unbroken voices of the male choir. I then felt a small thud in my rib cage as Anne nudged me with her elbow. “Concentrate!” She said quietly, with a smile.

  The Cardinal dominated the proceedings. He indeed, as I have often heard before, ruled the Church and the country under the King. As Lord Chancellor, he influenced the law. As the King’s
chief minister, he controlled everything else. Nothing could get passed him. Not even myself and George. The Cardinal, King Francis, Queen Claude, King Henry and Queen Catherine surrounded the altar. The Cardinal had made sure that both countries played an equal part in today’s event. The musicians were both English and French. They took it in turns to sing the words. As one group sang the sacred words, the other group’s organist accompanied them.

  Then, suddenly out of the blue, there was a loud bang. We all turned to each other suddenly frightened and confused. “This was a summit of peace – have the French betrayed us?” I thought to myself. Anne put her arm around me calmly and then said quietly “Jane, don’t worry, we haven’t fallen out with the French yet. I should know!” She then directed my gaze to the skies above us. There I saw what appeared to be a massive firework. It looked like a dragon, or could have even have been the salamander – the emblem of King Francis. Its great tail curled across the blue skies. I looked at the King down on the platform. His reddish hair glinted in the sun and a smile spread across his face. He then burst into laughter with King Francis and then, patted him on the back in a friendly gesture. “Maybe the Cardinal wants to give everyone a taste of what awaits us all tonight!” Anne said. I could believe her. This summit was also definitely a demonstration of prestige and magnificence between the two countries.

  When the commotion had died down and the outline of the great creature in the skies above us had slowly ebbed away, Cardinal Wolsey allowed the service to continue. Cardinal de Bourbon presented the gospel to the two Kings to kiss. King Henry politely offered the gospel to King Francis to kiss first. King Francis politely declined, insisting that Henry go first. The gospel was then presented to their two Queens. Both Catherine and Claude did not know what to do. They then both turned to each other and planted a kiss on each other’s cheek. Both Kings smiled and laughed and many in the stands burst into spontaneous applause. I was beginning to learn that in this world of King Henry’s court, drama was a great weapon in politics, used to surprise or frighten those beneath him and act as a counterweight in international relations. I was indeed in a court full of actors and actresses. In order to keep my place, I would need to learn this. I briefly thought of Anne that moment. I do get the sense that she has picked up on this already while serving Queen Claude; the firework display did not shock her. It’s almost as if she had expected this. This world suits her very much. She potentially is a politician herself and I do find it quite unnerving. She’s not afraid to say things that the other ladies would not even contemplate saying aloud. Is this the kind of woman I should be?

  There was then a lecture made reflecting on the merits of peace by one of Henry’s secretaries William Pace. Then, a proclamation was made to reduce the time souls spent in purgatory before drawing proceedings to a close. Everyone then made their way back to their apartments briefly before the events of the evening. Both Anne and I separated, Anne following Queen Claude and her ladies while I accompanied Queen Catherine’s group of ladies. On the way, I passed my parents. I quickly asked mother “Can I see you later?” and she nodded and smiled in reply as I headed off.

  In the afternoon, while Mary accompanied the Queen at the chapel, I visited my parents’ rooms. I knocked on the door and my mother was there alone with just her attendant. Mother instantly sat up straight in the chair and put her prayer book down. The attendant curtseyed as I entered. My mother requested her to leave us which she then did. She walked over to me and gave me an uneasy smile. “Jane, how nice it is to see you!” She then gave me a small hug. “Come and sit here” and she ushered me to a chair near the fireplace.

  We sat there for a minute opposite each other in an awkward silence, staring at the flames flickering and licking high. I then broke the silence “Mother, I have been meaning to talk to you.”

  “Yes?” She looked up slowly and replied.

  “My place at court – how did father get it?” I asked her.

  “You know how he did! With the good help of his friend Thomas Boleyn” She replied irritated. She started to feel very uncomfortable and shifted about. She got up and began to walk around the room.

  “Yes, but the last time I asked you, you made it clear that that was what everyone was supposed to know!” I replied. I wouldn’t let this go. I wanted the truth. “Is there something you are not telling me, mother?”

  She stopped in her steps then looked down awkwardly at her feet. She then looked up and back at me, replying “Well, I guess you have to find this out sometime.”

  “I have already found out!” I spat back. “You and the King?! How could you?!”

  She sat down quietly and calmly beside me, taking both of my hands. “Yes, Jane, I did sleep with the King, but it was a very brief affair.” She then got back up, throwing her hands around the room. “I had no choice!” She said, almost to herself as well as me. “I could not say ‘no’! And I guess, in addition to both the efforts of your father and your father’s good friend Thomas Boleyn, it cemented your place at court. Unfortunately, you will learn that surviving in this court is not easy for a woman. In the end, the men have the power to raise you high and then, bring you back down again.”

  “I think I am already starting to learn that” I replied.

  “What do you mean?” She asked with interest.

  “The King asked for me only a few nights ago, but I fainted in the evening and instead, it appears that Mary Boleyn took my place!” I replied.

  Alice looked shocked, then suddenly smiled. “Oh don’t be silly Jane! The King asked for you?!” Then, after a pause, said “OK, I do forget that you are a young woman of child-bearing age, but surely your father would have known something! Are you sure Jane? Really! You always get yourself worked-up into a frenzy!”

  “It’s true! Cardinal Wolsey said the King wanted to see me! If I had not, he said he would make sure George and I would not get married!” I replied.

  Alice looked at me amused. “And it looks like the Cardinal hasn’t won! Thomas Boleyn broke the fantastic news to your father and I about George proposing marriage! We are so delighted about this and I can assure you that the Cardinal will not throw any obstacles in the plans. We will just have to wait until the King has given his consent for your marriage.” I looked back confused. Who didn’t know about our engagement now? Alice, as if almost reading my thoughts continued “Don’t worry about the Cardinal. He was just winding you up! The power has got to his head a bit. He thinks that he rules everything as well as the country under the King! He is nothing but the son of an Ipswich Butcher! He has been raised too high! He already lives like a King – you only have to look at his palaces - York Place and Hampton Court!”

  “Yes, I have heard about Hampton Court! The way that in just one room he has an amazing, great display of plates of gilt, pure gold and silver. His gilt candlesticks and the way he can burn candle lights in dishes of silver and gilt!” I replied.

  “Exactly! He even sits under a cloth of estate when he eats! Who does he think he is?! Even when he rides his mule in public, he has golden stirrups and accessories made of crimson velvet, following a procession of attendants and footmen carrying crosses of gold or silver. Even a member of our nobility has to carry his hat and great seal! He rules all of them that ruled before him, despite their noble ancestry. It is a disgrace! “Alice took a deep breath and then, calmed down. “However, Jane I must warn you that despite our feelings towards the Cardinal, he is still in the King’s favour. You must not openly criticize him in public. You must learn to hold your tongue. I just wish someone would take the Duke of Buckingham aside and kindly remind him of this too.” Mother did have a point there. I had heard of stories of the Duke of Buckingham and how the Cardinal’s high status felt like an insult to the Duke. He was increasingly finding it very difficult to repress his anger. “Anyway, I am sure the Queen will be wondering where you have got to.” Alice leant forward and gave a hug. I was taken aback as this was a very rare display of affection from my mothe
r. “Don’t worry about you and George – your father and Thomas Boleyn will make sure that the King gives the marriage his consent.”

  “Thank you” I replied, hugging her back.

  “As for Mary Boleyn, it wouldn’t surprise me if her father encourages it” Alice said. “Her husband almost seems resigned to this, but there is nothing he can do about this anyway. He just has to learn how to cope with this - in the same way that my husband had to once.”

  May 1521, Hever Castle, Kent

  It was a warm, Spring evening. The evening was still very light and the flowers were springing up everywhere across the fields of Hever. I was having dinner with Elizabeth Boleyn, Mary, George and my mother in the Boleyn’s magnificent hall. Thomas, William Carey and my father were on their way, but were delayed with some late business at court.

  Elizabeth who resided at the head of the table raised her glass. “I wish to make a toast to my future daughter-in-law, Jane, who will be part of this family very soon!” George and I smiled at each other and all raised our glasses of red wine with her.

  “Thank you, mother!” George replied. “I do hope we don’t have long to wait. I would also like to see my sister Anne attend to. Have you had any more news from her?”

  “Anne is doing very well according to her last letter,” Elizabeth replied.

  “However, it looks like she may be returning to England much sooner than expected. As you know, things have not been going very well between England and France so far and I would like Thomas to bring her back here for her own safety. So, it looks like she may be attending your wedding after all!” She added with a smile. Despite the magnificent Field of the Cloth of Gold, events had taken a dramatic turn. One person not present at the summit had been the Queen’s nephew, Charles V of Spain. The most powerful man in Europe, he had Spain, Burgundy and the Netherlands, some parts of Italy and the Holy Roman Empire under his rule, as well as much of the newly-found New World. Friction had developed between Charles and King Francis and Henry had an obligation to protect France as a result of the recent agreement made at the summit. However, Charles was now protesting that Francis had violated his agreement and that Henry should be helping Spain. War was definitely on the horizon and we all knew it.


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