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Broken Bonds: The London Crime Syndicate - A Dark British Mafia Romance

Page 18

by Brit Vosper

  “We’ll wait for you in the lounge.”

  Without acknowledging him, I skirted to the bathroom at the end of the hall. It was a relief to lock the door behind me. A respite if only for a minute. I took a deep breath as I stood at the sink. My haunted reflection stared at me from the gilded mirror. Gaunt and pale despite the burgeoning bruises. For once, I stared back, but only to reaffirm the hatred I felt.

  Hatred for myself, for my life, for this whole fucked up situation, but mostly for my father. I despised him.

  My gaze dropped to the cut on my right cheek. It was small, but the blood had dripped down to my chin. I closed my eyes against the memory of the gash on Aaron’s face. My stomach lurched as I pictured what they’d do to him now. That cut might be the least of his injuries. I had to get to him soon, or there might not be much of him left.

  First, I’d have to get away from my father.

  I washed my face and freshened before I prepared myself to leave the bathroom. It took all my will to turn the handle and head to the living room.

  My father stood leant against the drinks cabinet. Glass in hand and his eyes fixed on my every movement as I walked in. Milena was on the sofa setting up coffee on the table. I sat in the armchair closest to the door and rested my head in my hand.

  “Coffee?” Milena said far too cheerily.

  I nodded and gave her a weak smile as she handed me a cup. It was a thin veil of courtesy but I was grateful for the pretence. My father made his way over and sat in the chair opposite mine. His fingers tapped against the glass as he held it on the arm. He waited for Milena to sit back before he began.

  “You’re both fucking idiots.”

  Milena’s jaw fell in offence. “What have I done?”

  He glared at her. “Who arranged the meeting with Marcus?”

  Her head dropped, and she stared into her lap. I didn’t like my sister, but I wasn’t about to point fingers. She’d have to own up to this one herself. It’s not like she could worm out of it. He already knew it was her, Aaron must have told him.

  “I did.”

  “You thought that was a good idea?”

  “I was trying…”

  “I didn’t ask for excuses, I asked if you thought that was a good idea.”

  “At the time.”

  “Then you’re a fucking idiot.” He looked between us. “You both know I hate that son of a bitch, and you both know no part of this business ever goes near him.”

  Milena shook her head. “You’ve never given us the reason why.”

  I laughed to myself. Interrupting him was one thing, doing it with a stupid comment like that was asking for trouble.

  He leant forward and narrowed his eyes. “I’m sorry.” His voice was low and controlled. When my father was calm, that’s when you needed to worry. “Do I answer to you now?”

  She glanced over at me then back at him. Her face ashen as her confidence ebbed away. “No.”

  “Are you sure? Because it sounds like you want me to explain myself… boss.”

  She shook her head. “No, but I’m just saying, if Olivia knew…”

  Her words faded off as his face darkened. The tension grew in the already coil-tight room. My sister wasn’t as experienced with his temper as I was, but she’d crossed a mark this time. She shrank back into the sofa away from the quiet rage that radiated from him.

  “You don’t need to explain it to me. I know what you’re saying. What I don’t know is what’s worse, being treated like a moron, or having one for a daughter.”

  He knocked back the scotch then threw the glass at the wall behind her. The shattering pieces rained down as she cowered. I gripped the cup in my hands as I tensed, knowing what was coming next.

  He lunged for her, gripping her throat as he pinned her into the sofa. She gasped out panicked breaths as she tried to pull his hands away.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are? Do you think you have a special privilege? A right to question my choices, do you?”

  She shook her head.

  “I tell you what to do, girl, not the other way around. Don’t you ever try to question me on this again. Do you understand me?”

  She tried to nod.

  “Answer me.”

  “Yes,” she choked out.

  He let go of her, stood back then growled as he paced in front of the chair.

  She folded her legs up to her chest and huddled into the sofa, rubbing her neck as she wiped the tears from her eyes. Milena, wasn’t used to being treated like that. He’d usually give her a lot more leeway than he would me. Today was a bad day to wind him up, however.

  “Of all the stupid fucking things you could’ve done, you thought calling on that cunt would be the best of them? I thought you had more sense than that, Milena. I really did.” He paused and glared. “You realise he set up that meeting to get to Olivia, don’t you? The stolen shipment, the meeting, all to get a tracker on her phone. You played right into his hands.”

  I looked up at him in surprise. “Tracker? What tracker?”

  “He stole the shipment?” Milena questioned at the same time I did.

  He groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Neither of you have a bloody clue. I blame myself. I’ve been too soft on you both.”

  He sat and glanced between us, then his cold eyes rested on Milena. “Marcus stole the shipment to force your hand on suppliers. You fell for it, like the imbecile you are.”

  He looked at me, pulled a phone from his pocket and unlocked it. Then slid it across the table towards me.

  “How do you think your new boyfriend knew where to find you?”

  I placed my coffee down and picked it up. There weren’t many apps on the home screen. I clicked on the green target icon, and it loaded a folder with my name. When I clicked, it brought up the screen of my phone. Emails, messages, contacts, everything.

  It meant nothing. He’d said he had me followed. Why would a clone of my phone be any different? That’s what I told myself, but it felt different.

  Milena glanced between us, her eyebrow raised. “Boyfriend? Aaron? Really?”

  My father huffed and shook his head. “It seems our Olivia has a thing for cunts out to use and abuse her. Quite literally asking for it now, aren’t you?”

  I glared at him. “Is it any wonder? I’ve had to grow up with you as a role model.”

  He laughed. “Don’t pin your deviances on me. We all know it was Jack who screwed you up.”

  I closed my eyes and breathed against the pain his name rose. “Don’t go there.”

  “Why not? You haven’t learnt your lesson. Maybe a reminder is what you need, girl. Or, what was it he used to call you? Princess?”

  Clenching my hands around the phone, I opened my eyes and hissed. “Don’t call me that.”

  “You fell for every one of his false charms. No one could tell you otherwise. You were besotted with him. Right up until the day you found out he was doing it all to get to me. What do you think hurt more? The betrayal, or realising he never loved you?”

  My father was a master at torture. He knew just what to say to open my deepest wounds.

  “I couldn’t have been more proud when I found you in the club next to his cold corpse. I didn’t think you had it in you. Of course, you didn’t either. You weren’t exactly coherent after. How did it feel when you drove that knife into his chest? When you killed the man you thought you loved?”

  The panic and the pain resurfaced as if he was in front of me. I couldn’t stop the memories from swamping my mind, from feeling his hands around my throat, picturing his face as he gasped in shock. My hands shook. “Why are you doing this?”

  “Why? Because this morning I found you walking around naked with the guy who was holding you captive. You’re falling for the same shit again. It’s all a ploy, Olivia, to get to me. Can’t you see that? I’m trying to protect you.”

  I laughed. “The only thing I’m at risk of falling for is your bullshit. Even that is unlikely. And the only
one you want to protect is yourself. You wouldn’t give a shit if I fucked and was screwed over by half the thugs in this country as long as they were in your pocket.”

  He narrowed his eyes and shook his head. “You know that’s not true.”

  “Do I? What was it you said at the farm? You should get rid of me, too?”

  He closed his eyes. “I was angry.”

  “You’re always fucking angry. Is that because you got rid of our mother? Did you kill her?”

  His face fell into a harsh glare as he twisted the wedding on his finger. “Olivia. Don’t.”

  “Why not? Let’s see how you like it. What did you do to her? Beat her? Throttle her? Slit her throat?”

  He rose to his feet and pointed. “Enough.”

  I smiled. “Does it hurt? Can you see her face right now?”

  His voice dropped to a whisper. “This is your last warning, Olivia.”

  I stood and slid the phone into my back pocket. “I suppose the better question would be, not what you did to her, but what she did to you. It must’ve been something big to warrant a death sentence. Did she fuck around on you?”

  As he lunged for me, I grabbed the cup from the table and launched it in his direction. Then turned and ran. It wouldn’t buy me much time, but I prayed it’d be enough to get me out of the door. His cursing behind told me it hit somewhere.


  In the hallway, I grabbed the car keys from the sideboard.

  His footsteps closed in. “You will pay for that, Olivia.”

  The heavy front door creaked as I hauled it from its frame. Then it slammed shut as my father pushed it back. The pain raced across my scalp as he tried to pull me from it. I held on to the handle and kicked back at him. It landed, and he growled as he pulled my hair harder.

  Raising my leg again, I aimed higher and kicked with all the force I could muster. The pull stopped, and he groaned behind me. Direct hit.

  I didn’t waste anytime looking back to check. I heaved the door open and flew down the stairs to the car. The locks clicked as I pressed the fob, ran around to the drivers side and got in. My father appeared at the front door as I started the engine. Still in pain as he leant on the door frame and shouted.

  “I know where you’re going, Olivia. Don’t think I won’t be coming for you.”

  I was counting on it.



  “Not such a handsome boy now, are you?”

  I opened my eyes through the swelling and glared at the scarred, beast of a man leant in front of me. The pain from the rope around my wrists hurt more than my face at this point. That had gone numb halfway through beating two, thankfully.

  Spitting the blood from my mouth, I smiled. “Still prettier than you.”

  He sneered. “Not for long.” He stood and turned to the thin, rat featured guy sat at the table behind him. “Mike, how long d’you think it’ll take to crack him? A day? Two?”

  “Dunno,” Mike sighed and looked at me. “He put up a decent fight when we got him. I’d say he’s got the stones to last longer. With you working him over, I’ll put my money on four.”

  “Alright. I’ll bet you a ton I can crack him in less than three.”

  “Done. A hundred pounds says you won’t.”

  The big guy walked over to Mike and they shook on it. He picked up his cigarettes and sparked one up. A cloud of smoke billowed out as he leant against the table full of knives and pliers.

  “What’d he do, anyway?”

  Mike laughed. “He kidnapped and boned the boss’ daughter.”

  His jaw dropped in mock surprise. “No shit. Gotta have some bollocks to do that. Not sure on that fucking bet now.”

  “Too late. Deal’s done.”

  “Fuck.” He took another drag and smiled. “Which one was it?”

  “The good looking one.”

  “Damn. That’s some fine arse though. Wouldn’t mind getting me a piece of that.”

  Mike chortled. “You’ve more chance of platting fog, mate.”

  The big guy laughed back. “Didn’t say she had to want it. If she weren’t the boss’ lass, I’d have had that long before now. I will do soon.”

  My jaw clenched hearing him talk about Olivia. I’d kill him. I’d never killed anyone before, but I’d be happy to cross that line for him. Not sure how or when, but I swore I’d feed him his fucking balls before I was through.

  He turned to me. “Oi. Pretty boy. Was it worth it?” He stood and sauntered over. “Was she good?”

  I kept my expression straight, but all I wanted to do was tear his throat out.

  The smile on his face widened. “I bet she was good. She looks like a bit of a goer.” He took a drag on his cigarette then leant over and blew the smoke in my face. “Did she squeal? I’ll make her squeal.”

  “You will regret saying that.”

  He laughed. “A threat? Really? She must’ve been good.”

  He took a long pull on his cigarette, pinched the butt between his finger and thumb then pressed the end into my neck. The burn seared into my skin, and I winced at the pain.

  He laughed. “Let’s see if the threats last long. I’m guessing you’ll be begging before sundown.”

  The door lock rattled and opened. The big guy glanced over his shoulder, but blocked my view. “Well, well. Look who it is.” He turned back to me. “Might be my lucky day after all.” He gave me a wicked grin. “How would you like to watch?”

  “You two. Get the fuck out.”

  My stomach sank as Olivia’s voice echoed around the basement. I didn’t want her anywhere near those fuckers.

  He stood and faced her. “Not this time, sweet cheeks.”

  “Get the fuck out. Now.” Her voice was low and controlled, emphasising each word as she spoke.

  “We both know what happened the last time I left you alone with a guy down here.”

  He stood aside and Olivia’s face dropped when she saw me.

  “Are you gonna kill this one, too?”

  She closed her eyes, took a breath and turned to square up to the big guy. “How about I kill you instead?”

  “I’d like to see you try.”

  He walked up and leant over her. The smirk on his face widening as he looked her over.

  “See, I’m thinking Daddy isn’t as protective of you as we thought.”

  He reached out to touch her face, and she knocked his hand away. He chuckled, looked at me then back at her.

  “If this fucker is still breathing after tasting your arse, maybe I can get away with it, too.”

  Her eyes widened as he stepped forward and pushed her back against the table. The ropes cut against my wrists as I struggled to pull free. There’s no way I’d let him touch her, but I couldn’t loosen them, they were tied tight. “Olivia, leave!”

  Mike stood. “Hey, come on, man. You know that’s not a good idea.”

  Olivia took a breath and narrowed her eyes at the big guy. “You should listen to your friend, Gary.” She stepped towards him and I saw the glint from the knife she held behind her. “Fucking with me is not a good idea.”

  He grabbed her throat, and she pressed the knife between his legs. He looked down and released his grip, holding his hands up in surrender.

  She smiled. “If you touch me again, I will cut the fucker off. Do you understand?”

  He nodded. She pressed it harder, and he flinched.

  “Answer me.”


  “Good. Now, get the fuck out.”

  He backed off. Then turned and headed towards the door. Mike followed him, looking back at us and saying something I couldn’t make out to Gary. Olivia watched them as they knocked on the door and left. Only then did she breathe and turn to me. Concern creased her beautiful eyes.

  I smiled. “You’re a bit of a badass, aren’t you?”

  “Only when I need to be.” She gave out a hushed laugh of relief. Then leant over and kissed me.

  I wished
I could’ve felt the tenderness of her lips. My face was too numb to feel anything, but having her close was almost as satisfying.

  She stroked my jaw as she pulled away and studied my injuries.

  “Have they made a mess?”

  She shook her head. “It could’ve been a lot worse, trust me.”

  “I do.”

  She smiled and looked away. “We haven’t got much time. My father will be here soon.” She made her way behind me and cut the ropes on my wrists.

  “How did you get away from him?”

  She huffed. “That’s not important, all that matters is that I did.”

  The tension on the rope loosened as she cut through. I brought my hands forward and circled my wrists in relief. Never had I wanted to hold someone so much. I stood and pulled her into my arms, taking in the scent of honey on her hair as if I’d never smell it again. She squeezed her arms around my back and buried her face into my chest. Then took a deep breath and stepped back. I didn’t want to let her go.

  Worry twisted her lips as she glanced up. “We need to be quick.”

  “Are you getting me out of here?”

  “No, I can’t. There’s too many thugs upstairs. I can’t defend them all off with a knife.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  She moved the knife to her other hand and pulled my phone from her back pocket. “There’s only one person I know of who could get you out.”

  I didn’t like where this was going. “Who?”

  “Call Marcus. Tell him you’re at Gian’s warehouse and say he’s on his way.”

  “You want me throw your father under the bus? I know he’s a bastard, but still.”

  “It won’t come to that. Just do it.”

  “But, what if…”

  “Aaron, do it now.”

  Her face was as serious as I’d ever seen it. I wasn’t sure it was the best idea, but I couldn’t argue with her. If she wasn’t able to get me out, Marcus could. I took the phone from her and unlocked it, selected his contact through the app and put it on speaker as it rang. “Are you sure about this?”


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