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Protected by the Badman (Russian Bratva Book 6)

Page 20

by Hayley Faiman

  “Ziven,” she purrs as she shimmies in front of me, bending her knees and widening her thighs, showing me her pussy.

  “You need to go to someone else,” I suggest.

  “Don’t you miss me?” she asks as she trails her fingers down to her pussy lips and spreads them.

  I watch, not because she’s turning me on, but because she’s not at all. I appreciate that she has a great body, and I know that she’s a great fuck, but I don’t want her. I only have eyes for my wife, my Quinn, my katyonak.

  I could fuck this blyad, this whore, and nobody could stop me. Quinn couldn’t even leave me over it, even if she found out. Nobody could say a fucking thing—but maybe just knowing I can, I have no desire to? Or maybe I really just do love my Quinn.

  “Nyet, I don’t. Now get the fuck away from me before I have you removed,” I warn.

  Her eyes widen and she stands but she doesn’t walk away. Instead, she leans in close to me, so close that I can feel her breath on my neck and her tits brush against my shirt.

  “That little girl you have, does she give you everything you need? If she doesn’t, you know where to find me. I’ll always be ready for you, Ziven,” she whispers. She then stands and walks away from me, her hips swaying.

  I suppose she was trying to be enticing, but the truth is, Quinn gives me everything. Every single thing I could want, Quinn does or would give me. There’s no reason for me to go elsewhere when I have her at home.

  I decide that I need to get back there, home, to my wife. With a wave and a few handshakes, I make my way out the back door toward my car.

  Today was a good day. At least, to me it was. I felt brave today. After spending all day yesterday with Ziven, the museum, lunch, then the club, I felt like I needed to continue on with my bravery.

  So, once Ziven left for work this morning, I took my morning coffee and I walked outside onto the balcony. It was freezing cold, and covered in snow, but I walked to the edge and let the sunshine and my coffee warm me. I breathed in the Colorado fresh air and just looked around at the snowy covered grass and pond below.

  Once I was finished, I came inside and got dressed for the day. My courage waned a little, so I didn’t go any further than the balcony, but in the afternoon, I went out there again and ate a snack in the sun. It may not seem like much, but to me, it was the bravest thing I’ve done in weeks.

  Now in the dark, lying under the warm blankets and staring at the ceiling, wondering what time Ziven will be home, I’m trying to think of something to do tomorrow.

  I reach for my phone and send a text to Kristy. Lunch. Maybe we can meet up for lunch? She replies almost instantly and agrees to meet up, giving me the name and the address of a restaurant.

  I let out a shaky breath, wondering if that was a good idea, knowing that it was, but still feeling frightened all the same.

  I want to be this strong, brave, Bratva wife for Ziven, I just don’t know if it’s possible for me anymore. I bite my bottom lip and wonder if I’ll forever be this scared little girl. And what will that mean for me and Ziven—for us?

  I jump when I hear the front door open and close, my eyes wide and watching the bedroom doorway for someone to fill it. I let out a breath when the person filling the doorway is Ziven.

  “You’re awake,” he announces as he walks into the bedroom.

  I turn the lamp on at my side and sit up, my heart thumping in my chest as I lean back against the headboard.

  “I am. I couldn’t really sleep,” I shrug.

  “I can’t be home every night, katyonak. You’re going to have to be able to sleep without me,” he murmurs.

  “I know, I just—I don’t know. I went outside today,” I say, changing the subject.

  I watch as he unbuttons his shirt before he takes it off and tosses it to the ground. He stops and looks at me.

  He’s standing there shirtless, wearing only his slacks, and looking amazingly perfect, with an expression that I can’t quite read on his face.

  “It was just the balcony. I had coffee, and then later, a snack. I didn’t actually go anywhere,” I quickly ramble. I suck in a breath when he starts to stalk toward me.

  I watch as he climbs into the bed. When he reaches me, I think he’s going to stop, but he doesn’t. I have to spread my legs open as he gets even closer. He wraps one hand around the side of my neck and the other around my rib, his thumb brushing the underside of my breast.

  “You’re amazing,” he whispers.

  “Ziven,” I say with trembling lips.

  “You are, my good girl, my katyonak,” he rasps before he presses his lips gently to mine.

  “It wasn’t anything, Ven,” I whisper against his lips, feeling awkward about the positive attention he’s giving me for just going out onto the balcony.

  “You went outside, alone. That’s everything, Quinn. You’re facing your fears, and it’s amazing,” he murmurs.

  “You make me a stronger person.”

  “I don’t do anything but support the strength that’s already inside of you,” he says, squeezing the side of my neck and my ribs simultaneously.

  “I’m going to lunch with Kristy, tomorrow,” I admit.

  “Mika will drive you.”

  “No, I want to do it alone,” I say, shaking my head.

  His grip tightens on me again and his eyes darken before he speaks.

  “For my peace of mind, Mika will drive you,” he orders in a way that I know he won’t relent.

  I nod, which makes him tip his lips in a small smile.

  “I didn’t think you’d be home so early,” I rasp.

  “I missed my wife,” he mutters as his lips brush mine, once, then twice before they press fully against my mouth.

  I sigh as I part my lips and he slides his tongue inside of my mouth. He kisses me with long, lazy strokes of his tongue, swirling around my mouth and enveloping me completely. I moan as I lift my hands and wrap them around his torso.

  “I want to be inside you,” he sighs against my lips.

  “I want that,” I agree.

  My hands fall from his side as he rocks back on his knees. He’s watching and waiting for me. I shimmy out of my panties and let them fall to the side before I pull my short night gown off and let it join my panties in a pile on the floor.

  Ziven unbuckles, unbuttons, and unzips his pants, pushing them down his hips and legs, along with his boxer briefs. I lick my lips at the sight of his naked body.

  “Quinn,” he rasps as he wraps his hand around his cock and strokes himself.

  “You promised it would feel good if you took my ass,” I whisper, staring at him.

  His hand stops stroking his dick, his eyes grow wide, and his mouth gapes only slightly as he stares at me in surprise.

  “Quinn…” he says hesitantly.

  “I want to be completely free of him. Your touch has erased him from everywhere else. Please, Ziven, erase him from there,” I plead.

  “I would never hurt you,” he murmurs.

  “I know, that’s why I want you to take me. Take me, and make it feel so good, like only you can,” I state.

  I start to roll onto my stomach, but Ziven’s hands come out and wrap around my arms, halting my movement.

  “I won’t fuck you from behind, especially not the first time. I want you to see me, see that it’s me and nobody else.”

  I nod once as he wraps his hands around my ankles and tugs me down so that I’m lying flat on my back.

  I look up into his eyes, and he grins before he bends and places a gentle kiss on my lips. He kisses his way over to my ear before he whispers.

  “You need me to stop, you need a minute, whatever you need, katyonak, you just tell me.”

  “O-okay,” I whisper nervously.

  His hand moves down to my pussy, and I feel his fingers brush my center once, twice, three times before two of them enter me. His mouth finds purchase on my breast, and he starts to lick, nip, and tug on my nipple.

  In a matter of
seconds, I’ve completely forgotten that I’ve asked him to have anal sex with me—I’m too busy enjoying the way he kisses and touches me.

  I shiver when he moves down to my center. His mouth is hot on me as he swirls his tongue around my clit. My hands automatically dive into his hair as I lift my head and look down at him.

  Without warning, I feel a finger slip in my ass, and I gasp. He hums against my pussy but doesn’t say anything, his tongue slipping inside of me while he uses his finger to fuck my ass.

  “Ven,” I moan, gripping his hair tighter as I lift my hips for more from him. I want more of everything. I want it all.

  He growls, and I feel a second finger fill me as he sucks on my clit. My eyes roll in the back of my head as I continue to lift, roll, and use my hips to search for my release.

  It takes me by surprise, and it’s more intense than anything I have ever felt before. I lift my head and look down at him in awe as I gasp. Ziven moans before he pulls out of me, and pulls his mouth away from me.

  “You okay, katyonak?” he asks.

  “Better than,” I whisper.

  He smiles as he reaches into his nightstand and pulls out a bottle. His lips touch mine sweetly before he rocks back on his heels. I watch in fascination as he pours the liquid into his hands and rubs them together, warming them up. Then, he puts a little more into his hand and touches my sensitive pussy. It’s oil, it’s slick and warm, and I moan as he plays with me.

  “Ziven,” I murmur.

  “We aren’t taking this fast, Quinn. We’re going slow, and I want to play with this gorgeous pink pussy of yours,” he whispers.

  Ziven plays with me. He fingers me and strokes every part of me. By the time he’s stopped, I’m on the verge of my second climax. I whine when he pulls away, but then I watch as he pours a bunch of oil on his hand and strokes his cock with it.

  My eyes widen when I realize what that means. He hooks my knees under his elbows, and he spreads me higher and wider, his nose practically touching mine.

  “I love you, Quinn,” he whispers as his lips press against mine.

  I gasp and pull my head away as I feel his cock at my back entrance. His lips caress my neck as he pushes a little further inside of me.

  “Relax,” he whispers. “You have to relax, katyonak.”

  I will my body to relax as I squeeze my eyes tightly closed. It stops hurting, and then all I feel is his dick stretching me, completely and totally stretching me.

  It doesn’t hurt like it did with Oswald, but I feel extremely full, and I’m afraid that when he does start to move, that it might hurt.

  “You feel so tight, so good,” he murmurs.

  I take a few calming breaths and open my eyes to look at him. He looks almost, dare I say, amazed.

  “Ziven?” I ask.

  “I love you so much, Quinn,” he rasps, looking directly at me.

  “I love you, too” I grin.

  One of his hands leaves my leg, and I wrap my own arm around it to keep it in the same place as he slides two fingers inside of my pussy and starts to make a come-hither motion with them.

  “Oh, god,” I groan.

  It’s then that he slowly slides out of me and then pushes back inside with a loud moan of his own. I have never felt so sensitive, so full, and so in love than I do at this exact moment.

  I go between watching his cock slide in and out of my ass to watching the expression of awe and amazement on his face—stunning, if there was a word to describe it, it would be stunning.

  “Are you going to come for me?” he asks as he starts to pick up his pace.

  I can feel my orgasm. It’s on the edge, building as he begins to slam against me with his hips. The gentleness is now gone, and he’s chasing his own climax, his eyes still completely focused on mine.

  “Fuck, Quinn, come all over me. Let me feel you squeeze all of me as tight as you can,” he grinds out through clenched teeth.

  I start to shake, my thighs, my arms, and my entire body as I rear my head back and come with a scream. It’s the most intense feeling I have ever had in my entire life.

  My pussy and my ass simultaneously clamp around his fingers and cock. I hear him groan as his body stiffens and then he stills, his cock twitching as he fills my ass with his cum.

  “Perfect, Quinn, you’re so perfect,” he whispers as his lips touch mine.

  “I’m not,” I rasp, “not even close.”

  “You always have been to me.”

  Ziven pulls out of me and then carries me to the bathroom. He washes me, refusing to let me wash myself. He takes complete and total care of me, even as he tucks me into bed, pulling the warm covers up and over my body as his arms wrap around me.

  This is what sex is supposed to be like.

  This is what life is supposed to be like.

  All I have left of Oswald are bad memories that, hopefully, with time, will fade. He no longer has power over any piece of my body. Ziven has it all, and I trust every inch to him.

  I FEEL HIS LIPS touch my neck, and then I feel his breath before I hear him whisper my name. Begrudgingly, I open my eyes and he’s there, standing next to the bed, already dressed in a suit for the day. My eyes flick to the clock and I notice that it’s eight in the morning, well past the time he usually leaves.

  “I wanted to tell you goodbye,” he murmurs as he sits down on the edge of the bed.

  “You did?”

  “I also wanted to make sure you were okay,” he grins.

  “I’m okay,” I say as my face heats and I shift my legs slightly, suddenly feeling the need for him all over again.

  “Take it easy today, okay? Also, enjoy your lunch.”

  “Do you have to go to work right this minute?” I ask, pressing my thighs together.

  “I do. I’ll be home early tonight to take care of you, though,” he murmurs as he traces my lips with the tip of his finger.

  “How early,” I ask.

  My voice sounds husky and needy, but I don’t care. I am needy.

  “The sun will still be out. I’ll try to get to you as quickly as I can. Don’t touch yourself while I’m gone, yeah?”

  “Seriously?” I practically whine.

  “I’ll punish you if you do, katyonak,” he chuckles.

  I don’t get a chance to respond. In the next second, his lips are on mine, and then he’s up and walking out of the bedroom. I hear the front door open and close, then the sound of the deadbolt locking echoes through the empty condo.

  I don’t feel like moving yet, so I grab the remote control and I flip on the television. I never really watched TV before, but since I’ve been indoors so much, I’ve come to find that there are a few shows I like to watch. Talk shows and daytime drama aren’t really my thing, and I tend to find myself tuned into the History channel, or BBC America.

  As I flick through the channels, I freeze when a familiar face appears on my screen. Oswald Johnson. I look at the bottom of the screen and see that it’s a national news network, so I turn up the volume so I can hear what the reporter is saying.

  “Denver District Attorney, Oswald Johnson, was found dead early this morning. The police are being tight lipped about details as of now, but what we know is that his body was found in an alleyway. The area he was found in is known to be a popular spot for drugs and prostitution.”

  She doesn’t give any more information, just talks about who he was, the position and power that he held, and how wonderful he was for the city. I humorlessly laugh at her words of praise; Oswald Johnson was a sick and twisted monster.

  My eyes flick back to his picture and I just stare at it. Oswald was classically handsome. He looked completely composed and put together twenty-four hours a day, even when he was beating the ever-loving hell out of me. He never had one single hair out of place.

  I should have seen the evil in his eyes, but I was too blinded by the rest of the picture-perfect package to realize that he was sent to earth by the devil himself.

  I pick up my ph
one and scroll through the few names I have until I find Ziven’s.

  “Quinn?” he asks, answering on the first ring. I can’t help but tip my lips slightly in a smile.

  “His body was found,” I whisper.

  “I know, katyonak. Do you need me to come back?” he asks, sounding concerned.

  “No, I just… I love you, Ziven,” I whisper.

  “And I you, Quinn,” he mutters. That’s when I know that he’s not alone.

  I tell him goodbye and that I’ll see him later. He asks me a second time if I’m all right, and I assure him that I am.

  Standing in the closet, I root around for something to wear to lunch with Kristy. I decide on a pair of skinny jeans that have rips and tears in the legs, and a thick, navy, V-neck sweater. I slide my boots on once I’m dressed, and then I pull on a white puffy vest for warmth.

  The sun is out, but I know from my few trips out on the balcony yesterday that it is still quite cold outside.

  A knock on the front door lets me know that Mika has arrived as my escort, so I grab my brown tote purse, throwing it over my shoulder before I hurry to the door. I look through the peephole, just to double-check that it’s him. When I see his face, I sigh as I unlock and open up for him.

  “Mika,” I smile, stepping out into the hall before I lock the door behind me.

  “How are you doing?” he asks as we start to walk toward the elevator.

  “I’m good, really good,” I smile.

  “I’m glad for it,” he chuckles.

  “And you?”

  “Could be better, but I won’t complain,” he shrugs as he opens the building’s front door for me.

  Once he’s outside, I ask him if his could be better response has anything to do with Oksana and her wedding that is coming up. He nods but doesn’t elaborate, and it makes me sad.

  Mika is probably one of the nicest men I know. I went to him for a reason when I ran from Oswald. I knew for a fact that he’d take care of me, that he’d help me. Even if he hated me for leaving Ziven the way I did, I knew that he wouldn’t abandon me, or worse, send me back to Oswald.


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