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Broken Rules: Book 3 in The Broken Road Series

Page 9

by Huie,Melissa

  “What’s the story, Princess. Where does it hurt?” His gentle southern drawl threatened to let loose the tears of pain building up. I exhaled deeply and clenched my jaw.

  “Lower body is fine, I think. Right shoulder is dislocated.”

  “How’s the head? Feeling faint? Nauseous?” He moved his fingers gently around my scalp, looking for cuts and bumps. I winced when he moved over a particularly sensitive area. Frown lines appeared on his tanned face, and he caught my eye.

  “Relax, the Ranger is on his way.”

  Oh, fuck no. I didn’t want to be the damsel in distress, and leave the woods on a fucking stretcher. I groaned at his words and held out my left hand for him to pull me up.

  “Why don’t you stay put? You took a pretty good tumble.”

  “Help me up, Noah. I’m fine.” He sighed and shook his head, until he finally relented and held out his hand, pulling me up. The forest spun around me, so I leaned against him for support.

  “You’re not looking so hot.”

  “Fine time to be commenting on my appearance, jerk,” I gritted out, trying desperately to relieve the tension in the situation. I tried to straighten, then immediately toppled over.

  He muttered a curse, then swept me up into his arms. “We’ll meet the Ranger at the trail head.”

  “I can walk. I just need to use your arm,” I bit out, my teeth gnashing together.

  “Yeah, you can use more than my arm, Princess. But for now, kindly shut up and let me hold you. There’s no way we’d make it to the trail head by sundown if I let you walk.”

  I sighed in resignation, knowing he was right, and wrapped my left arm around his neck. We walked in silence for a while, with each step jarring my sore body, but I held it in. Sweat dripped from my brow as I focused my breathing, and tried not to think about the pain. It took everything I had not to cry out, but I refused. We made it to the parking lot of the trail, where a Ranger with a modified ATV waited to take us back to the cabin. He offered to take us to the local hospital, but I refused. The last thing I needed was the attention of an ambulance ride.

  “Don’t be bullheaded, Kate. You’re going to the hospital,” Noah demanded.

  “Screw off, Noah. I’m fine. I just need to wrap my wrist, then have Cole pop my shoulder back in,” I said with finality. My wishes went unheard, and as soon as we got to the house, he carried and sat me in the front seat of his truck. When I voiced my protests, he threw in his wild card.

  “Do you really want Megan fussing over you, when she should be relaxing?”

  Oh, you pull out the big guns, huh? The jerk knew I wanted Megan and Shane to enjoy their trip, and if I didn’t go to the doctor, she would spend the rest of the time trying to take care of me. I shot him the middle finger and closed my eyes.

  Three-freaking-hours later, we emerged from the hospital with a concussion, a badly bruised ankle, and a fixed shoulder. And drugs, of course. Good stuff.

  “The pain reliever they gave her should be setting in now. It’s pretty potent, so make sure she doesn’t do anything by herself until the effects wear off. No operating heavy machinery, driving, using sharp utensils. She’ll need to be watched carefully.”

  “Ma’am, I have no intention of letting this one out of my sight,” he said with a wide smile. In my weakened state, I couldn’t do much but give him the finger, in case he needed to be reminded of my feelings toward him. That earned another giggle from the flirting nurse. I must have dozed off, because the next thing I knew, he had me in his arms and we were almost to the front door of the cabin. My nose was burrowed into his neck, breathing in his scent.

  “How can you smell like the water when you’re here in the mountains?” I mumbled.

  He chuckled softly. “I think the drugs have definitely hit your system.”

  I shook my head, then winced at the pain.

  “Just rest, Princess. I got you.”

  Chapter 10


  I TEXTED EVERYONE while we were at the hospital so they were aware of what had happened. Thankfully, everyone was out or in their rooms when we made it back. Her pride was wounded more than anything else, and I could tell she hated people seeing her at her weakest moments. I made my way upstairs, and pushed into her bedroom. With as much gentleness as I could muster, I laid her on the bed, careful not to disturb her wrist, ankle, or shoulder.

  “Hey, how is she?” Megan whispered from behind me. I shrugged and turned back to look at the angel laid out in front of me.

  “She’s a survivor. Just minor injuries. Lots of scrapes and bruises. She’ll be hurting for the next day or so.”

  “I’m glad, and I’m glad you were with her. It could have been a lot worse,” Megan said softly, then handed me a bowl full of warm water and a washcloth. “I figured she couldn’t take a shower until later, but this may help her feel more human.”

  “Thanks, Megs. Sorry we busted up your trip and everything,” I said, taking the bowl from her and setting it on the nightstand.

  “Noah, this is our new normal. The fact that there hasn’t been any gun fights or car chases, means it’s been a good day.” She giggled softly, then put her hand on my arm. “Just don’t hurt her. She’s been through hell.”

  I knew she didn’t mean while I was wiping her down, but in general. The warning was clear.

  “I can’t say I won’t fuck up, Megan. Because I am far from perfect, and there is so much she doesn’t know. But one thing’s for damn certain, no one will be more cherished or loved than she will be,” I promised her best friend.

  “Good. Because whether she knows it or not, you’re good for her, Noah.” I bent down and accepted her kiss on my cheek and watched her leave the room.

  Winning Kate’s heart wasn’t going to be easy, and if the past few days were any indication, I had a long way to go. But having her best friend on my side, it may just end up working after all.

  After I managed to take off her clothes, I took a moment to gaze at her battered body. Underneath the bruises and scrapes, her skin pebbled against the cool air. Her small, taut frame made me catch my breath, and it took everything I had not to press my face to the curve of her breast.

  With a sigh, I squeezed the water from the washcloth and started wiping away the sweat and dirt. Her breathing never changed, and she never stirred, the drugs were that strong. My gaze lingered on a sight I’d never seen before. The words, “Always A Part of Me” with the Roman numerals for March eighteenth underneath it, in the smallest, yet most elegant piece of calligraphy I’d ever seen, were etched onto her ribs. I sat back on my heels, confused. Because of the amount of time I’d spent with her in the past year, memorizing her beautiful body, I knew the ink was new.

  I wondered what the significance was, but then filed it away for later. I had my own new ink to explain, and the sight of her eyes catching hold of it in the shower made my stomach hurt. The hurt in her eyes killed any post-orgasm buzz, and her walls immediately went back up. I had to explain it to her soon, before she came to any crazy conclusions. I covered her naked body with the down blanket and made sure she was breathing before I hit the shower myself.

  I threw on a pair of jeans, my favorite gray T-shirt, and shook the water droplets from my hair before padding downstairs. My stomach growled at the aroma of steaks and chicken on the grill. Megan had the kitchen counters packed with appetizers and snacks, and I grabbed a chicken skewer before I joined the guys on the back deck.

  “Hey, man. Welcome back!” Shane said, clapping me on the back. “She asleep?”

  I nodded, my mouth full of spicy chicken. I took the beer he handed me and washed it down before replying. “Yeah, they gave her some good shit. She’s going to be hurting for the next few days, though.”

  Cole nodded and tipped his own beer back. “But she won’t show it, will she?” He nudged Shane, and they both shook their heads.

  “No, her stubbornness runs in the damn family,” Megan said, smacking Shane in the stomach.

p; I chuckled along with everyone else. Cole never said much about his stepsister’s life before she came to live with him and his family, but that his own mom passed away from cancer when his sister was only two years old. A year later, Kate and her mom, Cathy, entered their lives, and had been there ever since. Kate knew that family didn’t always equal blood. I hoped she remember that when she met my family. If she meets them. The worry and guilt began to eat at my stomach again. Once she was clearheaded, and not in a drug-induced haze, I’d tell her about Aubrey. And hope to God she understands.

  After shooting the shit with the guys and Megan, my body became heavy with fatigue. I drained the last of my beer and tossed it in the trash.

  “Megan, thanks again for a wonderful dinner. I’m going to have to do extra time at TR when we get back.”

  She nodded. “Yeah, I think you lost an ab muscle or two.”

  I laughed heartily, knowing full well my eight pack abs were intact. “I’m crushed.”

  She surprised me then, by wrapping her arms around my waist and squeezing me tight.

  “I know you’re going to be great for her. Be yourself, and be honest. And let her see what a great guy you are. You’re already in her head. Get yourself in her heart. And if you break it, I’ll kill you.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I kissed her on the head, just as Shane came in from outside.

  “You might want to remove your hands from my girl, asshat.”

  “Sorry, bro. She can’t seem to keep her hands off me!” I dodged the punch he threw in jest. But knowing Shane’s strength, there would have been some serious power behind that punch.

  I made a couple peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, grabbed a couple bottles of water, and went back upstairs.

  “Noah, hold up.” Cole came up the stairs behind me, as I paused in front of his sister’s room. Well, this is slightly awkward.

  “Look, bro. I have no clue what your intentions are with my sister, but I know you were there for her today. And I see the way you look at her. If you can get through her defenses, I wish you nothing but the best. But if she gets hurt in any way, you’re in for a world of hurt.”

  I nodded. “Dude, I know. Megan already told me. Y’all will kill me. Trust me, I have no intentions of hurting your sister.”

  Cole smirked. “It’s not us that’ll hurt you. She’ll kick your ass. We won’t have anything to do with it.”

  “Duly noted. ‘Night.”

  I opened the door quietly and set the food down. Kate’s beautiful blue eyes popped open, and she went to sit up.

  “Oh no, Princess. I got you…easy does it.” I helped her sit up, just as the sheet covering her chest fell to her waist.

  “Why am I naked?” Her voice sounded so damn sexy, even though it was thick with sleep.

  “I got most of the dirt and mud off you, since you can’t take a shower yet. And because I’m a pervert, and just wanted to see your sexy body.”

  She nodded her head. “I always figured you were a perv. I can’t walk out there naked, so give me your shirt.” I happily obliged. The 2XL shirt dwarfed her small frame, but having something of me, having my scent on her, made my heart pound. A primal urge rose from within me.

  She couldn’t walk without my assistance, and despite her feeble protests, I helped her use the bathroom and wash up. After cajoling her to eat a sandwich and drink a bottle a water for her pill, she finally fell back to sleep. I felt her body relax in my arms, and I finally sighed in relief. The head trauma she suffered, along with her bruised bones, had me worried. I knew from my field medical training that the head bleeds were the worst, but nothing could have prepared me for seeing her dark hair saturated with blood. My arms tightened around her at the memory, and I pressed my lips to her temple.

  “I got you, Princess. And I’m not letting you go.”

  Chapter 11


  I’M NOT SURE what woke me first, the throbbing pain radiating throughout my body, or the hundred-degree heating pad draped over me. I used my left hand to lift his hand, only to have him pull me closer, his nose nuzzling my neck. I breathed deeply, inhaling his scent.

  “What are you doing, Noah?” I mumbled, closing my eyes. His fingers grazed the side of my stomach, inching closer to my hips.

  “Holding you.” Well, thank you, Captain Obvious.

  “Yes, I know that. Why?” I asked with a sigh.

  “So you’ll go back to sleep. You’re nicer when you’re asleep.”

  “I’m always nice to you,” I said indignantly, my eyes flying open.

  “The only time you let me hold you is when you’re sleeping, so shut up and let me hold you, woman.”

  I gave him a sharp nudge in the chest with my elbow, and to my satisfaction, he let go with a grunt.

  “You’re grouchy in the morning,” he grumbled, rubbing his chest.

  I flipped him the bird with my left hand, then gingerly swung my legs around. I caught a good look at my body and groaned. My right wrist was all scraped up, which went perfect with the bumps and bruises all down my legs.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” I muttered. How the hell am I supposed to work like this? How am I supposed to shower? My gaze landed on a familiar looking teal and polka dot cane, just as a sharp pain shot through my ankle.

  “Why is Megan’s cane up here?”

  Noah climbed out of bed, his black jersey shorts hanging low, and showcasing that delectable V-shaped muscle that always drew my eye. I shifted my gaze and looked into his beautiful brown ones instead.

  “She said you can use it until you get your own, since the doc said you can use a bandage.”

  I nodded slowly, formulating my plan of attack, but before I could do anything, he quickly reached down and swept me up, and into his arms.

  “What the hell? What are you doing? I can do this myself!” I shouted. I didn’t need his help at all. If I could get over to the bathroom…

  “Trust me, it’s for the whole house’s benefit that I get you cleaned up, and quick. You’re kinda fragrant,” he joked as he walked me into the bathroom. He set me on the toilet and carefully removed his shirt from my body, then turned on the showerhead.

  “Before you get too comfortable in here, can I have bit of privacy please? I’d like to pee alone,” I grumbled.

  Noah rolled his eyes, and muttered something under his breath, before he said, “I’ll wait outside. Don’t even think about getting in that shower without help. I’ll be back in sixty seconds.” And sure enough, sixty seconds later, he was back in the bathroom, just as I was finishing up. He carefully unwrapped my bandages, then gently placed me on the tiled seat in the shower.

  I sat there and let the water wash over me, acclimating myself to the needlelike pricks of the water. My sore and bruised skin tightened with each drop. I gritted my teeth. I turned my head to look for the soap, only to stare directly at a ten inch, semi-hard cock jutting out at me. My mouth dropped open, and I couldn’t help but stare.

  “Don’t look at me like that. Being in here with you is already a struggle, Princess. That mouth is driving me nuts, but I’m trying to be good here,” he swore softly. He motioned for me to bow my head forward. “I can’t wash your hair, but we can rinse out some of the blood.”

  I licked my lips and nodded. My eyes closed as his hands lightly massaged my scalp, and I moaned softly as each touch of his fingers electrified my core. The pain slowly dissipated, only to be replaced by building desire. After a minute, he lifted my head up with his finger, then took a soap covered washcloth and gently scrubbed my body, taking special care around my cuts and bruises. The scent of coconut and lime from the body wash swirled around us, and my breath quickened. His hands moved in between my legs, lingering over my most sensitive areas. My core ached, and my legs trembled with need.

  I looked up, and instantly caught his intense stare; his brown eyes darkened with hunger. I focused my eyes on his engorged length, only inches away from my mouth, and did what any red-blooded woman would
do. With my left hand, I pulled him closer, because one didn’t let a perfectly exceptional cock in the face go to waste. I licked the pre-cum that beaded at the tip, circling my tongue around the swollen girth, then gently gripped his thick length , adding pressure with each stroke. His fingers tightened in my hair as I slid my hands over his cock, slowly squeezing.

  His hips started thrusting slowly, and his groans echoed against the stone tiles. My thighs clenched, my own need throbbing with want. With only one hand, I could either touch myself, or continue touching him. There was no question. My left hand moved on its own, cupping his sac. I could feel his release moments away, so when he tried to pull back, I didn’t let go.

  “I’m gonna…oh God!” His cock pulsed over my breasts, spilling his creamy seed in between them. He gazed down at me, desire flashing in his eyes. “My turn.”

  Without a second to spare, he dropped to his knees and sucked in my throbbing clit, as he plunged two of his fingers deep inside of me. I gasped at the onslaught, my hips thrusting in time with him. My left hand gripped his hair, pushing him closer, my thighs clenched to his head. My inner walls clenched around his fingers; using them, milking them. The rise to the ledge was swift, and the moment he curled his two fingers and flicked my clit with his tongue, I soared.

  Noah rose from his knees, and crushed his lips to mine, tangling our tongues. Our flavors mingled, and he lifted me into his arms, then pressed me against the wall of the shower. The pressure against my bruised and sore body was too much, and a cry of pain escaped.

  “Shit, Princess. I’m sorry,” he said, pulling back. He put me back on the bench, then shut off the water. He grabbed the white, fluffy bath towel, and wrapped it around my shoulders, then toweled himself off. I watched him, as his gentle hands took extra care around my wounds and bruises. Pieces of my wall crumbled, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. His tenderness unnerved me, so much so, that I began to rethink everything.


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