Again (Time for Love Book 3)

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Again (Time for Love Book 3) Page 11

by Miranda P. Charles

  “What about us, Connor?”

  He gave her a perplexed smile. “What do you mean? We’re dating.”

  “So you consider me as your girlfriend?”

  “Yes. I know we haven’t really discussed this yet, but yes, I consider you my girlfriend. Don’t you consider me your boyfriend?” He felt a sharp pinch in his heart for having to ask that question.

  She smiled. “I wasn’t sure.”

  He took a deep breath, disappointed by her answer. He thought Amanda had made similar assumptions about the status of their relationship.

  He’d never been as sweet or as touchy-feely, in public or in private, with any woman before. With most of his previous affairs being casual, he’d hardly even held a girl’s hand in public. But with Amanda, he simply had to touch her or kiss her whenever she was around. It had been damned difficult holding himself back earlier today when Ash and Greg were around.

  “Why would Ash think you’re not boyfriend material, Connor?”

  He ran his fingers through his hair, considering his answer carefully. He didn’t want to bring up his Mr. Fuck King title if he didn’t have to. Everyone who’d heard of it had jumped to conclusions that he was the world’s biggest playboy. He didn’t want Amanda creating a similarly exaggerated picture in her head.

  “Maybe Lori had assumed that I was like Frank, or my other buddies she might have slept with. But I’m not. I admit I’ve had my share of casual relationships, but I don’t play around like some of those guys do. And if Lori’s told Ash about the behaviour of the group at my farewell party, I’m not surprised that Ash would think I’m not boyfriend material. He already knows I’d slept with someone in Lori’s group. He just didn’t know it was with you.”

  Amanda sighed raggedly, staring at him. He could still see some doubt in those beautiful eyes of hers. But he also saw something else. Hope? Tenderness? Vulnerability? Whatever it was, it tugged at his heart strings.

  He cupped her face, running his thumbs against her smooth cheeks. Then he kissed her gently, his lips revelling in the soft feel of hers.

  Amanda’s arms curved around his neck as their kiss deepened. When she pulled him down with her to lie on the couch together, he breathed a sigh of relief.

  He kissed her passionately... reverently... everywhere. He was hard in no time—it was his body’s natural reaction to her proximity.

  “Connor?” Amanda said softly as he kissed her neck.

  “Yes, sweetheart?” He pushed himself up to gaze at her.

  “You’ll have to explain yourself well to Ash,” she murmured. “I don’t think your bromance is strong enough to counter his overprotective brotherly love. When he learns about us, he might worry about your intentions towards me. I don’t want your friendship to suffer.”

  “Yeah. I know.”

  He caressed a strand of hair off her face, deeply contented to simply stare at her, yet also dying to make love to her. He shook his head mentally. He was falling hard and fast.

  Hell, who was he kidding? He’d already fallen. Big time.

  At the edge of his consciousness, he sensed the nagging of certain things that could jeopardise his relationship with Amanda. But when she spread her legs to cradle his hips between her thighs, he let go of all thoughts. Surely he had plenty of time to figure things out?


  Amanda kissed Connor goodbye, searching for the will to take her arms from around his neck. So she wouldn’t see him again until the next weekend. Surely she could survive that?

  Connor had said he was going to be extremely busy in the next couple of weeks. He wanted to be hands-on with the refurbishment of his shop, and since his tradesmen were able to start early in the mornings, he preferred to be onsite to make sure everything went smoothly.

  It would be strange taking her morning coastal walks without Connor. She’d miss him. She’d gotten used to him being around.

  “Do you want me to come over on Saturday night, or do you want to stay here again?” Connor asked, running his hands on her back as he continued to kiss her face.

  “Stay here again.” Much as she loved her place, Connor’s apartment was something special. “Don’t overwork yourself. And don’t stress too much,” she said, reluctantly prying herself from him.

  “No, ma’am,” Connor said with a grin. “I’ll call you when I can.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you next weekend.”

  “Bye, babe. Enjoy your dinner with your family tonight.”

  “I will.” She gave him a final kiss, got in the elevator and waved goodbye as the doors closed.

  She took a deep breath as the lift took her down to the ground floor. Oh, how she was bursting to say those three little words! But she didn’t want to be the first to say them. When it came to affairs of the heart, she was still quite cowardly.


  Amanda played with her food as she listened to Ash ask questions about their mother’s upcoming overseas trip.

  “How many people are on this tour?”

  “I don’t know. The maximum is fifty, I believe,” their mother Tracy answered.

  “Sounds good. I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourself. Just make sure you set your phone to global roaming so you can contact us—and we can contact you—at any time. And always send us emails letting us know where you are exactly. Actually, calling us would be better, that way we know you’re okay. Don’t walk around by yourself, especially in places you haven’t been before. You just never know—”

  “Oh, Ash, I know,” Tracy interrupted, laughing. “I believe I warned the two of you of the same thing when you went overseas. Don’t forget I’m your mother, not your teenaged kid.”

  Amanda chuckled. “You know Ash, Mum. He’s a born worrywart.”

  “You know you’ll make an excellent father, Ash?” Tracy said. “Have you thought about settling down and having kids?”

  “Oh, Mum,” Ash said in a complaining tone.

  Amanda hid her snicker. Their mother had asked the same question many times in many different ways.

  “How come I’m always the one who gets this pressure?” Ash asked. “I don’t hear you prodding Amanda to find herself a husband and get pregnant.”

  “That’s true,” Tracy said. “So, Amanda, are you seeing someone?”

  Amanda glared at Ash, who gave her a Cheshire cat grin. Well, she could toy with her brother.

  “As a matter of fact, I am,” she answered.

  “Really?” Tracy and Ash said in unison.

  “That’s wonderful, darling,” her mum gushed. “What’s his name?”

  “Um, if you don’t mind, Mum, I’ll tell you some other time? I don’t want to jinx it. It’s all too new,” she said, knowing her mother would buy that.

  “Oh, sure, darling. Maybe next time you can tell us about him.”

  “Someone I know?” Ash asked casually.

  Amanda shrugged, neither confirming nor denying.

  “So it is someone I know,” he said, narrowing his eyes at her.

  She looked at him blankly, then shrugged again.

  “It’s Greg, isn’t it?”

  She grinned, enjoying this game.

  “It is Greg!” Ash said triumphantly.

  “Who’s Greg?” Tracy asked.

  “Greg Carmichael. Rebecca and Sarah’s future brother-in-law,” Ash answered.

  “Oh, that’s good, darling. He’s a nice man, I take it?”

  She sighed. “Yes, Greg is a nice man, Mum. But it’s not him. I don’t know why Ash is so stuck on thinking it’s Greg.”

  “Who then?” Ash persisted.

  “Patience, my dear brother. You’ll know soon enough. I want to keep him to myself for a while.”

  “Okay, fine,” Ash said resignedly. “As long as it’s not that idiot ex of yours who’s broken your heart twice. Because if it is and he hurts you again, you won’t get any sympathy from me. You should know better by now.”

  “Oh dear. It’s not him, is it, Amanda?” Tracy a
sked with concern.

  “No, it’s not, Mum,” she said patiently.

  “And as long as it’s not that guy who works in that burger joint that gives you sleazy looks all the time,” Ash said.

  “Are you kidding me?” she asked incredulously. “That guy’s creepy. Plus I’ve got better taste than that, thank you very much.”

  “And as long as it’s not Connor.”

  Amanda’s heart jumped. “I still don’t understand why you’re so against Connor, Ash. Geez, you even helped the man move into his place last weekend. And you call yourself his friend?” She tried to keep the annoyance out of her voice, but she was insulted for her boyfriend.

  Ash stared at her. “Connor’s a great guy, Amanda. As a friend. But as a boyfriend, he’ll suck. And I’m sure Connor doesn’t mind me having that opinion. He’s got a reputation and he knows it.”

  “What reputation?” she prodded, striving to keep her tone neutral.

  Ash shook his head. “I promised not to tell.”

  Amanda pursed her lips. Her mind wouldn’t rest if Ash didn’t tell him what he knew about Connor. “This is all very intriguing, Ash. I’m beyond curious. Don’t you trust me to keep a secret?”

  “Amanda, I promised Connor I won’t tell anyone. If you want to know, ask him.”

  “So you’d never tell? Ever? Even if the man I’m going out with is Connor?”

  Ash glared at her. “Didn’t you hear what I just said, Amanda? Connor will suck as a boyfriend. Don’t even think about it.”

  “Gosh, you’re so hard to pry information from,” she complained.

  Ash grinned. “I believe you’re the same, sis.”

  “So if, say, Brenna entertains ideas about dating Connor, you still won’t tell?”

  Ash paled and Amanda felt immediately regretful. It was nasty of her to do that to her brother.

  “It’s a hypothetical, Ash.”

  “I’m going to have a serious conversation with Connor and tell him not to lay a hand on any of you girls.”

  Amanda sighed in frustration. She wouldn’t get the answer from Ash.

  She hated that this whole conversation had resurrected most of her self-doubts. She simply must ask Connor. And she hoped he’d tell her the truth.


  “How was your day?” Amanda asked Connor over the phone.

  “Extremely busy,” Connor answered. “I still have a couple of things to pore over regarding some marketing and I’m already getting cross-eyed from tiredness.”

  “Oh, honey,” she cried. “Why don’t you go to sleep and just start early tomorrow?”

  “I can’t, babe. These have to be finalised by tomorrow morning or they’ll get pushed back because the marketing company already have other work scheduled. But don’t worry. It’s only for another couple of weeks that I’m this insanely busy.”

  “I wish I could do something to help,” she murmured.

  “You already are,” Connor said. “Just talking to you makes me relax.”

  “That’s good,” she said, thrilled at the sweetness of his words.

  “But I’m afraid I can’t relax for too long, sweetheart. I have to go.”


  “How was dinner with Ash and your mum, by the way?”

  “It was good. But as usual, Mum had to ask about the status of our love lives.”

  “Did you tell them about us?”

  Amanda decided to seize the opportunity. “I wanted to, but Ash was still adamant you’re not boyfriend material, Connor. He said you’re a great guy and friend, but you’ll suck as a boyfriend. I tried to get him to tell me why but he said he’d promised you he won’t tell.”

  There was silence at the other end of the line.

  “Connor, what does Ash know that I don’t?” she asked softly, not wanting to accuse, just wanting an open conversation.

  “Like I said before, babe, Ash must think I’m a big playboy. Having friends like Lucas helps build that reputation.”

  Amanda exhaled her relief. She and Connor had already discussed this before. And Ash was just an overprotective big brother. “Okay. I do want to tell him about us. But I don’t want to ruin your friendship, so I think we should both explain things to him together.”

  “Yes. We’ll see him together as soon as my workload lightens,” Connor said.


  Amanda checked her wardrobe, still trying to decide on what to wear tonight. She’d already selected the lingerie that she’d bring for her overnight stay at Connor’s—a sexy piece that she’d bought a few months ago but had never worn.

  She missed him so. Even her morning walks had started to feel lonely without him.

  Her phone rang, and she was surprised by who was calling.

  “Hi, Lori.”

  “Hi, Amanda! How are you?”

  “I’m well, thanks. You?”

  “Good! I haven’t caught you at a bad time, have I?”

  “No. I’m getting ready to go out but I have a few minutes to talk,” she answered.

  “Great. I just want to ask you something. I’m pretty sure your answer will be no, but I just want to double check.”


  “Do you remember Lucas? The guy who wanted to have sex with you in Melbourne?”

  “Yeah, I remember him,” she answered dryly. Lori didn’t have to remind her who Lucas was. She hadn’t forgotten the creep.

  “He’ll be in Sydney next week and he was asking for your phone number.”

  “Why on earth would he want my phone number?” Amanda asked incredulously. “Wasn’t I clear back then that I wasn’t interested in him at all?”

  “Well, I found out that Lucas can be single-minded when he wants something. And apparently, what he wants most of all is Connor’s title.”

  “What title?”

  “Haven’t you heard?” Lori asked, sounding surprised. “Geez, woman. You’ve slept with the Mr. Fuck King and you don’t even know it?”

  “What?” she asked in confusion.

  “Mr. Fuck King,” Lori repeated, articulating each word carefully. “That’s the title Connor was given by his teammates because women always preferred him out of anyone else in their group. Apparently he gives the best fuck. So you didn’t know about that?”

  “No,” she said weakly, still unable to comprehend the cringe-worthy label Lori had uttered.

  Lori sighed. “Okay, now you know. So back to the reason why I called you, Lucas is really keen to win that title off Connor. So he wants me to ask you to consider having sex with him so you could compare their performances in bed.”

  “Oh my God. That’s ridiculous, Lori,” Amanda said, anger rapidly boiling within. “I have absolutely no desire to play that game.”

  “That’s what I told him. But he begged me to ask you anyway. Well, I tried.”

  Amanda’s heart palpitated and she couldn’t breathe. Was this what Ash knew about Connor? Did he take part in Lucas’ games? Her mind couldn’t grasp it. “I have to go, Lori,” she said, feeling sick to her stomach.

  “Okay,” Lori said. “So you’re definitely out, Amanda? Last chance. I heard from Agnes that Lucas is really, really good. That’s saying something, because Agnes has been with the best of them. It would be really amazing if you could compare the two guys. Geez, if I was in your place, I’d jump at the chance. Agnes would, too.”

  Amanda squeezed her eyes shut, appalled. “Count me out, Lori,” she said, then abruptly hung up.


  Amanda got out of the lift and headed for Connor’s door. He was already standing there, waiting for her, his face split into a wide grin. She glared at him, and his smile disappeared, replaced by concern.

  “Baby? What’s wrong?”

  She walked past him and into his living room. When she heard the door close, she swung around to face him. “Mr. Fuck King?” she asked, not bothering to hide her anger.

  Connor’s mouth dropped in surprise. “Sweetheart,” he said, reaching for

  “Don’t touch me, Connor,” she hissed. “You and your friends seduce women all over the world to fight over a disgusting title?”

  “No, Amanda! Who the hell told you it was like that?”

  She ignored his entreaty, too hurt to let his words in. “How do I even know you’re clean and healthy, Connor?”

  Connor rubbed his face hard. “It’s not like that at all, Amanda. Please let me explain.”

  She sent him dagger looks. “If my memory serves me right, I’ve given you two chances to explain, Connor. Two chances. I asked you what Ash knew about you that he wouldn’t tell me—why my brother thinks you’re not boyfriend material. Twice you told me Lori must have lumped you with your playboy friends, as if she’d made a mistake of doing that. But you’re the one with the title, Mr. Fuck King.”

  “You have no idea how much I loathe that title, Amanda! And for the record, I’m totally clean and healthy.”

  Amanda shook her head, the painful compression in her chest making it difficult for her to think straight. All that swirled in her mind was that Connor had hidden things from her, even when she’d point blank asked him about them. He’d even made her believe he was different from his friends. If she hadn’t found out about his title from someone else, would he ever have told her?

  “Well, you’ll be glad to know that there are very willing women who would love to help you keep your title,” she said sarcastically, heading for the exit.

  “Amanda,” Connor said hoarsely, clutching her arm.

  “Let me go, Connor,” she said coldly.

  “No, please, baby,” he pleaded.

  She pried herself loose from his grip and walked out his door.


  Connor stared at his closed door. Amanda had left. She’d left him.

  He took extra deep long breaths that hurt his lungs, but it didn’t help alleviate the pain and fear that had grabbed his heart.

  He had to get Amanda back. He had to make her listen. Except that he had absolutely no idea how to do that.

  “Well, standing here is not gonna help, you idiot,” he muttered. He grabbed his keys and hurried out of his apartment.


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