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Baby's Breath (Garden of Love 2)

Page 23

by Melanie Wilber

  When Brandon pulled onto a long gravel driveway out in the country at one-thirty, Josie’s butterflies returned in full force. She felt like throwing up. Coaching herself like she did with her patients, she took several deep breaths once again and focused on Tommy looking out the window at the cows in the large pasture as they drove by.

  “Can I pet one?” he asked.

  “Sure,” Brandon replied. “But I think we’ll go inside first.”

  Josie would have preferred to go pet the cows.

  Brandon parked the truck to the side of the large white farmhouse. Josie thought it was beautiful. Brandon had told her he’d helped his parents to restore the charm of the older home through a financial gift a couple of years ago, and she could see the money had been put to good use. But it wasn’t just the house that made it beautiful, it was the setting also. Rich green grass, orchard trees, and garden beds surrounded the home. A wraparound porch with a white spindle railing awaited their arrival.

  The rain had ceased in the last five minutes, but their saturated surroundings continued to drip like scores of leaky faucets as they emerged from the warm cab.

  “Your dad built all this?” Josie marveled.

  “Yep, thirty-five years ago. He finished two weeks before the wedding. My grandfather and my uncle helped some, but he did most of the work. The renovations too.”

  She managed to take her eyes from the scene long enough to take one of her bags from Brandon. “We’ll get the rest later,” he said, closing the door and stepping toward the house.

  Josie followed. A large drop of water landed in her hair, falling from the bare branches of an oak tree beside the house. Tommy started to run ahead, but she told him to wait. Brandon gave her a questioning glance but said nothing.

  They reached the front door, and Brandon walked right in. She and Tommy followed. The scent of roasting turkey greeted them. Stepping over the threshold behind Tommy, she could hear Christmas music playing. Before she had a chance to look around much, a woman Josie recognized as Brandon’s mother from a picture she had seen emerged from the hall. Wiping her hands on her bus-boy style apron over her slim-cut jeans, Mrs. Mitchell welcomed them with a sweet smile.

  “Hi, Mom,” Brandon said, setting down a large duffel bag and stepping forward to wrap his arms around his mother’s petite frame.

  “You made it,” she said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Did you have a good trip?”

  Before Brandon could reply, Tommy interrupted. “I saw the cows.”

  “You did?” she said, not seeming the least bit offended by his interruption. “Did you see the black and white ones or the red ones?”


  “Well, you’ll have to go see the others later. They must be in the far field. They are my favorite.”

  “Can we, Brandon?”

  “Later, I promise,” he said. “First I want you to meet my family, okay?”

  Tommy shrugged. “Okay.”

  His mother’s eyes fell on her next, but Josie couldn’t move or speak. She felt Brandon step beside her and rest his fingertips on the small of her back, steadying her topsy-turvy insides somewhat.

  “Mom,” Brandon began, his voice softening. “This is Josie. Josie, this is my mom, Sharon.”

  Josie forced herself to reply but stood rooted to the hardwood floor beneath her. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Mrs. Mitchell stepped forward with a smile and grasped her cool hands. Her smile and welcoming words brought Josie’s fears to a screeching halt.

  “I’m so glad you came,” she said. “It’s nice to finally put a face with the one we’ve been hearing so much about.”

  Josie had never sensed anything but genuineness coming from Brandon, even that first day they had met, and his mother struck her the same way. Her tone held no judgment or insincerity. Josie returned the warm smile.

  Within ten minutes, she had met everyone, all of them greeting her the same way Sharon had. Josie had expected the resemblance between Brandon and his brother, having seen a picture of Wesley before, but his brother’s words came as a total shock.

  “Welcome to the family. I hear you are the woman who has finally managed to steal my brother’s heart.”

  Her gaze locked with Brandon’s, and he smiled. Then, without warning, he reached for her fingers and pulled her close to his side, kissing her gently right in front of everyone.

  Following Brandon up the stairs a few minutes later to the bedroom she and Tommy would be sharing, Josie felt stunned and overwhelmed by his family’s warm welcome and Brandon’s affectionate behavior toward her in front of them. Brandon set down her suitcase and a space heater his mom had given him to take up to the cool room.

  Tommy had met Brandon’s nephews, Eli and Jake, and they had run off to play together. Next to those rambunctious brothers, Josie knew she didn’t need to worry about Tommy’s behavior one bit.

  “The bathroom is the first door on the right, and I’ll be sleeping in the room at the end of the hall,” he said. “Are you hungry? Mom said there are some sandwiches in the fridge.”

  “I’m starving,” she said, laughing at herself. “I couldn’t eat this morning.”

  Brandon smiled and took advantage of their private moment to give her a gentle kiss. “No more worries?”

  “No more worries,” she replied, scrunching up her nose. “I promise.”

  For the rest of the day, Josie didn’t think she could have felt any more comfortable in her own home. Brandon’s entire family welcomed her without reservation, continuing to amaze her throughout the day. She offered to help in the kitchen when Brandon decided to take Tommy out to see the farm, but Sharon told her to go ahead with them.

  “This weekend you are our guest,” she said. “From what Brandon has been telling us about your job, you need every one of these vacation days. Please, enjoy yourself.”

  Tommy got to touch the cows and feed them some hay. Brandon told him he would be sure to get him up early one morning so he could take part in the chores. Josie enjoyed the peaceful surroundings and relaxed pace. After a delicious and filling dinner, Josie shared about her own work as the adults gathered in the living room. Wesley’s wife, Amy, was the first to ask about her job.

  “Have you ever delivered a baby?” Amy asked, her eyes wide with wonder.

  “Yes. Sometimes the doctor doesn’t make it in time, and babies don’t wait. When they’re ready, there’s no stopping them.”

  “What is it like to see babies born every day?”

  “Amazing. Seeing a new life come into the world is an awesome experience no matter how many times you see it.”

  She shared some of her favorite stories with them, such as the woman who didn’t know she was going to have twins until after the first one came out. She also told them about her recent scare with the placental abruption and about having to resuscitate babies who weren’t breathing.

  “The hardest times are when tragedies come; the baby doesn’t survive for one reason or another, and those days are always difficult. But mostly I get to be a part of the most joyful moments of people’s lives, and that is very special.”

  Brandon reached for her hand and gave her fingers a squeeze, continuing to hold them gently as another question came her way.

  “Brandon said you might go to midwife school,” Sharon said. “Does that mean you want to do home births?”

  Surprised Brandon had told them that, as she had been surprised at other things he had shared about her, she told them the same things she had shared with Brandon.

  “Most home births are done by lay-midwives. I’m considering the possibility of becoming a nurse-midwife. Some nurse-midwives do home births, but most work at hospitals, birth centers, clinics, or in private practice with an ob-gyn.”

  She went on to tell them about Dr. Jacobs' offer.

  “Do you think you might do it?” Amy asked.

  “I know I would enjoy seeing women through their entire pregnancy. It’s hard when I meet them a
few hours before their baby arrives, and I don’t have a chance to get to know them. I would be able to help the women more if I knew their personalities, medical history, and their concerns ahead of time. And I always wonder about many of them afterwards but never have the chance to see any of them or follow up, except for maybe a phone call. This is a wonderful opportunity for me.”

  The boys returned from playing video games in the den. Tommy came and sat beside her.

  “When do we get to open presents?” Brandon’s nephew Eli asked. Everyone laughed.

  “We get more presents?” Tommy whispered.

  Josie wasn’t sure if she and Tommy would be included in the exchange or not. She knew Brandon had brought presents for his family, but he had given something to both her and Tommy on Christmas Eve already.

  “I think there are a few for you,” Brandon replied, tousling Tommy’s hair.

  Brandon’s words were confirmed when the packages under the tree began to be dispersed. Brandon’s parents had gotten something for her and for Tommy. So had Wesley and Amy.

  “I didn’t get them anything,” she whispered to Brandon.

  “Sure we did,” he said. “Didn’t you see that big sack of gifts we brought along?” Once again Brandon’s use of the word we threw her for a loop.

  A third gift for her came from Brandon. Ever since Gina had mentioned her husband proposing after she’d met his family, the thought that Brandon might give her an engagement ring while they were here had crossed her mind a few times, but she had dismissed the crazy notion, assuring herself he would not do something so drastic this soon. Seeing the size and shape of the box made her breathe a final sigh of relief. It was not large, but too big for a ring.

  Tommy received a video game and a Lego building set, both of which had been on his wish list. Josie knew Brandon must have given his family ideas on what to get him. He opened the one from Brandon last, and Josie laughed when she saw what it was: A set of walkie-talkies that looked like cell phones. Tommy always wanted to play with Brandon’s real one.

  “What do you tell Brandon?” she asked her smiling son.

  “Thanks. These are cool!”

  “Aren’t you going to open yours?” Brandon asked, pulling out his Swiss Army knife to cut the plastic bands around Tommy’s walkie-talkies.

  She had started to open the one from his parents, but had only gotten as far as taking the ribbon off. “I was watching Tommy,” she said, reaching for the clothing size package once again. Inside she found a white cable-knit sweater. Reaching for and opening the one from Wesley and Amy next, she discovered two small framed pictures of beach scenes. One had a lighthouse on it, and the other had a sailboat.

  “Looks like you and Amy have the same taste,” he said.

  Josie nodded and caught Amy’s gaze.

  “Do you like them?” Amy asked from across the noisy room.

  “Yes, thank you,” she said. Turning to Tommy, she whispered in his ear. “Go tell everyone thank you.”

  He did and gave them hugs too. They all seemed quite taken with him.

  “You have one more,” Brandon reminded her, holding the red package out to her.

  She took the heavy parcel from him and removed the wrapping paper, revealing an unmarked white box. Setting the paper aside, she removed the contents and smiled.

  “How did you know?” she asked, looking at the top of the wooden jewelry box. A painting of a lighthouse decorated the lid. She had seen it at one of the RiverPlace shops recently.

  “Natalie told me.”

  She looked back to the jewelry box. She loved lighthouses and beach scenes in general, but this one was especially beautiful.

  “Look inside,” Brandon whispered in her ear.

  Josie felt her heart pound inside her chest. Certain everyone could hear it, she didn’t look up to see if all eyes were on her as she imagined. What if there is a ring in there, and he proposes right in front of everyone?

  Feeling beads of perspiration forming on her forehead, Josie exhaled slowly. She lifted the lid with her trembling fingers and felt relieved when she saw a silver locket, another item she had pointed out to Natalie on one of their shopping days. Inside was a picture of Tommy that Natalie had taken, matching the framed eight-by-ten Natalie had given her last night.

  She lifted the silver chain over her head and stared at the etched pendant. Forgetting they were in a room full of people, she leaned over and gave him a light kiss.

  “Thank you. I love it.”

  At ten o’clock Josie took Tommy upstairs to get him ready for bed.

  “Are you coming back down?” Brandon asked before they left the room.

  “I might stay with him until he goes to sleep, but I’m not tired yet.”

  “Good,” Brandon said, giving her a tender kiss. “I’ll be waiting.”

  As she suspected, Tommy wanted her to lay with him in the double bed until he fell asleep. She could hear the rain falling on the roof and the wind blowing droplets onto the windows. She loved the sound of rain at night. She thought about the day and how well things had gone. She should have known Brandon’s family would be wonderful. Why do I always get myself so worked up over everything? What is Faith always telling me? ‘Don’t worry, pray. God will take care of the rest.’ I think it’s time I start believing that.

  Brandon stood alone in front of the fireplace when she returned downstairs. The light from the fire and the Christmas tree were all that illuminated the room. He had poured them both some coffee and held hers out to her.

  Standing by his side for several minutes without saying anything, Josie enjoyed the warmth of the fire. Brandon appeared to be doing the same. Being with his family all day had been nice, but having some time alone with him was a nice change of pace. She hoped his family didn’t have some crazy tradition of staying up late on holidays and playing charades or something. The house had been noisy and busy since they had arrived but wasn’t now. Wesley and Amy had taken the boys home, she knew. She wondered where his parents had gone and finally asked.

  “Dad went to bed. His mornings start early,” he said. “And Mom said she would do the same after a warm bath.”

  “They are wonderful, Brandon. I never expected to be welcomed like this.”

  “They like you too. I think my mom’s exact words were, ‘She’s lovely, Brandon. Inside and out.’”

  Brandon took her coffee from her and placed the mug on the brick mantel decorated with holiday garland and small white lights.

  “I would have to agree,” he said, taking her hands gently into his own. “Thank you for coming with me this weekend. You are very special to me, and I want my family to see that.”

  Leaning down and drawing her close, he kissed her slowly and passionately. His kisses were always tender and filled with so much love. A tangible display of his heart. She felt dizzy when he stopped, and she kept her eyes closed for a moment. When she opened them, she found him gazing at her, and she returned his warm smile.

  “I love you, Josie,” he whispered.

  His words invaded her soul. She couldn’t have kept them out if she tried. Closing her eyes, she laid her head against his chest, and he wrapped his strong arms around her. At that moment she knew he had her heart and could not imagine her life without him. To lose him now would mean losing part of herself. Some of her fear of that happening returned, but mostly she couldn’t imagine her life without him or that she would ever be facing that. What could possibly drive them apart except for what Brandon already knew about her and had already accepted?

  Brandon steered her toward the large Christmas tree in front of the window. She noticed a small gift lying on top of the tree- skirt. Brandon knelt down to pick it up and returned to his full height.

  “Looks like we missed one,” he said, his smile returning. “The tag has your name on it.”

  Taking the gift from him, she looked at the shiny label that simply said, Josie.

  “Open it.”

  She removed the whimsi
cal wrapping paper. As she suspected by the size and shape of the package, it was a music CD. Looking at the front cover, she saw it was by Kevin Warner, one of her favorite Christian musicians.

  “I’ve been wanting this one. Thank you,” she said, but wondered why he hadn’t given it to her last night or earlier this evening along with the jewelry box and locket.

  Taking the case from her hands, he opened it and removed the disc. “Stay right here,” he said and stepped to the stereo system in the corner of the room.

  She waited, watching as he loaded the CD and pushed some buttons on the console. The music began and he returned to her side.

  “May I have this dance?”

  She smiled and moved into his arms. They began stepping in time with the slow rock beat.

  “Listen to the words,” he whispered. “They are from my heart to yours.”

  Thinking about what a perfect evening this had been, Josie enjoyed the moment and tuned into the words of the song. At the end of the first verse, two phrases caught her full attention:

  I could spend a lifetime with you;

  And baby, that’s what I want to do.

  Brandon’s arms tightened around her and he drew her closer, brushing his lips against her temple. Josie listened intently to the rest of the lyrics:

  I see the love in your eyes

  And wonder if it’s really for me.

  What did I do to deserve

  Such a treasure as you?

  I can’t promise all roses and sunshine,

  But I can promise you this:

  There’s no doubt in my heart

  Of the love I feel inside.

  I’m telling you I’m here to stay,

  You’re a gift from God to me.


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