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The Curve Ball

Page 7

by Emilia Beaumont

  I looked over at her, and tried to hide my surprise. She gave me a small smile in return, her eyes silently urging me to agree. Maybe she needed an extra pair of bodies to act as a buffer, and I could understand that, kind of… she didn’t know me from Adam. And if this was what I had to suffer through to be able to make it up to her, then so be it.

  “Yeah,” I finally said, turning back to the couple. “Let’s do it, the four of us. Let’s get some food. You guys don’t wanna go in there anyway… it’s a bit of a cattle-market. Though the beer is good.”

  “Hey,” Cara said and raised her eyebrows.

  “Shit… I wasn’t talking about you. I didn’t mean—” I’d royally put my foot in it this time.

  “I’m only messing. So Luce, Jacob, what do you say?

  Jacob finally shrugged, looking at his wife. “Yeah, sure, whatever. There’s a steakhouse I’ve been wanting to try. You didn’t need to be in that bar anyway. Let’s go.”



  Why on earth did I agree to the date? Well the double-date. Yes, Luke was gorgeous and seemingly had this other side to him, but I still felt like there was something off about him. Something that I couldn’t trust. And yet my body longed to be near him even though my mind screamed at me, telling me I was foolish for letting my basic instincts override all logical thought.

  I walked through the doorway of the “steak house” that Jacob wanted to go to. It was more of a shack than a restaurant; a little hole in the wall that was not far from the bar. That was the thing about Jacob. Ever since he had married my best friend, he’d gone from a man who splashed his cash around to a man who instead enjoyed finding the quality in life. And as a result, he’d become a bit of a food connoisseur; taking chances on shacks and dives like these that were relatively unknown and yet still delivered the goods. So while the steak restaurant did not have the finishing touches of a fine restaurant, I wasn’t too worried. Cause even I had to admit that he’d managed to find us (with me as the third wheel, of course) some really great places to eat in the past.

  Luke came up close to me. I could feel the heat of his hand, almost touching, hovering at my lower back. He was silent as we were shown to a booth in the back. Gawkers all with their mouths open gaped at Jacob as he passed by their tables.

  We reached the booth, with its worn leather coverings and battered table and I slid in first. My breath caught in my throat as Luke slid in next to me, our legs brushing together as we situated ourselves.

  “Um honey?” Lucia asked as she took her place next to her husband. “What part of this is a steak house?”

  “It’s a house, isn’t it?” Jacob replied, looking at the menu. “And they serve steak.”

  I giggled, only because the look on Lucia’s face was priceless. She looked like she was going to either hit Jacob with the menu or stab him with her fork. “The food better be excellent then,” she said slowly, turning her attention toward me. “Or I am going to kill him. Don’t promise steak to a pregnant lady without knowing it’s going to be good!”

  Luke cleared his throat as I smiled, burying my face in my menu.

  “Forgive me, Luke,” Lucia continued, smiling sweetly at him. “I’m not usually like this. I am normally really nice and all but this pregnancy has my hormones all out of whack.”

  “No reason to apologize,” Luke said with a grin. “And congrats.”

  “Why, thank you,” Lucia answered, digging her elbow into her husband’s side. He reached over and yanked her close to him, murmuring something in her ear that had Lucia blushing. I glanced over at Luke, and found him looking right back with that wry smile on his face.


  “Nothing,” he said, sliding an arm on the backside of the booth. I debated whether to scoot closer or to move away. I wanted him to touch me, to feel his hands on my skin, but my warring brain told me to stay put. I was still too fragile from my near brush of meeting my son, and that combined with seeing Luke there with whatever I was starting to feel, had made everything so muddled. My thoughts and feelings were in turmoil.

  What if I let Luke in? And being with him suddenly became as important as breathing? Could I let myself do that again? I didn’t even know this man beside me and yet I was drawn to him. It scared the hell out of me.

  The waitress came by and we busied ourselves with ordering our drinks and food for a few moments until she took the menus away and we were forced to look at each other.

  “So,” Lucia said, folding her hands on the table. “Tell me about yourself, Luke. How did you two meet? What do you do? Have you lived in Jupiter all your life?”

  “Geez, Lucia, lighten up with the questions,” Jacob muttered, giving Luke a wink. “She can be like this all the time.”

  “All the time?” Lucia sputtered before trying to sock her husband in the arm with her fist. “I do not!”

  “She’s a therapist,” Jacob went on, capturing his wife’s fist in his hand and kissing it gently. “It’s her nature to ask questions. Endless questions… forever and forever.”

  “Duly noted,” Luke laughed, causing me to shiver inwardly at the sound. He had a nice laugh. That wasn’t all he had that was nice about him either. “It’s fine. I work construction. I’m good with my hands.”

  Lucia sputtered in laughter, looking over at me as to say “what did he just say” and I swallowed hard, thinking of the implication. Oh my, what the heck was I thinking? Was I really going to jump in the sack with this man, a man I didn’t even know? My body sure wanted to!

  “And no I’m not from Jupiter. Further north. I’ve lived here a few years,” he concluded as our drinks arrived. I took a sip of my wine, noting that he wasn’t very specific with the details and hadn’t said where he was actually from. Was he hiding something? Or was I just overthinking things? But surely there was something. He was too mysterious, too closed-up. A construction worker who coached Little League and didn’t have a kid?

  I felt his hand brush my skirt-covered thigh and looked at him, seeing a grin on his face as he talked to Lucia. Just the mere touch of his fingers had my blood roaring, my body breaking out into little goosebumps. I wanted to push it away, but it felt too good. It had been so long since any man had touched me in such a wanting manner.

  “Okay so what about family? Kids?”

  “Kids? No,” Luke said with a shake of his head. “It’s just me. Oh and my roommate who is going to have a fit when he finds out that I ate dinner with his favorite football player.”

  Jacob reached over and grabbed an unused cocktail napkin, reaching into Lucia’s purse to pull out a sharpie. Scribbling his name, he slid it across the table. “Here. Take this to him. Maybe that will make up for it.”

  “Thanks, I didn’t want to ask… seemed rude. But really, thanks,” Luke said genuinely, taking the napkin carefully and folding it, putting it in his front pocket.

  I looked over at Jacob. “When did you start lugging a Sharpie around?”

  Jacob shrugged and threw it back into Lucia’s purse. “When you are famous like me, you have to be prepared.”

  “Oh my god,” Lucia said smiling, but rolling her eyes. “I think fame’s gone to his head.”

  “But you love it, and I love you,” Jacob replied and stole a quick kiss from Lucia. God these two could make anyone sick, I thought with a smile. So loved-up, they really were the perfect couple.

  “Anyway,” Lucia continued as our food arrived. “So I hear you are coaching Little League?”

  Luke nodded as he started to cut his steak, I expected he wanted to get some food into his mouth as soon as possible to try and prevent more questions from Lucia.

  “Yeah I’m filling in for a friend. Those kids, they are pretty awesome.”

  I squirmed in my seat, thinking that one of those kids was mine. He had no idea of course and I intended to keep it that way. I also wondered if he was telling the truth about subbing in for someone else. It was plausible of course and it would explain a lot…r />
  “That’s good, man,” Jacob said, giving him a nod. “Not everyone can do something like that and actually enjoy it.”

  “Yeah, I think it’s even got me out of a bit of rut, too,” Luke said with a shrug, looking slightly uncomfortable. This guy definitely didn’t like sharing his feelings, but he was trying. I took a bite of my steak and chewed it slowly, wondering why he was so embarrassed to receive praise. I had seen him in the act. He was good with those kids.

  We all fell silent as we ate our meals, small talk happening between the bites of delicious food. At one point I asked the waitress for some mayo, but when it arrived Luke casually snagged the bottle and moved it far out of reach. Probably for the best, I thought as he gave me a warning smile.

  “I have to hand it to you, Jacob,” I said as I finished the last bite of my steak. “That was phenomenal.”

  “It really was,” Lucia admitted, pushing her plate away. “You did good, Jacob.”

  Jacob grinned as the check came, waving away Luke’s hand as he tried to grab it. “Nah, it’s on me.”

  “Thanks, though if we ever do this again, it’s my turn next,” Luke said with a small hopeful smile directed at me. Lucia’s eyebrows rose. I could tell she was pleased and excited for me. Jacob nodded as he pulled out his card and handed it to the waitress and before long we were all walking out.

  “Well,” Lucia said as Jacob linked their hands together. “We have to get back home before Merry starts worrying.” She looked over at me trying to gauge my mood, I expected. “Do you want us to follow you home or…?”

  I shook my head, hoping I wasn’t blushing. “No, go on. I’m fine. We’re fine.”

  I wasn’t a child. I could get home by myself. Lucia mouthed the words “be safe” and then they both waved and walked down the street back to their car, leaving Luke and I standing outside of the restaurant.

  “They’re nice,” he finally said, shoving his hands in his jeans pockets. The moment was a little awkward as if neither of us knew what to do next. I took the time to look at him, from the dress shirt rolled up to his elbows and the form-fitting jeans and I felt the slow thud of my heart. He was gorgeous.

  “They are,” I finally replied, swallowing the need to just kiss him. What would he do? Would he kiss me back? “My best friends, my family.”

  He nodded and kicked at the dirt. “So, I guess this is it.”

  “I guess,” I said slowly, not wanting to end the night just yet. What did I have to go home to anyway?

  “This is the moment where I ask you if you forgive me or if you’re done with me? I mean I know it wasn’t really a proper date, and I didn’t pay and all but… Look, I really like you, Cara. I want that second chance.”

  He was trying. I could see it in his eyes that he was actually being genuine. Gone was the cocky, horny guy I’d met in the bar. Perhaps this Luke in front of me was the real Luke?

  “Do you want to hang out a little longer?”

  His head snapped up and a grin slid across his face. “Can’t get enough of me, huh?”

  Not all the cockiness had disappeared.

  I rolled my eyes and turned to walk away before he caught my arm, spinning me back around to face him. “Kidding,” he said softly. “I’d love to spend some more time with you. You know I would.”

  I swallowed hard, realizing I definitely wanted the same. Ever since Lucia had found Jacob, I’d felt a little like a third wheel and it had been nice tonight to have another person to spend time with… the four of us.

  “How about the park over there?” he asked, the streetlights outlining a park that ran along the waterway. “We can talk and stroll, get to know each other.”

  “You want to take a stroll? What are you? Eighty?” I said disbelievingly. That was the last thing on my mind.

  “Sure, why not? It’s a nice night.”

  He was trying his best to make it casual, but I could see the heat in his eyes. I could feel the waves of need coming off of him, intermingling with my own needs and wants. If I got any hotter, I was going to explode. “Okay.”

  He held out his hand and I slowly slid mine into it, swallowing the sudden rush of heat that had invaded my body at his simple touch. If he noticed it, he said nothing and together we walked across the street to the park, which was nearly empty of people. The weather was warm, but the breeze coming off of the waterway made it tolerable to be outdoors, the sun long gone from the sky.

  “So, Cara, interesting name,” he started. His hand was warm in mine, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. It’d been a long time since I’d held anyone’s hand and it was a little weird. But a good weird.

  “My mom was an interesting person,” I said, frowning slightly. I hadn’t talked to her in years, preferring to think that she just didn’t exist. Our relationship was strained after I gave up my baby and though I knew she only wanted the best for me, I kind of resented the fact that she had moved me to that decision.

  Every Christmas and on her birthday I sent her a card and she did the same, but that was the extent of our communication and relationship. And I didn’t think that would ever change, nor did I want it to. I was never going to be ready to forgive and forget. I was much closer to Lucia’s family since moving back here, anyway. They filled that little hole and I was grateful for that.

  “So, how did you become a baseball coach?”

  “Oh, we’re right back to that?” he asked, laughter in his voice. “Well it’s just like I said. I’m helping out a buddy and damn if I’m not enjoying it.” We stopped along the railing and Luke pulled me over and down onto a bench facing the water, stretching his legs out before him. “How about you? Care to tell me why you were there the other day, Cara?”

  “I do not,” I said immediately. There was no way I was going to tell him that secret. Hell, Lucia didn’t even know. “But you were really good with the kids.”

  He looked over at me. “You are a mystery. A complete mystery.”

  “I could say the same. But I’m just a normal person,” I said with a shrug. “Nothing special.”

  Luke reached up and brushed a strand of hair that had fallen across my face, his fingers grazing the skin on my hairline. A million shudders worked their way through my body.

  “I think you’re pretty awesome.”

  I laughed. “You don’t even know me.”

  “But I want to.”

  I shivered again as his fingers touched the side of my neck, stroking my skin softly. Oh how I wanted to feel his fingers all over me! I was hot and wet just thinking about it. I was probably going to regret ever meeting this guy, but my body was urging me to do the unthinkable. Without much more thought, I leaned over and kissed him. Warning bells started ringing in my head.

  His fingers wound around the back of my neck and he pulled me closer, his lips eagerly seeking mine, making the kiss deeper and harder, telling me I wasn’t reading him wrong at all. He wanted me just as much as I wanted him.

  When his tongue swept into my mouth, I was lost in the flood of sensations, my hands roaming over his broad shoulders and feeling his steely strength under his shirt.

  “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you,” he said, his other hand reaching up to cup my breast possessively.

  I whimpered under his touch, the thrill of what we were doing, out in the open, added a certain layer of naughtiness to it all.

  “Yes,” he whispered against my lips. His fingers unbuttoned my sleeveless top, delved inside and touched my hardened nipple through the lacy material of my bra. “You’re ready for me, aren’t you? You’ve been thinking about me touching you, haven’t you?”

  “Mmmhmm, yes,” I said honestly, my body on fire.

  His hand left my neck and wandered down my side while the other tortured my breast, one of my hands gripped the back of the bench tightly as anticipation built up inside me. My pulse was pounding around my body, my clit aching to be touched. His hand reached the waistband of my skirt and I maneuvered so he could gain acces
s, feeling wanton but not the slightest bit embarrassed about my need. I needed this. I wanted this.

  His fingers found my silk thong and pushed it aside.

  “How did you imagine it, Cara? Did I stroke you slowly til you came all over my fingers? Or did I fuck you hard as you begged for more?”

  “Hard,” I managed to say, my voice husky and wanting.

  Luke, taking that as his answer, delved in immediately to find my hardened nub. I hissed and arched against his rough touch; calloused fingers rubbing eagerly over my clit. His lips found the side of my neck and nipped at the tender skin there.

  “God, yes, come for me, right here,” he growled, his forehead resting on my shoulder as his fingers started a slow torturous thrust inside me. I could feel the pressure building, biting my lip hard to keep from crying out. “Just wait til I get my cock inside you.”

  I imagined him doing just that, how it would feel if his fingers inside me were replaced with his hard dick, filling me up inch by inch. I closed my eyes as my breathing became ragged, still visualizing how he would sink into me; so thick and big.

  Suddenly his lips were on my ear lobe and a swirl of air around my ear sent the last sensation I needed to cause me to become undone. Everything went black for a second then a myriad of bright sparks lit up my vision as I came.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said.

  He kissed me and slowly detangled himself and stood. Embarrassed that I was now sprawled out on the bench in an indecent position, I gathered myself together. Was that it? Was he done? Had he got what he came for and this was payback?

  Luke turned back to me and held out his hand, the heat in his eyes unmistakable. “Come on, I’m far from done with you. But this is not the right place… You deserve better than this.”

  My eyes widened. I had so expected the worst. In that short moment, I’d imagined him just striding off and leaving me on the bench alone in the park. But he’d surprised me again.


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