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The Rake's Vow

Page 21

by Ruth Ann Nordin

  Tad, it seemed, was just as happy to be at the dinner party, though she supposed she should have expected that since he had already been meeting Malcolm and Warren at White’s.

  During the course of the meal, the conversation turned to the captain who had recently visited Malcolm. “Unfortunately, he lost his leg from the knee down during the storm that almost wrecked his ship.”

  “He did? How awful,” Iris said, lowering her fork to her plate. “Will he be able to go out to sea again?”

  “I don’t know,” Malcolm replied. “His brother’s sickness hasn’t improved. In fact, he thinks it’s gotten worse. He’s in the process of finding out the details of the estate in case he has to assume the title.”

  “Do you know what his illness is?” Warren asked.

  Malcolm shook his head. “Sebastian didn’t say, but I overheard a group of gentlemen at White’s saying that his brother lost some money to some bad debts. I’m afraid his loss at sea is nothing compared to what he might be facing in the near future.”

  “I hope his brother gets better,” Warren said. “The sea means everything to him. He often referred to it as the one great love in his life. I don’t think he’ll be happy being stranded in London.”

  Loretta glanced at Tad. She remembered Tad telling her about the storm and that he had suffered great loss because of it, but she didn’t realize the situation was worse than they’d thought. She hoped, for the poor captain’s sake, that his brother would heal and he would be able to go back out to sea. If he had a pegleg, he’d probably be able to manage just fine.

  After dinner, the gentlemen went to the den and the ladies went to the drawing room. The butler brought in some tea, and Iris gave everyone a cup.

  “If the captain does need to stay in London because he inherits his brother’s title,” Regan began, “he’ll need a wife. I’ve met him, and he’s a very handsome gentleman.” Her gaze went to Opal. “He’s only twenty-three. That isn’t too much of an age difference between you two.”

  Opal’s eyes lit up in interest.

  “Opal, you’re not allowed to meet anyone who might be a potential suitor until you’re in your first Season,” Iris said. “Your poor brother isn’t ready for you to meet bachelors yet.” After a moment, she added, “Who knows if he’ll ever be ready?”

  “Warren can’t stop her from growing up,” Regan replied.

  “No, he can’t,” Iris said. “And he’s well aware of it. He’s already pacing the floor at night in worry over what will happen to Opal when she’s ready to marry.”

  “Really?” Loretta asked. “I would think he would be glad that his sister will have no trouble securing a husband.” She glanced at Opal and smiled. “You’re very pretty and sweet. You’ll have your choice of suitors.”

  “She will,” Iris agreed. “I would have given almost anything to be in Opal’s situation when I had my first Season. However, I had no one interested, so my father needed to arrange a marriage for me.”

  “There’s no shame in having an arranged marriage,” Regan said. “My marriage to Malcolm was arranged. I’m forever grateful to the ladies who paired us up.”

  “I didn’t say there was any shame in an arranged marriage,” Iris clarified, “but it is flattering when you have gentlemen lining up to be with you.”

  “I know what Iris is talking about,” Loretta inserted. “It’s flattering to know you can have your pick of any gentleman you want.”

  “That’s exactly what I meant,” Iris replied then smiled at Loretta.

  At once Loretta felt a kinship with her. The two had something in common. They had both been overlooked by every gentleman in London during their Season. It had taken a marriage formed through alternative means in order for them to secure a husband. In Iris’ case, she had a marriage arranged for her, and in Loretta’s, she had to make a bargain. It didn’t really matter, Loretta supposed. Iris was obviously happy with Warren, just as Loretta was happy with Tad. But it was nice to know she had something in common with Iris.

  When the dinner party came to an end, Loretta was surprised by how fast the evening had gone. She couldn’t recall the last time she’d had such an enjoyable evening with a group of ladies. The atmosphere had been so different from what she’d experienced at Lady Eloise’s dinner party. It was even different from the social engagements at Ladies of Grace.

  “Thank you for inviting me and Tad to your dinner party,” Loretta told Iris as they said their good-byes.

  “I’m glad you came,” Iris replied.

  “Tad and I will have to invite you and Warren to our own dinner party in the future.”

  “Warren and I will be happy to attend.”

  Loretta turned to Tad, who was saying his own good-byes to Warren and Malcolm. She was pleased to note that Tad had enjoyed himself much more here than he had at Lady Eloise’s dinner party. It was even better to know none of the ladies had asked him to come to their beds. She didn’t know if the sting of betrayal from Lady Eloise would ever go away. But at least that was in the past. She would never have to go through something like that ever again.

  Once she and Tad were in the carriage, she asked, “What did you and the other gentlemen talk about?”

  “Money,” he said.

  “But that’s what you spent most of the dinner talking about.”

  He chuckled. “I think money is the only thing on Warren’s and Malcolm’s minds. It’s all they ever talk about whenever I see them.” He took her hand in his and squeezed it. “What about you? How was your evening?”

  “A lot better than I expected. I like those ladies. I really think we could be friends.”

  “Good. It looks like both of us have finally found a place in London where we fit in.”

  “I think so, too.”

  She hoped somehow things would work out with Celia. They hadn’t talked since the day Celia had confronted her and Tad about Corin, and Loretta wasn’t sure if she ever would. The fact that Loretta was no longer in Ladies of Grace might prove to be a problem.

  Lady Eloise would, no doubt, ban everyone in the group from talking to her. Loretta was now in the same position Iris was. But she didn’t care. She was doing things that were better for her, and she was much happier because of it. If Celia wasn’t willing to talk to her, then that was up to Celia. Loretta couldn’t control what she was going to do. Tad had talked to Corin again, and that was enough. Hopefully, Corin would take Tad’s warning to heart and Celia would have to find someone else to marry.

  But she didn’t want to dwell on Celia tonight. The evening had been much better than she had expected, and she wanted to enjoy it.

  With a twinkle in her eye, she turned to Tad. “I hope none of the ladies asked you to go to their beds.”

  “No, none of them did.” Then, to her surprise, Tad let out a heavy sigh. “Not even the one I was hoping would make an enticing proposition approached me. She tormented me all through dinner, too. She would brush aside a strand of her red hair and give me a seductive smile from time to time.” He glanced at her. “You might know who I’m referring to. She has the cutest dimple in her chin. She also has incredibly long legs. All through dinner, I kept thinking those legs would feel good if they were wrapped around my waist while I made love to her. It was difficult to concentrate on money when all I kept hoping for was a moment alone with her.”

  She closed the distance between them and leaned into him, letting her breast brush his arm. “Maybe she didn’t realize you had an interest in her.”

  “I don’t know how she could have missed it. I kept smiling and winking at her all through the evening. While I escorted her to dinner, I even let my hand slip to her behind when no one was looking.”

  So that was what he’d been doing during the evening. She’d known he was flirting with her, but she had no idea he’d been playing a game with her. “The poor lady. She must have lost her wits.” With a twinkle in her eye, she brought her hand to his leg and squeezed it. “Perhaps I might offer you some
comfort in my own bed.”

  His eyebrows rose in interest. “I might be comforted…if you were to do so.”

  Her hand went up his thigh. “I would very much appreciate it if you would come to my bed tonight, Your Grace.” Her hand stopped at the bulge in his trousers, and she proceeded to trace the length of his erection with her fingers. “I have it on good authority that you are a very skilled lover, and I’m not too shy to admit that I’m curious to know if you’re as good as they say.”

  “I might be interested in satisfying your curiosity,” he said, his voice taking on a husky quality that made her shiver in anticipation.

  “Then can I take that as a yes?” She leaned closer to him until her mouth was an inch away from his. “Will you slip into my bed this evening?”

  “I dare not refuse you,” he whispered as he cupped her breast in his hand and let his thumb brush her nipple.

  “Good.” She unbuttoned his trousers and slid her hand inside so she could feel him better. “I don’t like it when the answer is no.”

  “Then I will always tell you yes.”

  And then he was kissing her, his tongue interlacing with hers, leaving her no doubt that he was enjoying this game as much as she was. Oh, but he was exciting! She had no idea being married could be this thrilling. And knowing exactly what he was going to do made her ache to take him into her. To express her enthusiasm, she explored his penis in more earnest. He, in turn, continued caressing her breasts, first going to one and then to the other.

  So enraptured were they of this sexual play that they didn’t realized they had arrived home until the carriage came to an abrupt stop. Startled, they pulled away from each other. She quickly adjusted her gown while he fumbled with the buttons on his trousers.

  He groaned in aggravation. “I can’t believe we’re here already. Did the horses race all the way home?”

  She bit her lower lip so she wouldn’t chuckle. He was so erect that it was proving difficult for him to fasten his buttons. To save him from any embarrassment, she moved over to the door so the footman wouldn’t see what Tad was doing as he opened the door.

  To help stall for time, she threw a hairpin to the ground, pretending it was on accident, and asked the footman to retrieve it for her. She glanced over her shoulder, relieved to note that Tad had finally managed to button his trousers. When the footman handed the pin back to her, she stepped out of the carriage.

  She waited until Tad got out then accepted his arm and went up the steps. She couldn’t look at him because, if she did, she was afraid she wouldn’t be able to force back the chuckle that was in her throat.

  “Thank you,” he whispered in her ear. “I would have hated to see the look on his face if he caught me with my trousers unbuttoned.”

  He shouldn’t have said that. Really, he shouldn’t have because the moment he did, she started laughing.

  “Enjoyed that, did you?” he whispered.

  She refused to look at him. In fact, she refused to answer him at all. Doing so would only make her laugh harder.

  The footman opened the door, and they entered the townhouse. The butler hurried over to ask them if they needed anything, to which they said they didn’t.

  Once they were alone in the entryway, Tad turned back to her. “Good. Now we can get back to what we were doing.”

  Without waiting for her to reply, he swept her up in his arms and carried her to bed where he proved that he could, indeed, satisfy her all through the night.

  There are at least two more books coming in this series! I do have plans to make a book for Brad (Loretta’s brother) in Book 5. I don’t have a title or plot for it yet, though.

  Taming The Viscountess (Marriage by Bargain: Book 3)

  Miss Celia Barlow has always gotten what she wanted. Whether it’s been clothes, jewelry, or social prominence, all she’s had to do was snap her fingers, and it was hers. So when she sets her sights on a certain gentleman, it only makes sense that she should get him, too. Except it doesn’t work out the way she expects. The trap she planned ends up backfiring on her, and the love of her life ends up with someone else.

  Upon finding out what Celia did, her brother is furious, and he sets out to marry her off to the first gentleman who’s willing to marry her. That gentleman just happens to be Captain Sebastian Egan who recently inherited his older brother’s title and troubled estate. Add to that his own debts and the fact that his injury prevents him from going back out to sea, he needs money. He doesn’t care how he gets it. He just needs it. And as soon as possible. So he agrees to marry Celia in order to get her dowry.

  When Sebastian realizes just how spoiled she is, he takes it upon himself to teach her that her days of manipulation are over. With him, the rules have changed. And he’s determined to prove to everyone that someone like Celia can be tamed, even if it’s going to take a battle of wills to do it.

  Reserve Your Copy Today!

  If It Takes A Scandal (Marriage by Bargain: Book 4)

  Marriage is the last thing they want…

  When Candace Daniel’s husband died, she was never so relieved. Lord Hedwrett was one of the cruelest gentlemen in London, and she had to play the submissive wife who was expected to follow his every mandate. Now that he isn’t around to tell her what to do, she is enjoying her newfound freedom going from one social scene to another.

  Corin St. George, Earl of Durrant, has spent the past five years building up the impoverished estate he inherited while watching as wives recklessly squandered their husbands’ wealth. He is determined that such a fate will never happen to him. Yes, he plans to marry in order to have an heir, but that won’t happen for a long time.

  Sometimes it takes a scandal to bring two people together…

  Though Corin was the intended object of the scandal, Candace happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and before the two know it, they are caught in a compromising situation and have to marry. Each blaming the other for the mishap, they go their separate ways as soon as they exchange vows, content to be married while not having to deal with the other person.

  A year later, however, they are forced to reunite. And that’s when everything changes.

  Reserve Your Copy Today!

  Already Available in this Series:

  The Viscount’s Runaway Bride (Marriage by Bargain: Book 1)

  On his way to his country estate, beautiful Miss Damara Onslow steps into Lord Worsley’s carriage to speak to him about a matter. Little does he know that “the matter” is to offer him money in exchange for them getting married. Since Lord Worsley’s sister had manipulated him into an engagement he did not want, he welcomes Damara’s offer with open arms.

  The two wed and spend a winter together. Never had anyone been happier. That is until his sister pries into Damara’s past and threatens their fairytale marriage.

  You can find it here!

  All Books by Ruth Ann Nordin

  (Chronological Order)


  Marriage by Scandal Series

  The Earl’s Inconvenient Wife

  A Most Unsuitable Earl

  His Reluctant Lady

  The Earl’s Scandalous Wife

  Marriage by Deceit Series

  The Earl’s Secret Bargain

  Love Lessons With the Duke

  Ruined by the Earl

  The Earl’s Stolen Bride

  Marriage by Arrangement Series

  His Wicked Lady

  Her Devilish Marquess

  The Earl’s Wallflower Bride

  Marriage by Bargain Series

  The Viscount’s Runaway Bride

  The Rake’s Vow

  Standalone Regency

  Her Counterfeit Husband

  Historical Western Romances

  Pioneer Series

  Wagon Trail Bride

  The Marriage Agreement

  Groom For Hire

  Nebraska Series

  Her Heart’s Desire

  A Bride for Tom
/>   A Husband for Margaret

  Eye of the Beholder

  The Wrong Husband

  Shotgun Groom

  To Have and To Hold

  His Redeeming Bride

  Isaac’s Decision

  Chance at Love Series

  The Convenient Mail Order Bride

  The Mistaken Mail Order Bride

  The Accidental Mail Order Bride

  The Bargain Mail Order Bride

  South Dakota Series

  Loving Eliza

  Bid for a Bride

  Bride of Second Chances

  Montana Collection

  Mitch’s Win

  Boaz’s Wager

  Patty’s Gamble

  Native American Romance Series

  Restoring Hope

  A Chance In Time

  Brave Beginnings

  Bound by Honor, Bound by Love

  Virginia Series

  An Unlikely Place for Love

  The Cold Wife

  An Inconvenient Marriage


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