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Breaking Beauty: A Second Chance Romance

Page 17

by Stella Andrews

  He lowers his lips to my neck and I shiver. “No.”

  “And no other man has ever done this—here?”

  He lifts my top off and kisses my quivering chest.

  “No.” My voice is husky and I feel so turned on I almost can’t breathe.

  “And no man has ever touched you here?”

  He cups my breast and rolls his thumb around the nipple as it reacts to his touch. “No.”

  As his lips crash against mine, the heat travels through my body, then with a low growl, he makes short work of removing every last item of clothing on both of us and pulls me against him. The feel of his skin against mine is like a velvet glove, caressing me and sending little messages of lust throughout my body. He pulls me toward the bed and lowers me gently down and proceeds to kiss me all over as I tremble with anticipation. As he licks, teases and demands my body to react to his touch, I lose myself in desire for him. His hard chest would rival any Reapers and the hardness between his legs is more than a match for any other. As Sebastian makes love to me, I feel like a princess. He worships me like any girl would wish to be and as he enters me hard and fast, thrusting home where he’s always been destined to live, I thank God for happy ever afters and know that now my future is a bright one with the man I have always loved.

  The sun pours through the crack in the drapes and I look across at the man sleeping peacefully beside me. As I stare at him, I feel like the luckiest woman alive. He stirs and as he opens his eyes, I see the lust in mine mirrored right back at me. Without saying a word, I reach across and kiss him softly on the mouth. Then I move down his body kissing every inch of skin with soft feather like kisses and drag my tongue across his chest. As I reach his thighs, he groans and his cock reminds me of what I want and as I lick the tip, he growls “Fuck…

  Silently, I take his velvet shaft in my mouth and suck gently, loving the way he tenses and groans with desire. My hands massage his balls and as I dig my nails in, he thrusts inside to the back of my throat and I suck harder. I feel so powerful as the dominant man under me jerks and groans with desire and I rub my breasts against him, loving the way the hardness against my skin ignites the fire within me. He makes to pull me up but I resist and suck even harder. When I can feel he is close, I position myself above him and lower myself gently down onto his hard cock and rub my clit against it, groaning as I feel the friction between us. He growls as I tease him by taking my time and he reaches up and fists my hair in his hand and pulls me roughly down and kisses me relentlessly. As I rock back and forth, he stretches me in an intoxicating way and I gasp as my clit drags against his shaft. I feel my desire coat him, my orgasm building like a storm waiting to break and just before it does, he rolls me over on my back and grips my arms, pinning me down as he thrusts inside like a wild animal. As he enters me, he growls, “You’re mine, Angel, no one else.”

  I gasp, “I always was.”

  As Sebastian explodes inside me, the force of it causes me to shatter into a million pieces under him. As the sweat from my body joins his and our bodies cement us together, I have never been so happy in my life.

  Remaining inside me, Sebastian strokes my hair and says huskily, “I love you, Angel, I always have.”

  My voice trembles with emotion as I say the words I have never stopped believing in. “I love you, Sebastian Stone and I can’t wait to see where that takes us.”

  He appears in no hurry to leave my body and for a while we just lie joined together, sharing soft kisses and scorching looks. Then nature evicts him and as he rolls onto his back, he laughs softly. “What?”

  “You know, your daddy would turn in his grave he saw us now—especially here.”

  “Hmm, I expect he would but not half as much as he will when he sees what mom has planned for Anastasia.”

  Looking concerned, Sebastian turns to face me. “Do you think Ryder can sort it?”

  “I’m not sure - probably. I mean, only someone with a death wish goes against the Reapers but I kind of got the impression Ryder wasn’t bothered by Moretti. They should be back now, maybe we should grab some breakfast and head over and see what happened.”

  Sebastian nods and reluctantly we leave the warmth of the bed and head for the shower. As we do, I feel the unease returning as I think about the fate that awaits us all if Moretti goes through with his threat to marry Anastasia. Whatever anyone says, I know it will end in disaster for us all and I just hope Ryder diffused the ticking time bomb that’s threatening to blow our worlds apart.



  Angel fixes us croissants and coffee in their communal kitchen and for a while we are the only ones here until a bleary-eyed Milly enters the room looking wrecked. Her face lights up when she sees us watching her with amusement and she grins sheepishly, “Well, who can blame a girl?”

  Angel laughs and as Milly grabs a coffee from the pot, she teases, “Somebody didn’t get much sleep last night.”

  Milly winks and I feel the pain hit my heart as I see this is a conversation they probably shared most days and that time it involved Angel.

  Milly sighs and sits opposite. “You know, he’s strange one.”

  “Why?” Angel looks interested and Milly rolls her eyes. “He doesn’t give anything away. He keeps those emotions firmly inside and just uses them to give a girl more pleasure than she should ever be able to stand. He’s a machine and to be honest I’m wrecked. Him though, he was up at 5 and in the gym punishing the machines in there. Last I saw, he was heading out for a run and I doubt we’ll see him until he’s completed his usual ten kilometres. I’ll never understand these guys, surely they’re not human.”

  Laughing, Angel takes a bite of her croissant and Milly sighs. “You’re lucky, babe, at least you found your happy ever after. I’m not sure I’m ready for mine yet because god knows this place is like a hard drug that I’ll probably never kick the habit. Man, I feel like the luckiest girl alive.”

  Angel giggles and they are soon gossiping about some woman called Vanity. I tune out as I try to get my head around the world they live in. It’s like some form of fuck academy and I thought Blacks was bad. Thinking of Blacks, makes me hard all over again and for a different reason this time. As soon as this shit is over, I’m going to show Angel just what makes a dominant tick and I will enjoy dominating my beauty because it’s been a long time coming. Yes, by the end of it she will submit to me and love every minute of it.

  Thoughts of the pleasure I’ll give her, make it difficult to concentrate on anything else but suddenly, she turns to me and says with a worried look, “I think we should go and find Ryder. You know, if Anastasia is still going through with this, then we may be needed back at home to try and change her mind.”

  Milly’s eyes fill with tears. “But you’ve just arrived.”

  Angel reaches across and hugs her, saying gently, “Come and stay with us, babe. As soon as we sort things out there’s a bed waiting for you. It’s not far and we’ll still be close, we always will.”

  “It won’t be the same though, it sucks not having you here.”

  I see the pain inside them and feel bad. It appears they share a much closer relationship than Angel does with her own sister and so I say firmly, “Angel’s right. There will always be a place for you with us. You are always welcome.”

  Milly smiles gratefully and then says loudly, “I’m off to get some sleep. I can’t stand goodbyes, so until I see you next take care of yourself.”

  She faces me with a firm expression. “Look after her, Sebastian. If you don’t, I’ll be after you, you have my word on that.”

  Grinning, I nod and grab hold of Angel’s hand and pull her against me. “And you have my word she’s in safe hands. She is my number one priority and I won’t ever forget that.”

  Milly smiles and heads off and Angel sighs. “I feel bad for leaving her but we have a job to take care of. Let’s go and see what the score is.”

  It doesn’t take long for us to reach Ryder’s office a
nd Angel knocks gently on the door. Almost at once we hear a terse, “Come in.”

  Rolling her eyes, Angel smiles reassuringly and we head inside. I balk at the sight of Ryder sitting with his feet on the desk with Snake in the chair across from him and Brewer on the couch in the corner. There is a half-bottle of whiskey on the desk and the glasses they raise to their lips are almost empty. Their eyes are bright and I sense they haven’t been to bed because they look weary and as if they could use a shower and a decent night’s sleep.

  Angel looks worried and Ryder growls. “Sit.”

  We sit beside Brewer who rolls his eyes and Angel looks at Ryder nervously. “What happened?”

  I can tell she’s nervous which makes me nervous and Ryder shakes his head. “We just got back. Moretti was on his way out when we got there and wasn’t in any mood for unwelcome visitors.”

  I sense Angel’s fear but then Snake laughs. “He had no choice though.”

  Brewer nods and Ryder grins. “They are never happy to see us and that’s always part of the fun.”

  The guys laugh and yet Angel still looks worried. “Did you sort it, will he sell?”

  Ryder shakes his head. “No, he told us he will never sell because those shares stand to make him billions in the future. He did assure us of his intentions toward you and your sister.”

  “Which are?” her voice sounds fearful and I reach for her hand, squeezing it reassuringly. “Moretti isn’t interested in Johnson’s plastics. He just wants the dividends and is happy for you to run it, however…”

  Ryder leans forward and narrows his eyes. “He wants to marry your sister to protect his investment.”

  “But why, we could always draw up a contract to offer him first refusal on the shares if I wanted to sell?”

  Snake laughs and they share a look. “The thing is, darlin’, Moretti has seen this marriage as a way of solving a few of his own problems. Apparently, he’s been looking for a wife who will help portray him more as a respectable businessman. His marriage, as he puts it, is purely a business arrangement and nobody is forcing anyone to do anything they don’t want to.”

  Ryder nods. “We made it clear that your protection was our top priority and if anything happened to you, or your family, we would be paying him another unfriendly visit. He gave us his word he has no plans to hurt any of you and just wants what’s best for business. You know, Angel…” Ryder leans back and raises the glass to his lips throwing the remains down the back of his throat. “It’s better to keep your enemies close. In this case Moretti is better with you than against you. If what you say is right and that Johnson’s plastics is set for a bright future, you would be the target of every business shark out there. With him involved, they would be fools to try. He has a small share and appears happy with that. My advice would be to see how it goes and keep us informed of any developments. Moretti may be mafia but like I said before, he is aware that things need to evolve and change. If anything, I respect the man because he is trying to redesign an age-old institution and clean it up into a business machine. You will do well out of the association and if things change, we will reassess the situation.”

  Although his words reassure me, I can tell that Angel is still worried. She tugs on her hands and bites her bottom lip and Brewer reaches across and grasps her other hand. “Listen, darlin’, push away that worry because that’s what we’re here to do on your behalf. It was a good meeting and we’re just tired from the ride. Go home and start your life knowing we have your back. Come back to visit though because we miss you and want to hear how it’s all going.”

  Ryder nods. “Brewer’s right, there’s nothing you can do except get on with your life. We’ll miss you though, so come back lots otherwise we’ll be coming to find you.”

  They laugh and Angel relaxes for the first time since they started their conversation and her voice breaks as she whispers, “Thanks Ryder, guys...”

  Her voice is laced with emotion and Snake growls, “I’m heading off to bed. I hate this personal shit.”

  We all laugh and Ryder groans. “I’m back to face my sister who by all accounts is pissed because I left Ashton last night. You should see the fucking messages she’s sent me.”

  We all laugh and as we stand, Ryder does too and holds out his hand. As I take it, he grips mine tightly and growls, “Look after her.”

  “I will, you have my word on that.”

  As I watch them say their goodbyes, I feel a little envious of the relationship they all share. It appears I was wrong in judging them so harshly because who wouldn’t want to be part of this?



  “Mom, Anastasia!”

  Angel shouts as we enter the house which is our first stop since leaving the Reaper compound.

  Martha appears with tears in her eyes and says with relief, “Angelica, thank goodness you’re here.”

  Angel looks worried and Martha shakes her head. “They left this morning.”

  “Left… where?”

  “Mr. Moretti came, and they left with him and a lot of other people. There must have been about three cars and a few motorbikes. Your mom made me pack everything of Anastasia’s because she told me she wouldn’t be back.”

  “What did she mean?”

  Angel looks so worried I interrupt, “Where did they go?”


  I make to leave and Angel says abruptly, “What’s going on?”

  “We’re going to stop them.”

  Martha looks concerned. “I think you should save yourselves the trip. I spoke to Anastasia and her mind’s made up. There’s nothing anyone can do to talk her out of it.”

  Angel’s eyes fill with tears and Martha’s expression softens. “Listen, honey, sometimes you have to let someone go in order for them to fly. Anastasia is unhappy here and has been for some time. Your mom’s a hard woman to live with, you know that and maybe Anastasia sees this marriage as a solution to her problems. Leave her to make her own mistakes because she won’t thank you for interfering. Just be there for her when she needs you and be happy for her if she’s happy. You never know, it may be the making of her.”

  “Or the end.”

  Angel sounds bitter and Martha smiles. “You should know more than most what it’s like living with monsters in disguise. There’s always a ray of hope in every situation and you just have to trust that Anastasia will find it in hers. Now, let me fix you something to eat and you can fill me in on everything that’s been happening.”

  We spend the afternoon catching up with Martha and after a while, I can tell that Angel has relaxed and almost appears to accept the situation. As we say our goodbyes, Martha hugs Angel warmly and says with emotion laced through her voice, “Don’t judge your mom, she does what she thinks best and doesn’t mean harm by it.”

  Pulling back, Angel says irritably, “You always defend her and yet she treats you like shit most of the time. Maybe you should think about leaving and finding yourself a decent employer, you know, I will always give you a job.”

  She turns to me and her eyes sparkle, “What do you say, honey, when we find a home together, can Martha come and work for us?”

  I’m not sure what to say and look at Martha who shakes her head and looks at me pointedly, warning me against saying anything.

  “I’m happy here, honey. Despite what you think, I will never leave your mom, she will need me more than ever now, so don’t you worry about me and just go and be happy. Make sure you come back and visit though, I will want to hear all the details.”

  As they hug it out, Martha winks at me over Angel’s shoulder. I wonder if she will ever tell Angel and Anastasia who she really is. It’s obvious she’s not ready for that yet but I don’t know why.

  As we turn and say our goodbyes, I take Angel’s hand in mine and as the door closes behind us, I stop and say softly, “I always imagined leaving this house one day with your hand in mine. I imagined us leaving to set up life together and now it’s coming true.�

  Angel nods. “It’s a strange feeling leaving the past behind. For a while there, I thought this would never happen but now it has, everything makes sense again.”

  She turns and my arms wrap round her and pull her tightly against me. As we share a kiss on the steps of her childhood home, I take a moment to remember her father. He was hard, unforgiving and a bastard and between us we broke the beauty who now trembles in my arms. However, it was done for a reason and now I understand why; it built us both into stronger people because now we appreciate what we have and can handle what life throws at us together as a strong team. Ultimately, it’s made us stronger together than we ever were apart and the cunning old fox can sleep soundly in the afterlife knowing that his plan worked out in the end. Harvey’s girls are strong women and now it’s time for Anastasia to prove to us all just what she’s made of.

  Angel pulls away and smiles, “Come on, we need to get back to work if we’re going to make those billions everyone seems to think we can.”

  She laughs and I swear it lights up the darkness that approaches with the passing of the day and as we walk hand in hand into our future, I know it will be a good one because she’s by my side.

  The End

  Look out for Anastasia and Tobias’s story.

  Coming soon.

  Owning Beauty

  And what of Maverick – you can be sure that’s a story waiting to be told?

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