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Finding Our Forever

Page 13

by Lan LLP

  “Miss Lucy, you may enter now,” the receptionist tells me.

  Luke remains standing at his post as I get up to meet Carson for the first time since my limo was diverted from his.

  Carson Bradley

  My heart settles back in my chest the minute the massive doors open to reveal a nervous Lily walking into the office. I find myself wanting to take her into my arms and shield her. Her eyes locate mine and smile secretly.

  “Good morning, Miss Lucy,” Marcus greets her as he stares her down with his raking eyes.

  It is uncanny how much Lily and Bridgette look alike now that they’re standing near each other with an almost identical suit on. The obvious difference is their age. Lil is younger. Now I know why I thought Bridgette’s eyes had a familiarity to them. They’re almost identical to Lil’s.

  “Good morning, Mr. Ly,” she replies promptly with confidence, overlooking his irrational scrutinizing. She never ceases to amaze me.

  “Please come. Have a seat by Mr. Bradley,” he requests as he continues to regard her with his gaping eyes. I wonder what the hell is wrong with this man. He was also examining my face quite thoroughly before Lil entered, but not with the same welcome. I know she’s captivating, but can he make it any more obvious? His gawking is really starting to irritate me. I don’t like anyone staring at my fiancée like they’re fucking her with their eyes. Lil walks over to sit next to me. The sweet floral scent of her lotion filters through my nose and resides with me. I fight the urge to look into her eyes or touch her hand.

  For now, she’s my personal assistant, not my lover.

  “Mr. Bradley, I hope you’ve had a nice visit in Hong Kong,” Marcus confirms.

  “Yes I have, thanks to you and Bridgette extending your hospitality.” Bridgette looks over at me with a stern smile for the mention. I hope I didn’t tick her off last night by leaving her mid-conversation to chase after Lily.

  “Any time,” Marcus replies with his eyes focused on Lily.

  “Mr. Ly, I hate to be rude, but can we get to the point and discuss David Phong.” I’m running out of tolerance for his ogling eyes on Lil. “He’s been missing for over a week. I believe someone has kidnapped him to extract the ingredient for a drug we’ve been working on.”

  Finally, his focus is on me. “I heard through the grapevine you have two missing researchers. David’s grandfather is an old friend of mine. I’m very concerned for his safe return,” Marcus reveals. Now I understand how David got his hands on the secret plant ingredient. “I want to offer you any help you need to find him and the other researcher.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Ly. I really appreciate your generosity.”

  “I know you’re here for the plant, and I’m more than happy to give it to you. But first, I need a word in private with Miss Lucy,” he gives me his bold condition.

  What the fuck!

  Is this man out of his fucking mind?

  Calm down, Carson. Don’t let your temper get the best of you.

  He’s been eyeing Lily since she first walked into his office and now he wants to be alone with her.

  Hell, no!

  “Out of the question!” I object. “I don’t understand why you need to talk to my personal assistant without me.”

  Lil looks nervously at me, seeking assurance. Without thinking, I reach for her hand, soothing it with mine. Why did I bring her here, jeopardizing her safety? Marcus watches us both with suspicion, questioning my reaction. Lil pulls her hand away and sets it on her lap.

  “Mr. Bradley, it’s not for the reason you appear to be so upset about. I already know Miss Lucy is more than just your assistant,” he reveals with a wink. “I’m cautious. I do my research very carefully before I agree to meet with a client. Since everything is now out in the open, Miss Lucy, who gave you that lovely pendant around your neck?” Marcus inquires.

  Puzzled by his unexpected question, Lily looks to me for direction. “It’s okay. Answer him,” I encourage her in a calm voice.

  “My mother gave it to me before I left for med school. It was a gift from my biological father,” she shares. Lil has never even parted this information with me.

  “Where is your mother now?” Marcus pries. I don’t get this. Why is he so concerned about Lil’s necklace and her mother? Does he think Lily is somehow connected to his family because of the common surname? That’s a far stretch. Ly is probably like Smith in the U.S.

  “She’s at home,” Lily replies smartly, ensuring he should feel ridiculous for asking such an apparent question. Marcus gives her a sly grin. He appears amused with her sharpness. Lil knows better than to give strangers her home address. Her mother didn’t raise a fool.

  “May I look at your pendant?” Marcus asks. Lil nods her head. He grips it in his palm, admires it and then flips it over to study the backside. “You’re very lucky to possess such a beautiful necklace,” he tells her before setting it back on her chest.

  “I know. It’s very special to me,” she discloses.

  “Okay, let’s get back to business,” Marcus changes the subject abruptly. “Mr. Bradley, the ingredient you’re seeking comes from a pod of a rare plant that blooms only once every ten years. It’s grown high in the mountains of a peaceful town where most of the citizens are monks. To get there, it’ll take you a few days by car or hours by helicopter. I have some samples to give you. When you need more, I’ll have to send a special request to the monks.”

  “Mr. Ly, I can’t thank you enough. This drug will help many sick people.”

  “I’m well aware of the impact you’ve made in the cure for cancer, Mr. Bradley. I’m very impressed with your work,” he divulges. “I won’t keep you here any longer. I know you’re a busy man,” he tells me and then offers a firm handshake.

  “Once again, you have my gratitude, Mr. Ly.”

  “Bridgette, please see Mr. Bradley and Miss Lucy off for me.”

  “Yes, grandfather,” Bridgette offers and gestures her hand for us to follow her to the exit.

  Chapter 11

  Lillian Ly

  “Mr. Bradley and Miss Ly, fasten your seatbelts and remain seated. We are cleared for takeoff,” Captain Franco announces overhead.

  Bye-bye, Hong Kong. We’re leaving and I couldn’t be happier. After our successful meeting with Marcus Ly, Carson insisted I return to the hotel with Luke to pack our belongings. He had one more appointment to fulfill before we head home to Boston. Of course I was disappointed we had to be separated again, but shrugged it off quickly. This was a business trip, not a vacation. I have to continually remind myself that Carson is a billionaire CEO. His schedule is demanding with little or no room for fooling around. I’ve been more than fortunate to have him sacrifice a month of his time to spoil me, so I shouldn’t complain.

  As I sit here recapping my trip, I can’t stop questioning why Marcus Ly took such an interest in my pendant. I wonder if he’s a collector of antique jades. I’ll have to ask my mom if she knows its origin. Marcus’s scrutinizing of my every move made me feel like a target until I realized he was looking at my necklace. Speaking of gawking, I was completely guilty of it myself. When Bridgette walked us out, I can’t help but feel a small rivalry between us. She’s not only striking, but incredibly poised. She and Carson would make quite a powerful couple if they were attracted to each other.

  “Lil, what are you thinking? Your eyes are lost on a voyage somewhere far away.” Carson interrupts my thoughts with a brush of his warm fingers along my pensive face.

  “Oh, nothing. I’m just excited to get home,” I reply as I set my senseless jealousy aside.

  “Are you tired? Want to join me for a nap?” Carson asks with a mischievous grin.

  “Will I get the promotion you’ve been promising me?” I tease in a soft whisper so Luke can’t hear my flirting.

  “Hmm…your impressive performance from earlier today does merit a promotion, but I have something better to give you. Come with me.” He reaches his hand out for mine to lead me to the back
of the jet. I’m thankful that Luke is skilled at pretending to be invisible. I know my cheeks are blushing terribly as I follow Carson to the bedroom. He slides the door opened and closes it after I enter. His eyes begin to undress me, starting at my lips and then slowly slithering down to my chest. “Go over to the bed and lay on your back,” he commands in a bossy tone. After I follow his instruction, he walks over to stand between my parted thighs. Lifting my right leg up and supporting it with his left hand, he slides my skirt to my waist with his right hand. The tips of his fingers gently brush against my aroused sex, sealed underneath a thin silk panty. His subtle contact triggers a volatile bomb that’s on the verge of exploding. I release a soft gasp, and it causes his hazel eyes to deepen its penetration. His hand runs along my inner thigh until he reaches my stiletto heels. With one quick slip, he releases the strap and off it goes. He repeats the same taunting with my other leg. “Better?”


  “I know heels aren’t your favorite, but they make your legs look very sexy,” he admits and then massages each foot.

  “I know what else you can release me from to make me feel even better,” I toy with him in a slow, caressing tone.

  He leans into me with his hands on either side of my head to support his body. “What else is holding you back, baby?” he inquires as he glides one hand down my neck to my breast and then gives it a gentle squeeze. “This?” he asks while tugging on my bra strap. I shake my head with a cheeky grin. His hand continues to travel south. “This?” he asks again as he pulls on my panties. I nod my head this time with a willing grin. “It’s against doctor’s orders, Angel. This area is off limits for another seven days,” he indicates with two fingers tapping against my begging clit.

  “Then why did you bring me back here?” I grumble.

  “I sleep better when you’re lying next to me,” he confesses.

  “Are you telling me I’m a body pillow? You’re making me feel used, and I don’t like to be used,” I object in a playful tone.

  “Correction, you’re not just a body pillow. You’re my body pillow, used for my pleasure alone.” he retorts with a sly grin.

  “Since we’re on the topic of using, give me your lips then,” I demand and pull him into my mouth.

  “Fiesty. I like it,” he croons in a smoldering voice between my parted lips.

  Being able to put my lips all over Carson does help take the edge off my sexual appetite, but the next seven days can’t come soon enough for either one of us. I fall asleep in his arms minutes after Carson enforces his unbending will power on me. Not sure how long I’ve been out, I wake to Carson watching me and gliding the back of his hand tenderly along my face.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping?” I whisper.

  “Yes, but your body is too distracting. I have a hard time keeping my hands off you.”

  “You’re contradicting yourself, mister. First you told me you need me next to you to sleep and now you’re telling me you can’t sleep with me next to you. Which is it?” I ask for an explanation.

  “Both. When you’re lying next to me, I know you’re safe, and it gives me peace, but then I can’t resist your body, so it keeps me up all night. Do you see my dilemma?” he seeks for my empathy with a cheeky grin.

  “Why are you so afraid for my safety, hazel eyes?” I ask for the hundredth time as I stare into his mesmerizing eyes, hoping he’ll open up to me.

  “Because I know I can’t be whole without you,” he shares frankly. My breathing stops briefly as I take in the depth of his confession. All this time I thought he couldn’t separate the overbearing CEO side of him. His dominance and control were part of his nature. I didn’t realize his actual reason is fear of being without me. The sincerity of his words stirs happy tears to trickle down the corners of my eyes. I can no longer punish Carson or myself for my mother’s past. He makes me believe I can be selflessly loved by him.

  “Lil, what’s wrong? You’re crying, baby. Did I say something that upset you?” he asks worriedly.

  “No, you’re wonderful. There’s not a single thing wrong with you,” I assure him.

  “Then close your eyes,” he tells me in an upbeat tone as he swipes the pads of his thumbs underneath my watering eyes.


  “Just do as I ask, Angel,” he instructs as he shakes his head with a wry grin.

  My eyes are sealed tightly shut as I sit in bed waiting for him to show me his surprise. Carson’s side of the mattress springs up slightly, suggesting that he’s no longer sitting next to me. Because my sight is hindered, I have to rely on my ears to tell me what’s going on. His footsteps are soft on the carpet, but the rustling noise of his pants is audible to me. It sounds louder as he approaches my direction, and then I feel a weighted dimple on the bed when Carson sits down beside me.

  “Put your hands out,” he orders. After being enlightened about his control issues, I listen without hesitation. With my right hand in my left palm, I rest them on my lap. I feel something cool and hard with straight edges. “Open your eyes,” Carson bids.

  Holy laughing Buddha!

  It’s the stone vintage box from the old jewelry store.

  But how? The elderly couple told me it wasn’t for sale at any price.

  “How did you know about this box and how did you get them to agree to sell it to you? They told me they wouldn’t accept any amount of money for it,” I pry curiously.

  “First of all, there’s nothing I can’t afford, baby,” he assures me with a wink. “But you’re absolutely right about the old couple being stubborn. Luke told me how much you wanted this box, so I made a special trip there after our meeting with Marcus. They told me the same thing they told you even after I offered them an ungodly amount of money. Disappointed, I finally gave up and started to walk away. The elderly lady grabbed my arm and asked me why I wanted to buy this box so badly. I told her it would make the woman I love with my entire existence happy. Surprisingly, she handed it to me for free and told me the box revealed an infinity sign to your last question. ‘True love is a rare gift from the gods. It’s not given to everyone. When you find it, hold on to it with your whole heart,’ she encouraged me.”

  “I can’t believe you did all of that for me, and I can’t believe Terminator Luke is sensitive enough to mention that to you. Why are you so incredibly amazing to be real?” I set the little box aside and squeezed myself tightly against his hard chest. “I love you,” I cry more happy tears.

  “Hearing those words from you fills my heart with the joy only you can give me, Lil,” Carson shares wholeheartedly as he glides his hand down the length of my hair. Tilting my chin up, he leans into my lips, which readily part for a sweet reunion. Slowly, he savors our kiss. I love it when he sucks on my lower lip and strokes his tongue under mine. I’m so aroused and ready for him to take me all the way, but he doesn’t.

  Argh! His damn self-control always seems to rain on my parade.

  Finally, he stops to take a breath and then curiously asks, “What was your last question for the box?”

  “I asked if we will find our happy ending.” My answer to his question rouses a handsome dimpled smile—the one that melts my heart and many other women’s. “You should give it a try. It’ll amaze you,” I urge him to pose a question of his own.

  He picks the box up and examines it. “What’s so special about this thing?” he inquires skeptically.

  “Just ask the darn question!” I insist impatiently as I shove it closer to his face.

  “Will Lily marry me soon?” he poses with flirting eyes while watching me for my reaction. I can’t help, but smile at how cute he is at this moment. I look through the clear window on the box for a response, but nothing happens. The same infinity symbol stares back at us. “It doesn’t work. I’m glad I didn’t pay a ton of money for this,” he reveals.

  “I don’t get it,” I respond with a confused look. “Maybe it only works at the shop and that was why they didn’t want to sell it.” />
  “I think that elderly couple saw how sweet and innocent you are and thought they could pull a quick one on you. I’m relieved I didn’t get suckered into paying fifteen thousand dollars for it.”

  “What? It’s just crazy you would pay that much for it,” I admonish him while shaking my head and rolling my eyes in disbelief.

  Setting the box aside, Carson circles his arms around me and croons, “There’s no price tag for your happiness, Lil. I’d do anything and pay whatever it cost to see your beautiful smile.”

  “Oh please, you probably say that to every woman,” I josh as I narrow my eyes and curl my lips into a pucker smile.

  “Never—just to you, Angel. I swear,” he assures me as he grazes his hazel eyes over my face in the most adoring way, feeding my soppy heart with his affection. There’s never a moment when we’re together that Carson doesn’t behold me with his tenderness and love, making me hate being separated from him. Yes, I have a bad case of Carson addiction.

  Carson Bradley

  Owen promptly waits for us on the tarmac with a grim expression on his face. With all that I’ve been stacking on his plate, I can see it’s wearing on him. I need to reevaluate the transition. As much as I want a normal life with Lily, my obligation to my empire can’t be shifted within a few weeks. It has to be a gradual changeover for everything to run smoothly. After all, it took me almost eleven years to build it. I can’t expect Owen to take the reins without any challenges.

  “Mr. Bradley, Lillian, good to see you both,” he greets at the bottom of the metal steps. “We’ll need to make a quick stop at BPC for a brief meeting with Alpha and his team,” Owen informs. I have a bad feeling it won’t be the kind of news I’m hoping for by the low tone of his voice. They must’ve found something or received something from the perpetrators. Straightaway, I paste on my perfected CEO poise to distract Lil from seeing the rage that’s spreading inside me.

  “Sure,” I answer calmly. “Lil, will you mind waiting for me in my office? Or would you rather go back to the penthouse with Luke?” I offer. She appears surprised that I’m giving her the option to go home without me.


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