Opposing Sides

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Opposing Sides Page 8

by C. M. Doporto

  “No, shit.” He crossed his arms and rested them against his chest. “I have two younger brothers. One’s in high school and the other one is in middle school.”

  “Three boys. Wow! I bet that kept your mom and dad busy.”

  “Yeah, I guess.” He shrugged and his eyes wondered off. “Oh, hell,” he muttered.

  Before I had a chance to ask what was wrong, a tall girl with blonde, stick-straight hair appeared at our table. “Trying to hide from me Raven?”

  Raven rolled his eyes. “Marcie, I told you—,”

  “My name’s not Marcie, its Macy.” She hiked her leg up in the air, and using the heel of her shoe, she pushed him back in his chair and straddled him. Half of her butt cheeks scrunched against the edge of the table as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Luke thought I had balls? This girl had balls and a vagina. And she was using both of them to her advantage.

  Using both hands, Raven tried to peel her long slender arms from him, but she held on tight. “You never called me last night.”

  “Macy, can’t you see I’m busy?”

  “But you’re never too busy for this.” I leaned slightly to the right, trying to catch a better view of what she was talking about. She traced her pointed black finger nail down his chest and then wiggled her pelvis, as though trying to turn him on.

  Raven chuckled low in his throat, and he shook his head. “You’re too much for The Raven, you know that.”

  A low whimper coupled with a giggle released from her. “Call me later tonight?”

  Placing two hands around her waist, Raven lifted her and placed her on her feet. “I don’t know. I have a paper to write.”

  “Yeah, right.” Macy crossed her arms. “Since when did you write your own papers?”

  “Since a few weeks ago. Now will you please leave us alone? We have work to do.”

  Macy turned in my direction and gave me a once over. She smirked and said, “Well, I’d be happy to join you two.”

  “No, I don’t think so.”

  Placing her hands on the table, Macy leaned forward, squeezing her breasts together to the point they nearly popped out of her shirt. “Oh, come on. You know how I love threesomes.”

  My jaw fell to the table. The girl had no shame.

  Raven laughed. “Well, I don’t know about that. I kind of like having Lexi all to myself.” He shot me a quick wink. My heart stopped again, and I had to take a deep breath to get it pumping again.

  “No fair.” Macy batted her thick eye lashes at him and then shifted her shoulders, giving her boobs a nice little bounce.

  “Sorry, I’m not up for sharing.” Raven raised his hands and lifted his shoulders.

  She pouted her light pink lips, and I hated to think where they had been.

  “Tell you what, why don’t you go please yourself first, so when I call you, you’ll be nice and wet for me, okay?” He smacked her on the rear, and she moaned as though she was having an orgasm.

  Holy crap! Raven was just as bad as Macy.

  “Anything for you, baby.” Macy taunted and then walked off and sat down with a group of girls at the back of the restaurant.

  “Sorry about that.”

  Holding up a hand, I gestured, “It’s okay.” One thing was certain. The rumors about him being a ladies’ man were true. Not only had I heard it first hand, but now I’d witnessed it. Women were dying to get a piece of him. And it only made me more curious.

  Reason number 10 — curiosity can be dangerous.


  We walked to the library, neither of us saying much. I wasn’t sure if he was embarrassed about the ‘Macy Act’ due to my innocent nature or if knowing more about me, pushed him away. It was probably for the best, because I needed to keep a professional relationship between us. My contract stated that, and since I really enjoyed working for the writing center, I didn’t want to jeopardize that over a guy that would only take advantage of me. Raven wasn’t worth it.

  The main floor of the library was packed with students, and the tension lingering in the air made it feel stuffy and confined.

  “Do you want to try upstairs? The writing center has a meeting room.”

  With a shrug, Raven said, “okay”.

  He followed me up the stairs to the small center. Sara and another consultant, whom I didn’t know very well, worked with their students, not providing much space for Raven and me.

  “I can ask them when they will be finished.”

  “Nah, I’ll find us a place.” Raven took off in the opposite direction, weaving through the book shelves. Standing with my hands on my hips, I sighed. Where was he going? He stopped, turned around, and motioned for me to come to where he stood. Sucking in a breath, I walked toward him. Off in the corner, was a small desk for one. Not the ideal writing set up but a quiet spot nonetheless.

  “I never realized there were desks in this corner,” I whispered.

  He raised an eyebrow. “I know where all the private places are on this campus.”

  I deadpanned. “Of course you do.”

  Raven grabbed a chair from another table and set it down next to his. He removed his laptop from his backpack, along with his iPad mini, and handed me a piece of paper.

  “That’s what I’ve written so far.”

  “Okay,” I replied, scanning over a few paragraphs.

  “Are these your ideas for your paper?”

  He propped his chin against his hand and swayed closer to me. “So far.”

  I kept my eyes trained to the paper. “The assignment is about Maggie: A Girl of the Streets by Stephen Crane?”

  “Yep. I have to write a few paragraphs on a blog about it.” I could feel the warmth of his breath spread across my face and neck as he looked over my shoulder. It made me shudder inside.

  “Well, that’s easy.”

  “If you’ve read it,” he stated.

  “What?” My head pivoted in his direction. With our faces only inches apart, my lips quivered eager to meet his. I had to be crazy to think he would want to kiss, especially after hearing how ‘good’ I was, but when his tongue slipped out, wetting his lips, I sensed that didn’t matter to him. Maybe my good natured posed a challenge to him. Not wanting to seem desperate or like another one of his groupies, I refocused on the paper. I had a job to do. “So, you didn’t read it?”

  He shook his head.

  Pressing my lips together, I searched for the right words. “Can I give you some advice?”


  “Assignments are much easier if you read the material.” I smiled and handed him his iPad. “I believe you can download it for free from .”

  “But I don’t have time to read it.” “He took the digital tablet from my hand.

  I looked at the clock on his laptop. “It’s fifteen minutes until seven and the reading is a short story. I suggest you get started now.” I winked at him. “Can I give you another secret to successful writing?”

  He heaved a big sigh. “What’s that?”

  “The more you read, the better you become at writing.”

  “Yeah, yeah. That’s what the other tutor told me.” Raven powered up his tablet.

  “Well, it’s true.” I reached into my purse and pulled out my Kindle.

  “What are you going to do?” Raven shifted in his chair, leaning against the wall.

  “I have my own stuff to read for class. So don’t worry about me. You just read that story and then we’ll work on writing that blog. I promise, once you read it, you’ll be able to write about it.”

  “Promise?” A smile played at the corner of his mouth, producing a slight dimple.

  Tucking my hair behind my ear, I replied, “Yes. Now get started.”

  Three and a half hours later, we finished his blog post.

  “Thanks you so much for helping me.” Raven held the door open as we exited the library.

  “You’re welcome. I know you could do it once you read it.” A strong gust of air, wisped between the
buildings, penetrating the sheer shirt I wore. “Wow! That must be the front my brother was telling me about.” I wrapped my arms around my upper body, trying to block the cold.

  “Where’s your jacket?”

  “I d-didn’t bring one.” My voice rattled in the wind. “Remember, I came from my brother’s apartment.”

  “Oh, that’s right.” Setting his backpack on the ground, he pulled off his leather jacket. “Here put this on.”

  What? Raven was giving me his jacket.

  Holy crap!

  “No, that’s okay. It’s a short walk to my dorm.” My teeth chattered like it was fifteen below zero.

  “Don’t be silly.” Raven held the jacket, waiting for me to put it on. “There’s not an ounce of fat on your body to keep you warm.”

  Against my better judgment, I gave in and slid my arms through the sleeves. The silky lining covered my arms and body, cradling me in the smell of worn leather and Raven’s tantalizing scent. Even though the jacket was three times bigger than me, all I wanted to do was cuddle up with it and never take it off.

  “What about you? It’s freezing out here.”

  “Seriously?” He laughed. “I play football in colder weather than this.”

  “Yeah, I guess you do.” I rolled up the sleeves, freeing my fingers but keeping it long enough to keep my hands warm.

  “Come on, I’ll walk you to your dorm.” Raven motioned for me to follow him.

  I hesitated for a moment, looking around campus. If someone saw me walking with him, word might get back to Collin. I didn’t want that to happen. I was already in enough trouble after today’s incident. “That’s okay, you don’t have to.”

  Raven stopped and turned toward me. “Lexi, it’s almost eleven o’clock. I kept you out this late, the least I can do is walk you to your dorm.”

  He had a point. I never liked walking by myself this late at night. “Okay, I guess.”

  I walked hastily, looking around to make sure I didn’t see anyone I knew. He kept up with me, one hand stuffed in his jean pocket and the other holding on to the strap of his backpack. Puffs of smoke escaped from our mouths as we tracked to the common’s area. Just as we were about to cross the lawn, a guy on a bicycle zipped by me.

  “Watch out!” Raven yelled. In one swift movement, he wrapped an arm around me, like he was holding a football, and spun me to safety, all while never letting me go. His big, strong arms enveloped me and my head rested on his chest, like a pillow that fit perfectly.

  Pressing a hand to his hard pecs, I gasped. “Thanks.”

  “Are you okay?” The brisk air swirled around us and he reached up, brushing my hair from my face.

  “Yes.” I smiled, slowly retrieving my hand.

  It seemed like we stared at each other, in the darkness of the night forever, but I knew it had to only be a few seconds. Slowly, our eyes broke away and we continued up the walk.

  Stopping at the main entrance, he said, “See you Tuesday?”

  I nodded and waved bye, unable to tear my gaze from his charming smile. If only Collin would look at me that way. I sighed and walked into the dormitory.

  Reason number 11 - Raven’s stealing my heart.


  Chapter 8

  My feet floated effortlessly with each step I took. Feeling lighter than air, I wanted to spin across the shiny tiled floor, but I imagined that the couple sitting on the couch would laugh at me. Raven sure knew how to leave an impression — even if it was unintentional. Instead of going upstairs, I approached the couple.

  “Do you mind if I play the piano?”

  They traded glances as though reading each other’s mind. “No, go ahead,” the guy said.


  I sat at the piano, noticing my music sheets from the day before were still perched on the music rack. At first I hesitated to play the song, recalling how Collin failed to take notice. My throat tightened, but I swallowed back the pain, refusing to shed any more tears over him. I watched the couple in the corner snuggle and nose kiss and decided if the song wasn’t right for Collin and me, then maybe it was perfect for them.

  My fingers pressed the white and black keys, bringing the chords to life. I hummed the words under my breath, longing for the love that John Legend sang about. By the second chorus, the couple approached the black baby grand and embraced. Maybe one day a man would love me unconditionally and not be afraid to show it — like the way that guy was expressing to his girlfriend. It was the sweetest compliment to be able to play for someone and have them truly appreciate it. Even if Collin didn’t, I wouldn’t let that stop me from enjoying something I loved to do.

  After I played the last notes of the song, a burst of clapping erupted through the foyer. I looked at the couple and they both responded, ‘thank you’, but neither of them applauded right away.

  I turned around, searching for my admirer and was shocked to see Raven standing a few feet behind me.

  “Raven. Ho-w long have you been listening?”

  “For a while.” He approached me. “You didn’t tell me you played the piano.”

  I vied for an explanation. “Um… I didn’t think to tell you.”

  “You are truly gifted, Lexi.” He crouched next to me.

  The familiar flush of heat reappeared. “Thanks. I really enjoy playing.”

  “Don’t stop because that would be a waste of talent.”

  I giggled. “Is that your line or did someone tell you that?”

  “Both,” he grinned.

  “Don’t take this the wrong way, but why are you here?” I clasped my hands together, wiping the sweat from my palms.

  He tugged on my sleeve. “I forgot my jacket.”

  I glanced down. “Oh no, I’m sorry.” Slowly, I began to remove it, not wanting to part with it, but before I could slip off the jacket, he stood and eased it down my arms. Chill bumps dotted my skin, and I was glad I had on a long sleeve shirt, even though it was sheer.

  “It’s okay, but since it’s the only jacket I have right now, I need it back. I’ll have to grab another one from my mom’s house.”

  “No problem,” I smiled.

  “Can you play anything else besides ‘All of Me’?”

  OMG! He knows John Legend.

  I laughed. “Yes, lots of songs.”

  “Would you mind playing a few for me?”

  The air left my lungs in a rush as I sat perfectly still looking at him. My body flanked on the edge of hyperventilation. If only Collin would take an interest in my musical ability.

  He held up his hands in surrender. “It’s okay, if you don’t want to.”

  “No!” I gasped. “I mean yes. Yes, I’d be happy to.”

  He eyed me. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure.” I squirmed in my chair, trying to find a comfortable position. “It’s just that I rarely have anyone ask me to play for them, other than my roommate and family.”

  “Well, I love the piano.” He pinned me with his fascinating hazel eyes, propelling me into another daydream.

  Clearing my throat, I said, “Have a seat Raven. “ I scooted over to the edge and padded the space next to me.

  He lowered to the bench and my body hummed with desire. “How long have you been playing?”

  “Since I was ten.” I pressed several keys simultaneously, playing the bridge from Bella’s Lullaby.

  He pointed at the keyboard. “I know that song. That’s um…”

  I continued playing, loving how he tried to recall the song.

  “Don’t tell me… it’s from that vampire movie. Twilight!”

  I laughed again. His reaction was priceless. “You know Twilight?”

  “Who doesn’t? Besides, my mom was one of the Twi-Moms or whatever you called the mothers who followed the books and movies.”

  I stopped playing. “Your mom sounds cool. Unlike my mom.” I heaved a sigh. “I tried to get my mom on board but she never took an interest.”

  He shrugged. “You can�
��t win them all.”

  I’d sure like to score with you.

  Oh crap! What’s wrong with me?

  I elbowed him, trying to distract my wondering mind. “Name a song.”

  He cocked a brow at me. “Any song?”

  “Preferably one that is dominate piano.” I allowed my deft fingers to scroll along the keys.

  “Lean on me.”

  “You got it.” Keeping my eyes steady on the keys, so I didn’t get distracted, I played the intro. By the time I reached the first verse we started swaying to the left and right following the beat of the music. In a low voice, I sang the words and within a few seconds, Raven joined in. To my surprise, the guy had a great voice. Before I knew it we were bellowing the words at the top of our lungs, looking at each other as we chanted the lyrics as though we were lifetime friends.

  In a hushed voice, with eyes fixed on one another, we sang, ‘just call me, call me, call me’ repeatedly as the song dwindled to an end. The emotions exchanged between us hit me like a tidal wave, and I struggled to keep it together. Never had I experienced something so intense and fun at the same time. The relationship building between Raven and me was nothing like I had imagined. It was so much more than the relationship Collin and I had. And I had known Collin more than half my life.

  Raven tilted his head to the side and his brown eyes appraised every part of my face with soft detail. Did he really want to kiss me? My body tensed, and my heart pumped fast as I prepared for his lips to meet mine. I didn’t want to hurt Collin, but I was losing the fight, desperate to feel love. Face to face, the air stilled between us, and I pressed my lips outward. Raven’s lips parted, and just as we were about to kiss his phone buzzed.

  Startled by the vibration, I jumped back.

  “Sorry,” he smiled as he fumbled to pull his phone from his pants pocket.

  I tried not to look at the screen, but my eyes drifted naturally. It was Macy. My body slumped forward and all traces of happiness and excitement instantly vanished. I had to be crazy for thinking Raven was interested in me. After all, I was in the pee-wee league and Macy was a top hitter in the pros.


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