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Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection

Page 15

by Amanda Rose

  Blaze lifted a hand off the bench seat and used his index finger to turn my face back to him. Lips barely an inch from my mouth, his rich green eyes met mine with not a single trace of joking in them.

  "Tell me to stop and I will," he whispered, stroking his finger along my jaw and then cupping the back of my head, as if to pull me closer.

  "Stop," I whispered back, thankfully finding my brain before my body got too damn carried away.

  For a second, the silence lay thick in the carriage until it was broken by the sound of Slade snorting a laugh at his friend’s expense.

  "Can’t say I was expecting that, but fair enough." Blaze pushed back and sat in his seat once more. The close confines of the gondola meant our knees were still practically touching though.

  "I feel like I need to thank you, Mila." Slade grinned sharply. "Pretty sure that’s the first time a girl has ever turned him down. It’ll do his ego good to get a bit dented." He clapped Blaze on the shoulder but the ego in question had his eyes glued to my face with the most ridiculous puppy dog expression.

  Despite my better judgement, I was finding it increasingly hard to maintain my anger toward the Kings of Snow. Yes, I still blamed them for the worst day of my life, but they had no idea. And really, they probably did me a favor …

  Fuck. Being trapped in such a small space with these two … unnaturally gorgeous men … if nothing else it was distracting me from how high up we were.

  The way Slade’s blue-green eyes had lit up when Blaze was kissing my neck … It'd been a really long time since my previous ménage relationship, and just seeing how responsive Slade had been … I’d be lying if I said my panties were still dry.

  My gaze flickered back to Slade, with his chiseled jaw shaded with dark stubble, his designer hair-do and his intense blue eyes. Then to Blaze, with his smoldering, sin-filled eyes and that sexy fucking lip piercing that I wanted nothing more than to—

  "Fuck it," I muttered, and before I could even breathe—let alone second-guess what was undoubtedly a stupid fucking move on my part—I was across the gondola with my lips pressed to Blaze’s.

  Credit where credit was due, he recovered quicker than me and turned the tables fast. Expertly coaxing my lips apart, his tongue met mine in a fevered tangle while his huge hands gripped my waist. Never had I hated the bulk of winter clothes so much as I did right in that moment.

  Relaxing into his hold, I allowed Blaze to take charge while his minty scent washed over me and left me feeling dizzy. As he kissed me, my lashes fluttered open almost of their own accord. To my delight, Slade’s gaze was glued to mine while I kissed his friend, and a long forgotten spike of excitement jolted through me.

  Aw shit, Mila. This has to be one of your worst ideas. You hate these assholes, remember? My thoughts battled. Don’t I deserve a little fun? It’s not like I’m totally abandoning all my sensibilities. Just using them like they’ve probably used hundreds of women.

  "What was that?" Blaze panted when I broke our kiss, and I smirked at him.

  "I’m afraid of heights. You either distract me, or I'll end up in a panic attack until the gondola starts moving again." I shrugged, like I couldn’t give a shit either way. Meanwhile, my nipples were so damn hard underneath my heavy sweater, they were almost painful. On second thought, maybe the bulky winter clothing wasn't so bad after all.

  "And by you," I clarified, "I mean both of you." I raised my gaze back to Slade and his brows shot up. "Unless, of course, you have a problem with sharing."

  Yes, I was throwing their own words back at them. Just because I was turned-on as all fuck didn’t mean I was going to start fawning all over them like some sort of simpering idiot.

  "Uh …" Blaze flicked a look at Slade that said he had no idea how to handle this question. Slade rolled his eyes at Blaze, then held out a hand to me.

  Fighting a smile, I took the hand he offered and let him pull me into his lap.

  "I think we can make an exception," he murmured, tucking a long black and purple lock of hair behind my ear. "Just this once." He threaded that hand through my hair and used it to pull my face down to his.

  The way Slade Knightbridge kissed was totally unlike anything I'd ever experienced. It was unhurried, careful, and deliberate but with a raw passion and possessiveness that sent a ripple of excitement coursing through me. I was playing with fire, making out with these two, and I knew it.

  A tentative hand settled on my waist, and I resisted the urge to laugh. Who’d have ever thought the Kings of Snow would need direction in a three-way make-out? Sadly, that was probably all this could amount to, given that the lifts could start up again at any moment. Although … it’d be fun to race the clock …

  Breaking from Slade’s possessive kiss, I stayed where I was in his lap but turned my face to capture Blaze’s lips with my own. While I quickly adjusted to his hot, demanding style of kissing, my hands snaked under the heavy waterproof fabric of Slade’s snow jacket until I reached the burning hot skin of his belly. He sucked in a sharp hiss, and I guessed my fingers were pretty damn cold since I had no gloves on.

  Shifting my weight so that I straddled Slade, I kept my lips engaged with Blaze. Thankfully, he was a quick learner and slipped his hands beneath my own woolen clothing, grasping my breast through the thin lace of my bra as I moaned appreciatively.

  My hands made quick work of Slade’s snowboard pants, and within moments I had his hot, hard length in my palms while his lips sucked and bit at the side of my neck.

  "Fuck, Mila," he groaned as my hand began to move up and down his shaft.

  "Oh shit," Blaze muttered, having pulled back from our kiss at the sound of his buddy’s voice. His attention was sharp on my hand as I lazily jacked another man off in front of him.

  "Problem, Blaze?" I asked, like the cheeky shit I was. My voice was breathy and thick with lust, so I really hoped there wasn’t a problem here. I had zero intention of ever repeating this liaison so wanted it to end in a satisfying way.

  Blaze shook his head slowly, not taking his eyes from Slade’s dick in my hand for a second until his teammate reached up and cuffed him in the head to snap him out of it.

  "If there’s no problem, then what are you doing gaping?" Slade growled, then sucked a sharp breath as my hand tightened around his shaft.

  "Good point," Blaze replied, snapping out of his daze and recapturing my mouth. This time he kissed with a passion that made me worry we were going to set the whole damn gondola on fire. His hand slipped from my breast down my belly to the waistband of my jeans, and I gave a slight arch of my hips to encourage him to continue.

  With a growled curse, Blaze pulled back from our kiss and pushed Slade’s shoulder so that he turned ninety degrees on the bench seat, hooking a knee up and allowing Blaze access to press his chest to my back. Reaching around from this new position it was almost laughable how easily he flicked open the fly on my jeans and slipped an inked up hand inside.

  An over-sexualized noise sighed out of me, and I dropped my head back onto Blaze’s chest while his fingers found my already wet and aching pussy. He danced around the edges for a moment, deliberately teasing me before sinking two fingers inside, all the way to the knuckles. I moaned with the sudden intrusion, and my fingers tightened around Slade’s cock. While I was more than ready for it, I also hadn’t had any sort of sexual contact in quite some time.

  "Holy shit, you’re tight," Blaze murmured with his lips against my ear, and I stifled the urge to laugh. No shit.

  "Mila, babe …" Slade groaned, and I put my hand back into motion. Lazily, I stroked up and down his shaft while Blaze’s fingers pumped in and out of me. His fingertips just managed to brush the edge of my G-spot each time and it was driving me freaking wild.

  With flawless synchronization, Slade’s hands slid inside my top to grasp my breasts, while Blaze’s other arm wrapped around my waist, his hand sliding inside my jeans to tease at my clit.

  Fuck. Yes. This is what I've been missing!

  I could hardly believe they’d never shared before because they were dead-set naturals.

  Within moments, my orgasm built then shuddered through me like shockwaves from the epicenter that was my pussy. As I came, moaning, I pumped Slade’s cock faster in my fist and he too came, gasping, and spilling his hot seed over my hand.

  "Well fuck," Blaze muttered, withdrawing his hands from my jeans and tossing a woolen beanie at Slade to clean up with. "Now I’m just jealous …"

  "And you’ll need to hold that thought too, bro," Slade remarked, quickly wiping off my hand for me and tucking his junk away, "we’re almost down."

  He nodded out the window, and sure enough the base station was looming closer with every passing moment. Fuck, I hadn’t even noticed we'd started moving again!

  "Well that was close," I laughed nervously, climbing off Slade’s lap and rearranging my clothing.

  "To be continued, then?" Blaze grinned, cupping the back of my head and pulling me in for a kiss, which I dodged.

  "Ah no. No continuation." I shook my head and sat back on the opposite bench seat with my hands under my thighs, for fear I’d do something stupid like engage in a threesome with two of the biggest man whore bastards on the planet.

  "What's that supposed to mean?" Blaze frowned.

  "You can’t seriously mean to pretend this never happened, Mila," Slade added, and I simply shrugged.

  "Why not? It’s what you all do with your women, isn’t it?" I raised an eyebrow at them in challenge, and was rewarded by their uncomfortable, awkward expressions.

  Luckily—or unluckily, depending whose side you were on—we'd reached the base station and the gondola thudded and bumped into the turning section, effectively cutting off any further discussion. As the doors crept open, Blaze speared me with his heated emerald eyes.

  "This isn’t over, Mila," he promised, and a shiver ran through me.

  "Not by a long shot," Slade agreed.

  "I hate to break it to you boys, but this was a onetime thing. Enjoy the rest of your stay here at The Ridge." With that snappy parting line, I hopped out of the gondola and strutted out of the base station feeling like I was on cloud nine.

  I barely made it fifty feet from the base station before running into a scowling faced security guard with The Ridge logo embroidered on his jacket.

  "Mila Greyson?" he asked, and I nodded cautiously.

  This can't be good.

  "I'm going to need to take that," he informed me, pointing at the laminated staff pass hanging from a lanyard around my neck.

  "Why?" I frowned, grasping the little card in my hand.

  "Because you've been fired. Your belongings are being packed up as we speak and will be delivered to whatever address you give us." The security guard looked bored as shit and literally did not care that the world was falling out from under my feet.

  "What?" I squeaked, "No! You can't fire me! I didn't do anything wrong!" Other than have a tiny three-way in the gondola. But he can't know that.

  "Look, girlie. It's not me firing you; I just do what I'm told. This order came from the top too, so … just let me do my job?" He sighed and held out his hand for my pass which I clutched to my chest defensively.

  "So what," I replied, desperately searching for a solution while my palms broke out in sweat and my heart leapt into my throat, "just because I didn't let Gary 'The Sleazebag' Ridgemont fuck me in the woods last night, now I'm out of a job and a home?"

  "I don't know the reason, and I don't particularly care. Just give me the damn staff pass and tell me where to send your shit. Okay?" The guard's face was totally devoid of any sympathy as he waggled his fingers for my pass.

  Reluctantly, I took it off and handed it to him. What the hell else was I going to do? Run screaming? That was hardly going to solve this shit storm.

  "Thank you," he grunted, stuffing my pass in his pocket and grabbing out a notebook and pen. "Now what's the address?"

  "I don't …" My voice cracked at the realization that I had nowhere to go.

  "Send it to room sixteen-ten," Slade's deep voice said from behind me and I jumped a little.

  The security guard looked up with an eyebrow raised, then squinted at me as though checking whether to write it down or not. For a moment I was frozen, not knowing what the hell to say. The Kings of Snow were the reason my former life had imploded six years ago, and yet here they were offering me somewhere to stay when I had nothing? But at what cost?

  Blaze stepped up on my other side and slipped a hand around my waist to tug me closer into him, and that decided it for me.

  "Uh yeah. Send it there …" I whispered, not trusting myself not to cry. If nothing else, it would give me a couple of hours to sort out where I could go from here.

  "Sure. Whatever. Who am I to tell you what to do with your life?" The guard noted down the room number and turned away muttering something about kids these days and hope they're smart enough to use protection.

  Ugh, great. Now I looked like a snow-whore.

  It was a term I'd coined myself for the loose women who had been draping themselves all over the Winter Wankers since they'd arrived in the village a week ago. Snow-whore. It had seemed funny until applied to myself.

  "Um, thank you," I started, swiping a hand over my wet cheek and pulling away from Blaze. "I won't be in your hair for long. Just need to work out what I'm doing next and then I'll be gone. A few hours, max."

  "Mila," Slade sighed. "It's already four in the afternoon and that snowstorm is about to hit pretty hard. You're stuck with us until at least the morning."

  "And what will you want in return?" I asked, a bit rudely but not totally out of line given their reputation. Blaze made an offended noise while Slade raised his eyebrows at me in surprise.

  "I feel like you have an opinion of us that's not entirely deserved," Slade commented quietly, rubbing his chin. "We don't require anything in return, Mila. We just don't want you out on the streets in a snowstorm." He flicked a glance to Blaze that was too quick for me to make out, then grabbed my cold hand in one of his. "Come on, let's get inside before the weather reaches us down here."


  Letting Slade tug me along as we made our way back to the hotel, I glanced back up the mountain at the dark storm clouds rolling lower. The lifts had all stopped completely now, so we must have been one of the last carriages to arrive.

  What the hell was I going to do now? I couldn't stay in The Ridge. Gary The Douche-tard's cousin owned almost every business in town so it'd be impossible to find a job. I didn't even have a damn car anymore! I'd sold it before arriving at this job to help finance my dream camera. The same camera that was now a glorified paperweight.

  "Fuck," I whispered under my breath then promptly tripped up a couple of steps leading to the hotel's main entrance. The same one staff weren't permitted to use. I suppose I wasn't staff anymore though.

  "You okay?" Blaze asked, catching me around the waist with inked fingers while Slade's grip tightened on my hand to help me regain balance.

  "Yeah, just … not concentrating." My voice came out in a weak sort of mutter and I mentally kicked myself. Chin up, Mila. You've survived worse.

  "Understandable," Blaze replied, leaving his palm on my lower back as we continued through the hotel lobby to the elevators. "You had a shock. I don't think anyone would've expected your slimy boss to pull a stunt like that. You going to file a complaint of sexual harassment?"

  "What?" I looked up at him in surprise.

  "Sexual harassment," he repeated, then Slade gave my hand a tug to pull me into the elevator as it opened. "You should, you know. Even if it doesn't get your job back, at least it'll be recorded in a formal way in case he tries it on any of the other girls working here."

  "Um." He had a really good point. Was I in some sort of weird alternate universe where the Kings of Snow were supporting women standing up for themselves? It was either that or I had really misjudged them.

  "Don't worry, we can help yo
u file the paperwork with the hotel's HR department tomorrow sometime," Slade assured me gruffly, and I looked between the two of them in confusion.

  The elevator stopped briefly, allowing an older couple to join us, so I kept my mouth shut. I was certainly not one to air my dirty laundry in public. I'd learned firsthand how damaging that could be.

  "Are you hungry?" Blaze asked as the older couple got off on their floor and the elevator continued up to the sixteenth floor. Of course, Ryder had said last night that they were staying in the penthouse. Part of me was actually a little excited to see it for myself … It held an insane dollar per night figure so I was curious as to what the fuss was about.

  "Um," I said again, sounding like an idiot. Apparently I'd handed over my brain with my staff pass downstairs.

  "You must be," Blaze continued, using his magnetic swipe card to unlock the door and hold it open. "You've been up the mountain almost all day without taking a break."

  "You were watching me?" I asked sharply, jerking to a halt and trying to pull my hand from Slade's. He didn't let go though, and when I frowned at him he just gave me a lazy smile.

  "Not in like, a creepy stalker way." Blaze rolled his eyes. "We were boarding the runs under the gondola so we saw you every time we caught the T back up."

  "Oh." Okay Mila, now you sound conceited.

  "Blitzen!" Drex exclaimed, coming out of one of the bedrooms wearing only a towel.

  Jesus fucking Christ that man was cut. I mean, I knew better than most how fit you needed to be as an elite sportsman, but seeing it on my own body compared to Drex was a whole other thing.

  He must have just stepped out of the shower, because water glistened on his sculpted torso and dripped from his shaggy blonde hair. Lucky Slade was still holding onto my hand or I might have thrown myself straight at him.

  Actually, why was Slade still holding my hand?

  I gave a little tug, as if to remind him to let go, but he just smirked and pulled me closer to him.


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