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Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection

Page 56

by Amanda Rose

  The crowd erupts even more, and I freeze for just a moment, not sure what to do, but Lucy comes to my rescue, spinning me to face her so that our sides are facing the crowd, then she slides her leg in between mine, and pulls me down to her lips in a classic tango move just as the music reaches its climax, coming to an abrupt stop, and the lights dim. I cover my breasts and run right off stage and toward the staff changing room. I dodge the next group of dancers emerging for the last number.

  I burst through door of the changing room, and grab a robe from a wall hook, and pull it on before throwing myself onto a small couch. I wait for tears, or shame to hit me, but nothing comes. I'm too excited! I hear the door click open, and look up to see Lucy and Vince walk in. Lucy places my discarded clothing on the couch next to me. Reluctantly, I sit up to face them.

  “What's the deal, sugar lips?” Lucy asks. She's already back in her dumb elf nighty. How can I take her seriously in that thing? Especially with the sound of an erotic remix of the Hanukkah song thumping through the walls. Weirdest pep talk ever.

  “I can't believe I just did that.”

  “Did what? Have the time of your life out there?” Vince chimes in. I look at him, and he’s smiling at me reassuringly.

  “What are you so ashamed of?” Lucy asks.

  “I don't know.” I admit.

  “I don't think you're ashamed of anything." Vince says, then walks over, and kneels in front of me so we're eye level. He places his hands on my shoulders, so I can't look away. "I think you associate this with your dad. It reminds you of him, doesn't it?" I don’t respond.

  "I think Vince is onto something. You know your dad wouldn't care, and your mom certainly won't care that you're dancing in your own Burlesque show. Let's face it, anything you dance in would be YOUR show, and you know it." Lucy has her rare sincere face on.

  "I know that guys, but I can't help it. My dad was such a big name here, and he worked on so many big productions. Everywhere I go, I’m reminded of him, and that's really hard to move past. What would he think of me dancing in a show like this? I know my mom wouldn’t mind. God, she would still dance if she could." I try not to let the sadness take control of me.

  "She would, you know." Vince says, and stands up, taking a few steps back. "Your mom was the greatest dancer I've ever seen. I know if your father hadn't died getting mixed up in something he shouldn't have, she'd probably still be out there dancing. Also, speaking of your father, he wouldn’t care; he’d be thrilled for you. I should know." He sighs, then reaches into his back pocket and pulls out some papers. It takes me a moment to see what they are.

  "You asshole! Did you go through my purse?" I shout, as I stand. Vince doesn't move, just holds out the bills, and the letter from the insurance company saying we've reached our maximum limit and they won't pay for anything else. I snatch them from him and notice he has the fucking print out of her medication prices too. How dare he?

  "Don't 'you asshole' me, Cadence. I’m more than your boss. I’m like your goddamn Uncle. I’ve known you since you were a baby, why wouldn’t you come to me?" Vince scolds. "Why haven't you told us about any of this? We knew your mom was sick, but not how much you've been struggling. I could have been chipping in for care. I could have given you more shifts if you don't take 'charity'. A few shows a week would help pay for a significant chunk of this." I feel the sharp prickle of tears trying to form behind my eyes, and hold them back.

  "You had fun out there tonight, honey." Lucy says, walking up to me, and wrapping me in a hug. I let her hug me, but don't admit she's right. "You had fun, and we need you now more than ever, if Bella the Bitch is out of commission."

  "Yeah, about that. I had to let her go." Vince says. "She's into drugs again, that's why she ran off stage. Freaked out, ran out the back way to the stairwell, and puked everywhere." I cringe at the thought.

  "What are you going to do?" I ask.

  "You're going to take her place." I open my mouth to argue with Vince, but he has that fatherly don't argue with me look. "It's one show, Cadence. One big show and you're going to star in it. I'm donating the proceeds to your mom and her medical bills."

  It takes me a moment to process what he just said. I blink a few times, but it takes Lucy slapping the back of my head to knock me back to reality.

  "I can't accept that!" I argue.

  "You aren't accepting anything, your mother is. Now just admit that you enjoyed dancing out there tonight. You were amazing, and I have numerous clients asking if they can buy an evening with you. I keep telling them this isn't that kind of establishment, but they're pretty insistent. In fact, I bet you could go out and pick up a few marriage proposals tonight." He winks at me, and I smile. I take a deep breath.

  "Okay. I'll do it." I confirm.

  "Excuse me." A voice comes from my left, startling me from my spot at the bar. I’m waiting for Simon to make me a drink before I head up to the second floor to mingle with the patrons up there. Vince insisted I’m a dancer now, and therefore, part of my shift is making sure the clients have a good time.

  "I'm sorry." I whisper, and scoot to the side, still watching the current act on stage.

  "Oh, no you aren't in the way, I was trying to get your attention." He explains. This takes me a bit off guard and I finally turn to look at him, coming face to face with a broad chest in a very expensive black suit with a red, silk shirt opened at the collar hinting at a very defined, very tan chest. Apparently, I'm still a little sexed up from my show, because I desperately want to reach out and run my fingers all over that silky shirt and feel every last inch of that hard chest, down to his stomach, and maybe even down the waistband of his pants…I stop myself before I start staring at his junk. I hear him chuckle and feel myself blush. Great. I compose myself before finally looking up into his absolutely gorgeous, green eyes. Fuck me right here against this bar! How is it legal to possess a pair of eyes that stunning, framed by thick, black lashes that make me instantly jealous. He arches an eyebrow, and I realize, I'm staring again. I just smile like an idiot and wait for him to address me. Why am I so damn awkward? Tall, dashing, and sexy runs his hand through his short black hair that’s been expertly styled to look like he doesn’t care. Finally, he speaks, ending the awkwardness I'm causing.

  "Sorry, I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind joining my table this evening." He asks. His voice is now smooth and velvety. He smiles, and I swear to God I swoon. I didn't know swooning was a real thing, but apparently it is. I shake that feeling away and stand up straighter. I don't have time to fall for dashing men in fancy suits. Though, a fun romp in the sheets with this one might be fun. No! You don't have crazy sex with strangers! Stop it Cadence! Bad Girl!

  "Thank you, but I'm not supposed to sit with the patrons." I politely decline. He cocks his head, and crosses his arms.

  "I thought the dancers were usually allowed to socialize after their performance." Is all he says. Normally, I'd be rolling my eyes and kindly telling him to piss off, I don't date cocky assholes, but for some reason, this look coming from him has me completely intrigued.

  "I'm not a dancer. Tonight was a one-time deal." I lie.

  "I'm not used to being told no." He says. The playfulness he displayed earlier turns to arrogance. I just stare at him, annoyed. If he would have just left the cocky attitude at his crossed arms and cute head tilt, I would have let it go. Now he had to add the whole, ‘I'm not used to being told no’ bullshit. Dickhead.

  "Well, I suggest you get used to it, because the woman right in front of you isn't willing to put up with your entitled, dickhead, attitude, so you can just shove a sock in your sexy mouth and bug the fuck off." I spit back at him. His face goes almost cold, and his eyes light up with an inner fire. I think just awakened a monster.

  "Look, in case you missed it: I'm. Not. Interested." I continue. Yes, you are. Before I can dwell on that last thought, I push past him, roughly bumping into him and pushing him into the bar. I don't bother looking back as I march up the stairs
that leads to the dance floor in search of Lucy, who is probably already mingling with some of the patrons. I desperately just want to go home.

  My feet hurt, and it's been a long damn day. It's dimly lit up here to provide more privacy, so it takes me a moment to find Lucy. Who has her hands full, literally, with two gentlemen's cocks through their pants. One of them has their tongue down her throat, while the other one is kissing her neck. Well, so much for my ride home.

  I find myself unable to look away; it's been so long since I've had any action that I feel a jolt of arousal ignite a fire in my panties. I should really go interrupt her; we’re only allowed to go so far with customers inside the club. Vince doesn’t allow prostitution, but he doesn’t mind if the girls flirt and want to have a little fun. Watching my sexy, little friend expertly handle these two attractive men has me turned on, and I can’t bring myself to stop her. I slink back a bit in the shadows, and watch, trying to nonchalantly rub my boobs through my top.

  "See something you want to try?" I jump at the sound of the sexy dickhead from before. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little turned on by the sound of his silky voice in my ear. He has me backing up against the wall, and then stands in front of me, arms crossed, as if he's not moving unless he wants to. Boy does he have a surprise coming to him if he thinks I'll take any shit from him. He must sense my confidence, because he takes a step back, allowing me to relax a little.

  "I'm sorry for how I came across a moment ago. My friend has informed me that I'm a prick who probably came off like an arrogant asshole. Judging by how you ran off, I'm inclined to think he's correct." He startles me with an apology. "Can we start over?" He asks, raising an eyebrow in question. What's with this guy and his one eyebrow raise? I just stare at him until he frowns. I roll my eyes and decide to take it easy on him.

  "Cadence. My name is Cadence King."

  "Warren Lennox, at your service." He replies, and I shit you not, bows. Who bows? It might be weird, but it's sexy as hell. I can't help but smile when he stands back up and takes a step closer to me, placing a hand on the wall next to me, and staring down into my eyes. He’s roughly six-foot-tall, putting him at the perfect height for a little make-out session. I glance at his lips, and he pokes his tongue out, licking his bottom lip. I desperately want to tongue wrestle with him. Where is the damn mistletoe when you need it? I’m just about to accept his offer of joining his table when we're interrupted.

  "Caddie! There you are, love!" Simon shouts, grabbing my arm and pulling me right past Warren and into his own arms, planting a big wet kiss on my lips. What the fuck? I'm not sure what's going on, so I just go with it. I hear Warren growl from behind me and his footsteps as he stomps off. Okay, first he bows then he growls? I push Simon off me.

  "DUDE! Si, what the fuck man?" I shout, pushing him back.

  "Sorry, I wanted to stop you before you did something stupid." He says.

  "By kissing me? You are a horrible kisser by the way, I really hope you don't kiss your boyfriends like that." I say, wiping his spit off my lips. Gross.

  "I don't, for your information. You're a girl, so excuse me if it was a bit weird." He replies, completely offended. I can't help but burst into laughter. "Glad you think it's so funny."

  "I was fine, thank you very much." I say. He takes my arm, and links it through his, guiding me back downstairs.

  "That was-"

  "Warren Lennox. He told me."

  "You don't know who that is, do you?" He asks.

  "No, but I was kind of hoping to find out." I grumble.

  "D.A.N.G.E.R.O.U.S is what he is. Extra, capital D sweet heart."

  "I was kind of hoping for his capitol D, asshole." I whine, and elbow him in the side.

  "Umph! Jesus, Caddie, I'm sorry. But the Lennox brothers and their employer are bad news. Do you remember Maya, a few months ago?” He asks. I nod.

  "Yeah, she danced here for a few weels. Didn't she have some kind of brief fling with Lucy, then disappear? What does she have to do with anything? Lucy was really upset; I'd love to have a word with her about ghosting my best friend!"

  "She didn't ghost Lucy, she vanished."

  "What are you on about, Simon?”

  “Just, stay away from them, okay?” He says. I just nod.

  "Anyway, my shift is over. Let's get you home. Lucy is a bit...preoccupied." He says, changing the subject.

  "I wish I was preoccupied." I whine as we make our way to the back to get our things before we head home. Technically, my shift isn’t over, but Vince can deal with it. I still can’t believe I agreed to not only dance, but to be the Sugar Plum Fairy in the production tomorrow.


  After dragging my tired ass up eight flights of stairs, I collapse against the front door out of sheer exhaustion. They have got to fix the damn elevator! Just as I begin to dig for my keys in my small duffle bag, the front door is whisked open, and I'm face to face with my very annoyed, sixteen year old sister.

  "Hi Lyric." I say dryly. I'm too exhausted to fake a smile for her tonight.

  "Where have you been? I have been trying to call you for hours!" She shouts.

  "I was teaching dance until seven, and then went straight to work. Same routine as every other night." I explain, completely defeated. "Also, I'm almost out of minutes on my phone again, so I turned it off."

  "Damn it, Cadence! It's important to keep your phone available. What if something happens to -"

  "Nothing is going to happen to me."

  "I wasn't talking about you. What if something happens to mom, and I need to get a hold of you?" She demands, completely blindsiding me with that sobering thought.

  "Fuck, Lyric. I'm sorry! Is everything okay?" I ask.

  "Yeah. Sorry. I just get worried about you. You're working all the damn time." She says, and I’m punched in the gut with guilt. I'm the worst big sister ever.

  I sigh and glance at the couch longingly, desperate to crash, but I can't quite yet. "I'm sorry, Lyric. I know I'm late. Work was insane, and the elevator isn't working again." I complain as I walk past the tiny kitchen to the left and throw my bag on the small table next to it.

  Lyric sits down at the table where all of her books and homework are sprawled out. Technically, she’s on Winter Break, but she's taking four advanced placement classes and trying to graduate early so she can start college early on a scholarship. Leave it to her study when she’s supposed to be relaxing. Lyric is so damn smart; I don't know how she does it all. I got the dexterity and athleticism, and she got the beautiful brains and adorable looks. She's svelte and short and has my mother's darker complexion and lovely, golden-brown hair. I'm tall, pale, and redheaded like our father. At least I have my curves.

  “Why are you up studying, it's Winter break?"

  "I know but I'm trying to work ahead. I might qualify to take college courses alongside my high school credits. If I can do that, I'll have a head start after I graduate."

  "How are we even related? Anyway, did you give mom her meds yet?

  "You know I don't like giving them to her unless I have to. She always asks for you anyway." She sighs. I look up and she's got her head resting on one of her books.

  "You work too hard, Lyric. You've got to slow down and enjoy life a little." I scold as I shuffle into the kitchen. I grab a glass and fill it up from the water dispenser on the counter, listening to it slosh around in the glass as it fills up.

  "Yeah, well if I can pull this off, I could have a full scholarship, and graduate college early, hopefully before mom-" She stops herself before she says the word “dies,” and I freeze as I'm reaching up for the pills in the cupboard.

  "Don't think like that." I scold, blinking away the tears forming. Our dad died tragically when I was ten and Lyric was just a baby. Our mom is all we have left.

  "I'm sorry." She apologizes.

  "Just don't forget to breathe once in awhile, okay." I change the subject back to her. She looks up at me and smiles

  "Fine. I'l
l take a movie break." She concedes and gets up and walks to our sad, kids size living room. She doesn't have far to go; this apartment is so small. I miss our old house so much. It was modest, but so perfect. We had to sell it to help pay for some of Mom's medical bills. What we received from Daddy's life insurance didn't last us very long. Why does being sick have to be so damn expensive?

  I leave Lyric to her search for one of her favorite Christmas movies, my money is on A Christmas Story, and walk to Momma's room on the left, just past the little dining nook. I knock, but she doesn't answer. I balance her ridiculously large pill case and glass of water in one hand, and quietly open the door. Her bedside lamp is on, and her CD player is quietly playing a jazz rendition of Frosty the Snowman. It makes my smile, remembering how she used to make us learn silly dances to Christmas songs, and then go caroling, dancing as we went. I walk over to her bed and carefully set the glass of water next to her on the table, placing the pill case next to it. Sitting next to her on the bed, I try to wake her by gently rubbing her arm. I hate when she doesn't stir, like she's died in her sleep. The thought makes me tear up, so I quickly shut it away. Momma hates seeing us cry for her. She rolls over so she's on her back. She's in her old threadbare pink robe that she refuses to get rid of. Daddy gave it to her for Christmas right before he died.

  "Momma. You have to take your pills. I'm going to get you something to eat. What sounds good?" I ask in a whisper.

  “Thank you, my love." She whispers. Her voice is so tiny and raspy. She coughs from the effort of speaking. I hand her the water and she takes a sip. "Just oatmeal is fine." She says and smiles. I help her sit up and rest against the headboard.

  "I'll be right back with food. Don't take anything until you've eaten, okay?" I instruct. She just rolls her eyes at me and shoos me away. I chuckle as I walk back out.


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