Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection

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Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection Page 57

by Amanda Rose

  "Lyric, can you help momma in the bathroom?" I call out on my way to the kitchen.

  "Yeah, coming!" She shouts, and jumps up. Poor thing looked like she was almost asleep. I rush through making oatmeal. Lyric is helping momma in our only bathroom, so I leave the bowl on her night stand and head the room I share with Lyric on the other side of the bathroom.

  I open the door to the sight of my glorious, full size bed. Lyric has a matching one along the other wall. I sit down on the edge and peel off my boots, tossing them next to the closet. I don't even finish getting undressed. I just throw myself down on the bed, climb under the warm blankets, and into sweet oblivion.

  Pounding. Why is there so much pounding? After a few minutes, I realize it's coming from my door. I groan.

  "What?" I shout.

  "It's Lucy, she's been blowing up my phone since you won't turn yours on!" Lyric shouts. “Ugh. What the fuck does Lucy want?" I reluctantly roll out of bed and shuffle to the door, opening it. Lyric looks half asleep too; she must have been dozing on the couch. I grab the phone from her outstretched hand.

  "Fucking WHAT?" I shout into the phone.

  "Bitch, are you ready? We have to be at the dress rehearsal like... fuck twenty minutes ago." She says.

  "Son of a bitch! I'll be ready in fifteen." I say, hanging up the phone and giving it back to Lyric. I shove the comfortable, well worn, black sneakers on, then run out to the living room to grab my bag. The small worn duffle bag that Lucy relentlessly teases me about. I toss it over my shoulder, and turn to see Lyric standing in front of the door, one hand on her hip, and another holding a bowl of oatmeal.

  "I don't have time! I’ll eat at the club!" I yell at her. I know she means well, but there is no way I'm stopping to eat breakfast. I'm already late.

  I rush out the front door toward the elevator. The broken elevator. I curse, and run back toward the stairwell. After that horrible jog downstairs, I burst out the front door of the complex. I don't see Lucy's car anywhere in the parking lot. Did she fucking leave me? Oh, she is so dead when I see her! I kick the curb, and cry out when pain shoots up my leg.

  "Don't take your frustrations out on the poor curb." A husky, male voice says from behind me. I cautiously turn around, and I’m rewarded with the viewing pleasure of an attractive Viking god! He's, at least six-five, wearing a dark green Henley shirt with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows, exposing strong forearms. His gorgeous, blonde hair is pulled back into a messy bun. It looks like I’m not the only one suffering from the humidity induced eighties hair nightmare. The thought makes me smirk. Viking god smiles at me, revealing two sexy dimples. I desperately want to kiss each one. Oh my God, I'm some kind of sex crazed maniac.

  "Sorry, my ride has abandoned me." I say, then turn away and start walking swiftly towards the bus stop just outside of the parking lot.

  "WHOA! Hold on!" The husky voice calls after me. I ignore it, and keep walking. I don't have time for this. "CADENCE?" I freeze and turn around.

  "HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?" I shout at him in alarm. He holds his sexy arms up in self-defense as he slowly walks toward me, stopping a few feet away. I’m a little proud that I managed to intimidate this sex god - I mean Viking god. Okay, fine, I mean Viking sex god.

  "Relax! Vince sent me to pick you up. I'm one of the investors...for the show tonight. You are Cadence King, right?” He asks. I just nod my head. Why would Uncle Vince send a stranger to pick me up? As if sensing my confusion, the blonde giant explains. “Vince wanted to make sure you got there safely, and my partner and I were driving by on our way to the club. We’ve known Vince a few years now. He called us in to check out the act tonight. Maybe see if want to help him expand his club." I soften my stance but still look at him warily.

  "What's the code word?" I ask.

  "Code word?"

  "Yeah, code word. You know, stranger danger? I'm not getting in your car on behalf of anyone without the code word. I've known Uncle Vince since I was a child; he knows, I don’t go anywhere without the code word. Now, what's the goddamn code word?" I demand. He just looks at me confused.

  "Jingle Balls." Another, voice answers, startling us both.

  "Warren, I told you to wait in the truck!" The Viking sex god scolds him. Warren. This must be his partner, the arrogant asshole, I nearly fucked on the dance floor last night. I groan. This has got to be some kind of cruel joke. How the fuck does he know my code word? I march over to Warren, and shove him forcefully with my hand, knocking him back a step. He looks slightly surprised.

  "How do you know my code word?" I demand. He holds up his cell phone.

  "Vince texted me. He said he forgot to tell us you wouldn't get in the car without the code word. Jingle Balls?" He asks, and I groan in embarrassment. But, if Vince trusts them enough with the code word, he must think they’re okay.

  "I used to run around singing Jingle Balls instead of Jingle Bells when I was a kid. Inside joke." I explain, feeling myself flush. I hear deep laughter from the dimpled blonde as he approaches us. He stands next to Warren and dwarfs him.

  "Would you shut up, Maggie" Warren shouts at him, playfully shoving at him. Maggie? What kind of name is Maggie for a Viking sex god? Both of them turn and look at me. Aw fuck, I totally said that out loud. This time Warren bursts into laughter. "Maggie" just gives me the look, that cocky, 'you think I'm sexy' smirk. I face palm. Hard.

  "Magnus, actually." His amused voice explains.

  “I’m surprised you don’t go by Magnum.” I say, and wink. Way to turn the tables, Cadence.

  Both men just stand there gaping at me. Finally, Warren snaps back to reality first and points to the direction of their truck. Their giant ass, black Chevy Silverado...3500 according to the logo on the back. How did I miss this, they couldn't even park it in the parking lot, it's parked off to the side of the small roadway leading out of the complex. I'm not exactly short, but how in the hell am I supposed to get in this thing?

  "Cadence, meet Bertha." Warren says, slapping the driver side door.

  "Bertha?" I ask. He just shrugs. "Magnus named her." He jogs around to the other side and opens the passenger door, to climb in I assume. I can't see over the giant ass truck.

  "Bertha is my baby." Magnus says. I just roll my eyes and head to the cab to open one of the back doors of the extended cab. "It's full of crap, you're going to have squeeze in with us in the front, I'm afraid." Great.

  "Fine. How do I get in?" I ask. Magnus chuckles.

  "I'll help you up." He says, opening the driver side door. Who needs to lift a truck that is already so damn big? I start to reach up for the door handle to pull myself up, but Magnus grabs me around the waist before I can, lifting me right up like I'm a doll or something. I squeal in surprise, and grab for something to hold onto, but I don't need to. This man is a pro at lifting women. I'm a dancer who has been dropped numerous times by men who don't know how to do it. Color me impressed.

  Once I'm in, I slide to the center of the cab and Magnus slides right in next to me. Now, I'm sandwiched between two sexy men, both of whom I wouldn't mind having a fling with. I mean, not at the same time of course. Or do I? The thought sends arousal shooting right to my core, causing me to squirm in my seat. I need to get laid in bad way. Magnus revs the engine of the truck before pulling out into traffic. I wish it was my engine he was revving.


  The elevator ride up to the top floor did not help ease the sexual tension from the claustrophobic truck ride on the way over. I watch both Warren and Magnus out of the corner of my eyes, each standing unnecessarily close to me in the elevator. It's oddly quiet, as if they are concentrating as hard as I am on not ripping our clothes off and going at in the elevator. The thought sends another electric charge straight to my pussy. It should be a sin to be this wet just from being in the proximity of two God-like men. Finally, the elevator pings, and the doors open. I burst out of the elevator and run down the atrocious carpet that seems to be in every casino here. I’ve esca
ped the elevator of sin.

  Speaking of Sin...Sin City Gentlemen's Club is always so eerie during the day. I burst through the door into the club. The full lights are up, and the place is bustling with activity. There are extra tables being set up on the floor, over the dance floor. Last minute set adjustments are being made to the stage while some of the dancers are stretching. Are they crazy? That's beyond dangerous.

  "VINCE!" I shout, tossing my bag on the bar, then running toward the stage. "HEY! GUYS!" I shout at the stage crew and stretching dancers. "You can't set the stage while the dancers are up here! If you drop something, it's falling straight on their heads!" Nobody pays me an ounce of attention, and I stomp my foot on the floor out of frustration. Even the loud thud goes unnoticed. I turn to look for Vince, and run right into a very hard, delicious smelling torso. I actually take a deep breath of Magnus's sexy wild aroma that reminds me of winter pines. Is he a fucking lumberjack? He's big enough to be one.

  "Did you just smell me?" His amused voice purrs above me. Shit.

  "Of course not!" I stumble over my words, while trying not to physically stumble as I retreat from his overwhelming and intoxicating presence. I'm sure I'm as red as my fucking hair.

  "HEY!" He bellows, making me jump. Hell, everyone jumps; he sounds like a fucking giant yelling down a rabbit hole. "Listen to my dear friend Cadence, as she is not only the new Sugar Plum Fairy, but in charge of the stage. You will listen to her as you would listen to me!" The stage hands snap to attention and retreat from the stage. Those assholes did hear me; they were ignoring me!

  "Thank you." I reluctantly grumble. I'm pissed at being ignored.

  "Anything for you, gorgeous." He says, walking away. I turn back to the stage and walk up to my friends.

  "LUCY! You bitch! Where were you?" I yell at my best friend who is l sitting on the floor stretching. She bursts into laughter; so hard, she actually falls right over. "It's not funny!" I shout. "I just spent the longest ride of my life wedged between two very annoying, sexy men!"

  "I don't see the problem?" She says, peeking around me to stare at the offending two gentlemen. I turn to look; fortunately, they aren't within hearing distance.

  “Alright girls, let's start with warm ups!" I shout, clapping my hands and calling them to attention. We've been working on this for a few weeks; this is just the first time I'm stepping in as the main act. Why did I agree to this, again?

  The show starts in just a few short hours, and I'm shaking with nerves. It doesn't help that Magnus and Warren have been singling me out every chance they get, trying to spend time with me and amping everything up. I wouldn't mind relieving some of the sexual tension building up between the three of us. I've never been this turned on in my entire life, and there isn’t shit I can do about it. Not now anyway, I'm in my full costume and makeup.

  I can't figure why they're even here. Both of them claim to be entertainment investors, investing in this show, and some of our future ones, testing the waters for a possible expansion from their California based company to Vegas. Something just isn't sitting right. I'm determined to get to the bottom of them.

  The dressing room is bustling with pre-show excitement. Makeup artists, costume designers, dancers. Someone bumps into me for perhaps the tenth time in the last five minutes, and I can't take anymore. I run out of the small room, and out to the stage. It's bustling as well, but I manage to find a relatively quiet space backstage between two curtains. There is a tall, elegant mirror standing against the wall, so dancers can check themselves before going out on stage. It's the first time I've seen myself in my full get up. My red curls are hidden under an elegant, deep-purple wig. Gold frosted flowers and leaves are woven throughout. My make-up is all tones of purples, golds, silver. Splashes of glitter in all the right spots. I look more like a painting than a person, the effect is breathtaking. My eye shadow and rouge are done so that it gives the effect of wearing a mask.

  My costume isn't any less magical. A purple corset, a few shades darker than my hair, embroidered with gold leaves. My long gloves are the same deep shade of purple. I'm wearing a garter belt and lovely purple thong, hidden by a bouncy skirt, reminiscent of a tutu, a nod to the ballet. The color accentuates my creamy, skin tone, and brings out my emerald green eyes. Of course, instead of ballet slippers, I have the most beautiful pair of golden heels strapped to my feet. I don't look like myself at all, I look so damn sexy. I'd fuck myself right here, if I could. Laughing at my own joke, I don't hear someone walk up behind me.

  "Gorgeous." I jump out of my skin, and turn to see Warren standing next to me. In the darkness of the little backstage corner I've found, his features look even darker, slightly dangerous. I swallow, and take a step back, but then he smiles, and I relax. His features are full of desire, not malice.

  "Like what you see?" I ask, and raise my arms, then give a little twirl.

  "You have no idea." His voice is thick with lust, and I desperately want to find out just how dangerous he can be. He takes a step forward, and I steady myself, expecting to be ravished, or thrown against the wall...well hoping anyway. Instead, he reaches up and lightly touches my chin, tracing his finger gently along my jaw bone, back toward my ear, down my neck, and across my cleavage. How can a feathery touch elicit such a dramatic response from my body? I want more, and he knows it.

  "Not right now. I don't want to ruin your dress or your make up. Trust me; I would destroy you if I had my way with you right now." He takes a step back, and I actually clench my thighs together, as if that will help keep me from becoming more aroused.

  "Just a hug then, for good luck?" I ask. His smirk appears, and he steps closer again, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me in. My boobs squish against his chest, and I angle myself, so I can feel his hard length pressed against me. That hard length that I'm desperate for. I move one hand from his back, and bring it between us, carefully tracing his belt, until I reach his buckle. I trace my finger over the cold metal, and then bring my hand slowly down, until I find the tip of his cock straining against his expensive, black pants. I press the flat of my hand against him, and grip him as much as I possibly can. He groans against my wig, and just as I begin to unzip his zipper, someone clears his throat behind us. We both freeze in each other's arms. Son of a bitch. I really wanted to wrap my painted, purple lips around his hard dick! Peeking around Warren’s shoulder, I’m greeted with the annoying sight of Simon’s glaring face. What the fuck is his problem?

  "Vince is looking for you." He says sternly, sounding nothing like the Simon I know.

  "I'll be out in a few -" Simon cuts me off, and I glare back at him.

  “Not you. Him." He says and nods toward Warren. Warren lets out a breath and steps away from me, adjusting himself before he spins and faces Simon. The two exchange a bone chilling look, before Warren turns to leave.

  "I'll find you after the show." He says, without looking back. Then, he's gone.

  "What the hell, Simon! Can't a girl have a little fun to ease some nerves?" I yell at him. He winces, but doesn't apologize.

  "I told you, he is dangerous. Magnus is dangerous. They aren't who they say they are!"

  "I'm not stupid! I don't think they're dangerous as you proclaim them to be! Fuck! They have been nothing but nice to me -"

  "How long have you known them, Cadence?" He interrupts me, and I resist the urge to punch him in his pretty face.

  "I met them today." I tersely reply.

  “They’re dangerous. Please, stay away from them.” He warns, then leaves. I just shake my head. Dangerous they may be, but I have a feeling he’s wrong about them and Maya.

  I peek out from behind the curtain at the audience packed around tables, being served by our sexy, cocktail waitresses dressed in sexy nutcracker and Christmas-fairy inspired lingerie. I spot Lucy standing with Trisha, one of our Nutcrackers. One thing Vince didn't relent on was keeping all the dancers female. Trisha is such a contrast to Lucy. She's tall, dark, and brings a feisty edge. She's wearing a ve
ry sexy Nutcracker inspired outfit. The trademark red coat is open, revealing a gold bustier and short, pleated, gold skirt. Her combat boots throw in a modern twist, and finish off the outfit. Her gorgeous, tight curls are styled into a bad-ass faux-hawk. Then there is Lucy, so petite and pale. Her dark hair carefully piled atop her head. She's wearing a feathery white teddy, with white garter belt and panty hose, complete with six-inch Mary-jane heels. Neither of them, or the other handful of dancers, look nearly as nervous as I do.

  The lights come up, and the polyphonic mash-up of avant-garde and contemporary jazz music starts to play. It's fantastically layered together, and intertwined with the original Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy score. I'm soon joined by the innocent Lucy, and the protective Nutcracker Trish. In a fantastically sexy twist, it's my turn to seduce the Nutcracker. The three of us playfully teasing each other to the provocative score. I push Lucy out of the way, trying to regain the attention of Trisha.

  Trisha runs for her, but I step in front of her, placing one hand on her shoulder, sliding my leg between hers, and using my other hand to pull her face toward mine. Before I can land a kiss, Lucy rips us apart and stands between us, her back against Trisha. Instead of giving up my chase, I add Lucy to it. While her arms are out, I reach up and rip her white nighty, leaving her in her thong and glittery star pasties. She throws her hands in front of her mouth in a theatrical gasp. While she's in shock, Trisha, who is still behind her, slides her leg between Lucy's and pulls her backwards, so her back is arched across Trisha's chest. Trisha slowly pulls Lucy's arms slightly behind her, so she's locked in place. I glide over, and lean in as if to kiss Lucy. Just before our lips touch, I'm ripped away from the couple! As I spin, I find I'm surrounded by four other valiant Nutcrackers who have come to the rescue. The tempo changes, and hip-hop beats meld smoothly with classic undertones, creating a fun, merry mash-up of melodies. I'm thrown between Nutcrackers, striking exquisitely obscene poses with each one. We're fighting with the dance of seduction, and I'm winning.


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