Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection

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Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection Page 58

by Amanda Rose

  At the climax of the scene, I’m surrounded by everyone. They’ve all shed their clothes, leaving me to deliver my own salacious solo burlesque dance. The music is purely carnal now, as I seductively remove my costume. I rip away my beautiful skirt and turn away from the audience, so they can admire my toned ass, and give them a little shimmy. When I turn, I begin to remove my corset. Before I can get it off, Trisha is lunging for me, ripping it off herself, and throwing it off stage. She bends me back, going in for the kiss of seduction. To my surprise she actually kisses me, and I let her. Her soft lips taste like peppermint. Then Lucy, pulls me away, spinning me into her, and lands her own kiss on me, also unplanned. Interesting.

  Eventually, the erotic pageant comes to a titillating end. Just before the curtains close, we're artfully tangled and on display in various erotic positions, myself center stage, in all my naked glory. Fortunately, I’m wearing tassels this time; you have to be a little classy for Christmas, right?


  In the dressing room after the show, we're all buzzing with excitement from the performance! For the first time in a long time, I don't feel that underlying layer of panic beneath my skin. I won't make enough to take care of everything, but it's a damn good start if I can start making as much money as I did tonight on a regular basis. I'm going to have to give up teaching dance classes to my kids, but it can't be helped. My mom needs me more right now. My thoughts are interrupted when Lucy bounces right into me, knocking me back into Trisha, who manages to catch me, stopping us all from falling over.

  "Hurry up and get dressed! The party's just getting started! We're going to miss it!" She squeals.

  "Girl, relax! The party is going on all night. Don't take us all out." Trisha replies.

  "You girls go ahead, my costume is more complicated. I'll join you out there in a few." I push them out the door, and hang back with a few other stragglers. It takes a minute to get my pasties off without my barbells. By the time I get those off and my corset back on, the room has cleared. One last look in the mirror, and I'll head out to the after party. I still can't get over how differently I look. I hope I run into Warren or Magnus. Or both. Just as I'm opening the door to leave, it opens on its own, and nearly knocks me over. A strong arm reaches out, and catches me, before I completely eat it.

  "Watch what you’re doing!" I scold as I turn to see the idiot that nearly sent me tumbling to the floor. When I turn, it's definitely not an idiot looking back at me. It's a delicious looking man with artfully disheveled copper hair, and mesmerizing green eyes. Oh, Hello!

  "I'm terribly sorry." He says and hits me full force with a charming smile. I can't help but smile back and giggle. Giggle, for crying out loud!

  "It's alright, with a smile that devastatingly handsome, I can forgive you for anything." I reply in a bold voice that surprises me. This persona is giving me mad game.

  "You might not feel that way once you hear me out."

  "Why is that?"

  "I came in here with less than honorable intentions." He admits. Shit, I don't have my rape whistle. I pull my hand from his, and take a step back.

  "Wow that came out terrible. I am so sorry. Uh, how about we find a table and talk, out in public, where I hopefully don't come across as a creepy douche bag?" He looks genuinely embarrassed, so I decide to give him the benefit out of the doubt. Not to mention, he's so attractive I'm not ready to see his gorgeous face leave yet.

  "Fine, but you're buying me a drink." I say.

  "Deal." He holds out his arm out for me, and I graciously accept it.

  As we settle into a table on the busy floor, I look around for Warren or Magnus, but I don't see them anywhere.

  "What would you like to drink?" The handsome copper-haired stranger asks me. I wouldn't mind him being my Nutcracker tonight. Or wait, would I be his Nutcracker? I raise an eyebrow at my own inner thoughts. I'm summoned back to reality at the sound of said Nutcracker clearing his throat.

  "Oh, sorry. Whisky sour." I answer, hoping my mask of makeup hides the blush of embarrassment I can feel on my cheeks. He signals Erika, one of the new cocktail waitresses, and she comes over for our drink order. Her flirt game is strong, and I'm hit with a bizarre wave of jealousy. Of a total stranger. I know all she want's is a good tip, I was literally in her shoes two nights ago, but I can't help it.

  "Thank you, Erika!" I say a little too loudly as soon as my sexy table mate orders for us. She gives me a confused look, then scurries off. He smiles at me, knowingly. Why do I have to be so transparent?

  "So, let's cut to the chase." He says, voice as smooth as caramel, dripping with sweet sex appeal.

  "Let's hear your proposition." I say mockingly. He leans closer to me, resting his warm palm on my upper thigh, stroking me lightly with his thumb. Wait, I was joking about the whole proposition thing...

  Leaning in closer, he brushes his soft lips just below my earlobe and whispers. "I would like to make you an offer for a night of your services." Oh shit. This is way out of my league!

  I swallow before replying. "Um, I'm afraid maybe you have the wrong idea." It comes out barely more than a whisper. His hand slides further up my leg, stopping just under the hem of my skirt. Instead of pulling away, I close my eyes and enjoy the pleasurable sensation.

  "I promise, I'll make it worth your while." He backs this up by licking my neck, and giving me a nibble right at the base. A lustful moan escapes my lips.

  "As enticing as you are, I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline." I manage to reply. Finally, some sense is returning to me. Though my ignored feminine parts are desperately crying out for me to accept.

  "That's too bad. What if I leave with you with my card, and you can reconsider? Just text me, and I'll send you my address" He isn't really asking, as he slides a business card in front of me. There is no name on it, just a large, bold, black X with a phone number typed underneath. Before I can say anything, he's standing and leans over to kiss me. I let him, not even caring if he smears my plum lipstick. My body is hungry for him, and I willingly open my mouth and let him roughly explore. He tastes like smooth bourbon and I want him desperately to kiss my other lips. He pulls away too soon, leaving me breathless, then tosses a few large bills on the table and walks away. Erika comes walking up shortly after, dropping off our two drinks.

  "Holy shit that man is sex on legs!" She exclaims, as we both admire his assets as he walks away. I don't respond, just down both drinks, and then pick up his card. When I do, I notice something written on the back.

  One night. $50,000. Text me.

  Holy fucking shit balls of fire! I nearly faint and grab the table to steady myself, dropping the card. Erika picks it up, and I snatch it before she can read the back. The last thing I need is Vince to hear about this. He wouldn't be opposed if it was anyone else, but something tells me it wouldn't go over well for me. Ever since my dad died, he’s taking over the role of protecting my innocence. Which is ironic, considering he was so adamant to get me in the show.

  Erika gives me a strange look, then leaves after roughly snatching up the money from the table. I can't stop thinking about the offer and how much medical debt that will pay off. I fight the urge to run after him and fuck him in the parking garage. For this much, he can do whatever the hell he damn well pleases to me. Maybe, that's the whisky talking, but I think I've just made up my mind. I promise myself I'll wait to send the text until I've thought about it some more. Once that's settled, I gather myself and see if I can track down Lucy. I might to borrow a dress and some shoes.


  The Uber driver pulls up to the house, or mansion I should say. Okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but it’s pretty fucking huge! The driver whistles.

  "Nice place. Why on earth would you take an Uber here? They too cheap to send you a limo?" The driver asks. Shut up, you middle aged fat jerk. What is wrong with me?

  I ignore the driver, and pay for the ride, sitting for a moment before getting out, I collect mysel
f. Fortunately, the driver is patient. One last, deep, cleansing breath, and I step out of the car, slamming the door behind me. The car immediately pulls off, and I turn to face my choice that will change my life forever. A small part of me feels like I'm turning my back on my morals, but an even bigger part of me is...excited. This stranger that I met last night was so sexy, charming, and gorgeous. He might be bad news, but what's one night of passion and fun? Sure, I'm accepting money for my companionship, but at least I'm going to enjoy myself. Right?

  Slowly, I walk down the long, paved pathway that leads to the front door, taking my time. The house sits on a large lot, which is nearly unheard of here. The landscape is unique too. Most houses have desert landscaping to save on water. Not this place! There is a large grass lawn complete with several tall palm trees, rose bushes, and other lush foliage. It would be lovely to sit out on the large patio with some coffee and watch the sunrise. This expensive residence is situated up in the hills away from the city. The houses are far enough apart for actual privacy, a true luxury here.

  A shiver runs down my spine sending chills to my bones. I'm not sure if it's some kind of instinctual warning or from the chill in the air. Not willing to turn back now, I blame it on the weather and my choice of clothing, or lack thereof. I've worn a very short fitted dress that Lucy let me borrow for my “date”. The elegant dress starts off in a deep purple at the halter that ties at the nape of my neck and fades into a deep, midnight blue at the hem that ends just below the curve of my ass. I finished off the look with my favorite pair of six-inch, gold, strappy heels, matching gold purse, and bolero jacket.

  Finally, I muster up enough courage to walk the last few feet to the front door, taking one last deep breath. It's not too late to turn back, but I need to do this. Actually, I'd be lying if I denied that a small part of me desperately wants to do this. The stranger with copper hair, gorgeous, green eyes, and killer smile was both sexy and charming. I reach out and push the doorbell, listening to the echo of the bell ring throughout the house. A strange buzzing noise above my head catches my attention, and I glance up. Oh great, a security camera. I raise my hand in a sheepish wave, not really sure what to do.

  The door unlocks and swings open, the propositioning stranger standing in front of me, in nothing but black track pants. He's covered in a glistening layer of sweat with a towel hanging from his neck. Damn. Any hesitance I had about this has been officially overrun by my arousal. I smile, as he looks at me from head to toe, appraising me as I just did him. Then, his look of hunger is replaced by confusion. It was tonight that I was supposed to be here, right? I start to panic and flush with embarrassment.

  "Um...Did I mess up? Was I not supposed to be here tonight?" I fumble over words and wrap my arms around myself. As much to try and awkwardly hide my embarrassment, as to hide from the chill of the air.

  "Oh, shit. It's cold out, come inside." He says, stepping aside and opening the door, allowing me into the grand entryway. How loaded are these guys? He shuts the door behind me, and places his hand on my lower back, guiding me into the large living room to the right. The first floor is open, and I can see the open kitchen and dining room from here. It looks like it opens up even more after that, but I can't see that far. "Here, have a seat. I’m Will, by the way." He gestures to one of the oversized plush couches and smiles. As soon as his disarming smile appears, I relax a little. This one is definitely a charmer, reminding me of Warren, but better at it, losing that cocky attitude. I sit down on the very edge of the couch, still a bit confused.

  “I’m, Cadence.” I say, not bothering to offer him my hand.

  "I'm so glad you decided to come over. Uh, I didn't think you were going to show, you never texted me back after I sent you the address." He explains. Shit.

  "Shit. I shut my phone off when I’m not using it to save minutes. I didn't even think to text you back." I groan and hide behind my hands. This is beyond embarrassing! He clearly wasn't expecting me to show up tonight.

  "If you don't mind, I would like to rinse off really quick and change. Um, we have a bit to discuss." He says. I lower my hands. Discuss what? He made an offer, I accepted.

  "Maybe I should just leave. This was obviously a terrible idea." I awkwardly say as I stand up.

  "Please, don't go. I'll be right back. Here, why don't you wait in the kitchen? I'll get you something to drink." He offers. I just nod my head, and he softly takes my hand as if he's afraid he'll frighten me off. I'm already here; the Uber left. I'm kind of stuck. As we're walking into the kitchen, two other figures are walking in from the dining room. I freeze. Shit. Shit. SHIT!

  "Cadence?" Warren and Mag both ask at the same time. I really liked these guys, now they are going to know why I'm here, and then...what? I should have never come here. I turn to leave, but Will reaches out and gently takes my hand, pulling me back.

  "Hey, nothing to be ashamed of." He says in a low hushed voice, rubbing the back of my hand, sending shivers up my arm and down my spine. I look up into his eyes, and he looks genuine.

  "Just sit tight for a few minutes. I'll be right back, okay?" He asks. I just nod and turn back to face my two new friends and my conscience. Will leaves, and I immediately feel his absence.

  "Cadence, what are you doing here?" Magnus asks. I can't look at him, but for some reason I'm able to look at Warren standing next to him at the bar. Oh god, he knows! The look on his face. I expect judgement or disgust, but he looks so angry. He opens his mouth to say something but shakes his head. Then, he slams his fist into the stainless steel of the island so hard, he dents it. The loud bang makes me jump back a step. Magnus turns to his friend.

  "What the fuck is your problem, War?" He asks. Realization must hit him when he sees the look on Warren's face, and he slowly turns to me. Instead of mirroring Warren's anger, his face shows sympathy. For some reason that feels worse than Warren's anger. I turn and run for the door, only to run smack into someone else, causing me to fall back onto the floor, right on my ass! Pain ricochets up my tailbone and spine, and I cry out.

  "Oh, god! I am so sorry, are you okay?" A calming voice asks. I can't bring myself to look up, so I just bring my knees up to my chest and bury my head in my hands. I refuse to let myself cry. Do not cry, Cadence!

  "Jesus, Forrest!" Warren calls out. He's the first by my side, wrapping his arm around me. I shove him off. He's angry at me, and I'll be damned if I allow him to help me up. I'm too proud for that. I try to get up, but my heel slips on the floor, and I fall back. This time my tailbone is spared a second impact as I'm caught from behind by strong arms. The sharp scent of pine fills my nostrils. Mag. He pulls me to my feet and turns me so I face his chest, enveloping me in a tight hug. I melt into his massive frame.

  "I'm sorry! I heard some kind of commotion. I came running; what is going on?" The smooth, relaxing voice asks.

  "My brother is a complete idiot! That's what's going on." Warren shouts, and I jump in Mag's arms, burying my face further into his chest. Wait, did he say brother? Mag scoops me up in his arms, and I let out a frightened squeal, wrapping my arm around his neck. I still can't bring myself to look at everyone, and I bury my head into Magnus's neck. He groans and swiftly carries me off. I brave a peek and see that he's taken me to the large living room. He sits down on the couch, refusing to put me down, and I'm grateful when I'm startled by another new voice.

  "What the fuck are all of you up to? We have work to be done, and you're all running about playing? Is that a fucking girl, Magnus?" This voice is even deeper then Mag's, darker, and far more dangerous. It's coming from behind us, and I'm afraid to look. I just shrink farther into Magnus's arms.

  "It's not what it looks like -" Warren is cut off by the scary voice.

  "I don't give a shit what's really going on. Send the whore home; we don't have time for this. There has been a breakthrough, and we need to move on it, now!" I wince at the word whore. This was such a shit idea. Simon warned me not to come here.

  "Killian, this is our

  "I don't give a flying fuck WHO IT IS! Will and Forrest, deal with her! Warren, Magnus, come with me." He shouts and storms out, heavy feet loudly storming out of the room. Mag stands up, still holding me. I finally brave a look at him and see only kind blue eyes staring at me.

  "I'm sorry. Killian is a bit high strung. Please don't go, stay here, and we'll explain." He says. I just nod, and he gently kisses my forehead.

  "Ahem." Warren clears his throat, and Magnus sighs, setting me onto the couch. When did I turn into such a damsel in distress cliché? I sit up straight and try to regain a small amount of pride. I look up at Warren to face him, and his anger. He surprises me by mirroring Mag's concern.

  "I wasn't angry at you, Caddie. I was angry at my brother, Will, for bringing you into this. He fucked up and brought in the wrong girl. I'm sorry." He turns swiftly walks through the kitchen and dining room, then around the corner where I can't see him anymore. What the hell does he mean, wrong girl? How often do they have someone over for this?

  "Forrest, please stay with Cadence." Mag says, and the soft voiced man walks into the living room, where I get the first real glimpse of him. Can a man be adorable and still so breathtaking? He's the shortest of the men yet still tall, standing roughly five-eleven. Forrest nods and sits down on the couch against the wall. Mag looks as if he wants to say something to me but just smiles and leaves. I turn to Forrest and smile. His face flushes, and he turns away. He has light brown hair and amber eyes, and a body that looks like he just sauntered in off the beach. He's wearing fuzzy, blue, pajama pants with polar bears on them, and a dark blue, cotton t-shirt stretches over his muscular, swimmer’s frame. He stares at a spot on the floor, completely ignoring me. I frown and pretend my finger nails are very interesting. Where is Will?


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