Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection

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Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection Page 59

by Amanda Rose

  "I'm -" Forrest startles me by speaking, and I look up at him, smiling as sweetly as possible. "I'm terrible at people, I'm sorry." He says. Surprisingly, I'm actually able to laugh. This seems to help us both relax a little. As desperately as I want to leave, I'm curious as to what is going on here. I decide to try my hand at questioning Forrest, since Will hasn't returned yet. How long does it take him to shower, anyway?

  "So, uh, Forrest, was it?" I ask.

  "Yeah, Forrest. Please don't make any Forrest Gump jokes." He answers, smiling. He has the sweetest smile I've ever seen.

  "I wouldn’t dream of it. I'm Cadence, by the way." I say with a small wave. He just nods. "So, what do you guys all do exactly? All five of you live here?" I ask.

  "Yes, we all live here, off and on. We're uh...investors, from California. Killian took an interest in the club you work at, and we're all here temporarily to check it out, possibly offer to buy it." He won't look at me as he speaks. He can't lie either, perfect. I like Forrest an awful lot right now.

  "Interesting. What company do you work for, exactly?" I ask.

  "Oh, uh, Killian's company." Interesting, he won't answer specifics.

  "What's the name of Killian's company, then?"

  "Ward Investments." I jump at the sound of Will's voice coming from behind me. Damn, I was hoping for more time with Forrest. Will walks into the large room and stands in front of the entertainment center. "Magnus filled me in what happened while I was in the shower. I shouldn't have left you alone, I'm terribly sorry." I just shrug.

  "It is what it is. Um, can I go home now?" I ask.

  "Of course, but I was wondering if, maybe you’d like to stay, watch a movie, relax a little?” He says and smiles. Damn that charming smile of his.

  "What do you mean, exactly? Obviously whatever deal we had didn't work out, so I'd like to just leave if that's okay." I spit out. I'm exhausted, and all I want to do is go home and sleep. Christmas Eve is quickly approaching, and I still have to attempt to scrounge up some gifts for my mom and Lyric. I apparently, already wasted money I don't have on a ride out here. Maybe one of them will give me a ride home? Will let's out a heavy sigh and pouts. His gorgeous, green eyes soften as his brows furrow. Damn he's good.

  "I'm really sorry, this all turned out this way. I can’t go into full details. What I can tell you is that, part of why we’re here, is locating a friend of ours. She used to work at Sin City Gentlemen’s Club a few months back, and we had information that someone there might have been close to her. I was supposed to bring them back here, and hopefully find out some information away from the club and anyone who might be listening in. Apparently, I got my information wrong.” He explains. I want to know more, but before I can ask, he continues. “I was so distracted by your beauty and elegance, I messed up. I'll make it up to you?" He adds the last sentence with his amazing smile, the one that got me to agree to this whole thing in the first place. I groan, and fall back onto the couch, staring up at the ceiling.

  "Fine, but you owe me." I say, giving in. Something about the mystery of these men is drawing me in, and I need to know more.

  "Deal. Forrest, why don't you put something on?" Will says, then sits down next to me on the couch. I sit up and look at him. His hair looks redder in this lighting. He looks almost identical to Warren. How did I not notice that before?

  "Are you twins?" I ask. Will looks at me.

  "Irish twins, maybe. We're a little over a year a part." He says. "People say we look alike, but I don't see it." I just stare at him. Is he crazy?

  "I'm just messing with you! I'm the hotter one though." He says and winks. I just laugh.

  "You're the more charming one." I say, and he smiles at me.

  "Most people think he is."

  "No, definitely you. He's charming, but cocky. You're genuine." I say, and he looks away from me. Uh-oh.

  "What did you put in?" He asks Forrest.

  "A Charlie Brown Christmas." Forrest answers, then sits on the other side of Will.

  "God, again?" Will groans.

  "I love this movie! Reminds me of my dad." I sigh. Why am I even sharing this?

  "Well, in that case, it's my new favorite!" Will says, and I roll my eyes. He's good; I'll give him that. I was ready to flee a few moments ago; now, I'm relaxed and ready to spend some time here.

  Will reaches down and grabs my legs pulling them into his lap, throwing me off balance. I manage to lean back on the arm rest. My dress is way too short for this, and try to pull it down, but he just looks at me and winks. My legs are across his lap, and my feet are in Forrest’s lap. I peek around Will to see if Forrest minds, but he's just watching the cartoon, so I just roll with it.

  Will starts to massage my calf muscles. Oh, I can get use to this! I let out a moan, and Will shifts in his seat. I open my eyes in time to see him elbow Forrest. Forrest looks confused for a second, then looks down at my legs and smiles. Apparently, he catches on to whatever Will is hinting at, because next thing I know, he's sliding off my heels. It feels good to get those torture devices off. They may be sexy, but they hurt like hell. Then Forrest starts to massage my feet. With his magic hands. Both of them rubbing my legs feel amazing. I try to fight the arousal by thinking about Simon’s warnings, and what Will told me, but I can’t. These men are too distracting, and I haven’t had sex in what feels like an eternity. My body has decided what it wants.

  Now, it's my turn to shift uncomfortably on the couch. Will knows exactly what's going on and starts to massage farther up my legs. Fuck. I should really stop him, but I've never been in a situation like this before with two men, and it's been so long, and maybe, I could really use this? The two of them continue massaging my feet and legs together, completely in sync with each other. Have they done this before? Neither one of them seems to be remotely put off by the other.

  My eyes move from their hands on my thighs, to their faces. Will is watching Forrest, and Forrest has his eyes closed. He's enjoying this too. The corner of my mouth goes up in a smirk. I've got a devilish idea. I'm all in; now, I have to see just how far I can take this. I might as well, have a little fun? Slowly, I bend one of my legs, causing Will's hand to slide a bit further up my leg. Then with my foot, I start to search Forrest's lap for that special bulge. There. My foot finds him, and I hear him groan. Will looks over to me, and I smile. He smirks back, knowing exactly what I'm up to. Then he reaches over and places his hand over Forrest’s, then drags it slowly over my leg: from my foot, over my calf, then my knee, creating sparks of arousal and electricity everywhere their hands touch. I let out a gasp when their hands slide under my dress. In order to reach, Forrest is now leaning over Will slightly, but he's not looking at me. he's looking at Will, their faces so close to each other. Wait, are they going to kiss? Their gazes look awfully heated. I can feel my heart speed up in anticipation. Wetness pools in my panties as they stare at each other, and both simultaneously rub my inner thighs. Then one of them, I think it's Forrest, his touches are softer, slides a finger under my panties.

  "Fuck." I whimper, and throw my head back. I can't take much more of this tension and teasing. I desperately want to be touched. I also want to do some touching. I'm in a bit of an awkward position, and can't quite reach either one of them. So instead, I touch myself. I pull down the top of my dress, and slide it under my breasts. Then, I reach in and start playing with one of my nipples, pinching and pulling on the metal rod.

  "Fucking Christ." I hear Will mutter. I open my eyes, and he's staring at me with such a heated gaze. I glance over at Forrest, and he is too. He's also stopped rubbing my foot with his other hand, and is rubbing his cock instead. Will's hand goes from my inner thigh to sliding my panties aside. Forrest starts rubbing my clit, and I nearly cum right there. I moan, and close my eyes. The sensations are overwhelming. Then, I feel a finger slide slowly inside of me. Will's, because Forrest is still circling my clit with his finger. Slowly, he slides in and out, expertly moving in sync with Forrest. This is definitel
y not the first time they've done this. I continue rubbing my breasts, and let the sensations build. Will slides in a second finger, and I tighten around him, climaxing, and crying out. I catch my breath and open my eyes to see two, very hungry men staring at me. Forrest has stopped massaging my clit, and Will slides his fingers out of my now soaked pussy. Then, he brings his fingers to Forrest’s lips. He's not going to…is he? Then it happens. Their gazes lock on each other, and Forrest opens his mouth as Will slides his fingers in, and Forrest sucks his fingers clean.

  "Please fucking kiss." I blurt out, then gasp, throwing my hands over my mouth. They both look at me; Will with a smirk on his face.

  "You really don't have to ask, sweetheart." He says with a wink. Then, he turns to Forrest, and they kiss, right there. Forrest's hand is still on my core, and he begins to stroke me again, while I watch their lips meet. Forrest opens his mouth, and Will slides his tongue in. It's hard to see and I lean to the side trying to get a better look. This is the hottest thing I have ever witnessed or been a part of, and I don't want to miss any of it. Except I lean too far, and fall off the couch with a very loud thud.

  "Oh shit!" Will shouts, and jumps up with Forrest.

  "Damn, things were just getting good." A deep voice says from the kitchen. Suddenly, I remember just how open the damn house is. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I know that voice, and why couldn't it have been anyone else?

  "Kill, we were just -" Will starts to say but he's cut off.

  "Oh, I see what you were just about to do. Tell me, does she taste as good as she looks?" He asks. I still can't bring myself to look. I just roll on my side and cover my face with my hands.

  "Christ, Kill, really?" Will says. I feel a hand on my shoulder, trying to help me up.

  "Please just leave me here to die of total embarrassment!" I groan.

  "Take her to your room; I don't need to see this right now." Kill demands, then I hear his footsteps retreat.

  "Come on, sweets. Let's get you in bed. I'm sorry, about him.”

  “In bed? Maybe you should just take me home.” I whine.

  “Well, I see two problems with that. First, we’re all tired. Second, we were just getting started.” He whispers the last part in my ear; his lips brush against the sensitive spot just under my ear. How can I say no to that?

  “So, who's bed?” I ask, and Will chuckles as he helps me up.

  "Forrest, meet us in my room.” Will says, then walks toward the staircase on the left near the entrance to the house. Had I completely missed it, when I arrived? I follow him up the staircase to the second floor. Halfway up I realize my purse is downstairs, but I don't even care. My phone is probably dead by now anyway.

  "I'm so sorry about this whole thing.” Will says, stopping in front of the first door we reach. I don’t say anything, feeling a bit awkward.

  “Can we just get to your room please?" I plead, before he kills the mood completely. He squeezes me one more time, before he opens the door. It's quite simple. A king size bed sits in the middle of the room with red sheets, pillows, and comforter. There is a night stand on either side and a lamp in the corner. A dresser sits on the wall next to the door. Placing a hand on the small of my back, he gently guides me to the bed and sit.

  "Why don't you lie down and get comfortable. I'll be right back." He says, then leaves. I take a deep breath, then sit up and take my bra off so I'm just in the dress. Fuck it; I take my panties off too and throw them on the floor with my bra. They are wet and gross, and I really don't want to spend all night in them. Then, I situate myself under the covers. Now that I’m alone, I can’t help but wonder about the few facts he gave me earlier. Who were they trying to bring in? Who was their friend? Did they really disappear, or were they running from the guys? Should I have listened to Simon and stayed away?

  Fortunately, Will comes back soon with a bottle of water, setting on the stand next to me.

  "Thanks." I say. He just nods, then crosses his arms. The questions are still eating at me.

  "So, this was all a setup then?” I ask; my heart beats so hard. I can feel it in my ears. I'm suddenly feeling very hot.

  "Yes, and no. We aren't trying to run a sting or anything. More like try to track down our friend. We've hit a lot of roadblocks, but some leads led us to your Uncle and his club. You’re Uncle and our, uh, group here go way back. He said we were welcome to come poke around.”

  "Fuck. The one time, THE ONE TIME, I decide to do something stupid...I never do anything like that, or like this...or -"

  "Hey, I know. Okay? I think I knew when I approached you, but I really wanted to talk to you. I was surprised, you accepted. Honestly. What happened earlier, between the three of us, was genuine. I hope you know that." He says. I take a deep breath. His words have helped calm me down a bit. He walks over to me and nods for me to scoot over. I do, and he slides in next to me. I let him, taking comfort in his warm body, pressing my back to his chest, as he wraps an arm around me.

  "Now, what just happened on the couch downstairs, I can tell you all about that dynamic." He whispers into my neck. The thought starts heating me up again. "The five of us have been a constant part of each other's lives for the last few years or so. With the exception of Killian, who keeps to himself, we've sometimes...shared partners." I freeze. I should be horrified, right? Instead I'm completely turned on. He continues, "I can't say why yet, but suffice it to say it just works out better that way. Forrest and I are the only ones that are occasionally involved...with each other." I think back to their kiss. I want to see that again so badly. As if that thought summons him, there is a small knock on the door, and Forrest enters. We both turn and look at him, and he slowly shuts the door behind him.

  "Can I come in?" Forrest asks. Will looks to me, and I nod yes. Forrest flashes his boyish smile at me, then comes over to the other side of the bed, stripping to his boxers. Heat pools in my center all over again. What am I getting myself into here? Then Forrest climbs in bed facing me. He's back to being shy, and just glances away. After all that downstairs, and he's shy again.

  "So?" Will asks.

  "So, what?"

  "What do you think about all of that?"

  "What I think is, you're wearing too many clothes." I swear both men groan. Forrest reaches up and roughly pushes my head forward, crashing my lips to his soft, sensual lips. Will moves behind me, removing his clothes.

  "Have you been with two guys before?" He whispers into my neck as he kisses me there.

  "No." I say against Forrest's lips.

  "Then we'll take it easy on you."

  "Don't you dare!" I demand. This turns Forrest into a ravenous, lust-filled beast, and he attacks my lips with a new fervor. He’s a monster behind his shy demeanor. I can feel Will press his hard length into my ass, grinding into me. I push back, needing more contact. Forrest releases my lips just long enough to start pulling my dress up over my head. It's tight, so it takes some extra effort. Will sits behind me and helps us get it off. They cool air hits my nipples, and they grow even harder, sending extra sensations through my body.

  "Fuck me." Forrest whispers, staring at my breasts. I smile, feeling much braver than usual.


  "Yeah?" He says, peeling his eyes away from ample breasts.

  "Suck them." Next thing I know I'm being thrown backwards, both men each attacking a nipple. Forest is firm, and fierce; Will is biting and sucking. The sensations together are unbearable. I moan and grasp the back of each of their heads. Forrest breaks away first, sitting up and staring at me.

  "Can I taste you again?" He asks. I just nod and close my eyes. Will is biting one nipple, while pinching the other. Forrest scoots down, placing his lips to my clit, kissing gently. Then he surprises me with a little nip! I cry out, and Will laughs. I open my eyes, just as Forrest starts licking my pussy, sliding his tongue right inside of my dripping wet slit. I need more. I need...

  "Will!" I demand.

  "What is it, sugar?" He asks.

  "I w
ant to suck your dick!" I shout. He growls, and it is the most feral sound. He quickly removes his tight boxers, and his long stiff cock springs free. I bite my lip, and he slowly starts stroking himself.

  "Stop fucking with me, and fuck my mouth!" I demand. His smirk returns, and he positions himself before me, placing the tip of his cock just before my lips. I open my mouth, but he stops me before I can taste him.

  "Do you want to suck my dick, or do you want me to fuck your mouth? Because there is difference, Sugar, and I don't want to hurt you." He says. There is a difference? I can't stop now. I'm feeling bolder than ever.

  "Fuck. My. Mouth." I whisper.

  "As. You. Wish." He responds, then thrusts into my mouth! I nearly gag, but he's careful and I trust his expert He grabs the back of my head and makes his own rhythm, while I suck and massage his cock with my tongue. His pace picks up, and suddenly, I'm not in control at all! He thrusts deeper, but never chokes me, always pulling back out. It's then, I notice the absence of Forrest between my legs. I pull Will out of my mouth, so I can look for him. He's kneeling on the bed, stroking himself, watching, wanting.

  "Forrest?" I ask.

  "Yes, Cadence?" My name sensually rolls off his tongue.

  "Can you help me?" I ask and smile. His eyes alight with fire, and crawls over to us, leans down and kisses me, my wetness still on his lips. Then he turns and takes Will's cock in his hand stroking it before taking into his own mouth. The sight of this sexy man taking in the full length of his equally sexy, best friend makes me nearly cum. I lean down and kiss Forrest's lips as he pulls off of Will's cock. Then, I take Will into my mouth again. He lets out a long moan, and runs his fingers through my hair and Forrest’s.

  "I won't last long, and I really want to fuck you, Sweets." Will says. I look up at him and nod. How does this even work with two men?

  "We’re going to take it easy on you tonight, since you've never been with two men before." My heart starts racing. This is really happening.


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