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Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection

Page 88

by Amanda Rose

  I finally make it back to the office a few minutes later, my heart fluttering wildly, and plop down into my oversized chair.

  Something is going on between those guys, and for some reason my gut is telling me that it isn't something good. I lean forward and rest my forehead on the cool surface. Yes, something is seriously off with them. I noticed it on day one, but I just kept choosing to turn a blind eye to it.

  Draven's mention of ‘punishment’ keeps rolling through my head and I swallow hard.

  What type of punishment is happening? Do I need to be worried? I have so many unanswered questions whirling around in my head that I feel like I’m going to drive myself crazy if I don’t get some answers.

  Before my mind can catch up with my body I’m already on my feet. I am not going to sit back and drive myself crazy with worry. I’ll just go up and possibly check out what's going on. If there is nothing alarming, I’ll just leave. Simple as that. No matter what, I know one thing is for certain. This ends here tonight. I will find out what the Gunsmith brothers are hiding.


  I slip back into my black flats for the mission at hand. I seem to be a one-track mind kind of girl at the moment. My thoughts keep getting caught around the word punishment, and every time that word pops into my head, so does Draven’s expression when delivering them. A cold shiver slides down my spine. The way his warm honey eyes could flash with such intensity should be a super power, and the power to bring about my conflicted feelings.

  I stop the direction my mind is heading in as I shake out my hands. There is no time for me to get so worked up again; I have serious matters to deal with. I have to make sure the twins are okay.

  I am sure if I were to stop and think about exactly what it is I am doing I would see the idiotic notion of it, but for some reason I feel truly concerned for their safety. I mean, I don’t think Draven is abusive necessarily, but the uncertainty of what is actually going on leaves an unsettled feeling in the pit of my stomach.

  “Come on, come on.” I tap my foot impatiently as I watch each level light up as the elevator slowly rises. Have our elevators always been this slow? Maybe I need to call maintenance for a check-up on the system.

  After what seems like an eternity, I finally arrive at the penthouse floor. I cringe a bit when the elevator chimes as the doors open; I hope the guys didn’t hear that. I roll my eyes at my own anxiety-ridden reactions; I would undoubtedly make the worst spy ever with the way I was acting all paranoid and shit. So, I guess it’s settled—future CEO would be much better. I stop my slow creep down the hall when I realize that was the first time I casually accepted my future as CEO. Maybe I would actually be okay.

  “What did I tell you?” Draven’s voice stops me in my tracks. Wow, the guy was really yelling if I could hear it one door away. I just might be validated for coming up here after all, especially if Draven is like his brothers and gets physical in the heat of the moment.

  I creep closer to their room; my eyes glued onto the wreath outside their door that suddenly feels inappropriately cheerful in this moment. Maybe if I get a bit closer, I’ll be able to hear the full conversation. You know—just to make sure.

  When I stop in front of their door, all I can hear is the movement of what sounds like very heavy objects. I can’t hear any grunts of pain or suffering, so I figure the room’s furniture is getting a makeover. I find myself hoping he didn’t do too much damage; it would take a fair amount of time to replace everything, and the holidays are our busiest time of year.

  “Now, I want you to endure this, and I do not want any of you to feel the pleasure of the release. If you want some boundaries pushed, then I will be the one to push them. How dare you let your dicks do the thinking and try to pull someone into our fucked-up world.”

  There was some heavy grunting and some more shuffling; I still here no obvious sounds of torment, so I figure I have nothing to worry about. Draven’s voice seems to travel further from the door and I can only make out a few words like ‘shirt’ and ‘knees’. Shit. What the hell is going on?

  I decide to prop my ear against the door in hopes of hearing things clearer. I wish I had a glass or something to amplify their voices, you see on those old-school spy movies. Carefully, I tiptoe my way around on the carpeted hallway, thankful for the first time since moving in that it’s there. I finally find a comfortable position and tune back into what’s going on. Once I figure this out, I can finally let go of the Gunsmith’s and get back to focusing on the job at hand and not their endless mysteries.

  “Now, remember, no release. That is your punishment.” Draven warns in his stubborn tone and I hear what I assume to be the twins answer softly “Yes sir”. Gah, there’s that ‘sir’ bullshit again. Who the fuck does Draven think he is?

  It suddenly becomes disturbingly quiet and I wonder if everything is over. The tension I didn’t realize I was carrying in my shoulders dissipates and I stand to head back to my office. There’s nothing to worry about expect Draven’s hot head, and frankly I am perfectly okay with leaving it up to the brothers to deal with that charming quality.

  I start to walk back down the hall when I hear what seems like a cracking sound. It’s so loud it seems like a muffled gun has gone off. I freeze on the spot and my blood turns to ice in my veins. A quick grunt of pain sounds from behind the door and for the first time since starting this crazy spy mission, I hope that I’m just hearing things. I stay silent, listening as hard as I can.

  I hear Draven bark, “How is this for crossing boundaries and disobeying me?” His sudden outburst is followed with the sound of another crack and second grunt of pain. Somehow my subconscious shoves my mind into a safe compartment and my instincts kick in. I need to get in there; I don’t care if it is fully grown ass men tangled in the situation, abuse in any form is not right.

  I dig my hand into my pocket for my master key card and grip it tight when my hand finds the hard plastic. I hesitate for a moment because it was quiet once more; I really don’t want to have to go in but—

  “So we have addressed the boundaries, but what about putting Miss Coleman in an uncomfortable situation?” Draven sounds like he’s taunting the brothers, almost like a cat playing with a mouse. I always knew he was a predator, right from the moment I met him.


  This time the sounds are louder; almost like more effort was put into whatever was happening. That’s it. Fuck this shit, I’m stopping this. I slide my key card in the door lock and shove the door open to find…an empty room.

  I creep in quietly and hear what sounds like heavy panting coming from my right. Oh fuck how bad are they hurt? Why the fuck didn’t any of the other brothers try and stop him?

  “Do you think this is a game? I tell you to control yourself, and what do you do? You disobey me. I don’t like it when you disobey.” I hear the sadistic man bark out and for the first time I think he might truly get off on this. Well, gee, I would really hate to burst his bubble—not.

  “HEY!” I yell as I turn the corner, and it takes a minute for my eyes and brain to process what I have walked in on. What the actual fuck?

  Damien is leaning on the back wall, and I notice that his pants are unzipped and the prominent head of his dick is sticking out. It’s hard and erect, and his hand is frozen hovering close to it. Almost like he was about grab his dick. He looks at me eyes frozen in what looks like horror.

  I wish I could say Damien was the worst of what I was seeing, but I would be lying, because what I see in the rest of the room sends me into my own fit of horror.

  Involuntarily, my eyes scan the rest of the room, and I finally see what the twins and Draven are doing. The twins are sitting on the floor, shirtless, with their hands handcuffed behind to each of the bedposts of the guest bed.

  Both men are covered in sweat and panting like they have run a 5k marathon. I look in their eyes expecting to see looks of pain; but I am taken aback when I see desire and lust in their gazes. Unable to stop m
yself I look to their crotch, and sure enough each man is sporting a raging hard on as well. I feel wetness pool between my legs and clinch my thighs a bit tighter; why in the fuck is the sight of this turning me on?

  I tear my gaze away from the tied up man and finally look towards Draven. He is standing over the twins. His hair is disheveled like he has been running his hand through it in frustration and his tie is hanging haphazardly around his neck. The look on his face was one of pure defiance and I could see a bit of hesitation. I am a bit confused myself then I look down to what he’s holding in his hand.

  “Is that a riding crop?!” I bellow my inner thoughts aloud, but fuck it. Welcome back, word vomit.

  “Miss Coleman, if you would let me explain” Draven holds his hands up and I am startled again by the fact that he is holding a riding crop.

  Draven was hitting the twins with a riding crop. Why would he? I don’t…oh. Ohhh. Oh my god. Now I am so embarrassed. I drop my gaze and even add a preventative measure and hold my hand up to shield my gaze, hopefully giving them a bit more privacy; just like they asked me downstairs.

  Whoa, okay, wow. The brothers like to…I can’t even finish that thought. As odd as it may seem, who the hell am I to judge. Everyone has their own kink. Hell, I frequently masturbated while reading my smutty books. I keep walking backwards, trying to remove myself from this horrifically awkward situation and maybe keep a tiny shred of my dignity intact in the process.

  “I am so sorry to assume” I hit my right shoulder against the bedroom door frame and then spin around knowing I am in the front room. “Please, just, uh…just forget this misunderstanding.” I refuse to look back over my shoulder and allow them the opportunity to see my beet-red face.

  “Miss Coleman, if you would stop so we can explain,” Draven is talking to me like he’s trying to calm down a feral beast.

  “No, no! There’s nothing to explain, really. This is all on me. I am so sorry, again!” I practically shout as I fly through the door and slam it shut behind me. I didn’t slow down through the hall, or even take the elevator. My mind is in a fight or flight mode, and I need to get out of there and that humiliating situation ASAP. I race down the stairs as if I’m flying.

  By the time I reach my office in the lobby, I have come to the realization of a few very key things.

  One, the Gunsmith brothers definitely have a big secret, one of the naughty variety.

  And two, that said secret had me more turned on that I had ever been in my life.

  I was royally fucked.


  A few days have passed and it’s now Christmas Eve. Thankfully our hotel had filled up with incoming tourists all wanting to spend the holiday in New York’s country side. I have been so busy the past few days that I haven’t had a single sighting of the brothers. Which, in my mind, is a win-win scenario. I don’t know how I am going to be able to face them after seeing their, um, brotherly affections in person.

  Like I have said, I am not judging what they do behind closed doors. I am judging myself, because I have been getting off on the memory of what I had witnessed. Hell, at the rate I’m going with my vibrator, I’m seriously going to need to invest in some super-powered batteries.

  “Kensley?” Roxanne waves her hand in front of my face trying to get my attention. Shit. Caught daydreaming about those assholes again. Fuck, they’re really starting to suck the joy out of my Christmas cheer. I blink rapidly, clearing my dry eyes and focusing in on her concerned face.

  “I am sorry, Roxanne, what were you saying?” I smile warmly at her. Her concern doesn’t leave her face.

  “Honey, are you okay?” she starts to flit around me like a mother hen. She even goes as far as putting the back of her hand against my forehead, like she’s checking for a fever. I shoo her hand away with a quick flutter of my own and back up a few steps.

  “Yes, yes, I’m fine. Now what is it you needed?” I try to distract her from my crummy attitude.

  “Are you sure? You look like someone ran over your puppy, Hun.” She places her hand on my forearm and angles her head so she can look me in the eye.

  Shit, she caught me. The damn woman knows I can’t refuse her when she gives me those eyes. I take a deep breath, trying to buy a few more seconds time to compose my thoughts before I tell her my discovery. Because once I do, I know I will also wind up fessing up to the traitorous thoughts that have been plaguing my perverted mind ever since then.

  “Okay,” I drop her gaze and calmly place my hand on hers, “So…the other night when the rodent was running amuck through the lobby, I might have seen a few things I wasn’t meant to.” I begin hesitantly, never making eye contact with her.

  “Did Mrs. Shannon come down the elevator in only her bra again? I thought her son was in town with her this time to keep an eye on her. That crazy old bat-“ I raise a hand, efficiently cutting her off.

  “No, nothing like that. This was a bit more…startling.” When she remained quiet I took a deep breath, ready to spill the brothers—and my—dirty secret out in the open.

  I don’t know why I’ve waited this long to talk to her about it in the first place; I’ve been suffering so bad with these taboo thoughts running around in circles in my mind. I know Roxanne would never judge me.

  “Okay, well…”

  “Excuse me, Kensley?” My back snaps up ramrod straight. That voice, it couldn’t be… I slowly turn and sure enough, it is. My gentle protector, Damien, is leaning over the counter and smiling a warm friendly smile directly at me.

  “Uh, hello, Damien. What can I do for you?” I ask nervously.

  How long has he been standing there? Has he been listening to me talk to Roxanne? Shit, shit, shit.

  “Can I talk to you a moment, in private?” He keeps smiling his charming smile at me and I really have no grounds to refuse him, no matter how much I want to, and believe me, I really want to.

  “Sure,” I turn my back to him and look to Roxanne. “Will you be okay up here alone?”

  She is grinning mischievously at me when she answers, “As long as Mrs. Shannon stays in her room I think I can manage.” I giggle at her absurdity and she winks in return. Now I really have nothing to keep me from going.

  “After you,” I tell him and follow his retreating form. As he walks away, I catch myself gazing down at his firm ass. Just the sight of it moving in tailor grey slacks has me like a bitch in heat all over again.

  Fuck my libido. Seriously, fuck that bitch. She is one twisted psycho.

  When we reach the elevator I start to get kind of nervous. Where the hell does he intend to talk at? Maybe he was just sent to make sure I don’t expose their little secret. No problem there, especially since I have an equally dirty little secret myself.

  I decide to remain quiet while we ride up to my apartment floor. Huh, I wonder how he knew I stayed here. Usually stuff like that isn’t common knowledge to guests. Ah, that’s right; he’s not one of our normal guests. He’s a Gunsmith.

  I’m sure he could have found out easily by batting his baby blues to one of the hotel staff, male or female, along with every other secret we have in this hotel. It would all be at his fingertips in the space of time it takes for him to just gaze in their direction. No wonder Daddy makes everyone sign NDAs, it all makes sense now.

  I follow him quietly all the way up to my door where he steps aside and waits for me to open it. I could put up a fight, but again my curiosity is piqued, and I am honestly interested in hearing what he has to say.

  I unlock my apartment, open the door, and step aside to allow him entry. Just like the well-bred gentleman I thought he would be, he promptly toes off his shoes and leaves them next to my haphazard pile by the door. Shit, I didn’t even think to look and see if my room was messy.

  While his back is turned from my living room as he is toeing off his other shoe, I do a quick sweep with my eyes. Double shit! I slowly start to move away, not wanting to draw his attention and then quickly rush over to my coffee tab

  I get to it just in time and pick up my purple vibrator as well as my current sexy read and shove them under the sofa cushions. He turns towards me as I am dropping the cushion, so I plop right down, trying to act as if everything is normal. “Please, have a seat.” I extend my hand around the room. He lifts one blonde brow at me and walks towards me, daring to take a seat right next me.

  Gah, I hope I flung my personal play toy under me. How embarrassing would it be if the power button somehow got triggered and it went off? About as embarrassing as walking in on him and his brothers about to do, ah, well…whatever they were about to get to.

  “Listen, Kensley, I know what you walked in on the other night must have looked bad,” My jaw drops at his choice of opening line, “but, it’s really not what it looked like.” He looks into my eyes, his expression one of pleading like I really needed to hear him out before I opened my mouth. Too bad him and his brothers enticed the opposite reaction out of me.

  “What it looked like is you were about to jack off while watching your little brothers be whipped by a riding crop from your older brother.” I arch my eyebrow up at him and tilt my head to the side, daring him to contradict me. He cringed at the bluntness of my words, and I fell silent. I would wait him out to see what he said next.

  He lifts his hand to run along his blonde locks, and exhales a heavy sigh. “You’re right. That is exactly what was happening, but not in the incest context that you are seeing it as.”

  “Look I don’t care what you do behind doors, free love and all.” I try to tell him when he suddenly jerks his head back and a look of disgust crosses his face.

  “Listen, Kensley, like I was saying, I know what it looks like, but let me make one point perfectly clear.” He leans up to rest his forearms on his knees as he catches my eyes, making sure I’m paying attention. “We have never, and will never, fuck each other.”


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