Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection

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Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection Page 125

by Amanda Rose

  I decided to make a beef stew and sip some red wine at the same time. I wanted quiet. I did not put on any Christmas music this time. I got a crock pot out to let the stew simmer overnight. The aroma in the morning would be amazing. After I got my ingredients in the crock pot I went and turned down the covers on my bed. I went to bed early. I had several nightmares in the night. I am not sure what they were about. I awoke feeling disturbed and unsettled. I got up not feeling rested and went into the kitchen to make some coffee. Coffee brewing. Animals fed. A quick shower to wake up and decide what to do with this day.

  The aroma from the beef stew was tantalizing. It would be a great dinner treat. I didn’t want to stay in the cabin today. I had read about a hot springs pool not to far up the road at a lodge off of 126. That sounded like a good relaxing experience. I packed my bag and decided to try it out. I headed up the highway for about 30 minutes. After turning off the highway I traveled down a small country road through the woods to the lodge. I walked into an old fashioned lodge and rented an hour at the hot springs. There were old photos of the lodge and hot springs starting in the 1800’s. I showered in the old fashioned shower room and left my belongings in an iron basket. The pool was steaming from the cold air. The river was rushing down the mountain in cold magnificence. You could barely see through the steam.

  I entered the pool slowly and felt every cell dying from the heat. I couldn’t see due to the steam. I bobbed around in the pool and tried to look at the night sky. Again you could not see it due to the amount of steam coming from the pools surface. It was a very private feeling enveloped in the steam. Everyone had their own pocket to hide in. You didn’t have to talk to anyone if you did not want to. I accidentally bumped into someone in the steam.

  “Oh, sorry about that.” I said

  “No problem. I think it happens a lot in this steamy environment. My name is Finn. What’s yours? Finn had a long dark blond ponytail trailing down his back.

  “Hi, I’m Cora.” I had nothing else to say at the time.

  “You come here often?” He said. It sounded so cliché I didn’t know how to respond.

  “Well, this is my first time here. Is it usually so crowded?” You could see various small groups of people moving around the pool in what looked like steam pods. I wasn’t really trying to make conversation, just trying to be polite. I actually wanted to be by myself. Somehow this just wasn’t happening. Was it some weird sort of Karma. I didn’t know. I tried to move away from Finn and disappear into the steam, but he was following my wake.

  “It is often crowded this time of year, because it is too hot to soak in the summertime. Well worth it though. Hey, have you been up to see the falls? If not you should definitely go. Well worth the 20 minute trip.”

  I could barely see Finn’s Face through the steam. “Yeah, I just drove up there recently, but my dog and I stayed near the head of the trails. We haven’t really explored it yet. I just got my car back, so we are just starting to venture out.” I replied.

  “Oh, was it broken down?”

  “No, just stuck in some snow in the local market’s parking lot.”

  “Everything okay with it now?”

  “Yes, it just isn’t made for driving in the snow in the mountains.”

  “Well, I’m going up there myself for a short hike tomorrow if you would like a ride.”

  “I go up there several times of year. It is stunning.”

  Finn seemed sincere in what he was saying. I didn’t detect any pick up line. I decided to accept his offer. I had hardly been out of the house in days. Literally. “okay. I think I will take you up on that offer. I haven’t really been able to go out on adventures.”

  “Great! Where do I pick you up?”

  “I’m staying at the Mc Kenzie River Cabins.”

  “No Way! I’m staying there too. What cabin are you in? “

  This was surreal. I can’t believe I am meeting another man from a cabin within the Mckenzie River Cabins where I was staying. Maybe he was lying, but I already told him where I was. I knew I was losing my mind. “I’m in Cabin #1.”

  “The one with the Christmas Tree glowing through the window?”

  “How did you know?” I was suspicious.

  “I can see the glowing lights from my windows. It is very festive. Christmassy. I haven’t put a tree up yet. I actually like a live tree. Something I can plant at a later date. I’m not sure I am going to get one this year. This is my first Christmas at the cabins. I like to hike and explore nature here in the mountains. Every tree here looks like a Christmas Tree. The snow on the branches and the pinecones peeking through, the way the sun glitters on all the snow like diamonds.”

  He was very poetic. I felt I had had the same thoughts before. Maybe I had said something like that to Lucas or Samuel. I thought I would feel some guilt, but I didn’t. I looked at Finn with new interest. “My hour is up and I have some pets to get home to. Time for me to get out.”

  “Oh, you have some pets with you? I brought my cat Sam. He is a main coon. I couldn’t leave him behind.”

  I smiled at Finn. He seemed to understand my need to bring my pets with me on my vacation. “I look forward to going to the falls tomorrow. What time? “

  “I like to sleep in on my winter vacation. How about noon?”

  “Sounds good, I will see you tomorrow.” I made my way across the pool. I still couldn’t see through the steam. Somehow I found the steps and climbed out. I felt like a limp linguini noodle. I wrapped a towel around my body and made my way back to the communal shower stall. After a hot shower, I toweled off and got dressed. Making my way through the lobby I noticed there were several Christmas trees all decorated with a different theme. It was so festive. I felt good, happy and so alive.


  I drove slowly up the road through the trees to 126. The road was well sanded with red sand. I looked carefully in both directions and headed out. It was a straight shot down the road back to my cabin. When I pulled in next to my place I could hear Pandora barking. Time to see to the animals and maybe take a nap. I opened the door and could smell the cozy smell of the crock pot. Everything seemed in order, time for that nap.

  I actually drew the curtains over the windows and changed into flannels. I climbed up into the bed and closed my eyes. I felt my cats and dog jumping onto the bed and settling down ready for a Winter’s Rest. I felt surrounded and safe. It was like having living guardian angels, but they were animals. When I finally opened my eyes, I had lost all sense of time. I could smell the stew simmering in the crock pot. I think it was dark outside, but it gets dark early in the mountains. I leisurely stretched and thought about what I wanted to do next. I had sort of a date tomorrow. Tonight was all mine.

  I climbed out of bed and went to the kitchen to check the stew, hungry animals in tow. Feeding everyone was first priority. I looked over to the fireplace and saw only dead ashes. I cleaned out the ashes using the metal bucket with a secure lid for the purpose. A short time later I had a fresh fire crackling in the fireplace. I decided to go with “Silent Night” to start my evening entertainment. Now it was time for a new cocktail. I headed to the kitchen. I had brought some Maker’s Mark with me on this trip. An indulgence. I found a jelly jar in the cabinet and poured the dark honey colored liquid neat. I sipped slowly listening to the music. I checked the water in the Christmas Tree stand and refilled it. I saw my next present from Lucas under the tree. I had lost count on what day it was, but I took present #3 out from under the tree. I decided to open the gift and found some taper candles scented with Mulberry. I looked through the cabinets to find some candle holders and decided to light them. I placed them on the coffee table and settled onto the sofa. As I thought about the gifts Lucas had given me, I realized he may have given them to set up a romantic evening. Mistletoe, sexy panties, candles. God knew what was next under the tree. I probably should have felt some guilt, but I didn’t!

  I stared into the fire and slowly sipped my Whiskey. I was
thinking about the last few days. I thought of Lucas and Samuel and what had passed between us. I started to think about tomorrow and my date with Finn. Well, I was thinking of it as a date. It had been a long dry spell since I had been with anyone. Both on a romantic level as well as a sexual level. 4 years!. How does anyone live that long. I did. You get sort of numb and accept it like some sort of death. I had forgotten what I had been missing. I wasn’t sure quite what I was doing. I was having a good time totally unexpected.

  I went into the kitchen to pour myself some more Whiskey and took it with me into the bedroom. I decided to change my sheets first. Dark grey flannel with cream and red stripes. I plumped up the pillows turned on the bedside lamps and went to get some stew. I wasn’t very hungry, but knew I needed to eat, especially with the Whiskey. I cozied up in bed taking small bites of stew while looking out the window at the snow. Having finished dinner I went into the kitchen to put the food away. Everyone else was already asleep. By everyone I meant my animals. I refer to them as people. Doesn’t everyone? I decided to take more Whiskey to bed. A small neat shot and I should sleep like the dead.

  I slept deep and dreamlessly. I was actually awake early and decided to get up and get some chores done. I started coffee and went into shower while it was brewing. I had to think how to dress today for the outdoor activities. I had packed some winter snow clothing and hiking boots. Wool socks, cap and mittens. Everything was new. I could be alright or in big trouble. Nothing was proven for the winter weather. Time to try it out though.

  I brought in more wood for the fire. Cleaned the Cat’s litter boxes, swept the floor and started the washing machine. I also cleaned the bathroom my least favorite chore. I looked through the Christmas Albums and set out a good selection in order. I was putting more candles around the living room, the kitchen and bedroom. I suddenly stopped and thought about what I was doing. I was setting the scene for a romantic date! What the Hell was I doing? I suddenly felt shaky.

  There was a knock on the door at that moment. I breathed in and out deeply remembering past Yoga classes. The knock sounded again and I went and opened the door.

  “Hi there, are you ready to explore some trails near the falls?” Samuel asked in greeting.

  “I’m ready to go if you are?” I said.

  “Let’s head out then. We’ll take our time today do some exploring and maybe hit the hot springs again if your game.”

  “I would love that. I felt so relaxed after soaking in the Hot Spring Pools. I made a crock pot stew yesterday so if you would like to come back for a dinner I have plenty?”

  “I would absolutely love that.” Said Finn. He was gazing at me with huge green eyes that I somehow didn’t notice yesterday.

  “Let me grab my swimsuit, towel and some extra clothes for after the soak. I want to be warm and cozy.”

  “Good idea. I brought comfortable clothing to change into also after soaking. I’m glad you are into it.” Samuel reached out to touch my cheek with a soft caress.

  What did he mean he was glad I was into it? Was he referring to something sexual? Was I somehow offended? After all, I had set my cabin up for Date night 101. We headed out into the snow and I climbed into Finn’s vehicle. No dog today. We started out and drove slowly under the heavily laden boughs of all the magical trees. Finn had put on some music that was not Christmas. The music sounded like a country ballad that was relaxing to listen to as we drove up the mountain. The sky was bright blue and the road was well sanded. Time passed quickly on the drive. There was no need talk. The sheer beauty was enough. We got to the parking area near the Falls in less than an hour. As I climbed out I could hear the sound of the Falls.

  We started to walk down the path towards the Falls around the mountain stone walls. There weren’t very many people at this time of year. Finn led the way. As we came around a curve in the path the roar of the Falls suddenly increased. The panoramic view was before me. I gasped! “Finn, this is absolutely amazing! I have never seen anything like this!” The sheer volume of water coming over the Falls was incredible. Pair that with the snow all around and the Evergreen trees forming small icicles as snow dripped and froze it was a Winter Wonderland postcard.

  “Let’s hike down the path a ways. It runs next to the river the Falls are forming. The path is protected from heavy snow by the trees and is not yet icy.” Finn said.

  “Is it a steep hike? I was worried a little about my ankle. It was a tiny bit sore. Nothing major. I think I would be okay.

  “No, it is pretty easy. A gentle downhill slope, but of course uphill all the way back. Will you be O.K?’ Finn asked.

  ‘I think so. I twisted my ankle a few days ago, but it seems to be okay. Not really any pain today. I think the hot springs helped.” I was hopeful.

  “Well, let’s take it easy. At the first strain we’ll sit down and assess. Don’t try to push past any pain. Ankles are tricky. You could easily re-injure it if it is not all the way healed.

  I promised I would be careful. We started down the path. The Falls were so amazing. We made our way down a dirt path under the trees next to the river. The snow was not on our path due to the amount of evergreen tree branches covering us. The river was cascading down the slope. In shallow areas you could see through the blue green water to the stones underneath. The water was so pure. It filtered through volcanic lava beds buried in the ground for 30 years before it appeared on the surface. It was so cold, nothing you would want to swim in. The local fish loved it. It wasn’t polluted like many other popular waterways.

  Finn and I made our way down the path. Some snow melted and fell through the feathery branches of the trees. We hiked down for about 30 minutes and Finn found us a log to set on. He pulled a water bottle and a thermos of coffee out of his backpack. “How is your ankle doing?

  “It feels good right now. Just a little twinge.” I said.

  He handed me a thermos cup of coffee and the water bottle. “Drink both of these. Then we will head up the path.”

  “We just got started, why go back so soon?” I was disappointed.

  “It’s going to be harder on your ankle going back up the trail. It will also take a little longer. You don’t want to make your ankle worse. Finn was concerned.

  I closed my eyes listening to the rushing water. Some spray was hitting my face. It was very icy and refreshing. “I’ll take your advice. I don’t want to hurt my ankle further and not enjoy my vacation.”

  “How long are you here for?”

  “Honestly I’ve lost track of time. I don’t even know what day it is. I’m here for a total of 2 weeks though.” I was rotating my ankle and flexing my foot to stretch when I felt it. “Shit, I think you were right about my ankle, it hurts!”

  “Let me help you stand. We need to get you to the hot springs. A good hot long mineral soak will do you wonders.”

  He helped me stand. I couldn’t believe how my ankle deteriorated so quickly. I started to stand and found I couldn’t put my full weight on it. Finn took my arm around his shoulders and put his arm around my waist. We slowly made our way up the trail. It took twice as long to get to the parking lot. It was getting dark. We drove straight to the hot springs. I limped my way into the lodge and went to change in the shower room. I quickly rinsed off and made my way carefully to the pool. It was dark and the stones around the pool were slick. Again, I could hardly see. Twinkle light decorations were scattered across the snow covered lawn just outside the fence. I made my way down the stairs into the pool. “AAAHHHH. “ The heat was so intense. I felt hands on my shoulders. I turned around and Finn leaned in to kiss me.

  The kiss was long. I twined my arms around Finn’s neck and kissed him soundly back. No one could see us through the steam. We were getting hot in more ways than one. Finn leaned back and drew a deep breath. I did likewise.

  “I’ve rented a room on the top floor facing the river. Would you like to stay over? That way we can take our time here in the pool and take care of your ankle.” Finn looked hopeful.

  “I would love that, but what about the animals? They all need to be fed and my dog needs to go outside.” I was starting to feel disappointment. I had really wanted to stay.

  “I have a brilliant idea. I’ll head back to the cabins and take care of our pets. I’ll grab some food and drink and we can settle into the room. You can stay here and rest. Keep off your ankle. There is a TV and dvd player in the room. You could watch a holiday movie if you wanted.”

  I was liking Finn’s plan more by the minute. The animals would be alright overnight. Finn would take care of them, I didn’t need to worry. It was so nice not to worry and have someone help out. I decided to take him up on his offer.

  “Deal.” I said.

  “okay. First things first. Let’s get you out of the pool and up to the room. I need to check in first and then we can look at some movies.”

  Finn helped me out of the pool and across the slick surface around the pool. We went inside and showered and met up at the front desk. My ankle was feeling better from the hot soak. After checking in we went up to the second floor and looked through the collection of movies. I decided on the “Family Stone and The Holiday.” Both movies were favorites of mine. I never got tired watching them. We went up the last flight of stairs and made our way down the hall. Our room was on the top floor in the middle facing the river. Finn opened the door and helped me inside.

  The room wasn’t fancy, but cozy. There was a big king size bed which faced the windows. There were two chairs placed right in front of the window. You could sit and watch people in the pool or just gaze out at the river which was rushing past. I opened a couple of windows so I could hear the river.

  “Let’s get that ankle propped up and then I’ll start a movie for you. Which one do you want to watch first?”

  “How about “The Family Stone.”

  Finn fluffed up some pillows for me and I climbed up on the bed. He propped my ankle up on some folded blankets to elevate it and handed me the remote. I clicked on the Movie.


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