Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection

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Snow and Seduction: A Steamy Reverse Harem Winter Collection Page 131

by Amanda Rose

  And despite the fact that it was absolutely freezing cold, my heart melted a little bit right then.

  The rest of the day passed in a blur. I rang people up, passed out candy and helped little old ladies pick out the perfect wreath. I watched from a distance as my three beaus plied their various trades, each one drawing admiring looks from the women who were visiting the farm, and a few of the men. But they were mine...

  I wondered at the feeling of possessiveness that was blossoming inside of me whenever I caught sight of them. Was it right to feel this way when I had only just met them? Or when I was dating more than one of them in the first place? I mean, I was asking all three of them to be alright with sharing me, knowing that I was involved with them all, and as far as I knew they were being exclusive to me. At least I hoped they were, I thought to myself. A bristle of jealousy strummed through me at the thought of any of my boys seeing another woman. Shit, could I ask them not to date other people when I was allowed to be with all of them?

  I pushed those questions aside for now. We only had a few weeks together anyways, and what was the point of worrying about the logistics of things. The universe had given me the chance to date the three hottest guys I had ever seen, and I was just going to enjoy myself while I was here.

  I spent the rest of the day dreaming about what Jasper had in store for me that evening. He did not disappoint.

  When the work day had ended and the droves of merry people had finally left, I had made my way back to the house to share another delicious meal with uncle Mark and my boys, (which was how I was beginning to think of them regularly. My boys.) More footsie was played under the table, more 'accidental' touching of hands as one of the guys reached for something at the same time I did. Jameson even grabbed my ass when I got up to get another glass of wine and my uncle's back was turned. As crazy as I would have thought it sounded if someone had told me that this was going to be how I spent my time away from home, somehow, it just felt as natural as breathing. It felt right.

  When uncle Mark left all of us alone to go tend to the dogs again, the three of them helped me tidy up, laughing and flirting as we worked. When everything was back in it's place and the kitchen was once again sparkling, both Jameson and Spencer gave me a long kiss and told me to have fun on my date with Jasper.

  "You be careful with her." Jameson warned him. "None of your crazy antics." He looked at Jasper sternly.

  "I'm sure he will take good care of her, Jameson." Spence said to him reassuringly. "I know Jasper's not dumb enough to put our girl in any danger." He smacked Jasper on the back in a big brother kind of way.

  Our girl. His words rang in my ears and made me feel all tingly again. "Umm. Is there some reason that you might be concerned for my safety on this date?" I asked them, a note of hesitancy in my voice.

  Jasper chuckled. "Aww, they're just being dramatic, Babe." he said confidently.

  "He hasn't told you yet?" Jameson queried, looking surprised. "Our Jasper here is kind of an extreme sports God. He's actually won a few gold medals at both the summer and winter X Games."

  "What!?" I turned to Jasper, who was somehow looking both bashful and kind of proud of himself at the same time. "Are you serious?" What events do you have medals in?"

  "I mostly snowboard and skateboard, but occasionally I get on a bike too." He told me, his smile widening. "I have gold medals in the Superpipe snowboarding event, and the Big Air competition for both snowboarding and skateboarding."

  "Yeah, he's a regular daredevil." Jameson commented. "Just don't let him talk you into sliding down a mountain or anything."

  Well, I had been promised an exciting evening, and if that twinkle in Jameson's eyes meant anything, I was in for a wild ride.


  I met Jasper at the garage. Like Spence, he had his living quarters in a loft type bedroom above his work space. When I arrived he gave me a brief tour, showing me all of the machines he was currently working on. As he explained all of his various projects, picking up what looked like a complicated pieces of metal or showing me the features of a new power tool he had just gotten, I could see the passion for his work lighting him up from the inside out, and it made him all the more attractive to me

  All of these projects are great, but let me show you what I'm working on in my spare time." He said, walking over to a back corner of the gigantic shop. I stepped over the scattered tools and engine parts and followed him to a grease stain covered drop cloth. When he pulled it aside I was amazed. There sat a gleaming cherry red snowmobile. I didn't know much about these things, but it was clear that this was a top of the line vehicle.

  "Wow." I said, reaching out and touching the cold glittering surface of the vehicle. "Do you, like, do tricks on this thing?" I wondered out loud.

  "Actually, yeah, I do. I can drive this thing up a ramp and do a few flips while I fly."

  "You're freaking kidding me!" I said, completely shocked. The snowmobile was huge and looked extremely heavy. It sounded totally crazy to me that anyone would want to launch themselves into the air on one of them, let alone throw in some flips and twists while they were up there.

  "Not kidding at all, Babe." He laughed. "There's nothing like it. When I'm up there, it's like the whole world just falls away and all that's left is that feeling of pure freedom." He paused, a faraway look in those moss green eyes. It was hard not to fall in love with him a little bit right then. And we hadn't even kissed yet!

  He came out of his reverie after a moment and turned to me with an air of adventure about him. "We're taking this baby out tonight. I'm going to bring you to my favorite spot. I've never taken anyone else there before, but I think it would be even more special to me if I got to share it with you."

  My hand went to my heart as it began fluttering in my chest. "I would be honored to go there with you, Jasper." I said. "But, umm..."

  "No flips. I promise." He said, his voice brimming with mirth.

  We whipped through the woods at speeds that were just on the verge of making me scream in terror. My arms were wrapped tightly around Jasper's taught midsection and my body was plastered to his back. He was expertly maneuvering through the trees, obviously on a path that he knew well. The freezing wind sluiced around us, making me glad that I had worn the only snow gear that I owned tonight. A pink and black Roxy Impression Pop snowsuit that Clint had bought for me when he took me skiing in Aspen last year, a pair of leggings and a pink flannel shirt underneath it. Unfortunately I was still having to rock the stiletto fur cuffed booties. I really needed to invest in some proper snow boots if I was going to be accompanying Jasper on his winter sports adventures.

  Higher and higher we went, the headlight on the snowmobile illuminating a small bit of the landscape in front of us. The rest was cloaked in what seemed like total darkness. We hit an extra steep incline, and Jasper revved the engine into high gear, climbing it faster than seemed advisable. I closed my eyes tight against the blinding wind, and just when I was absolutely sure we were about to reach the pinnacle of this cliff and fly off of it, we suddenly leveled out and Jasper slowed us to a stop.

  "You can open your eyes now, Babe." He said, sounding amused. When I did the sight that greeted me quite literally took my breath away. We were parked on a high peak, and the valley was spread below us. The moon was full and the night was so clear. that you could see every star in the sky above, their bright silvery light gilding the treetops and making the world glow. I could see the golden lights from the little town in the distance, so small from this vantage point.

  "Jasper, it's absolutely magical." I whispered to him. "I'm so glad that you brought me here. Thank you."

  "Thank you for coming with me, Holly." He said, getting off the snowmobile and offering me his hand. I took it and he helped me climb off myself and pulled me into his arms once more, his clove and citrus fragrance wafting over me. He looked down at my frostbitten face, his deep green eyes gazing into my blue ones. "This place is more magical now that you're here

  He had brought us a huge fluffy blanket and a couple of thermoses filled with rum and bourbon spiked eggnog. He built a small fire in a pit that he had made long before now, and we nestled up together to look out at the stars, Jasper pointing out constellations for me with an expert eye. We talked for hours. I learned all about his family, He was the youngest of four brothers, and he grew up in Shadow Valley. His Dad owned a recreational sports vehicle dealership, which is what began his interest in extreme sports.

  I told him all about my life back in Los Angeles. About my family and career plans, much like I had shared with Spence the night before. We sat there in the starlight laughing at our silliest childhood memories, the eggnog keeping us warm, and Jasper inching closer and closer to me underneath our blanket until we were almost cuddling.

  After awhile we stopped talking with our words and started talking with our bodies. Jasper reached his arm up as though he was stretching and dramatically yawned, slipping his arm around me. I couldn't help but giggle at his exaggerated move. "Can't blame a guy for trying to get you in his arms." he said, raising an auburn brow at me.

  "Well, what do you plan to do to me now that I'm in them?" I batted my eyelashes at him, returning his cheesy suaveness to the best of my ability.

  "Oh, you are in for it now, Babe." He said in a deep, desire laden voice. And that was all the warning that I got before his mouth was on mine, giving me a scorching kiss that left my head spinning more than the eggnog had. I leaned into it, lifting one leg over his lap to straddle him, my arms now around his shoulders.

  I could feel his considerable hardness pressed against me as our hips ground together. His hands found the zipper of my snowsuit and hastily pulled it down, allowing him to reach inside and slide his palms over my breasts.

  I was getting desperate to feel him inside of me, the longing becoming stronger and stronger until I couldn't stand it a second longer. Freezing weather be damned, I tore myself away from Jasper's crushing kiss, pulling my arms out of the snowsuit and adjusting myself so I could slide the rest of it down to my knees, taking my leggings with it and leaving me completely naked from the waist down. I threw the blanket aside and turned to position myself on my hands and knees, looking back over my shoulder and watching the look of raw hunger that danced in his evergreen gaze.

  "Holy fuck." He said softly, his tone filled with reverence. "You are the hottest fucking thing I have ever seen."

  "I want you Jasper." My voice sounded ragged , husky, pleading almost. I moved my face forward again, the view of the whole valley so far below us making me feel as though I was on top of the world. I could hear him moving behind me, but I couldn't see anything he was doing, which was making the anticipation build to a crescendo. I was almost to orgasm and he hadn't even started yet.

  His ice cold and snowflake tattooed hands gripped my hips with a bruising strength, sending goosebumps racing across my skin. I could sense him inching closer to my sex, preparing to enter me. I was aching in need, wanting him to fill me with his thick shaft more than I had ever wanted anything in my life. When he finally pushed into me I let out a triumphant scream of satisfaction, my voice echoing through the woods around us. He moved in me roughly, the force of his thrusts rocking me to my core.

  We rutted like wild beasts on that cliff side. A gentle snow began to fall, dusting us with powder and making the whole world look clean and new. The sharp breeze was howling in the stones, a mirror of our own cries of passion. Both Jasper and I had let loose our inhibitions, our primal instincts driving us in unison.

  My release was close, I could feel it coiling inside of me, on the verge of explosion. One more thrust of his diamond hard cock into my heat and I was pushed over the edge, my pussy convulsing around him and drawing his own climax from him. He dug his inked up fingers into my hips with a fierce brutality, holding me against him tightly as he spilled himself into me and letting out a deep, possessive cry into the starry night.

  Holy shit. That was a wilder ride than the fucking snowmobile could ever give me.

  The next couple of weeks were like a dream come true. We had settled into familiar pattern, the boys and I. We all worked hard on the farm during the days, but the nights were for us. We always shared dinner together, and when Uncle Mark left I would spend my evening with one of the guys, each of them romancing me in their own way. There was the night I spent horseback riding with Spencer through the hidden trails in the trees and making tender love in a snowy glen. Or when Jameson taught me to shoot out on a back corner of the property as the sun set over the mountains, his strong arms steadying my shoulders as I took aim and fired at the empty beer bottles he had set up on the fence posts. We had come home and taken a steamy shower together, our bodies joined in ecstasy as the water cascaded around us. Jasper even drove me into town in his jeep to go dancing at a local bar. I had stayed at his place that night and he had fucked me hard an old tractor he was fixing, reminding me of a scene from my favorite romance novel.

  As I spent more time with each of them, my feelings started to deepen. It had begun with me just having a good time. Letting loose while I was on my hiatus and exploring a sexual freedom that I had never let myself have before, but I was starting to dread the day I had to leave. The farm was feeling more like my home than the city ever had. uncle Mark was so generous and welcoming, but the relationships I was building with Jasper, Spence, and Jameson had turned into something more real than I had ever expected them to be.

  What was I going to do?

  I only had a little longer to figure that out. It was less than a week til Christmas. I had a bus ticket for New Years day, and I wasn't at all looking forward to going back. What was left for me back there but a job that I hated and an ex-boyfriend that I would be forced to see on a regular basis? If I was being honest, I hadn't been happy there for a long time, but something about this place made me feel alive in a way that I hadn't in years. The fresh country air, the beautiful landscape, the kind people and the dreamiest men I had ever laid my eyes (and hands) on. All of this was weighing heavily on my heart, even as I was sharing the best days of my life so far with my guys.

  I found myself stationed in the Gazebo on December twenty-third. I had become an absolute expert on candy cane/cocoa distribution, and could tell you every detail about the handmade Christmas decorations we sold. I was where I belonged . The thought flashed in my mind suddenly as I watched the last customers of the day happily leaving with their purchases. A beautiful Noble fir was strapped to the roof of their car and the children were smiling brightly, chattering about who's year it was to put the star on top of the tree. My sister and I used to have the same argument every Christmas when we were little, and it made me smile with the memory.

  I turned back to the counter, beginning to close up shop and count the til. The sun was setting, and the snow capped treeline was saturated with hues of orange and pink. I don't think I had ever seen a scene more majestic than this.

  “Isn't it something?” Jameson's voice said from beside me.

  I hadn't heard him coming, but I was getting used to all of the boys popping up unexpectedly. I hadn't screamed or fallen in shock for like, a week. Maybe it was partly because I was feeling so safe and protected here? Even if something bad did surprise me, I knew my boys would be there to save me in an instant.

  I didn't look away from the slowly dipping sun, but moved into his waiting arms. “It really is.” I said softly to him. “I could watch a million of these sunsets and never get tired of it.”

  He tucked me under his arm and gave me a small squeeze. “Why don't you?” His deep voice was tinged with a touch of sorrow, but also hope.

  “What?” I said, turning quickly to face him. “What do you mean Jameson?” His coffee colored gaze took in my face carefully, like he was trying to memorize every feature, read my mind through my expression.

  “Why not share a million these sunsets with me, Holly? With us? You could you know...”

  “Are, are yo
u asking me not to leave? To stay here on the farm permanently?” I asked. I may have gotten used to him walking up silently behind me, but his offer was shocking me more than his unexpected presence ever had. “Are you serious?”

  “I am more serious than I have ever been in my life, Miss Holly. We've got a pretty good thing going here, I believe. And I know Spence and Jasper think so too. I've crunched the numbers, and we can more than afford to keep you on full time. Once the holidays are over there is still a lot of work to be done here. We could use the extra help with the horses, taking care of the trees, all of the odd jobs that creep up unexpectedly. Your Uncle already gave me the go ahead to make you the offer.”

  I was stunned. Was there really a chance for me to stay here? Should I even consider it? I had built a life back in L.A. It might not be perfect, or even fulfilling, but I had worked hard to get where I was. Was I supposed to throw away the job I had fought like hell to get? But the biggest question that needed an answer was, would my heart let me leave if I tried?

  “You don't have to give me an answer right now.” Jameson said. “Just promise me that you will seriously consider it? I never expected this either Holly, but having you here, well, it's like you complete us.”

  My eyes widened and my heart skipped a beat. Did, did he just say that? Was it possible that they were feeling the same thing for me that I was for them? I hadn't wanted to believe it before, thinking it was foolish to even consider that this fairy tale could be coming true for me. Trying to tell myself that I was just lucky to have them for a little while, not daring to believe I could keep them. I mean, love couldn't happen this quickly, right? Just because these boys each made my heart soar in a way it never had before, because my tummy erupted in butterflies each and every time I saw them and I couldn't wipe the smile off my face when they were around, because they played my body like an instrument of ecstasy, that couldn't be love. Could it? But if what Jameson was saying was true, a real life happily ever after was happening to me right now...


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