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Heart in the Field

Page 10

by Dagg, Jillian

  “Nick, please don’t do that.” Serena picked up her glass and finished off the brandy.

  “Want mine as well?” Nick pushed his glass toward her.

  “Don’t you like brandy?”

  “I don’t drink spirits. It’s sort of—” He shrugged his shoulders. “Something I don’t do.”

  That made him different from her father, she thought, remembering the empty whiskey bottles on the kitchen counter when he was around.

  “I don’t really like it much either.”

  “But tonight you need a little extra courage?”

  “I’m not really a party person.”

  He chuckled. “That’s because you can’t let go of your inhibitions. Like you did in your kitchen with me. Now that really disturbs you, doesn’t it?”

  “Didn’t we say we were going to forget it?”

  “Yep. But I can’t.”

  The vibrant emotion in his voice rocked through her. It was emotion she would never have expected from Nick. She turned her face and his mouth was close to hers. His lips touched her lips for a moment.

  Nick’s scar appeared vulnerable at close range, and she remembered the video she had viewed in Don’s office. She reached up and traced the scar with her forefinger. He kept his gaze on her. She felt the pressure of one of his thighs against her lower back. She was enveloped by his lean, hard body, and she knew how it would feel naked in the dark. Deep needs trembled up through her to make her throat ache and her head throb. She knew he could feel her trembling.

  He swept back a wisp of her hair with his fingers, very gently, but she could feel every moment, every movement. “You don’t like people close, do you?”

  Feeling as if all her muscles and tendons were about to snap, she shook her head. “No.”

  “I don’t like people in my face either, but for some strange reason I don’t mind you. And I love it when you touch me like that.”

  She withdrew her fingers from his face.

  He stroked her lower back. “Want to tell me why you’re so jumpy about being close? Is it me in particular? Because it seems that way. You seemed to have something against me when I met you on Wednesday evening. And we’d never met before.”

  Nick kissed her mouth again. He was stealing kisses when she least expected them. She was becoming breathless from his seduction. His next kiss was a definite kiss that made him confident. She gave in, and, longing to touch him, her hand moved across the space between them. Closing her eyes, she let her fingers massage the taut muscle of his thigh. Then she realized what she was doing and moved her hand, knuckles brushing his groin.

  He ended the kiss then, and he was smiling and breathing hard at the same time. “Stop that.” He lifted his finger and traced it over her lips. “You’re hot beneath that cool exterior. I like it. What is your reason for being difficult?”

  What could she tell him to make him understand? The truth? “You remind me of my father. That’s one reason.”

  “Ah.” He looked surprised. “I must say I’m flattered.”

  “You shouldn’t be.”

  “Oh, but I am. But now we’ve got him out in the open it might do you good to talk about him. You must have read his book.”

  “No. I haven’t.”

  “I’ll lend it to you if you haven’t got a copy. I’m sure you would find things in it that would help you.”

  “Help me with what?”

  He caressed her spine. “Help you to get a grip on what type of man he was.”

  “I know what type of man he was. Now let me go.”

  “I might have to. There isn’t time for hang-ups in the short time I have home.”

  Thank goodness he understood. And thank goodness he’d reminded her that he was only here indefinitely. Serena smiled with relief. “Well, then. That’s it. We’ve come to a decision. No hanky-panky between us.”

  He chuckled. “What you want is safety, isn’t it? You want to stay in your little cage and be secure. You’re the last little patch of snow that the sun can’t melt because you remain in the shade. You know, affairs are fun, Serena. You don’t have to involve your heart. You just get together, go on a few dates and have great sex.”

  “Is that your philosophy?”

  “Yes. That’s my philosophy. That’s what I offer up front. A good time. Would you go for that? That way you remain in your safe little nest.”

  “It wouldn’t be that way, Nick. Every experience changes a person. Leaving any nest is difficult.”

  “To some extent, maybe, but if you go into the experience with a certain frame of mind, you can remain sane when you leave it. Believe me. I’ve done it many times.”

  Serena thought for a moment she saw a little boy in front of her, stubbornly thrusting out his jaw in an effort to be brave. Then she saw him grin. “You’re so tense, Serena. I could help. Great sex.”

  “Shut up about your great sex.” She struggled away from him, but in the end there was no struggle because he moved away. Now she missed his warm body and the possibility of feeling his mouth upon hers again. How perverse?

  Nick rose from the seat. “So that’s my offer. No strings. You’d be perfectly safe. So if you ever feel the need I’ll be willing. You really turn me on Serena Brown.”

  He walked away from her with the air of a man who was completely confident in who he was, who had no cares in the world, who lived by his beliefs. And yet Serena felt haunted by that brief vision of a small boy stubbornly being brave.

  Chapter Eight

  Serena picked up Nick’s untouched brandy and sipped the fiery liquid. Anything to calm her down, she thought.

  Pat slouched onto the opposite bench seat. “You let Fraser loose and Juliette’s snagged him again.”

  That news made her feel worse, but it was her own fault. She could have had Nick. “What’s the time?”

  Pat checked his watch. “Ten past midnight. Can’t you tell? Everyone’s hammered. Don’s already assigning beds and sleeping bags.”

  “Are you staying?”

  “No. I like to go to my own place.” Pat placed his arms on the table and leaned forward. “I know she’s not with me at this moment, but I can tell Juliette still likes me. There’s something there. Would you mind keeping Fraser occupied over these next few months? I’d like a chance to work on her.”

  Serena didn’t need this. “Pat. If occupied means what I think it means, I can’t do it.”

  “All you have to do is keep him working hard so he hasn’t got time for play.”

  “He’d find time for play. He’s only been back since Wednesday and he’s on the hunt.”

  “That’s why I’m worried. Juliette’s an ideal short term toy for him.”

  “I can’t stop Juliette.” Serena felt very strung out. She finished Nick’s brandy and lined up the two bowled glasses beside one another.

  “But you can hinder the progress of an affair between them. It would hurt me greatly if they became a couple, even for the short duration that Fraser is here. I couldn’t stand it, Serena.”

  His last words were like an aching cry, and Serena realized how very much Pat did love Juliette. It would also hurt her greatly if Nick had one of his affairs with Juliette, although she wasn’t going to admit that. So she nodded. “All right. I’ll keep him busy. But not the way you mean.”

  “That’s fine. You don’t have to go to bed with him, but you can keep him interested. He’s already interested. I can see that. So keep him chasing you.”

  “What if he catches me though, Pat?” That scenario was a very distinct possibility. How much strength of will did she actually possess?

  “You won’t allow it to go that far. You’re known as the Ice Maiden.”

  Serena gazed at Pat in shock. “I am?”

  Pat shrugged. “Yes. Some guys even think you prefer women.”

  “This is my reputation?” She poked her chest with her finger.

  “Yes. It’s not discussed at great length, but guys have said things when I’ve be
en around.”

  “What do you think?”

  Pat shook his head in a way that said he wished he’d never begun this topic. “If I didn’t care about Juliette so much I’d go for you. How’s that?”

  “Not good enough. The gossip has to be stopped. It’s not true.”

  “Then keep Nick Fraser interested and away from Juliette. That will disprove the rumors.”

  How was she ever going to do that? Serena saw Nick and Juliette dancing together. Juliette sort of plunged her body against men when she danced with them. Nick was probably aroused at this moment, and, having been turned down for great sex by Serena, was contemplating where he was going to take Juliette in the next five minutes.

  Feeling as unhappy as Pat was looking, she wondered if she did have it in her to give Nick a chase? He didn’t have to catch her. She could keep him happy with a few crazy kisses like the one in the kitchen. She knew how to keep herself distant from emotions. She’d kept distant from her father all of her life. She’d just have to use the same tactics when she dealt with Nick. Actually, when she thought of him in comparison to her father, she didn’t care for him much anyway. It might be easy, and it would give Pat a clear field to Juliette and, in the process, banish her own strange reputation.

  However, she couldn’t begin tonight. No way could she walk up to the couple dancing on the grass and demand a dance with Nick. No way could she loll up against Nick’s body the way Juliette was doing, especially in front of her colleagues. She might think she could do this for Pat and her reputation, but she might not be able to put the action into practice. Although she had sat at this very picnic table and kissed Nick. Had anyone seen that? Could they tell where her hand had strayed? So what? If her reputation was the way Pat intimated then maybe her interlude with Nick, if it had been observed, might stop the rumors.

  Feeling utterly confused, Serena excused herself from Pat and walked to the house. She needed some time away from the throbbing sound and the sight of Nick and Juliette laughing into one another’s eyes.

  Don intercepted her on the way. “Haven’t seen you all evening, Serena. Where have you been hiding?”

  He slurred his words and his breath smelled strongly of beer. Serena averted her face. “I haven’t been hiding anywhere.”

  “Well, let’s say, then, that you haven’t been conspicuous. Everyone has the idea that Fraser and Marshall are the hot couple of the moment, not you and Fraser.” He tried to focus his eyes upon her.

  Serena wished that all this Nick and Juliette stuff would disappear into thin air and leave her alone. She longed to return to the other day, before the phone call in her car from Don. She’d been ecstatic at the school opening ceremony, with the prospect of her new show ready to start with John.

  “I can’t help who Nick likes.”

  Don put his arm around her shoulders and turned her into a huddle. “Except I want him to like you. Now I would have been happy with John Duncan. I could have lived with him. But we haven’t got him anymore. Nick Fraser makes John look like a dink. Let’s face it. John’s a pretty face without much between his ears. Nick Fraser, and I hate to say this, is like your father. He’s got it all.”

  Serena disliked it when men got drunk and got serious at the same time. And why was everyone suddenly bringing up her father? It was as if Nick Fraser had stepped into the picture and, bingo, Stuart Redding Brown had been brought to life. “That’s another thing, Don. My father. You told Nick who my father was.”

  “He would have guessed anyway.”

  “Maybe. But I go on my own merit. You know that.”

  Don crowded her even more. “I also know that your dad was a great news guy. Like Fraser.”

  She couldn’t dispute that remark. She knew that Don had worked for her father once, when he was younger in the field himself. “Okay. I admit he was a great news guy. But all this has nothing to do with you manipulating Nick Fraser into being my co-host.”

  “I did that because I know my stuff. He’s the best one for the job. It’s like it’s meant to be. John Duncan gets sick. Nick Fraser hops on his plane and gets here to save the day.”

  “A real superman.”

  Don smiled. “Yep. So make the most of this. It could set you up for an even bigger career.”

  “I could also be overshadowed by the great Nick Fraser.”

  “Don’t even think it. You each possess your own qualities. Together you will sizzle. Believe me.”

  Serena did believe him. She believed him because she had already felt the sizzle with Nick. She continued on to the house to escape this madness.

  The simplicity of the stone walls on the exterior of the Steel home deceived the viewer into believing the interior would be just as simple. Not so, Serena knew. The interior was cluttered, cluttered with Barbara’s paintings and the original advertising art for Don’s shirts, cluttered with Don’s penchant for strange sculpture, cluttered with magazines, books and large screen TVs on the walls of every room. Serena knew the kitchen was an absolute delight, with an island counter that contained an extra oven and a vegetable cleaning sink. But it was also cluttered with copper pots and pans and rows of china and canned goods. Barbara was a very do-it-herself woman.

  The small powder room Serena headed for was occupied. She remembered there was another downstairs bathroom. As she passed through a room she found Barbara sitting quietly on a scarlet velvet sofa, bathed in the glow from a shaded lamp and sipping from a mug.

  “Hot chocolate,” Barbara said. “Do you want one?”

  She couldn’t imagine downing hot chocolate on top of the brandy she’d rather stupidly consumed. “No. I’m fine. Thanks. Your small powder room was busy so I was going through to your other bathroom.”

  Barbara smiled and Serena thought that her mother was wrong. Barbara had classic features that needed little decoration.

  “It’s been busy all evening. I really hate these parties, you know, but Don’s father began the soirée and Don has continued the custom. It’s good for morale I suppose, but I find my head begins to buzz from all the noise and the activity.”

  “I agree with you. Nothing against the party, but I was hoping to drop in and leave early. Then I ended up coming here with my mother, who likes to socialize.”

  “Socializing is the nature of her business, isn’t it? She’s a very successful woman. I’m just a more introverted person who doesn’t mind being alone. You also came with Nick Fraser, didn’t you? I’d never met him in person before.”

  Serena perched on a footstool that was covered in the same thick red velvet as the sofa. “What did you think of him?”

  Barbara took a sip from her mug. “What do you think of him?”

  “Intelligent. Good-looking. Smooth.”

  “Not that smooth. I think he has some rough edges. I only talked to him for a few moments but I’ve been watching him. He’s sure of himself, but he’s cultivated that. He has an emotional depth that he tries not to show. But it comes out in his news reports because he’s emotionally involved with his job. He loves it.”

  “You’ve obviously watched his news reports.”

  “I started to when Nick came to Don about work. Don brought some videos of Nick’s news reports home with him. I found I was fascinated by the man. Not only is he good at his work but he’s also easy on the eye.”

  Serena wasn’t surprised by Barb’s observations of Nick. She had been to a number of Barbara’s art shows, and when her work contained people they always showed a great deal of characterization detail. She studied people. “You’re right. Although I haven’t really had the chance to work with him yet. All we’ve had is one meeting, which was really an introduction to one another.”

  Barb nodded. “Did you like the introduction?”

  Serena ran the scarlet velvet nap backward with her fingers. “I haven’t come to any conclusion.”

  “He must have confused you then. He’s quite a mixture of cool and emotion. But I believe that’s because he’s nurtured
the cool side. He’s either achieved the result to become excellent for the medium of TV, or something happened along the way to hurt him and caused him to build a shell around himself. Does he have a family?”

  “He told me that his mother and father live in Toronto and that’s about it.” Discussing Nick this way made Selena think about the way she had hardened her own emotions against pain because of her father. Was Barbara right? Had Nick had something happen to him that had produced the same result? She recalled the stubborn, little-boy look she’d glimpsed in him this evening. Had it been real or her imagination?

  “He’s never been married though. Has he?” Barbara asked.

  “No. Not as far as I know.”

  “I’m sure you’ll find him fascinating to work with.”

  “From what I’ve experienced so far, I’m positive I will.”

  Barbara laughed. “You sound as if he’s giving you a hard time.”

  Serena was sure Barbara knew exactly what type of hard time Nick was giving her. Wanting to leave the subject of Nick, she glanced around her. “It’s soothing here in the house.”

  “Isn’t it? Some peace for me while Don plays his party animal role. Len’s like Don, and will follow in his footsteps. He’s starting full time at Steel as soon as he’s finished college.”

  Serena hadn’t known this. “Will Don slow down with Len’s help?”

  “I doubt it. He’ll make Len start at the bottom, like his father did to him. Besides, he’s on to a lot of new projects. Like your show, for one. I’m looking forward to it.”

  Serena raised an eyebrow. “To see me or Nick?”

  “To see both of you. Don has high hopes for you out of this.”

  This comment made Serena curious. “Has he said much about the show?”

  “No. He just told me that John wasn’t well and he’d had to replace him with Nick, and that he’d been crossing his fingers for the show when John was going to do it, even though he was pretty sure you could carry it. But now, with Nick, he feels much more confident.”


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