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[Love in Stone Valley 02 - Ruby's Two Sexy Hunks

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by Sam Crescent

  Love in Stone Valley 2

  Ruby’s Two Sexy Hunks

  Ruby thought she was a one man woman until two sexy hunks walk into her life. The attraction between the three is scorching. She cannot stay away from them and she doesn’t want to.

  Chris and Troy never expected to fall in love but they know Ruby is the woman for them. They left their past behind in the hope to find happiness and they believe they’ve finally found it. However, someone is out to hurt their woman. When Ruby’s life is put in jeopardy, they have no choice but to take over to keep their woman alive.

  The past always finds a way of catching up. Someone Chris and Troy left behind is determined to stop them finding love. Can they save Ruby in time, or will it be too late?

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 51,205 words


  Love in Stone Valley 2

  Sam Crescent


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2014 by Sam Crescent

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-272-0

  First E-book Publication: September 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Dear Readers,

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  I would like to say a big thank-you to Siren and to my editor, you’re all wonderful, amazing, and supportive. Thank you for your time and dedication.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen


  About the Author


  Love in Stone Valley 2


  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  Ruby Monroe took another bite of her apple while watching the two men across the road painting the wood a dark, oaky brown around the windows. She couldn’t believe the shop opposite hers was going to be a sex shop. Her own shop sold handbags, shoes, and other little trinkets, but nothing as explicit as sex toys. At least the two men were hot to look at and gave her something to do while they worked.

  They were both red hot and hard muscled. The shop would be getting a lot of customers in no time at all. Taking another bite of her apple, she let her gaze wander down the backside of their bodies once again. Her pussy heated at the sight alone. She wondered what they looked like from the front. For the last few hours, she’d admired their behinds and their large arm muscles. God, what would it be like to have them in her life with those arms surrounding her? They had to be good at sex. She hoped they were good at sex.

  She crossed her legs as another wave of arousal hit her.

  “What are you watching?” Darla Rose asked, hitching her bag high on her shoulder.

  “The two wet dreams across the street. They’re opening the sex shop that’s been getting all the buzz.” Ruby took another bite as Tessie Stone came to join them. Not too far behind Tessie were Markus and Brant. Tessie’s husbands were the two sons of the original descendants of Stone Valley. Six months ago, Tessie, Markus, and Brant were the talk of the town. The rumor mill mentioned Tessie’s old ranch and something about a drug bust. Ruby wasn’t interested in the gossip. She was pleased her friend was safe.

  “What’s got your attention?” Tessie asked.

  “Two hot men across the street.” Darla answered for her this time. Ruby took the time to finish off her apple. She’d forgotten to make herself some lunch and she didn’t fancy anything big from the Flippin’ Tasty.

  “That’s Troy Jones and Christopher Hall. They’re best friends who have moved here from England,” Markus said.

  “England?” all three women asked at the same time. Ruby loved the British accent even though she’d not actually met someone from England. Stupid, but true.

  “Are they legit?” Ruby asked and was met with both men laughing.

  “Of course they’re legit. They’ve moved into the abandoned ranch near the old lake. The Sheriff has checked out their visas and working permits. Everything is above board,” Brant said, laughing.

  Ruby didn’t care. One of the men tugged the vest he’d been wearing off and her body lit up from within. He had muscles everywhere and on his back was a tattoo of an eagle. She always had a thing for a man with a tattoo. Crap, she was getting turned on in front of all of her friends and she’d never be able to live that down.

  Throwing the apple core into the nearest trashcan, she was struck dumb as both men turned toward them. In the next instant, the paintbrushes were put aside and they
were both making their way toward them.

  Both men looked as good from the front as they did from the back.

  “How are you doing, mate?” the one with the eagle tattoo asked.

  “Mate.” He said “mate.” Her heart pounded inside her chest. What was it about the British accent that got to her? It was lame. Stupid and lame.

  “It’s great to meet you, Troy,” Markus said, shaking the man’s hand.

  Both of their gazes turned to her. Ruby stared at them, struck by the bright blue eyes and intense brown gazing back at her.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss,” Troy said.

  She gave him her hand and Troy kissed her knuckles. It was sweet and gentlemanly. “I’m Troy, and this big lug behind me is Chris.”

  She noticed they singled her out. Glancing to her side, she saw Tessie and Darla smirking at her. Darla’s smirk disappeared as Luke Willis came into view.

  Troy and Chris turned to the others in greeting.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well.” Troy spoke to Darla.

  “I hate men,” Darla said, storming off.

  Ruby laughed, watching her friend walk into the diner.

  “Did that have to do with us?” Troy asked.

  “No, that’s all me.” Luke slapped the guy on the back. “It’s great to have you back, Troy.”

  All three men shook hands and greeted each other. Ruby watched the interaction, shocked to see the friendship between all three men.

  “You know them?” Ruby asked, pointing at Blue and Brown. She couldn’t remember their names. Blue had yet to talk to her.

  “I met them on my trip to Europe. When I left a few years ago, I had the pleasure of staying with these two crazy guys. I finally talked them into leaving their boring life behind and moving here.”

  “When he told us about Stone Valley being very accepting, we didn’t believe it,” Chris said, finally speaking.

  Her heart melted. The accent was certainly a winner for her. She remembered the trip. It was over four years ago when Luke left town, leaving his two brothers behind.

  “What are you talking about?” she asked.

  Troy and Chris looked at each other but didn’t say a word.

  “She’s a resident, guys, with three dads of her own,” Luke said.

  “Yep, she knows what goes on in this town,” Tessie said. “She was part of the seduction with my two husbands.”

  “Chris and I like to share. We’re looking for a woman who can accept us as a package deal. Where we’re from, it’s not a given thing. This place is a paradise in comparison. We just want to live our lives in peace and happiness.”

  Okay, these two men were after her own heart, only, she was not in the market for a couple of husbands.

  “Well, I got to get back to work. It was lovely to meet you both, and welcome to Stone Valley.” She took each of their hands in her own and gasped as electricity seemed to travel up her arm and course through her whole body.

  Arousal hit her hard and she backed away without saying another word. She turned, walked into her shop and shut the door. Her life was about to get complicated, she was sure of it.

  * * * *

  Troy Jones watched the little redhead step back into her shop. He’d seen her around town several times and had been struck dumb by how damn pretty she looked. Those green eyes of hers would forever be embedded in his mind. He wondered how her eyes would look when he was fucking her with his cock.

  “I guess little red doesn’t like us,” Troy said.

  His best friend was too busy watching the shop where she’d entered.

  “Ruby is hard to get to know. She doesn’t much like strangers. Also, you’ve opened a sex store across the street. She can be quite prudish, which is a damn quality in this town,” Tessie said.

  Glancing behind him, he took in the front of his new future. Opening a sex shop was very different to being security back in England. Both he and Chris had made a future of protecting people. They were damn good at it, too. The only problem was that they wanted a life together with one woman. They were alone in the world. Their family was each other and they hope to have a big family one day. Little red looked like she could fill the spot just nicely. He loved redheads. They were fiery spirits and with those green eyes, she was a walking fantasy to him.

  “Welcome to Stone Valley,” Markus said. “We’ve got to get going, otherwise Tessie will be late for her shift.”

  The little circle they’d formed disappeared, leaving only Luke Willis, the oldest Willis brother.

  “That was entertaining,” Luke said.

  All three men made their way to the sex shop. Grabbing a paint brush, Troy began working on the border of the windows. The shop had needed a lot of work done to it on the inside and outside, but in a couple of weeks, they’d be open and ready for business. For the last month, they’d ordered everything from the catalogue and put the finishing touches to the shelves and counters. This would be a very luxurious sex shop.

  “The Darla bird has an issue with you,” Chris said, finally speaking.

  “She’s a problem at the moment. Darla’s a problem with a four-year-old son. I don’t know. Jon and Ryan think I’m wrong to want to know who the father is.” His friend shrugged. “Let’s not talk about me. What was with all the steamy gazes at Ruby?”

  “She’s hot,” Chris said and Troy agreed with him.

  “I’ve always had something with red hair,” Troy said, agreeing.

  “Ruby’s a tough cookie. She owns that building across the street and she’s got three dads and all of them are protective of her. You’ll have to get past them before you can date her.”

  “Three dads? You know that’s not possible, right?” Troy glanced at his friend as he spoke.

  “It’s Stone Valley. Everything is possible in this town, and awesome. On top of the three dads, she’s got an older brother, Anthony and a younger sister, Daisy,” Luke said, grabbing a brush to help them out.

  “So we’ve got an entire family to look out for?” Troy asked.

  “You’ve got that right. Anthony is away at the moment on service and Daisy away at college. Only Ruby is in town.”

  Troy watched his friend glance toward the Flippin’ Tasty as Darla walked out. “Shit, I’ve got to go. See you guys at the Dancin’ Donkey tonight?” Luke asked.

  Both men agreed and watched as Luke chased down Darla.

  “He’s got it hard for the brunette,” Chris said.

  For the rest of the morning they finished their painting and made their way inside to sign for the first delivery of dildos.

  Troy worked through his break, eating his cucumber sandwich as he went. He wasn’t good in the kitchen and most of their food consisted of fast food or something he could shove into a sandwich.

  By the time three in the afternoon came around, Troy was exhausted and ready to call it a day. Chris had opened the fridge and taken out two beers.

  “We’re almost there,” Chris said. “Provided the deliveries come through on time, we’ll be open in two weeks.”

  “It’ll be the one good thing to happen this week.” Troy thought about the little heating problem they’d discovered. He didn’t mind getting washed with some cold water, but the shower was constantly pouring out cold water. There was no way he could focus or do the washing up, and he had no clue on how to fix any of the plumbing.

  Looking toward the front windows, Troy saw Ruby passing by the window. She was stood with a large man with dark-brown hair. They guy looked to be in his late fifties. Seconds later, a knock sounded on their closed door.

  “Is that her father?” Chris asked.

  “I don’t know. Come on, let’s go and make an impression.” Luke had warned them both about the protectiveness of the locals when it came to their daughters. It was refreshing, seeing how banded together they were in Stone Valley when they’d come from a large city in England.

  He waited behind Chris as the other man opened the door.

bsp; “Dad, will you stop it? This is not necessary,” Ruby said.

  “Two men have opened a sex store right in front of my baby girl and I’m not going to stand for it. They’ll learn some manners from me and I need to make sure you’re taken care of,” the older man said.

  The couple turned to look at them. Troy noted the bright-red color in her cheeks as she looked his way.

  “Hello,” Chris said.

  “Who are you?” the older man said.

  “I’m Troy Jones.” He offered his hand, wanting to make a good impression on one of her fathers.

  “Dad, this is embarrassing.” She spoke through gritted teeth.

  “I’m Chris Hall, sir.”

  “Charles Monroe, one of Ruby’s fathers.”

  “What can we do for you?” Troy asked. He didn’t drop his gaze from Ruby. She kept staring between him and Chris. She looked mortified at what was happening. “I’m sorry,” she said, mouthing the words.

  Troy offered a smile to the younger woman. His cock thickened as he stared down the length of her body. She was so damn sexy. He needed to know if Chris felt the same connection with her, because he truly believed he’d found the one woman for them.

  * * * *

  The last thing Chris had expected to deal with was one of Ruby’s fathers on their first day of meeting. He loved redheaded, fiery women and she was all that wrapped into one package. Her body was a thing of beauty. He glanced past Charles to take a quick look at her. Her green eyes were so expressive that he could tell she hated what was happening. Gazing down her body, he noted her large breasts and tiny waist. She possessed an hourglass figure. When he’d watched her walk away, he’d been so turned on by her ass he’d been tempted to follow her and spank the rounded flesh. Fuck, he was going insane with wanting her. He’d never known such heated pleasure for one woman before.

  Troy felt the same attraction toward the woman in front of them, he was sure of it.

  “Would you like to come inside?” Chris asked.

  “Dad, seriously, you don’t need to do this,” Ruby said, tugging on his arm.

  “Baby girl, I’m your father, and I want to know the kind of men who are opening a sex shop across from you.”


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