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[Love in Stone Valley 02 - Ruby's Two Sexy Hunks

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  Troy moved out from underneath her. She was shaking, totally exhausted, but she was so damn happy she couldn’t stop smiling.

  Chris stayed inside her.

  He turned her over and withdrew. “Do you have a bathroom?” he asked.

  She pointed to the door on her left. Words were not with her at the moment. She couldn’t think after what just happened. Chris and Troy, together, had given her her first real orgasm ever.

  Her hands didn’t count, and neither did Brad. In comparison, Brad was such a fucking bad lay.

  “You look happy, love,” Troy said, easing down beside her.

  “I’ve got a reason to be happy.” She turned to him, smiling. The exhaustion left her and she was more than ready to go again.

  “You’ve never been given a proper orgasm before, have you?”

  He reached over, pushing some strands of hair off her face.

  “No, not even with my ex.” She wasn’t ashamed of admitting the truth.

  “Then be prepared to have your whole world awakened,” Chris said.

  She looked toward the door where he’d exited. He was leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded.

  Gazing down the length of his body, she saw that his cock was thickening once again. An ache started deep in her pussy.

  “Are you ready for round two?” he asked.

  Moving up the bed, Ruby opened her thighs wide.

  “Come and get me.”

  Her cheeks felt hot to the touch. She’d tried to be sultry and seductive, but the blush must have spoiled it.

  * * * *

  Troy crawled up the bed between her waiting thighs. Where had this woman been hiding? For the past few days, she’d been reserved, and now she was opening up like a flower. She was twenty-five and from her response to them, she may as well have been a virgin before they touched her.

  Her ex sure knew how to make life difficult for her. Pushing the thoughts of Brad and his grand assholiness from his mind, Troy sank his fingers into her hair. In one smooth move, he brought her to her knees before him.

  “What are you doing?” she asked. Her voice sounded breathless.

  “Kissing you. We’re going to do it my way this time.”

  “Do you always take it in turns?”

  Troy smiled, rubbing his nose along her cheek and nibbling on her neck. “You’re going to have to keep us around to find out.”

  Chris joined them on the bed, behind Ruby. “You’re not ready to take us both, baby. Your ass is tighter than your pussy. We’ll be inside you soon enough.”

  His friend kissed her shoulder opposite him.

  “You’re going to drive me insane if you continue with this,” she said, gasping.

  Tugging on her hair, Troy stroked a hand down to her breast. “Then be prepared to be driven insane. We’re not done for the night. You’ve given us the whole night to take you, to claim you, and I’m going to do both.”

  Pinching her nipple he watched her eyes dilate with arousal. Tilting her head back, he closed the gap, taking her lips underneath his. She moaned, crying out.

  “That’s it, baby. Open up to me.” He muttered the words against her lips, waiting for her response.

  “He’s going to take it slow, baby. Be prepared to be thoroughly fucked.” Chris whispered the words against her ear.

  Dropping his fingers from her breast, he thrust three fingers into her dripping channel.

  “You want it, baby. I can feel how badly you need it.”

  “Yes, I need it. Please.”

  Her begging was sweet to hear.

  Smiling, Troy nodded at Chris. His friend would start preparing her ass with his fingers while he got to play with the rest of her body.

  Ruby wasn’t going to have any time to think. This was their time to make her addicted. He tightened his fist in her hair and she gasped. Troy felt her cunt cream around his fingers.

  “You like a little pain, don’t you, love?”


  “I want you to think of everything we can do to you. Every little fantasy is in our hands. Both of us, Ruby.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked, moaning.

  Easing his fingers out of her tight heat, he stared into her eyes.

  “You can have both of us or one of us, but at the end of the day it will be both me and Chris who’ll own you,” he said.

  She shuddered. He saw her nipples harden at his words.

  “Every fantasy. Every promise. Whatever your heart desires could be all yours.” He slammed his lips down on hers, not giving her chance to respond. They were setting the foundation for her to come to them.

  Chris winked.

  “Think about what I’m talking about.” Troy let go of her hair and settled his hands on her shoulders. “Now I’m going to love your body, love. Are you ready?”

  “You’re doing this on purpose. You’re going to make it hard for me to walk away, aren’t you?”

  He smiled. “The choice is yours.”

  Claiming one of her nipples in his mouth he sucked the hard bud, biting down on the tender, red flesh.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she said, moaning.

  Moving his hands around to her ass, he spread her cheeks wide, giving Chris the opportunity to tease her.

  She gasped, shaking, and Troy kept a hold of her throughout. He sucked on one breast, biting down and sucking the pain away until he moved onto the other breast. Ruby didn’t fight them. Her hands remained at her sides, occasionally fisting.

  “What’s Chris doing to you?” he asked, getting her to focus on him.

  Her eyes opened. They were glazed and looked desperate once again.

  “He’s playing with my ass.”

  “Has he worked a finger inside you yet?” he asked.

  “No. He’s pressing against my ass.”

  “Do you want it?” He tightened his grip on her ass, hearing her yelp. Ruby was such a passionate woman.

  “Yes. I want everything.”

  “Relax for me, baby,” Chris said.

  Leaving her ass, Troy pressed a finger into her swollen pussy. She cried out and her eyes went wide as Chris pushed deep into her.

  “You’re being finger-fucked, baby,” Troy said.

  “It feels so good, and so wrong.”

  She nearly fell forward. Troy held her close with his free hand wrapped around her waist.

  “You caught me,” she said, shocked.

  “I’ll always catch you.” He kept his grip around her, working her pussy, drawing out the pleasure.

  “We’ll both catch you,” Chris said.

  “Please, fuck me.”

  “When we’re ready.” Troy teased a finger over her clit. He’d always keep her on the edge, making her beg.

  He kept a firm hold on her and together he and Chris worked her body. She was shaking, gasping for more and trying to fight them for an orgasm.

  They were stronger than she’d ever be.

  “Please, please, please,” she said.

  “What are you begging for, baby?” Troy asked, pinching her clit.

  She screamed, jerking in his arms.

  “You know what I’m begging for.”

  Chris smiled.

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Please give me an orgasm. Do something to take this ache away,” she asked, begging.

  Nodding his head at Chris, he moved away from Troy and Ruby.

  Ruby whimpered at the loss of the other man.

  He was going to give her this orgasm before settling her over him and taking her hard as Chris worked her ass.

  Stroking her clit, Troy didn’t let up. Her arms wrapped around him and he kept her close. Pushing three fingers into her wet pussy, he pushed his thumb onto her clit. Within seconds, Ruby cried out in orgasm.

  He swallowed down her cries with a kiss.

  * * * *

  Chris palmed his erection watching Ruby come apart in his best friend’s arms. Troy was always the easy, fun-loving guy, but in the bedr
oom, he drew everything out. He worked women over and never seemed to be sated in the bedroom.

  Ruby sweet cries echoed around the room, going straight to his cock. The sound of her pleasure made it hard for him to concentrate. He was close to another climax and he wasn’t ready to come yet.

  When Troy was ready to move, he tugged Ruby onto his lap, straddling his hips. Chris joined them back on the bed, going up behind them.

  “Fuck, I forgot the condom.”

  Ruby eased off him and grabbed one of the condoms that spilled out of the box.

  Chris tore it open for her, handing the latex back.

  She rolled the condom onto Troy’s erection.

  “What are you going to be doing?” she asked, turning her head to look at him.

  Cupping her cheek, he dropped his lips onto hers. “I’m going to be having my own fun,” he said, smiling.

  Her cheeks were flushed and she nodded.

  Troy eased her back down on his erection. Ruby cried out.

  Chris watched her hands settle on Troy’s shoulders, holding on. She was so small compared to them.

  Pressing his palm to her back, he stroked down the curve, smiling as she shuddered.

  Ruby was so damn responsive. Fuck, he was addicted to her already. She would be such a welcoming relief at the end of a hard day.

  Troy’s hands settled on her hips and Chris watched Ruby get deeply fucked. He loved watching and seeing Troy’s cock enter her body, turned him on.

  Licking his lips, Chris fucked his cock with his fist.

  Easing a hand down her back, he settled his palm against her ass. When the shop was open, he was keeping aside an anal kit along with lots of lube. He couldn’t wait to get started on preparing her to receive his cock.

  It would be a matter of weeks before they could finally share her, taking her at the same time.

  Troy and Ruby moaned. Their sounds echoed off the wall. The headboard hit against the wall as their fucking got harder and faster.

  Coating his fingers in her release, Chris got himself nice and wet before pressing a finger to her ass. The muscles kept him out. Her ass was so tight, he needed to cajole her to open up. Troy thrust her down on his cock and she moaned.

  The pleasure she experienced got him to ease the tip of his finger into her ass.

  He couldn’t use more than one finger. Chris needed more supplies to take her with something bigger and wider.

  “Her pussy is so damn tight,” Troy said. “I’m not going to last.”

  “You’ve not lasted once tonight,” Chris said, complaining.

  “I can’t help it. She’s fucking hot.”

  Pressing the whole tip of his finger inside, Chris palmed his erection, feeling his orgasm start. He’d never been so close to the edge so soon after already experiencing an orgasm once tonight.

  Ruby’s cry echoed around the room, sparking both his and Troy’s release. He pumped his finger into her ass as he beat his seed onto her back. There was no controlling it.

  “Wow,” Ruby said. “You guys sure know how to make a girl feel wanted.”

  Slapping her ass, Chris withdrew his finger from her ass.

  “You’re wanted, baby. More than you know.”

  He watched Ruby rest her head on Troy’s shoulder.

  “I feel it.” She looked him in the eye, smiling. “You’ve made me all dirty.”

  “Sorry.” He caressed her thigh, wishing they were wrapped around him.

  “I don’t mind. I promised you guys a warm shower, didn’t I?”

  “You certainly did.”

  “Can you guys give me a few minutes? I need to catch my breath,” Troy said.

  His friend was collapsed against the headboard.

  “I think I wore your friend out,” Ruby said.

  Troy groaned. “Stop squeezing your pussy, baby. I can’t handle you squeezing me like that.”

  Chris laughed at the discomfort on Troy’s face.

  “She’s doing it on purpose,” Chris said. Troy slapped her ass, making Ruby yelp.

  “I love it when you spank me.” Ruby leaned close, kissing Troy’s lips. “I thought you guys could keep up with me,” she said, smiling.

  “We’re keeping up with you, baby. It has been awhile for us,” Chris said, helping her off Troy’s cock. “We’re going into the bathroom. Make your way to us when you’re ready.”

  He kept hold of Ruby’s hand as they walked toward the next room.

  “I hope I’ve not broken your friend,” she said.

  Chris chuckled. “You’ve not broken Troy. He’ll be ready for round three before you know it.”

  Ruby moved ahead of him, turning the shower on.

  She tested the water and climbed in. Slapping a bar of soap onto his chest, and a sponge, Ruby turned away, giving him her back.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked.

  “Clean me.” She wriggled her ass, tempting him to do far more than clean her.

  “You’re tempting me to fuck you again, love, with you shaking your ass at me.”

  “You’re ready to go again?” she asked, sounding shocked.

  Chris laughed, playing with the curves of her ass. “No, not yet, but there’s plenty we could do in the meantime.”

  She moaned. “You’re going to make it impossible for me to forget about you.”

  “Yep. You can count on it.” He pushed her hair to the side and trailed kisses down her neck.

  He washed the soap off her back while teasing her clit with his free hand.

  Ruby opened her legs wider, giving him better access.

  “You two have started without me?” Troy asked, stepping into the shower stall. “Um, hot water.”

  “How long have you two been without hot water?” Ruby asked, stepping out of Chris’s hands.

  “Since we got here. Brad should be coming to fix our plumbing next week.”

  “He’s always super busy,” Ruby said.

  Chris caressed her cheek. “Enough about your ex. Let’s get ready for round three.”

  Chapter Seven

  “Wake up, love.”

  Ruby moaned, pushing the hand away. Her body tingled in all the right places and she’d been having a wonderful dream. Fingers tickled her stomach, working up to cup her breasts. She rolled onto her back, waiting for something more.

  Her nipples were squeezed, making her gasp, opening her eyes and waking her up.

  Troy knelt above her. “I wondered what it would take to wake you up.”

  He was dressed in last night’s clothes.

  “What time is it?” she asked.

  “Ten. You’ve slept for most of the morning.”

  “Then why did you wake me up?” She was exhausted. Troy straddled either side of her body, stopping her from settling back down and falling asleep.

  “We’ve got a little problem in the kitchen.”

  She frowned, wiping the sleep from her eyes. Ruby wasn’t used to having to think first thing in the morning without coffee. “What could possibly be up?”

  “We’ve only been up ten minutes, love. It seems your sister brought home a guest last night as well.”

  Ruby stared at Troy.

  “Chris is in the kitchen with my sister and Brad?”

  “Yep. Everything’s a little tense. We weren’t expecting visitors, so both of them got an eyeful of me and Chris naked.”

  His words registered and Ruby couldn’t keep the smile from her face.

  “I need to get up?”

  “Yes, you need to get up.”

  “I can’t get up with you on me, bad boy.”

  His gaze moved down to her exposed breasts. “I wish I could keep you in this bed all day. We’ve got the barbeque today. Chris and I want to make a good impression.”

  She understood why. Their business would be a huge success if they won over the rest of the town.

  “Get off me and then I’ll go and see what’s going on,” Ruby said, tapping his thigh.

  “Before I l
et you go, I want a kiss.”

  Rolling her eyes, she went to her elbows and waited for his kiss.

  Troy started off slow, licking along her lips, making her gasp. When her lips opened of their own accord, he took advantage, plunging his tongue into her mouth.

  “That’s the way to wake up,” she said.

  He climbed off her, throwing the robe in her direction. She caught the robe before it fell on the floor.

  Standing up, she became aware of muscles that hadn’t been used in three years, or forever. Between Chris and Troy, they’d given her over four orgasms last night. She would never forget that night, and if she was honest with herself, she didn’t want the night to end there. Troy and Chris were in her blood. She wanted their possession, craved it.

  Three years she’d been without sex, and last night she’d learned the times before when she’d been with Brad were nothing in comparison.

  She wrapped the robe around her body. “Let’s do this.”

  “They don’t look in a pleasant mood,” Troy said.

  “Whatever. I’m tired of them sneaking around, and then she brings him back here? No, it’s not going to happen. I won’t allow it.” She was tired of being seen with pity and sympathy by the rest of the town.

  Walking down the stairs, she headed for the kitchen. Chris leaned against the counter with a cup in his hand. The scent of coffee permeated the air.

  Ruby found Daisy and Brad sat on either side of the small dinner table she owned.

  “Good morning,” Ruby said, tying the sash of her robe tighter.

  Daisy looked up at her, glaring.

  Smiling, Ruby went toward the coffee. Chris’s gaze was on her.

  “How are you this morning?” he asked, handing her a cup.

  “I’ve never been better.” Putting the cup on the counter she circled her arms around his neck. She leaned in close. “I’m sorry about them. I didn’t expect anyone to come home.”

  “Do you really need to drool on him in front of us?” Daisy asked.

  Getting annoyed, Ruby whirled around, glaring at her sister. “Shall I remind you that this is my house? I pay the mortgage and you’re staying here because I’m letting you stay here.”

  “Are you throwing that up in my face?”

  “What’s your problem, Daisy? I’ve kept your silly little secret. So you’re fucking Brad. Who cares?”


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