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[Love in Stone Valley 02 - Ruby's Two Sexy Hunks

Page 9

by Sam Crescent

“Welcome to the Pleasure Palace,” he said.

  Stepping into the shop, she was overcome by the fresh scent lingering in the air. The space was open with several stacks in the center of the room. Along each wall were selections of toys, from dildos to butt plugs and nipples clamps. One section was dedicated to many different colors and flavors of condoms. She’d never seen so many in her life. Ruby bought plain, good old-fashioned condoms that stopped disease and pregnancy. Going over to the shelf, she saw some of the flavors, which she wouldn’t associate with sex at all.

  “Okay, this is a little creepy,” she said.

  “Some women don’t like the taste of cock. This gives them more variety,” Troy said.

  The main shop was very bright and she saw some books, along with DVDs. Everything was, for a sex shop, innocent in appearance. Looking around the space, she noticed an alcove with beads across the entrance for people to walk through.

  “What’s through there?” she asked.

  “It’s for the more forbidden passion.” Chris took her hand, leading her through the beaded curtain.

  The space was small, dark, but the whips and floggers caught her eye. “This is for Doms, right?” she asked, going over to look. She didn’t want to touch. They all looked a little frightening to her.

  “Yep. We knew there was a club here and we wanted to offer something for everyone,” Troy said.

  She walked over to a cage in the corner. “Is this to take home?” she asked.

  Troy shook his head, taking over. “It’s a display piece only. We get our clients to test them out so we know the right size and dimensions and order them in.”

  Ruby reached out, touching the metal bars. It was a little too extreme for her and she took a step back.

  “Yeah, I’m not ready for anything like that. I’m happy with the sex.” She shook her head, turning her back on the cage.

  Chris and Troy stood side by side, staring at her.

  “What?” she asked, feeling nervous. Both men sported a predatory gaze.

  “We’re waiting for an answer,” Chris said.

  She ran fingers through her hair, trying to think. “I don’t want it to be one night.”

  “That’s fine by me,” Troy said, smiling.

  “You’re not sure if you want forever?” Chris asked, grasping her mood. She didn’t know how he did that, but in that moment, she was happy for it.

  “I’ve only ever been with Brad. He was my first and last relationship. I’m fine with that. I’ve got my shop and my friends. I’m happy, but I loved what we did last night. I don’t want it to be a one-time deal.”

  “You’re not offering forever?” Troy asked.

  “I’m offering what we’ve got now. If you want, we could date and have fun. It’s what I’d like to happen.” She nibbled her lip, waiting.

  “Baby, you’re after my own heart,” Chris said, closing the distance. His hands went around her waist, tugging her close. Lips pressed to hers, tongue pushing through, begging for her to open up to him.

  Her body responded in kind. Her nipples hardened, her pussy creamed and she was ready for whatever he had in mind.

  * * * *

  Troy broke through the kiss and made his way toward the office in the back of the shop, passed the store room. He wanted her across the desk they shared. His need to be inside her was not going to last past the barbeque. Desperation clawed at him, begging him to be inside her tight heat.

  Ruby didn’t complain as he made the first move, cupping her cheeks and slamming his lips on hers. Her heart-shaped lips opened up beneath his. He pushed the straps of her dress down her shoulders, freeing her rounded tits into his palms. Chris removed her dress for him. Troy was too busy palming her breasts to care about her dress.

  “Open your legs, baby,” Chris said.

  She moaned, opening her mouth wider and Troy plunged his tongue in deep.

  Releasing her breasts, Troy unbuttoned his jeans and grabbed the condom from the back pocket before pushing them down to his knees. Tearing open the foil, he quickly covered his cock with the latex.

  “Move out of the way, Chris.” He pushed her to the desk, turned her and pushed her over the hard surface of the desk.

  His need was too great. The thong she’d been wearing was pushed aside. Troy quickly tested her pussy to see if she was wet enough.

  Ruby moaned, pushing against his palm.

  “I can’t wait.” Aligning his cock with her pussy, Troy thrust deep inside her, hitting her cervix.

  She cried out, jerking underneath him.

  “Are you okay, love?” he asked.

  Chris was stood watching them, stroking his cock through his jeans.

  “Yes.” Her voice shook. Troy slapped her ass, loving the sound of her yelp echoing through the office. Every time he worked back here, he’d always remember this moment with her.

  “What are you waiting for?” Ruby asked.

  “Slap her ass again for me, Troy.”

  He did as his friend asked and slapped her rounded ass. The print of his hand covered the cheek of her ass.

  “Don’t rush me,” Chris said, stepping closer. “Fuck her. I want to hear her screams.”

  Troy reared back, watching his dick leave her body. The condom was covered in a layer of her cream. He pulled all of the way out of her pussy, leaving her empty.

  She wriggled her ass, but Troy pressed a hand to her back, keeping her in place.

  “Please, stop tormenting me,” she said, begging.

  Looking toward Chris, he waited for the signal to move.

  Chris jerked his head and Troy slammed back inside her. He kept up the same pace, leaving her body completely and only pressing inside her when Chris gave the nod. Ruby cried out, screamed and ranted at them. “You’re not playing fair. Fuck me, please.”

  Her words soon turned into begging.

  Troy watched as Chris unbuckled his belt, then dragged his jeans to his knees. “Do you want to suck me?”

  She nodded her head.

  “Troy, fuck our woman for me.”

  Without waiting another second, Troy pounded into her tight heat, relishing the feel of her pussy tightening around his shaft.

  Along the length of her body, he watched Chris present his cock to her lips. Ruby looked so damn sexy spread out on the desk. It was the best way he’d seen the desk, and for the rest of their days in Pleasure Palace, he’d remember how Ruby looked at this moment. Her red hair fell around her face in waves. Her back arched.

  Pulling the cheeks of her ass open, Troy watched himself sink into her pussy. Her lips spread wide around his cock. Reaching around, he stroked her clit and felt the answering ripple of her cunt.

  “Fuck,” Troy said, cursing. When her pussy tightened around him, he couldn’t concentrate on anything other than his need to come. “I’m so close to coming.”

  He held still inside her and watched Ruby suck Chris’s cock.

  The length was coated with saliva and the moans coming from Ruby left no mistake about what she wanted.

  “I’m going to come soon,” Chris said.

  His friend’s fingers were locked in her hair, holding Ruby in place as he pumped into her mouth.

  Seeing how close Chris was gave Troy the freedom to fuck her hard and fast. His orgasm tingled through his whole body. Closing his eyes, Troy let out a growl as the first spurt covered the condom he wore.

  His release was intense and he gripped her hips in an attempt to hold on to some part of his sanity. The pleasure was too much and yet not enough.

  He emptied himself into her body, only the condom kept his seed contained. Troy was a little disappointed to be wearing the latex. He wanted to know what it was like to be inside her without anything between them.

  Licking his lips, he opened his eyes to see the same kind of bliss on Chris’s face. Ruby lay with her cheek on the hard wood.

  “Can you stop stroking me, Troy? I can’t stand much more.”

  He’d been so taken by his own
release that he’d not even realized he was stroking her clit.

  “Did you orgasm?” he asked, needing to know she’d felt the same kind of pleasure.

  “It was a little hard not to find release when you were relentless.”

  He chuckled, leaning down and pressing a kiss to her back. “Next time, I’ll take my time with you.”

  “I don’t want to get up,” she said, whimpering.

  “We’ve got to, baby,” Chris said, kneeling in front of her. “What would your parents think if we weren’t there?”

  “You don’t need to make an impression with them. I’m already thoroughly impressed,” she said.

  Troy laughed. He eased out of her snug cunt.

  He frowned as he looked down at the condom. Pressing his fingers over the tip, he brought them up to the light.

  “What’s the matter?” Chris asked.

  “I think the condom split.”

  Ruby turned around, sitting up. She went to her knees, looking at the condom. Her fingers reached over him, touching and stroking. She pulled away. “Yeah, the condom broke.”

  Crap, he’d known some condoms simply broke, but he’d not actually expected any of them to break on him.

  * * * *

  Chris saw the panic on his friend’s face and also the fear in Ruby’s eyes.

  “I’ve never had a condom break. I promise, Ruby. This is not a trap or anything,” Troy said, reaching down to capture her chin.

  “Aren’t I the one who’s supposed to say those words?” she asked. Her chin wobbled. He couldn’t let the two people he cared about fear the broken condom.

  “Look, we’ll handle whatever happens. I’m sure we’ll all be okay,” Chris said. He helped Ruby to her feet, holding her in his arms. Kissing the top if her head, he nodded for Troy to get rid of the condom.

  “I need to take the morning after pill. If I take that, then my parents will find out. I’m sure of it,” Ruby said.

  “Are you more mortified at your parents finding out?” Chris asked.

  “Yeah. They’ll come hunting for you and ranting at you for being careless. Or they’ll beat you to death.”

  Both punishments sounded a little extreme, but he wasn’t a father of a daughter and Ruby had not one but three dads to contend with. Troy came back minutes later with his jeans back to how they were.

  “We’ll handle whatever your dads have to dish out. If you don’t want to go and ask for the morning after pill then we’ll stick beside you,” Chris said.

  Troy agreed as well.

  “I don’t want you sticking around because you feel you have to.” She pressed a hand to her stomach.

  Chris tilted her head back up. “We’d never do that to you, baby. We’re sticking around because we want to. You’re our woman, which means no more men or women for either of us. We’re it for each other, babe.” Chris rubbed his nose against hers.

  “We’re not in love with each other,” she said.

  “That may come with time,” Troy said.

  There was no need to lie about their feelings. Chris cared about Ruby, but he wasn’t in love with her. He needed to get to know her more before he even considered loving her. If it hadn’t been for the damage Sandra caused, Chris knew he could easily fall in love with her. Ruby was everything he loved in a woman. She was fun, smart and sexy as hell. He enjoyed spending time with her and found himself searching for her all the time.

  It amazed him how fast he’d connected with her.

  “Are you in love with us?” Chris asked.

  She shook her head. “It takes me time to give my heart to someone.”

  Stroking her cheek, Chris tried not to be hurt by her admission. She wasn’t in love with them and he couldn’t expect her to love them when they’d admitted they didn’t love her. Still, there was a pang in his chest, which hadn’t been there before.

  Troy retrieved her dress from the floor. “I think dating will be fun.”

  Ruby smiled. “Yeah, dating will be fun.”

  Chris and Troy worked together to get her back in her dress. She ran fingers through her hair, letting the length fall naturally out.

  “How is the decorating going at the old ranch?” she asked, stepping away from him.

  He frowned. “How did you know there were decorating to be done?”

  “Some of us used to go up to the old lake back in high school. When it gets too warm, we still do go up, but it’s left for the kids now. We always passed the house and it looked in disrepair several years ago. I’d hate to imagine it now.” She stepped into her shoes, flung some hair off her shoulder and then faced them.

  “They’re going slowly,” Chris said. “We’re waiting for Brad to come out next week.”

  “You’re still having cold showers?”

  Troy claimed her lips. “At least we’ve got an excuse to have them now.”

  Ruby chuckled, pulling away from them.

  “Do you want to see the house later?” Chris asked. “We’ve got a lot of work to still do. We could use your knowing eye.”

  “I’d love to come and check it out. There better not be any bugs or roaches or anything. I’m not a bug lady. I hate bugs.”

  “We’re not keen on them either. We got the exterminator out before we moved in,” Chris said. They’d gotten the house for a steal and he wasn’t letting it go because of some work.

  It was a lot of work, but he wasn’t letting it go. Chris saw how beautiful it would look when he and Troy restored it back to its former glory.

  “Okay, shall we go after the barbeque?” she asked. “I might be able to help you get some contacts on the building work.”

  “We don’t mind doing the work ourselves,” Troy said.

  “You’ve got to learn to ask for help around here. We all help each other out. It’s what makes us Stone Valley, and we won’t try to steal from you.” Her hands were back on her hips.

  “Fine, we’ll take whatever help you can offer,” Chris said, giving in.

  “See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” She moved toward him. Her arms wrapped around his neck. “I’ll make you a local yet.”

  He cupped her ass, squeezing the soft flesh.

  She stared up at him with those green eyes and he was lost. “You’re so fucking beautiful. How did we get so lucky?”

  “You were at the right place at the right time.” She brushed her lips against his. “And I was ready to have some fun. Remember, it’s always woman’s choice.”

  “How could I forget?”

  Ruby glanced down at her watch and cursed. “The dads will be worried about me. We’d better get out of here before they start calling the Sheriff’s department.”

  Chuckling, Chris herded her and Troy out of Pleasure Palace. He took one last long look around his shop, feeling happiness settle inside him. This place was his future, and he was damn sure Ruby was his woman. There was no way anything could go wrong. Everything was simply perfect.

  Closing the door, he climbed in beside Ruby as Troy started up the truck.

  Chapter Nine

  Her mom, Angela, was waiting outside the large ranch where she grew up. Ruby let out a sigh as Angela’s perceptive eyes pierced through the truck. Glancing down at her watch, Ruby saw she was a little late. She didn’t know why she was late, as she didn’t live at the ranch anymore.

  “Ruby Monroe, I expected you hear an hour ago to fix the salad and you’re only just turning up. I expect better from you,” Angela said. Her voice could be heard through the truck’s closed windows.

  “Great, you’re about to meet my mom,” she said.

  Chris opened the door, letting her out with a hand on her arm to keep her steady. Would she ever get used to his help? He always seemed to be waiting for her to hold her steady. She wasn’t used to such attention.

  They don’t love you and you don’t love them. Think about that and remember it.

  Fast behind her mother, her three dads came charging around the corner. Roger, Darren, and Charles did
not look happy.

  “You’ve got a lot of explaining to do, miss,” Angela said, arms folded.

  “What? What’s going on?” Ruby moved away from her two men.

  Her mother refused to answer her. “Thank you for bringing our daughter here. You’ll find refreshments out in the garden.”

  So, her parents’ attitude had nothing to do with Troy and Chris. What could she have done to make them angry?

  Before she said a word, Angela was marching her through to the main house. She remembered being marched toward the house, into the kitchen when she was growing up. Having four parents glaring at her, telling her off, meant she made sure her parents rarely found out what she’d been up to. Anthony was a great partner in crime. He always knew what to say to get out of trouble.

  “When were you going to tell us the truth about the breakup between you and Brad?” her mother asked. Her arms were folded under her ample chest.

  Ruby glanced at her mom, then at the three dads stood around her.

  “I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Don’t lie to us, young lady,” Roger said, arms folded like her mother.

  “Daisy came home whining about your men. We don’t like hearing about you dating through your younger sister, but imagine our surprise when she let slip that the reason you weren’t dating Brad was because of her?” Charles said.

  Sitting back on her chair, Ruby looked at her family. They all cared about her, and she saw the disappointment at Daisy’s actions.

  “I knew you guys would be disappointed with her. What she did was unfair, but I wasn’t in love with Brad. I’ve never been in love with him.” She wasn’t about to mention how bad the sex was between them.

  “It’s beside the point. I can’t believe he did that to you. I’m so disappointed in him,” Charles said.

  “Look, Troy and Chris think Daisy has some kind of jealousy of me. I don’t want to get her in trouble. I’m not in love with Brad. I really don’t care about their relationship and I’ve got some men in my life.” Ruby made to stand only to have Angela press on her shoulder, sitting her back down.

  “Leave us alone,” Angela said, looking at each of her men before returning her gaze to Ruby.

  “We’re being supportive,” Roger said.


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