Book Read Free

Bombay Mixx

Page 3

by S L Lewis

  I proceeded to do my makeup, making sure it didn’t get onto the crisp, smart black skirt suit I had organised two nights before and made sure my hair had enough hair serum in it that you could probably see it sparkling from space!

  I tried to avoid smudging my nude lip gloss with my cup of coffee and buttery toast before I set out to face the day ahead.

  The walk to the tube station was surprisingly refreshing and left with me with my thoughts on how I was going to tackle the day knowing what I know about Angus.

  The streets were quiet because it was so early, and there was a light mist in the air, at first I thought it was serene, then moments from horror movies came into my mind and my pace quickened!

  The tube journey was quiet and I was grateful for the one other passenger in my carriage, because as just as we pulled into King Cross station a lady got on asking us if we had seen her husband but she had no wedding ring and smelt of alcohol.

  As I pondered on how this lady became this way, we arrived at my station and I skilfully avoided her as she rocked herself back and forth near the doors.

  Surprisingly, the receptionists were already at their posts and giving me the death stare as though they were ready for round two as they remembered how they were cheated out of their kill yesterday, but they refrained from making any comments, or talking at all, as they pretended to be busy with some paperwork as I walked into the lift.

  My desk looked anorexic compared it to everyone else’s. Photographs of lovers, husbands, children, one or two plants, birthday cards, etc, made my empty bureau look pitiful so I went about making it look more personal but still chic and professional.

  A glass pen and pencil holder I stole from Gabrielle’s bedroom, good luck card from mum and dad for inspiration and a coffee cup from Selfridges to show a bit of panache and to show that even though that was the only thing I could afford, I could still shop in Selfridges…I know I’m shallow but I hate it when you walk in the expensive shops and the shop assistances look at you with distaste, as though just your mere existence within their establishment makes it poorer by the second, even though their hourly wage is much less than yours!

  ‘Good morning Nita. I hope you had a good night’s rest? Today will be very busy. At AG Cathal we believe that in order to learn the processes of the company it is better to let all new starters get underway with their work and tasks immediately,’ Ann was surprisingly cheerful (well for Ann!) as she continued to explain what type of week I could expect.

  As she explained the work I would be doing in military order (including estimated times it would take me to do it!), I was able to escape to the departments kitchen to get a much needed coffee. ‘Why did I drink last night? I’m no longer unemployed and have the extra hours in the morning to let morning TV and loads of coffee help me sober up to look through the job sections of the paper…I need to be more responsible now!’ I thought as I viewed my bags in my reflection in the ultra modern silver fridge. I thought concealor was supposed to conceal all the areas that you don’t want daylight to highlight and the general public to be scared of?

  I continued to inspect my huge sacks under my eyes, but I didn’t realise someone else came into the kitchen. ‘You shouldn’t bend over like that here. You could give the men heart attacks, then what would I do?’ That Irish accent could have melted my mascara off. ‘Oh god! You’re doing this on purpose aren’t you?’ I thought as I turned to see Angus stood there, leaning on the work top counter, looking like he could have been on the cover of Vogue!

  ‘I didn’t realise there was anyone else here. Sorry.’ I managed to utter as I restructured myself. There was this intense glare between us (more a nervous stare on my part) and just as I thought he could see that my crimson face was a signal that I was very embarrassed by this situation, he continued to tease, ‘I’m sorry I interrupted you then. I would have liked to have seen further without you knowing anyone else was here.’

  ‘Oh my gosh! Was this married man flirting with me? It sounded like he was! Ok Nita, catch your breath, try to regain some kind of stable skin colour and press him now.’

  The kettle clicked off which allowed a moment of distraction then I got a shot of bravery…I was going for it! With a deep breath, I confidently said, ‘what would a married man, like you, want to have seen more of then?’ I couldn’t believe I said that! I’m never that forward but before I could even let another thought enter my head; I could see the mood had changed. ‘Oh great! Back to the job listings for me tonight then!’ I thought as I refused to continue with the other questions I was thinking about asking with my new found self-assurance.

  The silence felt like forever but after a few minutes, he closed the door and came a little closer. I realised I had sweaty palms and prayed he didn’t want to shake my hand anytime soon. His face was very solemn and I wondered if I had really hurt him. ‘Just because people are married it doesn’t mean they are happy,’ he sadly expressed.

  I was so surprised. Was this a confession?

  He started to move closer, I started to get more anxious. ‘Oh! Are you not happy in your marriage then?’ I stuttered as I edged back slowly. He paused as though he could feel I was getting uncomfortable with his closeness. He looked at the floor and continued, ‘I love my wife but I’m not in love with her. We would have divorced last year if it wasn’t for the children. She said if I leave her then she will take the kids and I’ll never see them again. I can’t let her take my children so I have to stay there for them.’ ‘Wow! In a marriage he doesn’t want to be in but just staying for the children. I would have his children now!’ I contemplated as I stopped moving back.

  There was a brief moment where I thought he was going to move in for a kiss (and believe me I would have obliged!) but Ann interrupted us, ‘the refreshments are ready for the meeting Mr. Maguire and Nita you need to read through the agenda of the meeting before you go in.’ I felt as though she was subtly telling me off, ‘but she couldn’t have known what we were talking about as we were talking quietly’ I wondered as I left the kitchen still with unanswered questions and a sense of unknowing about the new state of affairs that had occurred between us but I tried to remain professional and continued with the working day ahead.

  The meeting was very long and I tried not to think about how I wanted to devour all the biscuits that were neatly displayed next to the tea and coffee on a silver plate.

  After this (which took up most of the morning) it was the usual menial tasks; testing passwords to the systems I will need in the future, calling advertising to follow up receipts that we had not received in the department, understanding why shares were not bought immediately or in batch on the same day, organising Angus’s meetings with managers and potential clients, along with daydreaming about how our children would look and where we would live once he got a divorce.

  Just as I got into the Sage system, which seemed to fill Daniel with delight, I started to get ready to go home, ‘Nita, could I see you for a second please?’ it was Angus and he was looming over my desk in a determined manner, ‘yes Mr. Maguire. I will be right in,’ I responded to make sure Daniel knew that his witty jokes about every computer system he knew we’re no longer needed.

  He was leaning back, relaxing on the leather sofa looking at me and I wondered if he regretted telling me about his marriage. ‘Come sit Nita,’ he purred and I didn’t decline the offer. I sat next to him and the leather made a squelch sound beneath my bottom, I flushed scarlet and could feel the sweaty palms making a reappearance, ‘it was the…’ before I could finish my plea, he waved his hand in the air, ‘I hate these things but I guess it’s just for the image,’ he chuckled. ‘So he wasn’t a flash London man who was all about appearance’ I pondered as he was beginning to make me more interested in him and his life, ‘I hope I’m not holding you up? I just wanted to see your face before you left for the evening’

  It felt like my salvia had given up on me and decided to join the sweat which was now not only in the palms of m
y hands but contemplating making an appearance on my forehead. ‘What was this man doing to me’ I thought as I quickly pretended to wipe my hair from my face, ‘errrm, why did you want to see my face before I left?’ I asked nervously.

  He looked around to make sure the coast was clear, moved closer and put his hand on my hand which was positioned on my knee, ‘Oh god! Oh god! Oh god!’ I panicked as I wondered if his next step was to be repulsed by holding my sweaty hand. He gazed into my eyes, which seemed larger than a deer’s, if the animal just realised he/she was in the middle of the M1 on a bank holiday!

  ‘I wanted to see your face before you left to see if this feeling was real,’ he said quietly. ‘I’ve only been here for a day and a few hours so what’s going on? Is this some kind of prank? Is this how he tests the new comers?’ I deliberated. I was starting to feel uneasy as more thoughts of initiation jokes and pranks entered my mind as it all felt very unreal.

  I began to edge away to avoid being absorbed in the forceful, passionate atmosphere and he realised that I was feeling apprehensive about the nature of the conversation, ‘I’m sorry if I’m making you feel uncomfortable. It’s just as soon as I saw you I knew I would be in trouble. Just tell me I’m wrong about this attraction between us and I’ll leave you alone,’ he expressed as he stared at me intensely making me feel like he was stroking my entire body with just one glare. ‘I’m sorry but I’ve been here for a day so I find it hard to believe any kind of feelings I might have at the moment,’ I stated as thoughts of him trying this with all the new ladies of the company flooded my already futile mind.

  He backed away as though offended by my response and started to walk towards his desk. ‘So you do have some kind of feelings then?’ he questioned as he glanced through some unimportant papers. I couldn’t take anymore of the banter as I couldn’t see where the conversation was heading.

  He was married and this was my second day at work! I had to stop the conversation and get out of the office before I said or did something I would regret. ‘It doesn’t matter what I’m feeling at the moment. You’re married and my boss and I’m not going to do the cliché of sleeping with my married boss because that’s just sad! Anyway, I have to go because I have made plans and I can’t be late,’ I pronounced as I walked to the door, feeling very confused about what just happened.

  I reached for the door handle and thought I was free from the overbearing atmosphere but just as I was about to walk out the door, he gave his departing declaration, ‘if this feeling is real then I won’t give up and it won’t be a cliché’

  With that I walked out the door thinking this man was insane and feeling a mixture of emotions.

  The journey home provided me with no escape.

  Thoughts of us two together in compromising situations, him leaving his wife and settling in a nice country manor with me and our two sons, were all ideas that teased my mind until I opened the front door of the flat to see our front room littered with more burly men than the England Rugby team. ‘Nita, I tried to call you to get some champagne but you must have missed my call,’ Gabrielle purred as she stroked the arm of one of the enthusiastic husky men sat with her on our now sagging sofa.

  I was in no mood for Gabrielle’s man incarceration routine so I made my excuses and left my sister and what can only be called her female domination squad/friends to continue with there flirting rituals.

  I got ready for bed and poured a glass of red wine as I reflected on the events of the day. I tossed and turned as I tried to go to sleep after I came to the conclusion that it was all a joke and anymore thought about it would give me a migraine (which was already happening from the bottle of red wine I had just massacred!).

  As I lay awake, I eventually heard the noise, from my sister and her acquaintances disperse from the front room and the sounds of Anya throwing her heels into the darkness came a few moments after. As I wished that I could deal with my love life as sternly as Anya, I heard fumbled keys in the lock and hushed, drunken laughter from Amelia with a male associate. I tried to detect the man’s voice but he was new and most probably a, ‘booty call’ so wasn’t important to do the introductions.

  As I longed to be more sexually free like my friends in the next room, the wine started to do its work and I finally fell into an inebriated slumber.


  As the alarm clock rang, I was jolted out of my dreamless sleep.

  Although I knew I wanted to call Ann and tell her that I wouldn’t be returning to AG Cathal because I had met the man of my dreams last night and he’s actually a billionaire, who wouldn’t take no for an answer, my day dreams quickly fled my mind and I released myself from the warm, cosy utopia which was my double Ikea bed and headed for a surprisingly quiet bathroom.

  My morning routine was unusually fast today as I was trying to think of every excuse to call in sick. ‘Wow, they are lucky to have you Neets! You nearly got the reception staff fired, could potentially ruin a marriage and look like Marilyn Manson with the black Goth eye make up and you want to call in sick on your third day…hats off to you chick!’ Amelia sarcastically chuckled whilst she devoured her hot buttery peanut butter toast.

  Although I wanted to tell her that her love life was no better, she was indeed correct about my current situation, so instead of trying to argue back, I greeted her with a quiet chuckle and set off to see what delights Ann had planned for me to make sure I wouldn’t leave on time today.

  Going into the office was like army troops going into enemy territory; slow, cautious and with precision. I made it to my desk without stepping on a bomb. ‘Ahhh safe to get settled and make a cup of tea and nick someone’s bickie’ I thought as I had a quick scan of the agenda Ann had left on my desk, ‘this woman is like some corporate robot! Wonder if she has a secret husband?’ I pondered as I got more confident in my stride and headed to the kitchen.

  I peered in first to check that the coast was clear then I entered. I was mid way into choosing the biscuit that would go nicely with my tea when enemy borders were invaded. ‘I’d go for the chocolate one, unless your one of these diet fad females and I hope not because we don’t want you fading away! Men like something to grab onto no matter what the catwalk and magazines say.’

  His voice was as smooth as the finest Chinese silk and I almost got wrapped up in the velvety compliments until I heard bellowing footsteps which could only belong to one person, ‘Good morning Miss Patel and Mr. Maguire. Nita would you mind coming with me as we have a lot to do today and we may as well start it now since it is nearly the start of the business day,’ Ann said as she regarded both of us with a suspicious eye.

  ‘Not a problem, Ann. Ready when you are?’ I answered sharply to try to regain some kind of professionalism.

  As we left the kitchen, I couldn’t help but look back to get my final fix. I did it slowly as though I was only turning back to shut the door; to not look to suspicious and as I did he slowly came closer to the door and whispered, ‘I know that you’re feeling the same as me, so it’s only a matter of time, you can keep up this façade but keep it up as I’m enjoying the chase.’

  I was in disbelieve at his arrogance and wanted to tell him where he could shove his chase but just as I was about to give him a sharp tongued response I realised he wasn’t looking at my face anymore but a little further south. I investigated what he was looking at and wish I hadn’t.

  It gets very warm in the office so I thought a white shirt and black skirt outfit would be okay for today…however, I didn’t take into consideration air conditioning (which is very close to my desk) and sexy Irish bosses trying to seduce me in the kitchen.

  I was glad that I wore a flesh coloured bra, however, it was thin and my shirt was even thinner and it wasn’t due to the temperature in the kitchen (although it was heating up by the second). ‘Was I really turned on by this egotistical speech?’ I thought to myself as the pointer sisters decided to make an appearance.

  I flushed post box red and crossed my arms to try t
o hide the evidence rushing out the kitchen before I did something else to show him that he could actually be right about the situation.

  Ann continued the day by making sure all her troopers were in position and carrying out their tasks.

  As I filed, phoned different departments to check for missing receipts, shares certificates and more mundane jobs that I wouldn’t want to bore you with, I came across a nice voice on the last call I made.

  ‘Hello, this is Nita from Accounting. Can I speak to Ms Hutchinson please?’ I asked in my most posh telephone voice. There was a pause and then she put me through, ‘Hello Sarah Hutchinson, speaking.’ ‘Hello, this is Nita from Accounting. I am calling on behalf of Mr. Angus Maguire who would like to request a meeting with you on Monday 14th December 2009?’ I heard a chuckle. ‘Was she laughing at my telephone voice? Stuck up cow! I’m not from Cambridge but I thought my new telephone voice was very convincing,’ I thought angrily to myself as I waited for her response.

  ‘Yes, Monday the 14th is good for me, shall we say at 2pm?’ she asked as she composed herself. ‘Yes, that is fine. I will send you an email to confirm,’ I replied dryly and then went to end the call. ‘Are you Angus’s new assistant then?’ she enquired this time with no laughter.


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