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Monroe, Melody S. - Destiny's Desire [Pleasure, Montana 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Melody Snow Monroe

  Pleasure, Montana 3

  Destiny’s Desire

  Destiny Jones is back in Pleasure, Montana, determined to win the love of Drake and Kurt Devereaux. For years she longed for a ménage with these rugged, courageous men. Too bad Drake is still haunted by the death of his wife, and Kurt doesn’t appear ready to settle down.

  Kurt glimpses the fantastic love he could have with Destiny during a mountain trip, but their adventure ends unexpectedly when they’re stranded by a storm. When Drake leads a team to rescue them, he gets a taste of renewal by saving her. He senses a need for this ménage in his life, but he withdraws because his demons still haunt him. What will cause Drake to admit to himself that he needs and wants this love? What will make Kurt give up his carefree lifestyle to be with Destiny?

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 35,274 words


  Pleasure, Montana 3

  Melody S. Monroe


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2011 by Melody S. Monroe

  E-book ISBN: 1-61926-178-2

  First E-book Publication: December 2011

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  Pleasure, Montana 3


  Copyright © 2011

  Chapter One

  Pinch me.

  After two years of wanting Drake Devereaux, Destiny Jones was actually on a date with the sexiest man alive. At least she thought they were on a date. He said he wanted to discuss a few things with her and suggested they meet at the Mountain View Bar & Grill, which happened to be the nicest place to take someone in Pleasure, Montana. The fact that he was still wearing his suit, though, implied this might be business. Damn.

  What she wouldn’t give to see him in a pair of faded jeans, worn boots, and a flannel shirt opened at his throat instead of the silk tie and worsted wool jacket. He was such a handsome man. The only things that marred his good looks were the tension lines on his forehead and the faint crow’s-feet beginning to emerge along his eyes. Since she’d been in self-imposed witness protection for eighteen months, the recent changes seemed more dramatic.

  It was no surprise he appeared a bit older than thirty-five. Drake Devereaux had had a lot of tragedy in his life.

  After his wife had been murdered, Destiny had spent countless hours guiding Drake on how to handle his son who’d lost his mom. She’d wanted to help Drake deal with the tragedy, too, but she had no idea how. He’d told her he felt responsible for his wife’s death, but that all he needed was to make sure his son survived the loss.

  He leaned against the bar and tipped back his beer. Even the way the liquid slid down his throat was sexy. It made a girl want to jump on his lap and give him a kiss. But she wouldn’t. Drake was too reserved. At least he had been in front of the jury when he’d prosecuted Tony DeLuza for murder.

  He waved the drink at her. “I wanted to say thank you for being such an incredible witness at the trial. Without your testimony, we wouldn’t have won the murder case.”

  Is that why he’d asked her out? To thank her? He’d done that already in Bozeman.

  “It wasn’t like I wanted to see a kid I went to grade school with shoot and kill his bookie.”

  He rubbed her arm and sparks of excitement shot from her elbow to her fingers. “I know it’s been tough on you.”

  She wrapped her hands around her Coke as if it were a life ring and forced herself to think of how to answer him instead of how her body reacted to his mere presence. “I think the worst part was when Tony turned around after blowing the man’s head off and stared right at me with those dark, beady eyes.” A shiver crawled up her spine at the image that was permanently burned into her brain.

  Drake withdrew his hand and peeled the paper off the bottom of the beer label using his thumbnail. “You were damned lucky he didn’t catch you.” Did his voice just shake and catch?

  “You can say that again.” Since her move back, they hadn’t had a chance to talk about the whole event. Other than to find out what she planned to say on the stand, he’d kept his distance. It was nice to finally be able to relax and just talk.

  Drake placed his hand over hers. The intimate act sent tingles along her whole body. “It’s all over now. You can get your life back.” He squeezed. The firmness of his grip radiated up her arm and into her heart. He cared.

  She swiveled on her bar chair to face him. “I’m just glad you insisted I get out of town. I’m not sure I would have left on my own. I really didn’t want to leave my job.”

  His lips softened. “It’s good you were sensible and listened to my suggestion.”

  She trusted him, but leaving the man she’d fallen in love with had been har
d. At least he’d written. “I have to tell you that the letters you and Kurt wrote were my lifelines.” She’d wanted to write about how much his correspondence meant, but she didn’t have the courage. How could she tell a man she’d never kissed that she loved him, but that she also loved his brother due in large part to what they’d written on paper?

  Kurt was shorter than Drake but just as good-looking. Because Kurt loved the outdoors, he was packed with more muscles than the workaholic brother. Where Drake had a strong jaw and deep-set, whiskey-brown eyes, Kurt was more fair with deep, chocolate eyes. One thing was certain, both men’s images could fill a GQ magazine.

  He smiled. “I figured you’d want to know what was happening back home.”

  “I did.” Along with how you were doing.

  For the third time tonight, he glanced at his cell phone that rested on the bar. That didn’t make her feel special, but at least he was still here. They’d spent the first hour talking about the murder case he’d prosecuted. Drake had been brilliant. No, more than brilliant. Any other attorney would have lost the case, but Drake knew how to draw the emotion from a jury.

  “So how’s Charley? I bet he’s grown a ton.” She adored the eight-year-old but hadn’t seen him since her return.

  He glanced off to the side. “That’s one of the reasons I wanted to see you.”

  Her insides dropped. So this wasn’t a date. Damn. Here, she’d lain awake all night thinking about where the night would end. “He’s not adjusting well?” So much for spending money she couldn’t afford on a new sexy top and to-die-for lingerie.

  “Not really. Your suggestion to have my brother move in and help with Charley was a godsend. But here’s my problem. Kurt’s telecommuting job may end as early as January. If the promotion comes through, he’ll be moving to Great Falls.”

  “Oh, no.” She’d dreamed about Kurt almost as much as Drake. Where Drake was always serious, Kurt was the jokester. “He’ll at least be still in state.” So what if it was a three-hour drive. It wasn’t the end of the world. Or was it?

  Drake dragged a hand down his jaw. “That’ll mean Charley will be by himself after school.”

  She knew a lot of latchkey kids who had no problem occupying themselves for a few hours before a parent returned home. “Charley will be fine.” She sipped her Coke, thinking of a solution for the man who seemed too stressed for his own good. “Maybe you could talk to his teacher and see if he could stay a little extra after school.”

  His smile came out brighter than a full moon. “That’s a great idea.” He checked his cell phone, as if he was praying it would ring and give him an excuse to cut the date short.

  Sure, she was thrilled she’d been able to help, but now was the time to test the waters. She really wanted to see him again and go on a real date, one that didn’t focus on his work.

  With one elbow on the bar, she leaned closer to him. “Does the Mountain View still have a band every month?” She had no idea if anything had changed after she moved.

  He shrugged. “I have no idea. I’ve either been with Charley or at work.”

  Figures. She tried to look coy. “You do know the old saying, ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.’”

  He chuckled and leaned back, looking more comfortable than he had all night. “You sound like Kurt. What I’ve told him is that I need to provide for my son. If I don’t work, I don’t make money.”

  “Excuses, excuses.” If his grand home was any indication, along with his fancy car, he wasn’t hurting for dough. She’d always thought he was still reeling from the murder and was burying himself in his work. “Well, if you ever feel like getting out and loosening up, give me a call.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind, but when it comes to dancing, I pretty much suck.”

  “Somehow, I doubt that.” Anyone who moved like melted chocolate over an ice cream sundae had to be good on the dance floor.

  Someone tapped her on the shoulder. “Destiny?”

  She turned around and opened her arms to engulf one of the women who worked at her old school. “How are you?”

  “Me? Same ole, same ole.” She glanced at Drake. “I don’t want to interrupt your date, but stop by sometime so we can catch up. You look great.”

  “Thanks.” Her former coworker waddled off. She turned back to Drake. “Sorry.”

  “No problem. I’m sure the whole town is excited to see you return.”

  That was nice of him to say. Despite ingesting a lot of caffeine, she failed to stifle a yawn.

  Drake asked for the check. “I’m sorry I talked all about me. Have you found a job yet?”

  “Not really. The school asked if I’d be a substitute elementary teacher, but given it’s December, it doesn’t seem likely a position will open up until next fall.”

  “You’ll find something.” He checked his phone again. “It’s getting late, and I have to get up early for work.”

  It was only nine, but he did work an hour away in Bozeman. “I’m the one who’s sorry.” If she hadn’t yawned, he might not have noticed the time. “I haven’t gotten over the jet lag.”

  Drake paid the bill then helped her into her coat. After spending nearly two years in Florida, she almost forgot how much clothing one needed to survive a Montana winter.

  “I want to follow you home,” he said.

  An instant image of her spread-eagle on her bed with his lusciously muscular body on top flashed in her mind. Too bad her brain and tongue weren’t coordinated. “Why?” He chuckled and her body nearly melted at the sound.

  “The roads are slick, and you aren’t used to driving in snow?”

  “You might be right.” Too bad he didn’t have another reason. Men who wanted to protect a woman always wormed their way into her heart. She only lived ten minutes from town, and his house was farther down the same road. “I’d appreciate that.”

  On the way out, he stopped to talk to the mayor about the DeLuza case. The man always seemed to be in work mode. What she wouldn’t give to have his focus on fun. Or me.

  Outside, the winds were swirling. “It smells like it might snow.” She shivered and he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. When he pulled her close against him, excitement raced through her. Maybe he did like her.

  He took her key, opened her car, and held open the door. She couldn’t remember the last time anyone had done that for her. She slid in and another chill snuck up her jacket. She started the engine, but it took a few tries to catch. With one eye on the rearview mirror to make sure he got into his car, she cranked the heat dial to high. The cold engine blew out icy air.

  “Brr.” Why again did she leave warm, sunny, Florida? Because she loved her hometown more. And she wanted to see Drake and, yes, zany Kurt again.

  Drake slipped out of his car and stood facing the opposite direction. What was he doing? When she opened her door, a man was shouting at someone a half a block from the Mountain View. She wanted to see what was going on.

  Drake spun around. “Stay there.”

  She wanted to ask what he was going to do, but in her heart she knew. He protected victims, even though most of his were already dead. Drake sped across to the dark side of the street and edged along the storefronts. While she couldn’t hear what the man was saying to the woman, he had pushed her. The woman had her hands up in protective mode as if she feared he’d seriously harm her.

  Destiny’s heart nearly broke. When she spotted Drake, he’d circled behind the man. Oh, no. If anything happened to him, it would be like watching Tony DeLuza murder his bookie all over again.

  She couldn’t just stand there and do nothing. She crossed the street and took out her phone, ready to call for help. The sheriff’s office was past the Mountain View, and she couldn’t reach the station without passing the altercation.

  A loud crunch sounded. The woman screamed and crumpled against the car. The man’s fist was cocked back, ready to beat her again when Drake snuck up behind the man and kicked him in the back of the knees. Th
e man dropped to the ground on his hands.

  Between the woman’s whimpering and the man’s curses, she couldn’t tell what exactly was happening. Destiny wanted to rush down the street to see if Drake was okay, but there was no way she’d get in between the two men.

  The man on the ground started to get up, and Drake hit the man in the head with his open palm. The man grunted and collapsed onto the ground. The woman dropped to her knees and tried to console the downed man. What was up with that?

  Destiny wanted to clap and shout to the world that her hero had vanquished that ass. Instead, she rushed over to Drake, who was staring down at the man on the ground.

  Drake glanced back. “I thought I told you to stay in the car.” While his tone held more concern than anger, it was clear he wished she’d stayed away.

  “You did, but when I saw you had everything under control, I came over to see what I could do.”

  He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and nodded. “Help her.”

  She didn’t recognize the man or woman. Destiny touched the woman’s shoulder. “Ma’am? Do you need help?”

  The woman looked up, and it took all of Destiny’s control not to gasp. Her left eye was swollen shut and her lip was bleeding. This abuser had roughed her up pretty bad.

  Given it was dark, and the only light came from a few streetlights and some shop lights, it was hard to tell how old she was. From the style of her clothing and her natural blonde hair, Destiny guessed she was in her midthirties.

  “I’m okay.” She waved Destiny’s hand away. “Frank just had a little too much to drink.”


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