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Lost and Found

Page 17

by Jennifer Bryan Yarbrough

  "It's ok, Liv. I assure you, there are no dead bodies in the dungeon. I'll show you the wine cellar first. If I remember right, you do like wine. Or would you prefer a Cosmo?” That gave him a belly laugh. It seemed so long ago that I met him and got completely wasted, and I remember griping to Claudia that I would have preferred wine over her classy drink order, but I still continued to drink them.

  "You must have thought I was crazy the night you met me." I was dying from embarrassment, but evidently he thought it was funny. He grabbed my hand and led me out of the elevator.

  "No, I thought you were rather funny, opinionated, and gorgeous. I couldn't keep my eyes off of you. Couldn't you tell?" I remembered how I couldn't keep my eyes off of him and couldn't quit staring at his gorgeous eyes.

  "Aside from kicking you when I thought it was Claudia, no. I didn't notice." There. That should shut him up. He's not looking at me in the rated PG way we had agreed on, but all I hear is laughter.

  "See what I'm talking about? Funny! Did I tell you that I walked with a limp for three days, because of your kicks? I bet you played soccer in school, didn't you?"

  This had me chuckling, because I did play a season my sophomore year, but the coach told me I'd make a better cheerleader like my friend Claudia, because I was too girly.

  "Yes, for one season, but the coach pretty much kicked me off the team for being too girly."

  He grabbed my hand again and started leading me back to the elevator. I looked around and realized that while we were talking, we had walked completely around the wine cellar, which had thousands of bottles from what I could tell, and were already back to the elevator.

  I looked at him and he had a Cheshire cat grin on his face, as we headed down to the dungeon. The elevator doors opened and I couldn't move, I was so scared of what I was going to see. He started laughing and held his hand out and when I wouldn't take it, he reached in and pulled me into the

  Darkness. When the elevator doors closed it, was pitch black!!

  "Are you scared yet, Liv?" Yes! I'm terrified, but I'm not about to tell HIM that. I try to find my voice, my not afraid voice.

  "Of course not! I'm not afraid of the dark." Especially in rooms that are referred to as dungeons. Can we turn the lights on already?

  "Then how come you've climbed up my body like a cat climbs up a tree when they're running from a dog?"

  Oh my god! He was right. I was literally in his arms and I could feel his breath at my neck, which had me thinking all kinds of thoughts and had me forgetting I was in a creepy dungeon that looked like who knows what, and then a light comes on. I look around and see boxes everywhere and old furniture that would belong in an attic, if there was one.

  I look at him and he's laughing at me. Laughing at me so hard, he drops me and falls to the ground flat on his butt, patting the floor with his hands and is STILL LAUGHING.

  I crawl over to where he is and start slapping at him and calling him every name in the book, and he keeps yelling back for me to stop.

  "You had me terrified, you big idiot! I think I just lost 5 years of my life, when the elevator doors shut." He starts laughing again and tries to catch his breath.

  "Welcome to the dungeon, Olivia! Or should I say the castle’s version of the attic. I think dungeon sounds better though, don't you?" And he starts laughing again.


  I'm sitting down on an old retired, but comfortable couch in the "dungeon", looking around the room. Cash is doing his best to stay away from me, while I calm down from his little prank that scared the shit out of me. Every time I look at him, he's staring at me and he just grins and looks in another direction.

  "Ok Cash. I've calmed down, but I will find a way at paying you back for scaring the shit out of me one day!" And I will. I'll find some way to pay him back. He chuckled and walks over to the couch and sits down on the other end.

  "I'm sorry Liv, but I really wish I had a picture to keep looking at the look on your face. It was priceless!"

  He starts laughing again. God, I love his laugh. He can't control himself, he's so absolutely hysterically laughing. Again. This has me rolling as well. I couldn't help it. It was definitely one of my top ten moments of funny.

  "You laugh now, Cash. All you want. Get it out of your system. And to think, just 24 hours ago I was puking my guts up and now here you are making fun of me. I see what kind of friend you are!"

  "I'm sorry. You're right. Wait! Did you just say that we were friends? So does that mean that I'm not just your boss anymore, as far as how you feel about me?"

  Did I just say that? Well, yes I did, but I honestly hadn't thought of him as my boss all day. Surely he could tell from how we've been interacting.

  "Well yeah, I mean, things feel less formal, don't you think? After last night? I don't know how you treat your other employees, but I can't picture any boss taking care of me the way you did last night. You were definitely a God send to me. Even when I had, ya know, my nightmare. You took care of me like Claudia would have."

  "Claudia's family, so that doesn't count and I think you know that I want to be more than just friends. Don't you?"

  Here we go. This conversation again. But I'm really not scared of him like I was. I have been thinking all day that he was going to kiss me at different times, but shockingly, he's been a perfect gentleman.

  "Claudia was a friend before we were family. One of the perks of marrying Derek was her becoming my sister-in-law, even though we are more like sisters." I completely avoided his question and by the way he's looking at me now, I can already tell that he's going to remind me of just that.

  "Do you purposely do that to drive me crazy?" He starts scooting over closer to me on the couch.

  "Do what exactly?" I batted my eyes at him.

  I am shocked at myself, because I'm actually flirting with him. As he's moving closer to me, I extend my legs out to stop him from coming any closer and he does stop, but what he did next, I was not prepared for.

  He pulled my legs up onto his lap, throws my flip flops on the floor, starts massaging my left foot, and looks up at me, as if to ask what we were going to do now.

  "Wh what are you doing?" What I meant to say was ‘oh please don't stop’, because what he was doing felt so good.

  "I can play this game too, Olivia. You don't answer my questions; I don't have to answer yours."

  I'm speechless, because now he's gone past my foot up to my ankle and is heading toward my calf, causing shots of

  electricity all throughout my body. He sure knows what he's doing with his hands, because at this moment I can't think. He stops and starts on my other foot, which has me closing my eyes and leaning my head against the cushion of the couch, purring like a kitten.

  "You like that don't you, Liv?" Oh boy, do I ever. I open my eyes and look at him, and he's grinning from ear to ear with heat in his eyes.

  "Have you ever had a foot massage before?" I shake my head no, because I still can't talk. He shakes his head and mumbles something under his breath.

  "What did you just say?" He stops what he's doing, scoots my legs over, and starts moving up closer to me, until we are side by side and face to face.

  "What I said was that I'm beginning to think that you've never been worshipped the way that you deserve to be worshipped."

  He leaned forward and lightly brushed my lips with his, and then slowly brushed his lips against each cheek and then my forehead, leaned back and looked into my eyes with such intensity, I couldn't breathe.

  "Cash, I feel it too. Just please don't hurt me. I don't think I could" He shushes me with his finger and kisses

  me right below my ear at my jawline and whispers into my ear with that deep voice of his that I've come to love.

  "You're my angel, Liv! I want to cherish you the way you deserve to be cherished."

  It was in that moment that I lost myself and he kissed me softly again on my lips, beckoning for me to open my mouth wider with his tongue, and I did. I open
ed my mouth in search of his, as he pulled me on top of him and embraced me, while our kiss continued deeper and deeper with each thrust of our tongues.

  As the kiss intensifies, we start groping at each other. He is running his hands up and down my back and under my shirt, as I slide my hands underneath the front of his shirt, moving my hands up and down his hard ridged stomach.

  I sit up to tug his off. He stops me and pushes me out of the way and stands up, as I look at him confused and wondering what I did wrong.

  "Liv, I'm sorry, but this isn't right. You deserve so much better than down here on this dirty old couch."

  He reaches for my hand and pulls me up, leans down, pulls my head towards him, and kisses me again. Here I was thinking that he had changed his mind about what we were about to do, but instead, he was putting my needs first in regards to where we were.

  He leans down and grabs my ass and picks me up to where my legs are around both of his hips, and starts carrying me towards the elevator, while passionately kissing me. I put my arms around his neck and kiss him back, while tugging at his hair and his shirt. By the time we reach the elevator, I've already managed to pull his shirt over his head and I had to pull away for a second to see what he looked like without his shirt again.

  I immediately went to his neck, grazing my teeth up and down his neck, while running my hands up and down his chest to his belly, which has him moaning, as he is nuzzling my neck, unbuttoning my shirt.

  “God, you smell amazing, Liv! I'm going to buy you a lifetime supply of whatever it is you're wearing."

  My only reply was to kiss him again. I feel like I'm on fire and only he can diffuse the fire. I want this. More than I've ever wanted anything in a long time, and I'm not scared of him anymore.

  The elevator doors open and he is still carrying me, as he walks across the hallway and I realize that we are heading to his bedroom. He lowers me down his body slowly, so that he can kiss me all the way up my belly. He slowly licks me between my breasts and grazes my collarbone with his teeth, as he starts to slowly graze his teeth along the side of my neck and behind my ear, which causes me to moan with pleasure.

  "This is your chance to say no, Liv. Do you want me to stop? It's your decision." While he's asking me this he's running his hands up and down my bare back, sending shots of electricity up and down my body.

  "Yes." It was all I could manage to say. "I mean no, don't stop. I want this. Now."

  I immediately went to the waist of his pants and started unbuttoning his jeans, as he did the same to me. We are just standing there at the end of his bed looking at each other. He turns me around and unhooks my bra and embraces me from behind, pulls my hair to the side, and kisses the nape of my neck, as he's caressing my breasts, causing me to moan even louder.

  "Cash. Please." He turns me around, grabs each side of my face, pulls me to him, kisses me rough and hard, pulls back, gets down on his knees, and slowly pulls my panties down, while kicking his off.

  "Oh My God! I've wondered if you were a natural blonde. I could get lost in you for days." He grabs my ass and leans forward and kisses me at the top of my hair line, which causes me to lose my breath and then he stands up and guides me into the bed.

  I look down at the size of him and immediately get scared and excited at the same time. He must have noticed my hesitation, because he leaned in closer to my ear and whispered.

  "Don't worry, baby. I'll have you ready for me, just relax." This eases my mind and I get even wetter at just the thought of him entering me.

  He gets on top of me and starts kissing me slowly, while caressing me everywhere with his hands. He starts

  kneading my breasts and he leans down and covers one of my nipples with his lips, and slowly sucks. Then he starts lightly biting it and reaches down between my thighs with his hand, rubbing my sweet spot.

  He does the same to my other nipple and by now he's entered me with his middle finger, while rubbing me with his thumb that has me bucking and squirming all over the bed against him.

  "Oh, Liv. You're so tight!" I can't even think because I'm so lost in what he is doing to me and how he has my body feeling. I start moving my hips up and down with each pump of his finger inside me and almost explode, as he enters a second finger inside of me.

  "That's it Baby, come for me." He kisses me, as I explode over and over, while moaning into his mouth and screaming his name.

  "Honey, that was nothing. I can't wait to watch you feel the next one I give you."

  He leans over and pulls a condom out of his night stand and puts it on, and all I can think is "next one?" The first one was the biggest orgasm I had ever had.

  When he enters me, I feel like I am having an out of body experience. The size of him that I was so scared of, fills me completely and I have never felt as full in my life, nor felt anything that caused such pleasure and pain at the same time, as he starts speeding up.

  "Oh Cash! Oh my God! Cash!"

  I wrap my legs around his hips, pulling him even closer, so that we are skin to skin, while running my fingernails up his back and scratching him on the way down his back, which immediately had me coming and had him moaning just as loud as me. He continues on and on while I revel in my orgasm and then he finds his release, and I come again at the same time that he does, which is even more intense. Oh my God. Two orgasms this time. He leans towards my face and kisses me all over, while we are both trying to catch our breath.

  "Liv! I don't know what to say. Oh my God, but that was absolutely amazing." He kisses me with everything he's got and I already want more of him.

  "I don't know about you, but I'm starving. Let’s go cook us up something to eat to replenish our bodies, because we are definitely not through."

  What? Go eat? After that? He gets up out of the bed and puts his boxers back on and reaches for one of his big T-shirt's from his dresser and throws it at me for me to put on. I'm almost offended, until my stomach growls very loudly, followed by his stomach growling.

  "Don't think that what we just did didn't mean anything, Liv, but we haven't eaten since noon and after what our stomachs just did, we need nourishment before we continue and both of us pass out from starvation and exhaustion. Not to say that wouldn't be a good way to go, because I'm not through with you yet!"

  He winks at me and leans me over to where my head is almost on the floor, kisses me harder than he ever had, pulls me back up, chuckles, and walks out of the room.

  It made me feel better, especially watching him walk out of the room with nothing but his boxers on. My stomach growled again and that was when I agreed with him, because after we eat, I'm taking him up on his offer.


  "Vanessa! Come back to me! Please! You have to come back!"

  I wake up to Cash yelling in his sleep, which let me know that he was dreaming, so I gently shake him awake.

  "Cash, wake up... It's just a dream, wake up."

  He opens his eyes and rises up in bed, looks around, realizes where he is, and lies back down and pulls me closer to him. We are chest to chest and I look up at him, as I put my arm across his waist and up onto the back of his neck, lightly caressing his neck.

  "Are you okay? Are you regretting what we did?" He shushes me.

  "Shhh. Absolutely not. You have nightmares, I have nightmares. They don't mean anything and don't ever think that I regret what we did! I don't know about you, but it was amazing!" He leans down and kisses me on the forehead.

  "Yeah, I hate to admit it, but that was the best sex that I've ever had and are you sure you're okay?"

  After we ate dinner, we came back up here and spent many hours making love in very different ways. In positions that I wasn't even aware you could do. Derek and I had enjoyed sex when we found the time for it, but after being with Cash, I realized that Derek lacked passion where Cash has an excessive amount.

  "How many years were you married Liv, and yes, I'm okay." He lowered his head again and kissed me on my temple this time.

>   "Thirteen years, we married after I graduated from high school."

  "And the best sex that you've ever had was today? With me? I'm sorry, but I stand by what I said downstairs." He reaches under me and pulls me on top of him and brushes my hair out of my face. "You should be worshiped every day." He softly kisses me on the lips, but I feel that I need to defend Derek.

  "Derek had his own way of taking care of me, Cash. I'll never fault him of that. He was raised to be a provider for his family and he did provide for us. His parents weren't really affectionate people, and I really think he did the best that he could do."

  "Is that why you said you were scared of me? Because of the way I made you feel when we were close to each other?" He's drawing little circles on my back, which has my body tingling all over.

  "In a way, yes. But I also felt that I was betraying Derek by how I was starting to feel towards you... Sexually." Just saying that had me blushing, which had him chuckling.

  "You're blushing. Why? Did you and Derek not talk about what you wanted in the bedroom?"

  Oh God no. I'll never forget me asking him once how he felt about oral sex and he said it was disgusting and to never ask him that again, so I never did.

  "By the look on your face, I'm determining that to be a no." This is too weird of a conversation for me.

  "So, I'm assuming that you and Vanessa did?" This caught him off guard, because the look on his face went from playful to melancholy. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that. This is kind of a weird conversation, ya know?"

  "No, that's okay. Yes, we talked about sex all of the time. What we wanted or what we were going to do to the other. I've always been a giver and trust me, Vanessa never had to beg for anything in the bedroom, nor did I for that matter." Ok, weird conversation and right now I'm feeling completely uneducated about sex. He must have sensed how uncomfortable I was feeling.

  "Ok, you're right. Maybe this has turned into a weird conversation, but I'm just trying to get to know your wants better and yes the sex was amazing, but I sensed a few times to where you seemed embarrassed. Especially when I went down on you. Please tell me that wasn't the first time anyone has done that to you."


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