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Lost and Found

Page 33

by Jennifer Bryan Yarbrough

  "Only the ones that I've met. Calm down honey, I made us reservations earlier today while you were sleeping. Your dad and I played a round of golf and that's when we found the restaurant."

  He grabs my hand and leads the way, while my parents are whispering behind me and giggling. They're acting like honeymooners, because they can't seem to keep their hands off of each other. It's very sweet, but I'm getting a little embarrassed.

  "Mr. Kingston, here is the table that you requested and as you can see it is very secluded as you requested, and you will have your own wait staff, so if you need anything just wave your hand and someone will help you as soon as you need them."

  "Thank you, Veronica. It's exactly what I was wanting. There will be a big tip in it for you as well."

  "Oh, thank you, Mr. Kingston. Your waitress should be here in just a minute. Have a wonderful evening all of you." She beams at me and I'm starting to get the feeling that this isn't just dinner with my parents.

  "Cash?" What are you up to?" My dad answers for him, while Cash looks shocked that I would ask him such a question.

  "Olivia, we are having dinner. What makes you think he's up to anything. I'm quite impressed to not have to sit with everyone else in the dining room. Just sit back and enjoy your dinner, honey."

  Maybe we are just having dinner, but my intuition is in full force and I feel that they're all up to something now, especially with the glances my parents keep giving each other.

  "Honey? Have you given it any thought as to what you're going to name the twins?"

  Leave it to my mother to change the subject, but this is one of her favorite subjects. When I think of the hours that we spent naming Jordan, Jeremiah, and Jenna, I get a smile on my face.

  "Honestly, I haven't. I'm still trying to wrap it around my head that not only am I pregnant, but that it's twins!"

  "Well, we could still try to come up with something. What do you want? Boys? Girls? Oh, wouldn't it be sweet if it were a boy and a girl, because it would even it out to two boys and two girls."

  "Oh, Mom. As long as they're healthy, I don't mind what they are. We have a while to figure out what to name them, though." I don't know how I missed it, but Cash has already ordered for us and our drinks and appetizers have arrived. I didn't realize how famished I was, so I dig in and start eating, while Mom and Dad keep going over names.

  "What kind of family names do you have in your family, Cash?"

  "Well, Gideon and I share our names with my father. He was the first Gideon Cash Kingston, so I think that name has been worn out. My mother’s name is Amelia Rose and her maiden name was Cassidy and my brother's name is Caleb Luke."

  "Olivia! Cassidy would be such a pretty name for a girl and Rose? That's my middle name as well! Cassidy Rose! What a beautiful name! Don't you think so, Cash? Olivia?"

  "Calm down, Mom. It could end up being two boys." I look at Cash and he's looking between me and my mother grinning.

  "How about two girls? I'd have three princesses then! Cassidy Rose and Amelia Elizabeth named after both of their beautiful grandmothers." Mom and I look at each other with a thoughtful look on our faces.

  "I don't think I could do that. Jenna's middle name was Elizabeth and it just wouldn't seem right." He reaches out and grabs my hand.

  "You're right and I understand. Maybe we should find out the sex of the babies first, before we start thinking about names. I do think that your parents have some news that they would like to share with you, Sweetheart."

  "I knew you three were up to something tonight! Spill it!" I look at both of my parents to see which one of them is going to tell me first and they're both gazing into each other’s eyes and nodding their heads. Dad is the one that speaks first.

  "Well... We have been hoping and praying that one day you would move back home, but since things haven't turned out that way, because you've met Cash and you are starting a new family out here... Well, you are our only child and we want to be near you, so your mother and I have decided to move out here!" My mother can't contain her excitement.

  "Isn't that wonderful, Sweetie? Cash is going to let us live in the beach house, until we find something to buy and I'll be here to help you take care of Gideon and Eden, while you're pregnant with the twins, and I'll be here to help you after you have them! We are both so excited! Isn't that great, Honey?" I start crying from happiness.

  "Are you serious? I've missed you both so much and I can't think of anything that could make me any happier! What about your job, Dad? You've been there for thirty years! What about the house?"

  "Honey, don't worry about that, I've got it all taken care of. We obviously have to go home and put the house up for sale and I'm going to take that early retirement my boss has been trying to talk me into taking. Cash said that he has an opening in his accounting department and the job is mine if I want it. We just want to be near you and Claudia. You know we love Claudia as much as we do you and getting to know our new grandkids and future grandkids will just add to the excitement."

  I look at Cash and he's grinning from ear to ear and I just can't believe that he has done all of this for me. I can't imagine any other gift that could make me any happier than what he's done for them. I lean towards him to give him a gentle kiss.

  "Have I told you how much I love you lately? I'm so happy! I can't think of anything that would make me any happier than I am right now!"

  "You can't think of anything, Liv?"

  "No, everything I've ever wished for is for all of my family to be in the same place and to have you and Gideon and Eden, and to have these two healthy babies that are growing inside of me."

  What he did next I was not expecting at all. He moves his chair back, gets down on one knee, and pulls my left hand to him, while he pulls a box out of his jacket pocket. I look towards my parents and knew that they knew what he was going to do.

  "How about I add to that happiness, Liv? I promise to love you for the rest of our lives and you are the only woman I want to share my life and children with, and it would be an honor to give them the mother that I know loves them as much as their own mother did. Will you marry me and make me the happiest man in the world?" He must have sensed my hesitation. "And before you ask yourself if I'm only asking because you're pregnant, the answer to that question is no, because I was going to ask you New Year’s Eve night when we got to The Plaza and I didn't even know that you were pregnant then. So, will you marry me? Will you be my wife and make me the happiest man alive?" The fact that he knew I was going to ask that question had me leaping into his arms and kissing him.

  "Yes, Cash! I can't think of anything I want more than to become your wife and mother to OUR kids!"

  We are still on the floor with me in his lap, kissing, until I heard my father clear his throat. I had forgotten that we weren't alone. I immediately get up and leave Cash sitting on the floor grinning from ear to ear.

  "Sorry Mom, Dad. I guess I just kind of got caught up in the moment."

  "That's okay, Honey. Did you even look at the ring? It's beautiful!"

  I realize that I hadn't even looked at it. I didn't even think about it, because all I could look at was Cash's tear filled eyes when he proposed. He's sitting down again in his seat and has it in front of him, waiting to put it on and she's right, it is absolutely beautiful!

  "Oh my God, Cash! It's beautiful and it’s so huge! You didn't have to buy me something so extravagant. I would have worn a bread tie if you gave me one."

  "I know you would have Liv, but trust me, you deserve even more than this. It's not that big really. It's only 5 carats all together. Do you really like it?" Only 5 carats?

  The middle stone is a cushion cut square sapphire with diamonds around each side of the stone and diamonds around the whole platinum band.

  "I love it, Honey. I can't wait to show it to your mom and Claudia and everyone else."

  "I'm so glad you like it. So, when do you want to get married? I was thinking when we get back home."

"In just a few days?"

  "Why not, Liv? I can call Mother right now and she can have it all set up by the time we get back. I know we've kind of taken this relationship backwards, seeing as how we are already expecting, but I can't think of anything I want more than to marry you in front of our children and our families." A small ceremony sounds like exactly what I want. It would be perfect.

  "Okay, that sounds fantastic! Mom? Do you want to help me shop for a dress tomorrow? Nothing too extravagant, just something simple."

  "Oh, honey! I would love to! Henry? Can you believe it? Our baby is getting married! Olivia, I am so happy for you."

  All of us get out of our seats and congratulate each other and end up in a group hug, with my parents discussing plans for the wedding and what everyone should wear.

  Cash silently mouths I love you to me, while I nod my head and mouth it back to him. In just a matter of days, I will be Mrs. Cash Kingston. I feel as if Cash and I have been given a second chance at life that was somehow destined to happen, despite the tragedies we had to endure to get to this very place in our lives


  "Olivia? Are you ready? Cash is looking rather nervous downstairs and actually asked me once if you had changed your mind."

  I look in the mirror to see if there is anything I can do to make myself look any more perfect for Cash. My mother curled my hair in ringlets and put it all up with bobby pins and left a few of the curls hanging on each side of my face.

  "Well, look at you! I believe you're the most beautiful bride I've ever seen. Your mom did such an amazing job on your hair." I look at Claudia through the mirror and she has tears running down her cheeks.

  "Claud? Are you okay? Why are you crying?" She reaches for a tissue and shakes her head.

  "No, I'm not crying! Okay, I am. You look amazing and I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees you. Have I told you how happy I am for you guys? I can't remember the last time I've been this happy."

  "Aww, Claud. Me either! I feel like my heart is about to beat out of my chest, because I'm that happy. Is everyone ready down there?"

  "Yes, they're all anxious for your arrival. Your dad is outside the door and Caleb is waiting for me to give him the cue to start the song up. I had no idea he could play the piano so well."

  "How is Caleb doing? Has your secret gotten out yet? When are you going to just let go and start living your life, Claud? You know he's still crazy about you."

  "Oh, this is your day. Let’s not ruin it by talking about my fairy tale never coming true and no, I haven't let my secret out and I still don't plan on it EVER coming out! As a matter of fact, I'm hooking him up with a girl from work, so who knows, maybe they'll get their fairy tale." I grab her hand and pull it into both of mine.

  "One of these days you're going to have to face whatever it is you're running from, ya know." She rolls her eyes at me.

  "Yeah well, today is YOUR wedding day and you have too much going on to be worrying about me. I know someone that is outside your door and he's looking forward to walking you down the aisle."

  "Alright, Claudia. Right now isn't the right time for this conversation, but I always worry about you and one day we will have to have that talk." I give her a hug and she squeezes me tight. I open the door and there's my dad looking rather handsome in his tuxedo.

  "Oh, Sweetheart! Other than your mother, I don't believe I've ever seen a more beautiful bride! Are you ready, because I think your groom is getting pretty nervous downstairs?"

  "Yes, Daddy. I'm ready; I don't think I've ever been more ready for anything." He leads us towards the elevator and I sneak a glance down the staircase and I see nothing but lights everywhere. Claudia had told me that Amelia and Mom had gone all out with the decorating.

  We walk out of the elevator and my breath catches. Everything is so beautiful. There are Christmas lights hanging off of the staircase in cascades, and all over the windows and walls. It looks like I’ve walked into a winter wonderland with all of the fake snow and lights everywhere.

  I look towards the archway and see Cash and his eyes light up as soon as he sees me. Next to him is Gideon, who's giggling and pointing at me to let his father know that I had arrived.

  The look of utter love and joy in his eyes has me wanting to run down the aisle, but I can't take my eyes off of how gorgeous he looks in his tuxedo. I feel as if I'm the luckiest woman in the world for marrying someone so gorgeous not only on the outside, but on the inside as well.

  If someone had told me six months ago that I would be marrying the man of my dreams today, I would have laughed in their face and told them that they were lying, because I never would have believed it.

  We finally reach the front of the room and I see my mother and Amelia both sitting next to each other arm in arm dabbing at their eyes. I've been trying not to cry all morning while getting ready and they cause me to release my first set of tears. The minister is smiling at me and looks over to my father.

  "Who gives this woman away?"

  "I do, her mother and I." Dad kisses me on the cheek and puts my hands in Cash's and goes to sit next to my mother, as the minister continues.

  "Ladies and Gentleman, I am here to join this couple in holy matrimony in the great state of Oregon. I spoke with this wonderful couple this morning and I must say, I do not believe that I've ever seen a couple so much in love with each other and it gives me great joy to not only witness such a joyous occasion, but to be the one officiating. I understand that you two want just a simple ceremony and have written your own vows?" Both of us nod. "Alright, Gideon Cash, I will let you start us off. Do we have the rings?"

  Cash leans down to Gideon with his hand out for him to hand him the wedding band and Gideon can't contain his excitement.

  "You look beautiful, Mom! Oh sorry. I guess I wasn't supposed to say that." He hands Cash the ring and Cash gives him a hug and kiss.

  "It's alright, Buddy and you're right, she is always beautiful, but even more beautiful today." The two men of my heart cause a waterfall of tears that I can't seem to stop. He grabs my hands to try to steady them and takes a big nervous breath and exhales slowly, while smiling at me and starts on his vows.

  "I, Gideon Cash Kingston, Jr. take you Olivia Danielle Porter, as my wife and soul mate. I promise to love you through sickness and in health and through tears and laughter. I promise to always be by your side throughout every trial that we go through whether it is stomach flus, pregnancies, or just my plain ignorance." Everyone in the room chuckled. "I promise to remind you of how beautiful you are every day and to show you my love in every way I can whether it be a foot or back massage or a white flag of surrender during our stupid ridiculous arguments that we have from time to time. I promise to always tell you that you're right, because I'm usually the one that's wrong and I promise to obey you. Yes, I said obey, because no matter what you desire in life, it is my solemn vow to give it to you. I promise to co-parent with you so that you don't feel that everything is on your shoulders alone and most of all. I promise to love, cherish, and worship you for the rest of my life."

  I have to take a minute to compose myself from all of the crying. Amelia hands me a tissue to wipe all of the tears from my face, while Cash is biting his lip to keep from crying. I nod at the minister that I'm okay and grab Cash's wedding band from Eden who is being held by Claudia.

  "I, Olivia Danielle Porter, take you, Gideon Cash Kingston, Jr., to be my husband and soul mate through sickness and in health, for richer or poorer. I promise to love and honor you and obey. I promise to never run away from conflict and to face whatever conflict comes up right away. With you by my side, we can accomplish anything. I promise to love and cherish our children and unconditionally love the ones we share that are not mine by blood but are mine by my heart and soul. I never really knew unconditional love until you showed me how it felt in a partnership and I promise to always unconditionally love, honor, and cherish you for the rest of my life."

  I loo
k at the man I’m marrying and he has tears running down his cheeks and gives both of my hands a squeeze. I look at the minister and he's wiping his face with his handkerchief, which causes Cash and I to laugh through our tears.

  "Like I said, these two here are deeply in love and have a very strong bond that will last a lifetime. I now pronounce you man and wife! You may now kiss your bride!"

  I leaped into his arms and kissed him with all I had and he tipped me towards the ground, while I held on to his shoulders until the kiss was over and everyone cheered and came and hugged us to wish us well.

  Carmen announced that dinner would be ready in thirty minutes, so we all sat around the living room discussing our vows and the ceremony.

  "Daddy! Where's my kiss?" Eden feeling all left out climbs into Cash's lap, while he smothers her with kisses and Gideon comes to sit in my lap and cuddles with me.

  "Well, Mr. Gideon. How do you think the wedding went?"

  "I really loved it, Mom. Especially when you and Grandpa Henry walked in. You looked as pretty as an angel. I love you so much and I'm so glad that you're my mom for real now and I'm so happy!" He reaches up and kisses me on the cheek and hugs me tight, and I pull him even closer to me and whisper in his ear.

  "I love you too, Gideon. As if you were my very own. Never forget that, okay?" He nodded his head and hugged me again and I reached for Cash's hand, and he and Eden moved closer and the four of us were finally united as a family in the tightest group hug, and I couldn’t be happier.

  "Gid, Eden. Your Mom and I have something that we need to tell you both and I hope you guys are going to be as excited as we are." Oh lord! With all of the craziness from the last few weeks I had forgotten that the children didn't know about the twins!

  "What is it Dad? We're not moving, are we? I love this place!"

  "No, we aren't moving. At one time I thought this place was too big for us, but now I think it's absolutely perfect for all of us. Which reminds me. We will need to figure out a couple of spare rooms that we can use. Your Mom and I are having a baby. Well, not just one baby, but two babies! Twins! So you guys are going to have a couple of little brothers or little sisters or maybe one of each in a few months!" Gideon was the first to react.


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