Ford, Thereza, 43
Forster, E. M., 5, 117, 339
Forsyth, Frederick, 504n38
France, 382, 383
Francis, Dick, 175, 177, 264, 267, 295
Freeman, Don: Corduroy, 395; Dandelion, 395; death, 379, 380–381; Macdonald on, 389–390; memorial service for, 386, 388; NYTBR article on, 390, 393, 519n6; Welty seeing in NY, 270; Welty’s letter from, 260
Freeman, Lydia, 380, 383, 386, 388, 413, 498n12
Freeman, Roy, 297
Frost, William, 206, 208, 506n10
Fuller, Jean Overton, 120, 503n19
F.W.R. Dickson wilderness, 26
Gabin, Jean, 120, 503n18
Galsworthy, John, 148, 504n39
Galt, John, 348, 349–350, 511n13
Garve, Andrew, 170
Gault, William Campbell, 136, 282, 350
Gershwin, George, 167, 168
Gilbert, Craig, 112, 502n7
Gill, Brendan, 65, 500n3
Gillespie, Tay, 127
Gilman, Richard, 255
Glendinning, Victoria, 391, 513n10
Glenville, Peter, 244
Godwin, Gail, 242
Goldman, William 10
Gordon, Caroline, 504n36
Goya, Francisco, 94, 95, 97
Grahame, Kenneth, 15
Graves, Peter, 191, 195, 196, 197, 199, 234
Great Stories of Suspense (Macdonald): completion of, 192; contents, 162–163, 167, 174–175; listed as a Book-of-the-Month Alternate Choice, 231; Macdonald’s idea for, 155–156; Margaret included in, 163, 167; objections to Macdonald’s choices for, 187; Welty asked for suggested titles for, 159, 162; Welty on, 176–177, 188, 236; Welty receiving a copy of, 231–232, 505n46.
Green, Ashbel, 89, 128, 134, 141, 155
Green, Henry, xiv, 84; Blindness, 352; Caught, 82, 89; Joan Fleming and, 334; Welty on, 19, 20, 82–83
Green, Peter, 15
Greene, Graham, 45, 48, 155–156, 157
Greene, Philip, 245
Grella, George, 187, 189
Hack, Richard, 509n6
Hains, Frank, 55, 257, 258–259
Hall, Clay, 264
Hall, Oakley, 272, 509n23
Halle, Louis J., 278
Halpern, Daniel, 317
Hammett, Dashiell, xiv
Handy, W.C., 110
Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 433, 514n7
Harker, Herb, xv, 20–21, 34–35; Goldenrod, 60; horse show with, 400; Macdonald on, 88, 307, 309; Mormon speech by, 357, 358, 361; positive review of, 73; returning to California, 147; sons of, 73, 101; Turn Home Again, 511n5; Welty on manuscript of, 300; Welty’s letter from, 260; workshop given by, 306
Harker, Rand, 101
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 91
Hedley, Tom, 248
Heilbrun, Caroline, 515n11
Hellman, Lillian, 43
“Henry” (Welty), xvi, 451; elements of Macdonald’s life in, 462–463; Part 1, 464–467; Part 2, 468–488; Part 3, 489–490; “The City of Light” and, 463, 523–524n1; “The Shadow Club” and, 461–462, 468
Herbert, Zbigniew, 84
Heyes, Douglas, 202
Hirshhorn Museum, Washington DC, 288
HOAX: The Inside Story of the Howard Hughes-Clifford Irving Affair (Fay/Chester/Linklater), 86, 89, 504n15
Hollywood Ten, 384, 512n4
Holm, Celeste, 191, 202–203, 205
Hope Ranch, 77–78, 135–136
Hopkins, Kenneth, 301–302
Hôtel des Saints Pères (Paris), 85
Houseman, John, 233, 243, 245, 261, 262, 267–268
Howard, Maureen, 448
Hughes, Howard, 501n7
Humphrey, Percy, 506n2
Humphrey, Willie, 506n2
Hunter, Alan, 214
Huston, John, 507n3
Huxley, Julian, 86
inauguration, of William Winter (1980), 442–443
The Instant Enemy, 274; in Archer in Jeopardy, 514n11; film prospects for, 275, 276–277; screenplay, 290, 306–307, 313, 315–316, 318, 321, 373, 374, 377, 379–380, 389, 392–393, 396–397, 405; Welty on film version of, 374–375
International Congress of Crime Writers, 383–384, 385–386
interviews: Conversations with Eudora Welty (Prenshaw), 501n16, 501n21, 502n22; L.A. Times, with Macdonald and his wife, 452; Newsweek, with Macdonald, 10–11; Paris Review, with Welty, 124, 126; PBS by William Buckley, with Welty, 102, 106, 108, 109, 502n2, 502n22; People magazine, with Macdonald, 211–212, 220; Rolling Stone, with Macdonald, 292, 294, 304; Southern Review, with Welty, 100; Washington Post, with Welty, 89, 98–99, 501n16; Writer’s Digest, with Macdonald, 317–318
Ireland, 117–118, 120
Irving, Clifford, 72, 501n7
Jackson, Mississippi, (1973): dust storm and tornadoes, 333; foundation of Welty’s house and, 423; New Stage Theatre, 139, 167, 189, 257, 268, 406; Old Capitol Museum, 128, 364, 512n20; Pearl River flooding, 419–421
Jackson, Mississippi: visit (1973), Macdonald on, 122, 124, 127, 129–130, 186; Macdonald’s invitation for, 113–114, 118–119, 120–121; Millar, Margaret and, 126–127; Reynolds Price and, 183; Welty on, 122–123, 125–126, 130–131. See also Eudora Welty Day
Jacobsen, Josephine, 228, 507n20
James, Henry, The Wings of the Dove, xiv, 146–147, 149, 152
James, M. R., 390, 513n8
Joe (Macdonald’s son-in-law), 134, 151–152, 181, 269, 332
“John Brown’s Body” (play), 139
Johnson, James P., 191
Justice, Donald, 84
Kahn, Joan, 161, 173, 505n45; anthology compiled by, 175, 177; The Book of the Lion and, 173; Innocence and Arsenic (Borowitz) and, 321; Macdonald’s anthology and, 175; Macdonald seeing in NY, 207; report on Margaret Millar’s operation from, 268; sending greetings to/inquiring about Macdonald via Welty, 161, 339, 359; Welty seeing in NY, 193, 229, 270, 295, 392, 431, 443, 449; Zackel novel and, 361
Kahn, Olivia, 161, 443, 508n45
Keel, Daniel, 314
Keith, Brian, 228, 238, 239, 241
Kenner, Hugh, 109–110, 117
Kidd, Virginia, 260, 508n19
Killigrew, Michael, 14
Kitchener, Ontario, 24, 26–27, 28, 100–101, 319, 393–394
Kline, Kevin, 508n8
Klugman, Jack, 191
Knopf, Alfred, 3, 23, 164; advance payment to Macdonald, 438; biography of, 223, 225; Macdonald having lunch with, 231; memoirs, 15; in Nebraska, 164, 172; party given by, 22, 23, 24; photographs sent to Welty by, 278; on Willa Cather, 170
Knopf, Blanche, 223, 225
Knopf, Helen, 23, 225, 231
Kolb, Gwin, 19
Koshland, William, 189
Kosygin, Alexei, 48, 500n34
Krementz, Jill, 207–208, 212, 213, 506n12, 506–507n13, 514n12
Kuehl, Linda, 126, 503n20
Ladd, Alan, 275, 510n16
Lagerstrom, Paco, 84
Laidlaw (McIlvanney), 343, 345, 511n9
Lake, Veronica, 510n16
Lamar Life Insurance Company, xi
Lambert, Richard (Dick), 357, 358, 362–363, 365
La Mesa fire (1977), 511n10
Langford, Roberta, 182
Lardner, Ring, 34, xiv, 240, 241, 499n23, 508n7
Lardner, Ring, Jr., 384–385, 519n4
Laurel character (in Sleeping Beauty), 75, 76, 93, 97
Laurel character (in The Optimist’s Daughter), 76, 77
Lawrence, D. H., 269
Leachman, Cloris, 222
Leacock, Stephen, 436, 514n10
Le Fanu, Sheridan, 166
Leonard, John, 58; altering Macdonald’s letter in NYTBR, 152, 154; Esquire article, 256, 261; on Macdonald, xi; New York City (1971), 22, 24; seeing Macdonald in NY, 246; The Underground Man review, 90; Welty on stresses of, 261; Welty’s review and, 17; Welty’s visit with, 72
Lessing, Doris, 234–235, 236, 238
Lew Archer, Private Investigator (Macdonald), 362; given to Reynol
ds Price, 382; introduction, 364, 382, 518n21; Welty on, 366–367
Lewis, Sinclair, 506n9
Library of America, xiii
Lid, Richard W., 41; educational films of, 182; Fitzgerald paper, 44; Ford Madox Ford: The Essence of His Art, 12–13, 14, 16; Macdonald’s opinion of, 18, 182; Welty receiving copy of book from, 18–19
Liepman, Ruth, 314
Long Day’s Journey into Night (O’Neill), 189
Losing Battles (Welty): celebration of, 1; Macdonald-Harker experiment with, 20–21; Macdonald on, ix, 1–2, 70, 150; Maxwell’s encouragement and, 322; published in England, 83, 84; Welty reading at Eudora Welty Day, 128
Lovett, R. M., 379
LuPone, Patti, 508n8
Lyell, Frank, 324, 348, 349, 511n13
Macdonald, Ross, Alzheimer’s disease of, x, xvi; convalescent facility and; “Henry” story and, 461, 462–463; Macdonald’s telephone call to Welty and, 453–454; made public by Margaret, 452; Margaret Millar’s letter to Welty on, 454–455, 459; Ralph Sipper reporting to Welty on, 448–450, 453; reflected in “Henry,” 462–463; surgery and, 449; Welty’s visit to Santa Barbara and, 455–458
Macdonald, Ross, anthology edited by. See Great Stories of Suspense (Macdonald)
Macdonald, Ross, fiction by: Archer at Large, 2, 3, 153; Archer in Jeopardy, 415, 432, 434, 437–438, 514n8; “The Bearded Lady,” 412; Black Money, 423; Blue City, 101, 106, 110, 111; The Blue Hammer (see The Blue Hammer [Macdonald]); The Dark Tunnel, 106, 110; The Doomsters, 106, 438, 514n11; The Far Side of the Dollar, 66, 175, 187, 188, 405, 433; final Lew Archer book, 263, 265, 269; Find a Victim, 423; The Galton Case, 66, 69, 152, 153, 438; The Goodbye Look, 197, 513n13; The Instant Enemy (see The Instant Enemy [Macdonald]); The Ivory Grin, 100; Meet Me at the Morgue, 60; order of publication, 110; scholarly praise for, xi; Sleeping Beauty (see Sleeping Beauty [Macdonald]); Trouble Follows Me, 106, 110; The Underground Man (see The Underground Man [Macdonald]); The Zebra-Striped Hearse (see The Zebra-Striped Hearse [Macdonald])
Macdonald, Ross, memory loss prior to Alzheimer’s diagnosis: Macdonald not wanting Welty to worry about, 368; Macdonald seeing psychiatrist about, 357, 358; Macdonald writing to Welty about, 306, 308–309; Welty on, 179, 308, 310–311
Macdonald, Ross, nonfiction, essays, and reviews by: A Collection of Reviews, 435–436, 514n9; On Crime Writing, 504n40; “Down These Streets a Mean Man Must Go” (talk given in Chicago, 1974), 317, 511n28; Self-Portrait: Ceaselessly Into the Past, 450, 502n5; “Sense of Place,” 276, 277; “The Scene of the Crime” (1953 Ann Arbor lecture), 110, 502n5; “The Writer as Detective Hero,” 153–154, 502n5
Macdonald, Ross, travel: to Ann Arbor, 100; in California, 101; to Canada, 24, 100–101, 230, 247–248, 393–394; to Channel Islands, 134–135; to Chicago, 174, 177–178, 187, 189; to England, 35, 38, 39, 49, 52, 264–265, 266, 267, 297, 307, 309–310, 313, 315; to Europe, 38, 49, 52, 67, 307, 312–314; Margaret’s illness and, 378, 379; to New York, 207–208, 228, 229, 247, 248, 292, 294, 295, 297, 383–384; plans for Russian trip, 38–39, 43, 44, 51, 67; to San Francisco Bay area, 215–216; wish to visit Welty in Jackson, 378, 379. See also Jackson, Mississippi, visit (1973)
MacGivens, Mark, 142
Maclean, Donald, 45, 500n32
MacShane, Frank, 185, 302, 498n12, 505n1
Mandelstam, Nadezhda, 39
Mann, Thomas, 162, 332
Marsh, Ngaio, 64, 166, 500n2
Maxwell, Emmy, 105, 130, 421, 463
Maxwell, William: Ancestors, 307, 312; “City of Light” and, 463; offering Welty help with expenses, 324; offering Welty support during composition of Losing Battles, 322; photograph by Knopf of, 278; retirement, 293; Welty’s letters to, 105; Welty’s photograph of, 130; Welty visiting, 421
McConkey, James, 339, 411, 511n7
McGraw Hill, 72, 501n7
McPartland, Marian, 230
Medicine Hat, Canada, xii, 195, 370, 414, 451
The Memoirs of Chief Red Fox (Red Fox), 72, 501n7
Mennonites, 25, 26, 218, 394, 453
Meriwether, James, 99, 501n19
Meyerson, Charlotte, 35
Meyes, Wendell, 198
Mian, Aristide, 300
Mian, Mary, 300, 343
Middlemarch (Eliot), xiv, 268–269, 271
Milford, Nancy, 40, 44, 499n11, 501n24, 499–500n31
Millar, Annie (mother), xi–xii, 218, 219
Millar, Jim/Jimmie (grandson): bikeathon, 124–125; as both serious and cheerful, 231; Channel Islands and, 135; concussion of, 181; dog show and, 151; dropping out of school, 427; jobs of, 397, 399; Macdonald on future of, 67; Macdonald’s fondness for, 7, 70, 168, 216, 224, 235, 354; Macdonald’s planned trip to Canada with, 393–394; mother’s death and, 73–74; move into new apartment, 134; ocean experience, 151; relationship with his father, 122, 171; resembling Macdonald, 264; Shoe Bird (Welty) and, 65, 66, 68; surfing by, 276; swimming and sailing by, 304, 310, 350, 394; visits with Macdonald, 78, 151, 264, 269; Welty on, 79, 154–155, 299; Welty’s photographs and, 63–64
Millar, John Macdonald (father), xi–xii, 309, 318
Millar, Kenneth. See Macdonald, Ross
Millar, Linda (daughter), xiii; birth, xiii; in cathedral choir, 181; death of, 4, 73–74, 104; hit-and-run accident and, 215; Laurel character (Sleeping Beauty) and, 97; psychiatrist and, 357, 358; reading during youth, 194
Millar, Margaret, xiii, xiv, xvii; An Air That Kills, 423; Ask for Me Tomorrow, 282–283, 285, 514n2; Beast in View, 175; berating Macdonald, 448–449, 460; Beyond This Point Are Monsters, 7, 9; The Birds and the Beasts Were There, 48, 49, 50, 52, 507n21; blood pressure, 127; case of shingles, 396, 398; cremation of Macdonald and, 460; Edgar Award, 192; European trip (1976) and, 314, 510n23; house visitors and, 260; The Iron Gates, 71–72, 501n6; Jackson, Mississippi, visit (1973) canceled by, 127, 131; keeping herself in shape, 67–68; letters to Welty, 254, 454–455; lung cancer and recovery, 327, 329, 330, 332, 334, 335–336, 337, 338, 340, 350, 378; on Macdonald’s Alzheimer’s disease, 452; in Macdonald’s anthology, 163, 167, 177; Macdonald’s dream about, 358–359; maiden name, xiii; marriage, 59, 104, 214; meeting Faulkner, 198; meeting Welty for the first time, 233; The Murder of Miranda, 418, 419, 420, 422; NYTBR review of The Murder of Miranda, 420; operation of (1975), 268, 269; plans for Russia trip and, 39; Rose’s Last Summer, 423; Santa Barbara (1976) Welty visit and, 298–299; skin operation of, 118; in Toronto, 248; travel by, 126–127; trip to England, 35; Vanish in an Instant, 196; vision/eye problems, 409–410, 411–412, 417, 436–437, 438–439; Welty reading books by, 9; Welty’s concern on demands of caring for, 403; Welty’s letters to, 55–58, 59, 455–457; Welty wanting to meet, 131; writer’s block of and return to writing by, 216, 217, 218, 264, 268, 272, 281, 286, 328
Miller, Nolan, 35, 372, 376–377
Miramar Hotel, Santa Barbara, California, 237, 455, 456
Mississippi. See Jackson, Mississippi
Mississippi Arts Festival (1973), 113, 128. See also Eudora Welty Day
Mississippi, gubernatorial election (1975), 261, 509n21
Mississippi Historical Society, 278–279
Mississippi River, 20, 36, 45–46, 77, 385
Mitchell, Henry, 89, 98–99, 504n16
Mitchell, Martha, 145, 507–504n36
Mizener, Arthur: biography of Ford Madox Ford, 11–14; Macdonald on, 11–12, 15; review by Welty of Ford biography, 16, 17, 498n10; Welty on, 13, 14
Monet pieces, stolen, 412, 413, 417, 513n2
Monroe, Marilyn, 167
Monteleone Hotel, New Orleans, 249
Moore, Richard, 245, 338, 339, 382, 416
Moore, Ruth, 338, 340
Morgan Library, New York, NY, 271
Mormonism/Mormons, 34–35, 309, 357
Morrison, Ann, 513n7
Morris, Wright, 249, 508n11, 515n15
Moss, Howard, 63, 79, 501n12
movies. See films
Moyer, Stanley Gordon (Macdonald’s uncle), 194–195, 289, 506n6
sp; Murdoch, Iris, 226
Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY, 172, 359, 505n54
Musselman, M. M., 169
The Mystery of the Yellow Room (Leroux), 375, 512n1
Mystery Writers of America, xii–xiii, 192, 206, 207, 249, 440
Natchez Trace, 32–33, 39, 57
National Book Award, xii
National Book Critics Circle, 290, 509n8
National Council of Teachers of English, 89
National Council on the Arts, xv, 198–199, 221; meetings, 196, 202, 239, 246, 339; Washington DC meeting, 1973, 114, 161; Washington DC meetings, 228, 267
National Gallery, Chinese Exhibition (1975), 239–240
National Institute of Arts and Letters, xii, 55, 68, 251, 418–419, 421
NBC (National Broadcasting Company), 197, 202, 243
Nelson, Paul, 292, 304, 306, 510n19
Newman, Paul, 508n5
New Orleans, Louisiana, 69, 99, 185, 190, 336, 409
New Republic, 133, 234, 389, 501n12, 504n30, 512n5
New Stage Theatre, Jackson, Mississippi, 139, 167, 189, 257, 268, 406
Newsweek: Clemons, Walter and, 45, 60, 79; Hot Tub review in, 157; Macdonald interviewed for, 10–11, 386; review of Sleeping Beauty in, 133
The New Yorker: Margaret Millar’s new book reviewed in (1976), 316, 318; O’Hara (Bruccoli) review in, 277; One Time, One Place reviewed in, 63, 65, 500n3; “The Optimist’s Daughter” story, 36, 53; review on Wright Morris in, 249, 508n11; Robert Penn Warren article in, 445; Sheehan, Susan, 223
New York Times Book Review, 27; The Blue Hammer (Macdonald) reviewed in, 298; A Catalogue of Crime, 514n10; The Collected Stories (Welty) reviewed in, 448; Don Freeman article in, 390, 393, 512–513n6; Eudora Welty Day piece, 128, 136, 141, 145, 503n26; The Eye of the Story (Welty) reviewed in, 391; introduction to Lew Archer, Private Investigator in, 364, 512n21; on Macdonald, xi; Macdonald’s response to Sleeping Beauty review in, 146, 152–153; Millar, Margaret reviewed in, 420; O’Brian, Patrick novel reviewed in, 177; O’Hara biography (Bruccoli), 273; The Optimist’s Daughter (Welty) reviewed in, 63; Reynolds Price taping interview of Welty for, 376; Sleeping Beauty on bestseller list, 144, 145; Sleeping Beauty (Macdonald) review in, 133, 134, 136–138; A Sort of Life (Greene), 45; The Surface of the Earth (Price) reviewed in, 255, 256, 259; The Underground Man (Macdonald) reviewed in, ix, 9–10, 19; Welty-Clemons interview in, 1; Welty’s review of The Letters of Virginia Woolf, Vol II, 312; Welty’s review of The Underground Man in, 5, 6–9; Welty subscribing to, 28
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