Nicholson, Jack, 507n3
Nixon, Richard M., xv, 161, 162, 163, 502n11
Nobel Prize for Literature: Shaw, George Bernard, 330; White, Patrick, 507n4
Norris, Frank, 192
North American language, 2
Northrup, Jack, 136
Nutt’s Folly, 116
Ober, Harold, 145
O’Brian, Patrick, 156, 158, 162, 165, 177
O’Connor, Flannery, xiv; in Macdonald’s anthology, 175, 177; “Revelation,” 60, 61; thesis on “The Comic Sense of Flannery O’Connor,” 182
O’Donnell, E. P., 375–376, 378, 381
O’Hara, John, 266, 273–274, 275, 277
Ohio River, 20, 36, 46, 77
oil crisis, Macdonald on, 223–224
oil spills/oil slicks, 38, 40, 139, 163, 220
Okinawa, 91, 94, 95, 98
Old Capitol Museum, Jackson, Mississippi, 128, 364, 512n20
Olding, Dorothy, 64, 207, 268; Ask for Me Tomorrow (Millar) and, 286; copy of Millar and Macdonald interview sent to Welty by, 452; Macdonald’s cremation and, 460; new book (The Blue Hammer typescript) sent to, 263; Sleeping Beauty copy for Welty sent via, 125; Zackel novel and, 374
The Optimist’s Daughter (Welty), 54, 55; as autobiographical, 53, 76, 461; changes from first version, 66; “confluence” theme in, 20, 36, 75, 76, 77; copy sent to Macdonald, 66, 74; death of Welty’s mother and brothers and, 461; dedication, 76; Macdonald on, 75, 78, 81; Macdonald’s influence on, xvi, 76; New Yorker story, 36, 53; preface for limited edition, 423–424; published in England, 84; Pulitzer Prize, 130, 132, 251; reviews of, 63, 79, 80, 81, 124, 126, 501n12; signing books for limited edition of, 423–424; Welty on writing, 33–34, 54
Oxbow Farm, Kitchener, Ontario, 26, 393–394
Oxford English Dictionary, xv, 72, 501n8
Pakula, Alan, 307, 313, 318, 321
Palmer House, Chicago, 184, 187–188
Patchett, Ann, x–xi
Paul, Lee, 192
Pavageau, Alcide “Slow Drag,” 185–186, 506n2
Payne, Robert, 329
PBS The Writer in America series, 245, 382, 508n9, 508n15
“Peanuts” comic strip, 396, 513n14
Penzler, Otto, 362, 365, 366, 512n18
Percy, Walker, 106, 108, 109, 502n22
Peterson, Roger Tory, 445–446
“The Petrified Man”, 163
Petty, Jane Reid, 390, 513n7
Pflug, Jo Ann, 191–192
photographs: by Krementz, Jill, 207–208, 211–212, 213, 225–226, 506–507n13; Macdonald on Welty as photographer, in Santa Barbara Writers Conference introduction, 251; One Time, One Place (Welty), 36, 50, 51–52, 53, 63–64; Sixty Photographs (Knopf), 278, 514n26; Welty and Macdonald sharing each other’s family, 254; of Welty’s friends, 130; Welty’s talk at Museum of Modern Art, 172
Pidgeon, Ann, 272
Pitard, Professor, 99
Poe, Edgar Allan, 510–511n27
Polanski, Roman, 507n3
The Ponder Heart (Chodorov and Fields), dramatic production of Welty novella, 129, 257, 508n12;
Porter, Katherine Anne, xiv, 19–20; death, 447; encouragement to Welty by, 355–356; essay by Welty on, 345; Macdonald on, 353; Pale Horse, Pale Rider, 73; presenting award to Welty, 71, 79–80; Welty’s admiration for, 351–352, 356; Welty’s review of The Never-Ending Wrong (Porter), 350, 351, 512n14; Welty’s visit with, 71, 73
“Prayer, Mountaintop Way” (Navajo prayer), 4
Prescott, Peter S., 140, 504n34
Preservation Hall Jazz Band, 181, 185, 506n2
Price, Leontyne, 442, 514n2
Price, Reynolds, xv, xvii; in Afterwords, 153; in Blue Ridge Mountains, 80; burglary, 407; “Early Dark,” 390–391; eating habits, 352; Florida trip with Welty, 390; inviting Macdonald and Welty to Duke, 200, 203; letter from Macdonald, 331–332; on Macdonald, 69; Macdonald on, 194, 318; Macdonald professing love for Welty to, 183; Macdonald’s admiration for, 182–183; Mississippi, University of, Welty symposium and, 364; NYTBR interview of Welty and, 376; The Optimist’s Daughter and, 53; Permanent Errors, 60, 62, 69; reviewing Collected Stories (Welty), 448; The Robber Bridegroom musical, NYC and, 312; on Sleeping Beauty reviews, 137–138, 141; The Surface of Earth, 240, 255, 256, 259, 272, 273, 318; Things Themselves, 80, 82; Time article on Plains, Georgia, 327, 329, 331–332; on Today Show, 452; visiting Welty in Jackson, 123, 293, 352, 376, 382; Welty on, 65–66; Welty visiting, 334–335; Welty writing about Macdonald’s death to, 460
Prince, Catherine, 55, 203, 213, 504n36
Prince, John, 55, 145, 148, 203, 213, 504n36
Pritchett, Dorothy, 429
Pritchett, V. S., xv; A Cab at the Door, 218; “It May Never Happen,” 395; Macdonald on, 399; Midnight Oil, 217, 218; Welty meeting in London, 427, 429; Welty’s review on, 395, 513n12
protests, 142
Pryce-Jones, Alan, 81
Pulitzer Prize, xii; Buchwald, Art, 504n39; Caen, Herb, 503n22; Clemons article and, 27, 28; Edel, Leon, 505n50; The Optimist’s Daughter, 53, 130, 132, 251; Welty as fiction judge for, 277, 283–284; winner, 1976, 509n3
Pushkin, Alexander, 330, 331
Quentin, Patrick, 419, 514n3
Randolph, Leonard, 360
Random House, 22, 35, 53, 72, 266, 293, 312, 332, 345, 399, 405, 418, 419
Redford, Robert, 275
Richardson, Ralph, 157
Rickett, Harold William, Wildflowers of the United States, 161, 504n44
Rinehart, Mary Roberts, 236
Ring, Jeff, 414
The Robber Bridegroom (Uhry and Waldman), musical production of Welty novella, 233, 243, 262, 270, 302, 311–312, 314, 508n12
Robinson, John, xiii, 214, 284, 433, 497n11
Rocchigiani, Enzo, 214
Rosenberg, Stuart, 508n5
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 510–511n27
Rothschild, Baron, 237
Rubin, Louis D., Jr., 512n5
Russell, Diarmuid: celebrating birthday of, 55; death, 178–179; declining health of, 162, 172–173; father of, 116; Ireland and father, 117–118, 120; letters between Welty and, 143, 145; Macdonald and, 117, 129, 162, 185; note to Macdonald, 145; The Portable Irish Reader, 138, 155, 157; retirement celebration, 140; Sleeping Beauty (Macdonald) and, 138, 140, 142, 143; visit to Welty in Jackson (1973), 123; Welty affected by death of, 179, 292; Welty on influence of, 143–144; Welty’s visits to, 115–116, 160–161, 177; wildflowers and, 161
Russell, George William (Æ), xv, 116, 117–118, 502n13
Russell, Rose, 123, 295, 312, 449, 510n10
Russia, 405; Blue City published in, 101, 106, 111; The Far Side of the Dollar (Macdonald) serialized in, 405; Ford, Bob in, 43, 48, 111, 405; Macdonald’s plans for travel to, 38–39, 43, 44, 51, 67
Sacco-Vanzetti case, 350
Sancton, Seta, 506n2
Sancton, Thomas, Jr. (Tommy), 186, 506n2
Sanders, Norman, 361–362
San Francisco Bay area, California, 215–216, 245, 287, 417, 432
Santa Barbara, California: droughts, 333; fire (1977), 347–348, 349; Macdonald on, 190, 297; Macdonald’s residence in, 135–136, 139; oil spills/oil slicks, 38, 40, 139, 163, 220, 223; The Robber Bridegroom production in, 245; Starr interest in leaving Harvard for, 204–205; Welty on photographs of, 260–261; writers living in, 136
Santa Barbara Writers Conference, xiv, 200–201, 203, 212, 506n9; Kidd photo taken at, 260, 508n19; Macdonald attempting to help with Welty’s expenses for, 330–331, 332; Macdonald introducing Welty at, 249, 250–253, 508n13; Macdonald on, 237, 249, 256, 396, 425; tensions with Margaret during, 298–299; Welty and 1978, 375, 376; Welty invited to return to, 259, 285; Welty on schedule for, 246; Welty receiving plane ticket for, 250; Welty’s introduction of Macdonald at, 250; Welty’s reading at, 298
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 167, 196, 197, 206, 207, 301, 324, 343, 416
Sarton, May, 22
Schlagel, Clarence (Macdonald’s brother-in-law), 218–219
Schlagel, Dorothy (Macdonald’s sister-in-law), 218–219
Schorer, Mark, 12
Schultz, Charles, 397, 513n15
screenplay, The Instant Enemy, 290, 306–307, 313, 315–316, 318, 321, 373, 374, 377, 379–380, 389, 392–393, 396–397, 405
Second International Congress of Crime Writers (1978), 385–386
Seldes, Timothy, 140
Settle, Mary Lee, 448
“The Shadow Club” (Welty): “Henry” and, 462, 468; as never completed, 513n16; Welty-Macdonald relationship reflected in, 317, 415–416; Welty on writing, 288, 398, 451
Shattuck, Charles, 421
Shaw, George Bernard, 330
Sheed, Wilfrid, 46–47, 49–50, 51, 500n33, 509n8
Sheehan, Susan, 223, 225
Simon, Jerry, 248, 422, 423
Sims, Agnes, 68, 206
Sipper, Ralph: The Eye of the Story reviewed by, 391; fire (1977) and, 349; locating The Great Big Doorstep for Welty, 376, 381; locating Welty-Macdonald letters, xvii; on Macdonald’s inability to write (1980), 448; Macdonald and Welty visiting bookshop of, 300; publication of Macdonald’s autobiographical pieces, 447; reporting news to Welty on Macdonald, 449–450, 452, 453–454, 459; “Self-Portrait: Ceaselessly into the Past (Macdonald) edited by, 502n5”; on The Surface of Earth, 255; on Welty’s Faulkner review, 334; Welty’s visit to Santa Barbara and, 456; Welty wanting to write to, 352, 367
Sleeping Beauty (Macdonald), 81, 82; on bestseller charts, 133, 141, 144, 145; copy for Welty, 125; dedication to Welty, 88–89, 90, 97, 125, 134, 141, 144, 503n21; jacket cover for, 117, 119; Macdonald on Welty’s opinion of, 133–134, 135, 413; Macdonald responding to criticism of, 146, 149, 152–153; reviews of, 132–133, 134, 136–138, 141, 144, 146, 150, 156; signed for Diarmuid Russell, 138, 140, 142, 143; success of, 145–146; title, 95–96; typescript sent to Welty, 91, 92; Vietnam War and, 95, 97; in the Welty archives, 144, 145; Welty on, 92–95, 97–98, 132; Welty on NYTBR review on, 136–137
Smight, Jack, 512n5
Smith, William Jay (Bill), 41, 54, 65, 66, 67, 185, 191, 229, 312, 460
Smith, Cecil, 195
Smith, Sonja, 460
Smithsonian Collection of Classic Jazz, 182, 190, 191, 193, 506n4
Sokolov, Ray, 22, 23, 24, 132
South Dakota Review, 276, 277, 288–289
Southern dialogue, Welty on, 2
Sparks, Ned, 240
Starr, Kevin, 192, 204
St. Nicholas League, 32
Strindberg, August, 330
Sturm, Henry (Macdonald’s father-in-law), 100, 150, 208, 309
Supership, 223, 225
Susann, Jacqueline, 504n38
Sweeney Todd, 419
Swenson, Inga, 139
Sycamore Canyon fire (1977), 347–348, 349, 511n12
Symons, Julian, 173; Bardin, John Franklin and, 297; daughter’s suicide, 313, 315; handwriting similar to Welty’s, 280, 284; Macdonald on, 169, 280; Macdonald writing about Eudora Welty Day to, 128, 129; The Plain Man, 166; Welty meeting with in NY, 451; Welty on, 301–302; The Woman in White foreword by, 284
Symons, Kathleen, 451
Tate, Allen, 29, 228–229, 230–231
Tate Gallery, London, 314, 510n24
Taylor, Wendell H., 514n10
Temple, Willard, 389
Theroux, Paul, 63
Thompson, Elizabeth Welty (niece), 138, 222
Time magazine, 222, 227, 327, 331–332, 384
Times Literary Supplement (TLS), 16; Donald Davie’s Clark Lectures on Dissent in, 321, 325; The Optimist’s Daughter review in, 81, 83, 124, 126
Today Show (television program), 384, 452–453
Tolstoy, Leo, 331
Toronto, Canada, 208, 247–248, 307, 393, 424
Towne, Robert, 238
Turgenev, Ivan, 331
Turner, Jean, 127
Turner, J. M. W., 302–303, 510n17
Tyler, Anne, 447, 448
Uhry, Alfred, 508n8
The Underground Man (Macdonald): An American Family documentary and, 505n7; Bantam edition, 69; cancellation of television show, 241; French reviews of, 60, 61; jacket for, 125; “jailbirding” image in, 8, 19; Macdonald’s visit to England for, 35; television film based on, 86, 168, 191–192, 195–196, 197–198, 199, 201–202, 205, 209–210, 212, 234, 235, 241; Welty’s review of, ix, 5, 6–10, 90, 140, 343, 413, 513n19
Unwin, Stanley, 21
Updike, John, 249, 250, 508n11
Vancouver Island, Canada, 369–370, 371
Van Dine, S. S., 236
Venice, California, 240, 241
Venice, Italy, 240, 241, 314, 315
Vietnam War, 95, 97, 102–103, 105
Volkening, Henry, 173
von Auw, Ivan, 145
Vonnegut, Kurt, 207–208, 439, 504n38
Voznesensky, Andrei Andreyevich, 41, 42, 48, 54, 499n29
Waldman, Robert, 508n8
Waller, Thomas “Fats,” 191, 193, 316, 392, 513n11
Waller, William, 128
The Waltons (television show), 234
Warga, Wayne, 452
Warren, Robert Penn, 35, 37, 43, 229, 291, 445
Watergate, xv, 138–139, 142, 148, 161, 507n15
Waugh, Evelyn, 399
Waugh, Hillary, 171
Weissbourd, Burt, 279, 397
Wells, Rosa Farrar (Dolly), 147–148, 150
Welty, Chestina (mother), xi, 5; death, 5; Eudora making books for, 400; expressions used by, 149, 154-155; items found in desk drawer of, 19–20; The Optimist’s Daughter and, 76, 78, 461; reading habits, 236–237; Scottish and Irish ancestry, 28; staying in touch with cousins of, 293; Welty’s caretaking role, 388, 403; in “The Winds,” 356;
Welty, Christian (father), xi, 5, 356, 423, 436
Welty, Edward (brother), 5, 356
Welty, Elizabeth. See Thompson, Elizabeth (niece)
Welty, Eudora, fiction by: “Acrobats in a Park” in French magazine (Delta), 382, 383, 512n2; Acrobats in a Park book publication, 439–440, 514n13; The Bride of the Innisfallen, 214–215; The Collected Stories of Eudora Welty, 446, 447, 448; A Curtain of Green, 19, 505n48; “Death of a Traveling Salesman,” 81, 83, 127–128; Delta Wedding, 144, 284; “Henry” (see “Henry” [Welty]); “The Hitch-Hikers,” 356; “The Last of the Figs”/”Nicotiana,” 74, 501n9; Losing Battles, ix, 1–2, 20–21, 70, 83, 84, 128, 150, 322; “No Place for You, My Love,” xvi–xvii; The Optimist’s Daughter (see The Optimist’s Daughter [Welty]); “Petrified Man,” 127, 505n48; The Ponder Heart, 186, 508n12; The Robber Bridegroom, 243, 302, 311, 508n12, 509n27; “The Shadow Club” (see “The Shadow Club” [Welty]); The Shoe Bird, 65, 66, 68; “A Still Moment,” 29–30, 35; “Where is the Voice Coming From?”, 298, 510n14; “The Winds,” 356–357; “A Worn Path,” 226
Welty, Eudora, honorary degrees: 510n9; from Columbia University, 453; given in 1971, 25; given in 1975, 246–247, 249, 251; given in 1977, 324; from Harvard, 324, 340, 511n8; number received by Welty, xii; from Yale, 247
Welty, Eudora, lectures by: at colleges and universities, 305–306, 324, 333–334, 367; at Duke, 335; financial reasons for, 373, 381; for Harvard University, 458–459; One Writer’s Beginnings (Welty), xvi, 179, 460, 515n11, 523n24; tiring out Welty, 388; in Virginia, 391; on Willa Cather, 164, 169, 170, 171–172
Welty, Eudora, nonfiction by: on Chekhov, 326, 328–329, 331, 337, 342; “The Corner Store,” 279, 509n27; The Eye of the Story, 343, 344, 345, 346, 413–414, 511n11, 512n5; A Fairy Tale of the Natchez Trace, 279, 509n27; on The Great Big Doorstep (O’Donnell), 375–376, 378, 381; on Henry Green, 19, 20; “The House of Willa Cather,” 159, 164, 169, 170, 171-172; “How I Write,” 113; “Is Phoenix Jackson’s Grandson Really Dead?”, 226, 506n19; “Looking Back at the First Story,” 431, 520–521n6; Macdonald on, 110; Macdonald on collection of, 110; One Writer’s Beginnings, xvi, 179, 460, 515n11, 516n24; “A Pageant of Birds,” 234, 507n1; “Place in Fiction,” 110, 502n6; “The Short Story,” 502n6; “Some Notes on Time in Fiction,” 158–16
0, 163–164, 509n49; Three Papers on Fiction, 111–112, 502n6; Welty on book of, 107–108; “Words into Fiction,” 252, 502n6
Welty, Eudora, photographs by: Macdonald on, in Santa Barbara Writers Conference introduction, 251; One Time, One Place, 36, 50, 51–53, 54, 63–64
Welty, Eudora, poem: “A Flock of Guinea Hens Seen from a Car,” 5, 497n5
Welty, Eudora, reviews by: of The Cockatoos (White), 236, 507n4; of Essays of E.B. White, 353, 518n15; of The Letters of Virginia Woolf, Vol II, 312, 510n21; of The Never-Ending Wrong (Porter), 350, 351, 512n14; of Pictures and Conversations (Bowen), 234, 236, 507n1; of The Saddest Story: A Biography of Ford Madox Ford (Mizener), ix, 11, 13, 14–15, 16–17; of Selected Letters of William Faulkner, 326, 330, 511n3; of Selected Stories (Pritchett), 395, 513n12; of The Underground Man (Macdonald), ix, 5, 6–10, 19, 90, 140, 343, 413, 513n19
Welty, Eudora, travel: to Ann Arbor, 370–371; to Blue Ridge Mountains, 80; to Canada, 394, 451; to Charleston, South Carolina, 444–445; to Chicago, 262; to Cornell University, 339; to England, 426–427, 429; to Europe, 213–214, 215; to Granville, Ohio, 316; to Kentucky, 433, 434–435; to Knoxville, Tennessee, 452–453; to Lubbock, Texas, 383, 385; to Maine, 411; to Nebraska, 172; to New York, 54, 55, 71, 79–80, 115, 140, 228–229, 230, 237, 267–268, 270–271, 359, 392, 418–419, 430–431; in 1979, 415; to North Carolina, 334–335; to North Dakota, 383, 384, 385; to San Antonio, 68–69, 203–204; to Santa Fe, 206, 207, 301, 324, 343, 416; to Santa Rosa Island, Florida, 390, 419; to Seattle, 245; to Washington DC, 55, 71, 188, 191, 238–240, 267; to Washington state, 246; Welty’s busy schedule with (1977), 336–337, 339
Welty, Eudora, visits to Santa Barbara, 1975: 217, 218, 233, 237, 239, 252–253, 254–255, 260; 1976: 286, 293, 296–297, 299–300; 1977: 324, 339, 340, 341, 342; 1982: 455–458; Welty’s Univ. of California at Santa Barbara invitation and, 206–207. See also Santa Barbara Writer’s Conference
Welty, Mary Alice. See White, Mary Alice (niece)
Welty, Walter (brother): death, 5, 61; Eudora’s nieces and, 61–62; The Iron Gates sent to, 71; lung surgery of, 336; at Univ. of Michigan, 98
Wheeler, Hugh Callingham, 514n3
White, Donald Alexander, Jr. (Welty’s grandnephew), 170, 171, 177, 226, 323, 505n52
White, E. B., 352
White, Elizabeth Eudora (Welty’s grandniece), 388, 410
White, Mary Alice Welty (niece), 170, 323, 388
Meanwhile There Are Letters Page 59