Book Read Free

In Case of Emergency

Page 10

by Keira Andrews

  “I do?” Naturally, Daniel frowned.

  “Yeah. I mean, you can do whatever you want to do. You just seem like you’re anxious a lot. Stressed.”

  Daniel toyed with the hair on Cole’s leg. He smiled softly. “I guess I am.” Then he blinked and jerked his head, as if taken aback. “I haven’t thought about work at all today! Huh. That’s so weird.”

  “Well, don’t start now.” Cole sat up and drew him close for a kiss, rubbing his thumb over the stubble on Daniel’s cheek. “Let’s resupply, then we can hibernate until it’s time to go home.”

  He wasn’t sure what would happen to the happy little bubble they’d constructed when they went back to real life in Ottawa, but Cole chased the worry away. They’d take each day as it came.

  Shivering, Cole jammed his right fist deeper into his pockets. “The wind chill has got to be minus thirty.” His nose hair was stiff, little frozen icicles lining his nostrils. His fingertips tingled where they peeked out from his cast.

  Daniel stopped short as they hurried from the parking lot toward the main area of the village. “Don’t you have gloves?”

  Cole held up his cast. “This presents a challenge.”

  “But your other hand!” Daniel stripped off his right glove and passed it over.

  “Now you’ll be cold!”

  “I’ll put my hand in my pocket. Come on. This way we’ll each have one warm hand, at least.”

  Cole tried not to smile too much. “Okay. Thanks.”

  After stocking up on some alcohol and what was likely way too much food, they stowed the groceries in the car and headed back to the main street to grab takeout. Cole squinted at the red sign toward the end of the pedestrian street. “Is that a BeaverTails down there? I could really go for some warm sugary goodness.”

  “I’m not sweet enough?” Daniel gave him a cheesy wink.

  “As sweet as you are, there’s something irresistible about fried dough.”

  Daniel grinned. “You want to pick some up while I hit Coco Pazzo for our lunch?” He nodded to the nearby restaurant. “It says on the awning they do takeout. Unless you want to sit down and eat?”

  “Nah. There will be other people there. At the chalet, it’s just you and me. And the hot tub.” He waggled his eyebrows and lifted his gloved hand for a high five.

  With a laugh, Daniel slapped his palm. “Sounds like a plan. You have any allergies or stuff you don’t like? Maybe you should come look at the menu. It’ll probably take a while for them to make the food, so you’ll have time to go after. Oh, we should get more challah from that bakery.”

  “I’ll grab it on my way. And I’m easy. Get whatever you want for lunch. How about you? Anything you don’t like? And there might be nuts in the pastries.” He didn’t remember Daniel having allergies, but people could develop them.

  “I’m easy too.”

  “I know, but do you have any allergies?”

  Daniel’s laughter followed Cole on the wind as Cole hurried down the street. The golden Christmas lights strung across the pedestrian street and around poles shone merrily in the cloudy dullness. Salt crunched underfoot, and giant green and red wreathes decorated the streetlights. People bustled around, excited chatter and children’s voices ringing in the air.

  A little girl in a puffy blue snowsuit squealed in front of a store window displaying a massive dollhouse with various holiday scenes acted out inside by toy humans, mice, and what looked to be beavers. She pointed and laughed, her parents grinning.

  Cole paused to take in the display too, and was about to hurry on when he spotted something inside the store beyond the dollhouse. Heart skipping, he pushed open the door, sighing in relief at the blast of warm air.

  The shop carried home furnishings and knickknacks, and had a large selection of holiday decorations. Cole peered up at the top of a Christmas tree, excitement zipping through him. It was absolutely perfect. He didn’t care how much it cost—Daniel had to have it.

  A saleswoman approached, and Cole pointed to the tree topper and said, “Sold.”

  After buying the pastries and bread, he tucked the tree topper box in the bottom of the bakery bag. He tried to wipe the smile off his face as he rejoined Daniel inside Coco Pazzo’s small takeout area, which was wonderfully warm and smelled of tomatoes and garlic and everything delicious.

  “What?” Daniel asked.

  “Huh? Nothing. I’m just happy.”

  Daniel frowned, but Cole could tell he was putting it on. “Are you sure you’re not concussed again? What’s your name?”

  “Cole Smith, and I’m having the best Christmas ever. Maybe except for the one year my mom took me to Disney World.” He pretended to ponder it. “Nope. Sorry, Mickey. This is the best.”

  Daniel’s cheeks creased. “Me too. I still can’t get over how surreal this is. In a good way.”

  “It really is.” Cole’s nose was thawing in the warmth, his cheeks tingling. His stomach rumbled, and he took off his glove and managed to open the BeaverTails box, tearing off the corner of one of the long, flat pastries that were shaped in rounded rectangles.

  He held out the dough for Daniel. “I figured we can share. I got maple, classic cinnamon and sugar, and this one. Nutella.”

  With a low groan, Daniel took the sweet, sticky goodness, licking his lips. Cole had a piece too, and as he licked his fingers, Daniel watched with hooded eyes, leaning closer.

  A woman cleared her throat. “Charcuterie platter, calamari, trotta affumicatta, gnocchi with gorgonzola, two lamb shanks, and the spaghettini con anatra.”

  Boggling, Cole asked Daniel, “Did you invite Justin and the gang back?”

  “I figured leftovers wouldn’t go astray. And I wasn’t sure what you liked.”

  “So he got everything,” the woman agreed cheerfully. “You boys have a merry Christmas.”

  Cole managed to wait until they were back in the car before launching himself at Daniel for hazelnut-chocolate kisses.

  Cole nuzzled the back of Daniel’s neck, his breath ticklish, stubble rough. “Merry Christmas,” Cole whispered, pressed up behind him. He had put on his flannel PJ bottoms, and they rubbed softly against the curve of Daniel’s ass.


  “Did I wear you out last night, sleepyhead?”

  A bolt of pleasure shot down Daniel’s spine at the memory of Cole riding him, his thighs flexing and cock bobbing, managing better than they’d expected, leaning his good hand against Daniel’s chest and leaving imprints of his fingernails. Daniel couldn’t remember ever having so much fun during sex as he did with Cole.

  He opened his eyes, blinking at the dull light that shone in, clouds filling the slice of sky he could see through the parted curtains. “Is it snowing?”

  “It is. Santa had his work cut out for him last night. Perfect day to stay inside by a roaring fire. But apparently fire building is a two-hand job, so time to get up.”

  Turning his head, Daniel gave him a kiss. “You really are bossy. I still like it.”

  Naked, Daniel shuffled into the bathroom to piss and wash his face before pulling on his silk PJ bottoms and a sweatshirt. Cole had gone back downstairs, and the aroma of brewing coffee wafted up.

  On the stairs, Daniel breathed it in deeply, admiring the view of the fresh snow through the wide windows and the Christmas tree that—

  He stumbled on the last step, catching himself, then walking slowly on bare feet toward the tree, which was lit up in all its glittering glory. The star that had sat atop it was gone. Daniel blinked up at the replacement.

  It was Yoda.

  With a glowing green lightsaber. Green-skinned Yoda wore a sandy-brown robe with a white robe over top. His wrinkled face was wonderfully detailed, and he held up the lightsaber on a diagonal.

  “Merry Christmas, and may the force be with us.”

  Daniel spun around to find Cole biting his lip, clearly trying not to grin, scratching at his bare chest. Daniel looked back at the tree, then Cole. “How? When?

  “I spotted it yesterday when I went to BeaverTails. I thought a Yoda tree topper was something you needed in your life.”

  “I do. I absolutely do.” He’d needed so many things in his life and hadn’t realized how much. “Thank you.” He pulled Cole into a hug, leaning down to kiss his cheek.

  Cole’s body fit perfectly in Daniel’s arms. It had been too long since he’d been able to just hug someone for longer than a greeting with his mom or Pam. He inhaled deeply, smelling soap, a hint of pine, and Cole.

  “I’m melting,” he murmured.

  Cole leaned back. “Is it too hot in here? Do you not want to start a fire?”

  “No, I mean…” Daniel ran his thumb over Cole’s bottom lip. “I was frozen inside, and now I’m melting all over the place. This is crazy, right? The other shoe is going to drop any second.”

  “Nope.” Cole inched closer, stepping lightly on Daniel’s feet with his icy feet. “No shoes here.” He wriggled his toes and slid his good arm around Daniel’s waist. “Although I think the fire is a good idea. Right after you kiss me again.”

  With a smile, Daniel followed instructions, and soon he had the kindling sparked, rolled newspaper flaming and catching the log. Cole brought him coffee, and they sat cross-legged on the fake fur rug in front of the hearth by the Christmas tree, sipping from their mugs.

  “You know what we should do today?” Cole asked.

  Daniel swallowed his mouthful of rich, bitter coffee. “What?”

  “This. Plus the hot tub and maybe a couple movies. Italian food leftovers. Oh, and fucking.” Cole nodded seriously. “Definitely more fucking.” He knee-walked to the tree and reached beneath it, pulling out the bottle of lube.

  Daniel didn’t know the last time he’d laughed so much as he had the past few days. His shoulders shook, and he pressed his hands around his still-warm mug. “What about a condom?”

  Reaching up, Cole plucked a foil wrapper from the tree. “There are a few more hidden in there. Santa believes in safe sex.” He caught the edge of the wrapper between his teeth, picked up the lube, and shuffled back to Daniel.

  Daniel took the condom, his stomach swooping like he was riding a rollercoaster at Canada’s Wonderland. “What do you think about fucking me this time?”

  Cole’s breath shuddered, his lips parting. “Yeah? You’re up for that?”

  “You’re the one who’ll have to get it up.” He laughed at his own stupid joke.

  Cole grinned. “Oh, I assure you that won’t be an issue.”

  “What about your hand? How should we…”

  “Hmm.” He glared at his cast, then scooted closer, running his palm over Daniel’s thigh, fingers soft on the silk. “How do you like it?”

  Daniel knew he was blushing, his skin going hot down his sternum. “However we can make it work.” It had been since Trevor, and the idea of having Cole inside him had his heart drumming.

  “But if you had to choose?” Cole stroked Daniel’s leg and licked his lips, watching him intently. Cole was so confident with sex, and it made Daniel’s dick swell.

  “On my hands and knees,” he murmured. “You behind me.”

  “Uh-huh.” Cole nodded, capturing Daniel’s lips in a hard kiss. “That sounds A-plus.”

  He sucked in a breath. “But your hand?”

  “I can balance. Let’s do this.” Cole slid his hand over Daniel’s growing cock, rubbing him through the silk. “You want to come on my dick?”

  Nodding, Daniel pulled him close for another kiss, pushing his tongue into Cole’s mouth. Heat radiated through him, his head spinning with lust—with the need to get closer.

  “Get naked,” Cole commanded, and Daniel scrambled to obey. Still in his pajama bottoms, Cole sat back on his heels, his Adam’s apple bobbing as his gaze skated over Daniel’s body.

  Goosebumps rippled across Daniel’s naked flesh, and he waited on his knees, facing Cole.

  “When I have full use of both hands, I’m going to rim you and finger fuck you until you’re begging for me. But for now, get yourself ready.” He nodded to the lube.

  Blood rushing in his ears, Daniel squeezed the cool gel onto his fingers. The fluffy rug was soft under his knees as he reached behind to push a finger into his ass. The fire flickered to his left, Cole in front of him, the Christmas tree’s colored lights glowing over Cole’s skin.

  Daniel couldn’t stop the groan that slipped out as he impatiently shoved his finger inside, his hole burning as it stretched. “Fuck,” he muttered.

  With his good hand, Cole squeezed himself through his PJs. “Feel good?”

  “It will.” He grunted, squeezing in another slick finger.

  “Don’t hurt yourself.” Cole’s brow furrowed.

  “Uh-huh.” Dropping onto his left hand, Daniel twisted his wrist, pushing past the burn. He kept his head up, meeting Cole’s avid gaze.

  “Fuck, I wish we had a dildo. Look at you. You’re so hot. And you want my cock.” Cole shook his head like he couldn’t believe it. His chest rose and fell quickly, his nipples peaked and flushed red.

  Moaning, Daniel pulled out his hand and spread his discarded sweatshirt on the rug. He crawled over and grabbed the condom. Cole sat up on his knees and let Daniel tug his PJs down around his thighs, freeing his leaking cock.

  In a warm gust, Cole exhaled sharply as Daniel rolled the condom onto him. His right hand landed on Daniel’s shoulder, fingers digging in. Daniel slicked a ton of lube over the condom, and they kissed messily with little moans.

  Daniel broke the kiss, his throat dry. “Fuck me. I want you so much. Need you.”

  Cole’s pupils were blown dark. “You’ve got me. Turn around.”

  On his hands and knees, Daniel gripped his sweatshirt with slick fingers, making sure it was spread under him. He reached back with his left hand, pulling on his ass cheek as Cole did the same with the right.

  It took a few tries, but then Cole had the slippery head of his cock nudging at Daniel’s hole. Grunting, he held onto Daniel’s right shoulder and pushed.

  The air punched out of Daniel’s lungs, pain sharp in his ass, Cole’s cock feeling impossibly huge. Opening his mouth, he sucked in little gasps of air and shoved back, more than willing to take the discomfort to be filled. He hadn’t realized how much he’d needed this.

  “Oh, fuck. You’re so tight.” Cole’s fingers dug into Daniel’s shoulder as he inched inside. “Tell me if it’s too much.”

  “Don’t stop.” Daniel’s arms and legs quivered, sweat dampening the nape of his neck. “I want this. Want you. Trust you.”

  For a few moments, Cole didn’t move, and his hand loosened, stroking Daniel’s shoulder. Then his soft lips pressed to the knobs of Daniel’s spine.

  Daniel whimpered. “Please.”

  After another tender kiss, Cole gave it to him, finally pushing past the ring of muscle and slamming all the way home, his balls bouncing off Daniel’s ass. They both cried out, and Daniel stared at the white fake fur rug.

  He was so full he was afraid he’d split apart, but soon enough his body adjusted, and Cole began rocking in and out. Not much at first, then harder and harder until he was fucking Daniel relentlessly, their skin slapping, slick with sweat, the fire blazing beside them.

  It blazed in Daniel as well, the stretch better than he remembered it. The sensation of fullness and brushes against his prostate revived his hard-on, and he could only moan and grunt, forming actual words too difficult.

  Cole’s rhythm stuttered. “Fuck, I’m going to come. It’s too good.”

  “Do it,” Daniel growled. He squeezed around Cole, who held his shoulder hard enough to bruise as he thrust a few more times before jerking and moaning.

  Gasping, Cole folded over Daniel’s back. “Fuck,” Cole muttered, lips wet against Daniel’s spine.

  Since he was on his hands and knees, Daniel couldn’t touch himself, and his dick strained. Cole couldn’t touch him either, apparently hanging on for dear life with
his good hand. Daniel whimpered low in his throat.

  Panting, Cole lifted off, awkwardly rolling onto his right side on the rug. “On your back.” He urged Daniel to flip over and said, “Feed it to me.” He bent over and latched his mouth onto Daniel’s cock.

  It was so wet and hot and good, and Daniel groaned and shoved his hips up, only needing a few thrusts before his balls drew up and he came. The pleasure seared white hot, shuddering through him as he emptied into Cole’s mouth.

  Cole swallowed as much as he could, and some of Daniel’s spunk dripped from the corners of his lips. “Oh fuck,” Daniel groaned. He reached up and caught a few drops with his fingers, and Cole licked and sucked them clean too.

  Chests heaving, they looked at each other and laughed. Careful of his cast, Cole snuggled close, draping his left arm over Daniel’s belly. “Merry Christmas to us.”

  “God bless us everyone,” Daniel agreed.

  “It’s even better than I imagined.” Cole sighed contentedly, kissing Daniel’s nipple. “And I imagined it a lot over the years. In so many ways.”

  In the colorful glow of the Christmas tree, snow fell beyond the huge windows. The fire crackled beside them, and they were quiet. Peaceful. Daniel traced the bumps of Cole’s spine. “It shouldn’t be this easy.”

  “Hmm?” His warm breath teased Daniel’s chest hair.

  “This, I mean. You and me. We just met—well, again. But it’s only been days. How can it feel so right? Have I just been alone for too long?”

  “Hey!” Cole poked him in the side with his finger.

  “I didn’t mean it like that.” Daniel laughed. “Obviously you’re amazing.” He kissed the top of Cole’s head.

  “It’s true. If you were just desperate for anyone, you’d still be with that douchecanoe.”

  Daniel shuddered. “I’m so glad you’re a klutz.”

  “It has never come in more handy.” Cole snorted. “Get it?”

  They laughed, shaking in each other’s arms. Daniel sighed. “It just feels right with you. I can’t explain it.”

  “Maybe it’s a Christmas miracle. But, you know, my aunt and uncle got together super quick. They had lunch with some mutual friends. I can’t remember why. But at one point, Aunt Judy left to use the bathroom, and Uncle Steve said, ‘That’s the woman I’m going to marry.’ And he did. Been together decades and have three kids. They just knew it was right.”


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