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T-47 Book II (Saxon Saga 6)

Page 45

by Frederick Gerty

  After an hour’s hike, Lori found a stretch of beach she liked. A narrow crescent of white sand, tall trees leaning over and shading the exposed beach, and a nice rhythm of waves washing ashore.

  “Let’s stop here. Tari, take Eric off a little ways, so Hunter and I can be alone. Leave the pack?” she said, handing the baby to the Kobi.

  She pulled the large beach towel from the pack, left it on the sand near the start of the shade. Grabbing Hunter’s hand, she tugged him toward the water. Eagle One landed just a dozen meters away, on the sand. They did not go far into the sea, just jumped and played in the waves. Lori kept grabbing Hunter, and he kissed her, holding her breasts, running his hands on her back, her ass, and up between her legs. She made sure her vulva got a good rinse, and when she felt she’d had enough, she took Hunter’s penis in her hand, luring him out of the water.

  On the shore, she checked the baby, occupied building small sand castles with Tari. She let Hunter dry her off, then bent over and spread the towel out, Hunter’s hand going between her legs, his fingers in her crack. Good. She lay on her back, and smiled at him. He knelt next to her, and began to caress her damp, naked body, his hands warm on her skin. Waves of gooseflesh followed the heat of his fingers. She closed her eyes, and his head lowered, and he began sucking her nipple, she felt the milk flow. He soon stopped, to kiss her face, her closed eyes, then her lips. His hot mouth worked down her body, following his hands, and she eased her legs apart when he arrived there. She knew she was still moist and damp and cool from the seawater, and felt the warm touch of his tongue, as he pried her apart, kissed her, then sucked her into his mouth, and gently kneaded her with his fingers and lips.

  “You OK?” he asked her.


  “What would you like?”

  “I’d like to come. A lot.”

  “I’ll see what I can do,” he said, and returned his head down toward her crotch. She ran her hand up his leg, to find an engorged, hard penis, and his balls tight in the sack, both damp and cool from the swim.

  His mouth found her vulva again. She held his balls for a moment, then his long shaft, stroking it slowly. But his attention to her soon brought oblivion to everything else. She released him. Now his lips covered her, she grew hot. Her breath deepened, her eyes closed, and she opened her legs wide, and felt the sensation growing in the depths of the wonder between her legs.

  In no hurry, enjoying the easy breeze and mild air, and the soothing, low sound of the surf, noticing Hunter’s wonderful attentions to her, she began to breath deeply as he kept poking at her with his tongue, trying to get it inside as deeply as he could, rousing her lust. She felt the beginning of a small tremor, and let the moment build and build. She let it approach slowly, wanting to stretch it out, and then cried with a rush as it overwhelmed her, his mouth hot on her, her system going to joy. She pushed up against him, holding his head, and groaned and whimpered in ecstacy.

  The moment passed, too quickly, and she eased down again on the towel. Still breathing fast, she smiled as Hunter moved on top of her, and kissed her waiting lips. He poked at her once, and then easily slid into her waiting, and anxious, moist vagina. She closed her eyes once more as he whispered her name into her ear, and began to move in and out. He felt glorious inside her, big and hot and hard, and each push and pull thrilled her. She wouldn’t last long, and didn’t, but neither did Hunter, deprived for days, and their cries joined as they shuddered in throbbing climax. Opening her eyes, she quickly looked at Tarissa, saw her watching them, the baby attentive to the sand in front of him. She caught her breath as Hunter eased out of and off of her, and onto his back on the sand next to the towel. They both lay back and rested.

  Lori must have dozed a moment, but soon awoke, and looked at Hunter. His still quite long penis lay flopped to the side, still glistening with moisture. She pushed herself up on one arm, and reached for him with the other. She held him, squeezing and stroked gently, up and down, seeing the droplet of moisture in the slit on the end. After a few minutes, he stiffened again, and when he pointed straight up over his belly, she threw a leg over him, held it vertical, and slowly sat down. She smiled as he reached for her ass, sinking her into him.

  A quick look behind her showed Eric now resting in Tari’s arms, but Tari was looking, watching them. An audience. In addition to Eagle One. And the guards, wherever they were. She didn’t care, began moving up and down on Hunter’s magnificent erection, a thing of slippery joy there between her legs.

  She leaned forward a little, to better press against his pubic bone, and wiggled the hot thing inside her. She kept doing it, knowing it felt just right, but not anxious to come too soon. Her slow grinding, there in the warm shade, her hands on Hunter’s shoulders, his hands on her hips, her eyes closed, pleased her, and began to thrill her. Pushing down against him, she threw her head back, cried out, and her throat gave a series of strange sounds. With a final “Ah-ha,” she dropped her head, and leaned slowly down to rest against Hunter’s chest.

  “Sounds like you came again pretty good.”

  “No, excellent. Did you?”


  “You want to?”

  “Oh, yeah.”


  “Stay like that as I turn over.”

  She felt him wiggle out, let him get up, then kneel on the sand. He moved behind her, covered her, his legs astraddle her ass, and he pulled her buttocks apart. With a sudden poke, he reentered her, his hands pulling her hips against him, and he began to thrust into and out of her. Quickly. And hard.

  With one hand, she pulled the towel over, and rested her head and shoulders on the wadded up pillow it offered. With her free hand, she reached for her clit, and began to rub it, feeling the rapid in and out movement of Hunter right next to it, his loose balls hitting her with each thrust, a smacking sound as their bodies met. She opened and let him glide in and out, her fingers to either side of his shaft, then she went back to her clit, as she heard his happy breathing. After a few moments, his balls didn’t hit her anymore.

  She hadn’t waited for him before, and didn’t expect him to wait to her now, but it didn’t matter, anyway. The totally erotic environment, in the open, the sea, the breeze, the shade, the outdoors all around, roused her again, quickly, and she began to groan even as Hunter stiffened and enlarged more, shoved deep into her, and screamed her name as he froze there, he totally inside her, throbbing and jetting as he dropped his head, groaning in glory.

  She hardly heard him, but felt him deep, as her body trembled with the thrill of climax once more.

  Hunter held the pose for a moment, then his legs began to tremble, he eased out, and collapsed down onto the sand on his back. Lori looked up, seeing mostly his enormous, slick penis, a dribble of white down its length, two very pink balls lying very loose in a fold of skin between his legs.

  Like him, she eased down, lay on her back, breathing slowly, but did not sleep.

  Man, pretty good. Five of them. He had two. Ha, three to two, got him beat. And did I need that.

  Hunter stirred first, sitting up facing the water, his back covered in sand. Lori sat up behind him, and hugged him, he leaned against her, holding her arms.

  “How you feel?” he said.

  “Marvelous,” she said. “But I have a river running out of me.”

  “Not surprised. Wanna wash off?”

  “Yeah, I’m sandy both sides.”

  They helped each other up, and began walking toward the waves. Eric saw them, and hurried over to join them, taking Hunter’s hand. They paused at the edge of the water, and Lori saw Hunter pee into the sand. Eric saw him, and started to go, too. Lori joined them, a trio adding their trickles to the ocean. Finished, Hunter lifted Eric, and waded out into the waves, holding the child tight against him. Lori went out, too, letting the ocean wash the sand, sweat and spunk off her, dipping shoulder deep in the incoming waves, then standing, holding Hunter’s outstretched hand, and bracing against the outgoing
rush of water.

  Eric leaned toward her, grabbing at her breasts. Lori took him, and went to the top of the wet area of the beach, sat there, letting him nurse. Hunter remained in the waves for a moment.

  “The tide must be coming in,” she shouted to him, as a wave washed over her outstretched legs, nearly up to her bottom. Hunter came in, sat behind her, one leg to either side, and pulled her against him. More waves rushed up, and she opened her legs, still feeling damp there from his semen. Hunter nuzzled her face, and she turned to him, and he kissed her. Long, slow, deep, and his hand went to her leg, then between them, and cupped her. A wave washed against them, spilling over and around his hand, and washing her there.

  She felt marvelous, loved, in love, her breasts emptying, a flutter in her womb, Hunter’s hand warm on her, her mouth hot on his, his strong arms around her, his body holding and supporting her, even his legs against her. They were totally together, all three, her two guys, and her. She shifted Eric to her other breast, her left one, and Hunter patted the baby on its head, talking to it. Eric smiled, his mouth full of her milk, and she smiled down too, so completely in love with this small person, she couldn’t believe it.

  Tari appeared nearby, taking pictures. They tried to ignore her. But as the waves continued to rise, rather rapidly, actually, Lori stood up, Hunter did too, and they headed back up the beach, toward the towel. Tari must have been there, straightening out the towel, and laying out some juice, the coffee thermos, and a snack. She served a cup to Lori, still nursing, and Hunter, then herself. Seeing the cookies, baby wiggled down and away, heading for the snack. They let him take a cookie, then another, and sit and try to jam them both into his mouth at once.

  “What’s next?” Hunter asked. “Want to head back?”

  “Yeah, but later, not now. And up through the woods. OK?”

  “Sure,” Hunter said, shrugging. “But how about an escort?”

  Tari called the military, and they said they’d send down a couple of people.

  “Send as many as you want, anyone like a hike?” Lori said. She knew they’d probably be glad to get on the ground, and out of the lighter.

  Six people left it, but in the end, only four came with them, two leading, one a Pokoniry, two following. If they watched the episode of lovemaking on the sand, they did not say anything.

  An hour later, with a Pokoniry and a human military scout leading, Lori, Hunter, and Tari entered the thick, green wall of the forest bordering the beach. Lori carried Eric, and wore her hat, and sandals, and nothing else. Hunter had sandals on, and a small waist pack with the camera and some odds and ends. Tari carried her pack with food and water, the towel, and the other picnic and baby stuff. They parted the bush-ferns there, releasing a faint, woodsy aroma, and went deeper into the forest. The land rose gently along the outwash plain, the ground thick with boles of trees, massive vines, and occasional smaller saplings. Underfoot, dried leaves crunched as they walked. They heard the occasional song of an unseen bird, or something, could be anything on this alien planet, and little else. Overhead, unseen through the heavy foliage, Eagle One shadowed the group.

  The only annoyance to Lori was the continuing trickle of Hunter’s semen, slowly seeping out of her. She wiped at it with her hand when it bothered her.

  The floor of the forest lay deep in multi-colored shadow, yet bright with green-filtered light. In the occasional more open patches, typically where a massive jungle giant had fallen years ago, vegetation lay thick and nearly impenetrable. Here, too, grew the colorful flowers, and more varied small plants. Lori traded Eric for the camera with Hunter, and stopped occasionally to take pictures of flowers and leaves, and the rare example of animal life, usually rather small, and often fleetingly seen. She stopped to examine a vine, festooned with short springs of dainty white flowers along the length of it, disappearing in the greenery above. Swarms of small insects erupted from the flowers when she brushed the vine.

  In the more dense shade beneath the groves of thick trees little grew on the ground, just some short, ferny-like plants, or few or many thin vines, disappearing into the green canopy above. Walking was easier in such places, and the group tended to pass through them whenever they could.

  They went on, the land gradually rising, following the scouts, everyone warm and sweating in the heat and humidity. No one complained. They often called to one another to look at some discovery.

  Part way up the hillside, they skirted a bog, stepping into soft, cold mud, then the drainage stream, and on again. A covey of birds erupted into the air, startling everyone. In the small clearing, the air seemed to sparkle with the flashing reflections on the wings of myriads of tiny insects, damsel flies, or something equivalent. They hiked on, and just above the bog, passed a small pool in the stream, dark and cool in the shadows. Beyond, the land started to rise more precipitously, they’d reached the outfall of the volcanic rock forming the core of the island.

  The scouts conferred with Lori, and she showed them the destination–a spot of bare rock, high up on the hill above the camp beach, a cliff or outcrop of some sort. Assured that’s where she wanted to go, the scouts checked their GPS, and pointed upward. Lori nodded. “Onward,” she said. The scouts now needed to check for passages, sometimes hurrying along a short cliff or rockfall, then returning to guide the group up an unseen crevasse, or passageway. Lori enjoyed the short breaks, and knew everyone was going slowly for her. She took photos all along the route, amazed at the variety of plants never seen before by human–or other intelligent–eyes.

  After over two hours of more or less steady upward climbing, some quite steep, other times more gently, through ever changing rain forest, they neared the open spot on the aerial maps. The lead scout peered ahead, and paused, holding back the thick fronds of yet another type of bushy fern.

  “There it is,” she said, pointing to the brightly lit patch ahead.

  Lori walked past, and on out to an orange-white shelving rock, the sky blazing blue overhead, the thick jungle a green wall to the right, the island heights climbing to a cloud shrouded peak, and the sea off to her left. She paused there, looking at the vista, as the rest of the group joined her. Eagle One drifted into view above them, then parked at 30 meters over the short highland trees.

  “Wow, what a view,” Hunter said.

  Lori pointed below, to a flock of sea-shore birds, flying along, white specks against the greenery there. The birds had left their marks all over the rocks, white splotches here and there.

  Beyond the low flying birds, the thin crescent of the beach could be just seen, most hidden by the tall trees along the edge.

  The rock was smaller than Lori thought, but enjoyable none the less. The vegetation along the fringes grew coarse and low, reflecting the thin soil, or exposure. An up-slope breeze brought the scent of the sea, and aromas from the forest, too.

  “Think we could send out for lunch, eat here?” Lori asked.

  Tari immediately called the camp and said, “Give them fifteen minutes.”

  “Good, time enough for some group photos, c’mon, everyone line up against the view. And don’t fall off.”

  Tari took some photos of Hunter and Lori holding the baby, then she joined them, and Lori called the entire group out, the camera propped on a pack, taking photos automatically. Next they waited, looking out to sea, and watched the lighter suddenly appear as a bright dot rising upward, then clarified into a boxy shape, which slowed as it approached them. The lighter turned around, dropped the rear ramp onto the rock, and a small crew rushed out, carrying a low table and folding chairs, and a dining canopy. Both were quickly erected, and Lori sat on a towel on one of the chairs in the shade, to nurse her baby. A tablecloth, dining implements, and food appeared next, all served by the crew, who went back into the lighter, and it dropped from view.

  “Is this something, or what?” Lori said, waving at the food and the view.

  “Yes, it is,” Hunter said, taking her photo, then moving to take more, with the ex
panse of sky and sea behind her.

  The scouts ate in the shade at the edge of the forest, politely declining the offer to join Lori in the dining tent.

  After lunch, one asked her, “How are you planning to hike down?”

  “Well, I thought we might fly,” Lori said, to broad smiles all around.

  “Yes, Ma’am,” the scout said. “Just say when.”

  Back on the warm beach, Lori gave Eric to Tari again, and went to the water for a swim. She called to Hunter to bring the snorkel gear, and together they slowly swam over the multi-colored underwater coral and plant life, scattering schools of silvery fish as they passed. When she felt her bottom and back getting quite warm, Lori waved Hunter ashore, and retreated to the shade of the dining canopy. The day would be a long one, sun still high when human internal clocks said night was due. Lori dozed, resting, content to be doing nothing.

  After dinner, an elegant affair, with candles flickering on the table, they looked at the photos from the hike. Lori smiled, shaking her head, at all the images of her Hunter had taken. They talked for a while, and went to a bedroom tent, darkened with netting, the sun still high in the western quadrant.

  Lori slept, but Eric woke her up at just past 2:30, her time. She took him outside, where the sun was slowly setting, all amber and red, hovering over the western horizon. It moved so slowly, relative to Earth, it seemed to just hang there, partly in the sky, partly below the rim of Uta. The sea seemed quiet, muted, as day ended, and the last of the rim of the sun finally winked out. But darkness did not fall. Other suns, unseen in the daylight, but now casting light bright enough to read by, several of them, hung here and there in the sky, others, large disks to tiny pinpricks, glowed in the sky, too. The dim began, no darkness, just less bright.

  With the baby asleep in her arms, she sat still on the shore, not far from the water. She knew the others watched her, worried about her, probably wondering at her mental state, and what she’d do next. Would she go crazy, they probably asked each other. The Anawoka doctor fretted over her endlessly, her eyes on her constantly, looking for–what? Signs of instability? A moment’s lapse, a fit of hysteria? Let them all wonder. Hunter, too. They hadn’t been through what she’s had to endure, there, on Planet Magadana, on Florez, Earth–all the planets, really. She’d survived it all OK, would come out of this OK, too. She just wanted time away for a while. A vacation. What better time than with the Koya off, back to the hell hole planet–well, there’s a sign of instability all right, calling it that. But OK, it was gone, away, she didn’t have to worry about it, one less thing, really, and didn’t feel like getting into the middle of the politics, and the endless adoration, gads, back in the city.


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